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Character biography


Level 3
First Name: Sakono
Surname: Nareireao

Preferred Name:

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6'1/2"

Weight: 104 Lbs

Build: slim / a tiny bit muscular

Skin Color: light pale

Eye Color: Violet red (caused by a certain disease)

Hair Style: wavy

Hair Color: Brown

Fashion: black and white clothing

Abnormalities: albinism

Date of Birth: may 2th 2002

Place of Birth: Tokyo japan

Nationality: Japanese

General Appearance

Appearance: Young and pale with midnight black hair and crimson eyes caused by albinism

Personality: Kind / calm / relaxed

Diseases/Illness: albinism

A Cross mask and sometimes a knife

Clothes: white jacket, black shirt and pants and black shoes

Hobbies: Drawing and murder

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
he has terrible eyesight and is addicted to killing others
mathematics and academical research, and murder
his crimson eyes that he likes to hide
he killed his entire family, when he wasn't in his right mind
Backstory: As a young boy Sakono was always timid, so timid he had to think twice about killing a bug, when he was 6 he was always bullied by people about his eyes and that he needed glasses, some people were jealous of him for his many skills but he just wanted to be normal, when he was 10 however his mother was killed by his drunk father, he witnessed the whole thing, later that night when his family was asleep, he slowly killed his father, he found that kiling was fun and enjoyable so he decided to kill his whole family, since then his mind has been bent, despite this he is always kin to people he has no reason to hurt...
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