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Chaotic Child - Daiyu Tsu


Level 29
Copy of Daiyu Biography.png

To understand the history of Daiyu, please refer below!
During a summer stuck in a private school for girls, a 16-year-old girl named Li snuck out to see a mystery boy from a nearby school. Within a few months, Li found herself pregnant with a baby girl. Li's family was overly strict and threatened to kill the baby once she was born. Li went into labor a week early and stayed in a hospital without her family's knowledge. That day she was shocked to find out she'd birth two children. After 4 days in the hospital, Li was discharged and as she walked by a homeless camp, She offered the female child to a resident named Haoyu. Telling her family she lost the female and was blessed with a male. The family saw this as an honor, welcoming Li into their home with open arms.
As the girl grew up in the camp, she was left under the impression her mother had died. Haoyu never claimed to be her biological father, however she still saw him as one. This however made her crave the love of a real parent. Though she loved him, she never respected Haoyu's wishes and joined in the trouble of the other camp children. They'd often steal from the wealthy goers in markets and camping out in the nearby woods. At 8 years old, Haoyu told her the truth about how Li had left her with him but withheld the truth as to why. After learning this, she became more violent towards the other residents of the camp. She felt that she was abandoned over nothing since she'd never learned the true story.
On the girl's 13th birthday, she returned to the camp after hanging out with the older teenagers. Upon entering her tent she found one of the younger residents standing over Haoyu's dead body... That night she ended up sneaking into their tent with a large boulder, bashing it onto the young murderer's head until it became flat. A smile plastered across her face as she let out cries of agony. Since that night, she became unaware of the emotions expressed by those around her, as her own had drifted away to leave her an empty shell. Once she'd turned 17, she heard of an island in Japan called Karakura. The traveler told her that the skills she'd learn would become of great use to the people there. So she left the camp she'd known her entire life, moving to a different country to become a servant to criminals.
After moving to the island she had been introduced to the gangs, choosing to join one of the larger ones, Bonten Manji. There she became trained to fight in close combat and devoted herself to their current lead, Jett. He placed her in the Attack Unit and assigned her to torture others for information. JETT personally took her under his wing, training her and teaching her how to use others... She saw him as her guardian.
During the beginning of her life in Bonten, she gained a partner who she’d often hunt down others with. His name was Suki Yokuto, however he was referred to as ‘SATE’ within the gang. As they got better in training, they got closer in their personal lives. Eventually, the two became an item and inseparable. SATE would tell her that they were ride or die. The girl became aware that he had a split personality and that his other half was insane. Often slapping her out of rage before the other personality took over, remembering how he loved her. Crying in apologies for her forgiveness. Every time, she would forgive him and promise she loved him too.
After a time, Bonten began to grow apart with higher-ranked members leaving, SATE followed and begged the girl to join him. Telling her it would ruin what they had if she stayed with the enemy. After refusing and telling JETT she was scared, SATE locked her behind a false wall covered by a thick bookshelf, where he would plead with her to reconsider. After days of denying her food and getting agitated with her refusal, he decided to become more violent. Beginning to torture her and would let her out of the room for small periods when he would snap back to his reality and realize he was hurting her. After a month, the girl realized she’d be with child and would beg to leave. Even offered to join but he denied her, saying it was too late. She withheld the truth of her pregnancy and after 2 more months of pure torture, she attempted to kill him during a moment she was able to overpower him. Police came from a concerned neighbor, hearing screaming from the home. Finding her over his bleeding body and ignoring her cries of fear. The girl went to jail for attempted murder with a weapon, meanwhile, SATE got away with everything he’d done. Along with the murder of their child.
The girl lost the baby and her freedom. Bonten forgot about the girl left behind bars, JETT had left the gang and went into hiding. The friends who knew where she was, chose SATE’s side and never visited. It was only after a few months that an anonymous patreon paid her bail and somehow cleaned her record, setting the girl free into the world. Offering her shelter and care... And letting her know Bonten went under the new authority.
Deciding to rejoin in hopes of finding JETT and still pledging her loyalty, she found that KORUSAI had taken his position of lead. Someone she was never fond of, however she still respected him. Following his orders and the other higher-ups, she moved back to her strike unit and was offered to be adopted by one of the highest ranks, Odette. Joyful, she accepted the offer. Along with another member, who became her sister. The thing Daiyu craved since the death of Haoyu was restored. A family, with a mother and father.
After a while of being a part of the family, she learned KORUSAI was her older brother by adoption. The two would argue over the disappearance of JETT and how Bonten allowed her to suffer under SATE’s jurisdiction. Their sister often tried to mediate the arguments, their mother attempted the same. It wasn’t until the girl was being hunted down by Seno Minori that KORUSAI and her would get a chance to be alone with their thoughts. She told him that as her lead, he didn’t need to be hiding her. Telling him that she was only his burden in the gang, however, he dismissed her. Telling her he cared for her because she was his little sister. The war between the two ends, and the family is finally at peace…
A week later, the girl was attacked by a masked man. He would beat her head until she couldn’t stay awake any longer, going under surgery and diagnosed with hemorrhaging along with permanent brain damage. Her development stopped at the age of 18. Along with her memories of the past months being wiped, to her, she was back in the prison cell. Panicked at the fear of SATE and confusion as to why her family was saying she was safe and loved. Her family began to baby her, and Odette wanted to send her to a boarding school for her safety. The girl would protest leaving the gang she loved and the town she knew, which would lead to the fighting between the family to rekindle. She had forgotten her brother's love, beginning to fight with him again and during the final training under KORUSAI’s lead, he had begun to attack her in an episode of his own. Almost ending her life in front of the gang, that night he disappeared and was never heard from again.
[W.I.P. Karakura Lore]
TimeSkip ----> After the kidnapping of Daiyu Tsu Saisei by Mefisuto members, where she was tortured by her friends and members, she fell into a 7-year coma. Waking after her 25th birthday. MORS 'plans to reshape his beloved Daiyu into something new, where she'd have no memory of him, had been a success. However, he suffered 7 years waiting for her awakening, waiting to see if it truly succeeded. . . DIAGNOSES: Memory loss and Vocal damage.
MORS would be there once she awoke, telling her stories of her past life. Only, his stories were twisted and full of rumors to make him seem like her lover and hero. The current family the girl resided in would argue the stories and tell her the truth of her past. That she was a bright girl, who loved others and that MORS was an abusive ex. She’d fall in love with MORS despite her family's protest, disbelieving them as he was so kind to her and had used her unwell state to his advantage. They grew closer again, and it wasn’t until the kami, Kitsa, blessed her with recovery that the girl's memories had returned and so did her voice. Fueled with the anger of being used, she took a knife to MORS eye in the heat of an argument. She was removing it from his face to leave a hole.
MORS went into recovery, deciding he was done with her. The fear of him coming after him had her fleed to Serbia with a man she’d grown close to.
During the time she spent in Serbia, the man she left with had taken care of her and she’d find out she was with child. Out of her fear, she hid the positive test from the man and decided to wait to tell him of the child.
They were in love and spent the days letting the girl enjoy her life. That was until her twin..who had resided in Karakura unknowingly to all, had sent her the live broadcast feed of the MECHANIC on air, with the reporter Darius Ikemori. A man who she loved and saw as a father, was being tortured on the screen. So, in the end, the trip to Serbia was cut short. The girl needed to return to visit the reporter and ensure he was alive. Despite his ghosting the phone calls, EMS reassured her, that he was in stable condition but would not receive visitors.
The girl proceeded to live in hiding, avoiding MORS until he could prove she would be safe. The man she had fled with confessed how deeply he loved her. Almost scaring the girl with his confession, she told him she couldn’t feel the same way. Her heart was twisted with her love for MORS and him, so she let the man go, with the promise that they’ll forever remain friends and partners in times of need. The only truth she’d ever hide from the man was the child she birthed of his blood.

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Level 79
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Hey I know this person!! I love having small roleplay moments with you it’s so fun

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