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➵First Name:

➵Surname: ʙᴇʟʀᴏɴꜱ .

➵Preferred Name: Aulliver / Aullie / Au.

➵Gender: Male

➵Age: 17.

➵Height: 5"6.

➵Weight: 139lbs.

➵Build: He's a strong dancer, equipping him with a larger and more muscular limbs (despite his feminine body shape) but is known around for having a perfect backside, and is often cat called for it. He has to have tailored jeans, as most male jeans don't fit around his waist properly.

➵Color: Tanned.

➵Eye Color: Ocean blue, people often asking "How are his eyes that blue?!"

➵Hair Style: His hair was originally brown, but constant ridiculing from his father caused him to want to dye it white, and so he did. He hates the name "Brownie", and if anyone mocks his hair and tells him to change it, he will.

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➵Hair Color: Originally brown, but dyed white. (Explained in hair style).

➵Fashion: He has a rather "gender-fluid" style to him. Some days he dresses extremely feminine, wearing skirts and blouses with panties. Where as some days he dresses up extremely masculine. It normally depends on his mood, or where he is going.

➵Abnormalities: He's crazy flexible, and an amazing dance performer

~ Aulliver would be at the front of the male dance, 20 seconds in. ]

➵Birth date: September 3rd 2001.

➵Place of Birth: Birmingham, England.

➵Nationality: English, however, he moved to Dubai with his family, which explains his extremley tanned complexion.

➵Sexual Orientation: Recently, due to some friends persuading him, Aulliver has learnt to become more comfortable in himself! Aulliver is gay, and will now tell this to most people, with the exception of some. He was and technically still is terrified of coming out, after such a negative response from his father. ➵General Appearance: He does look rather feminine, his body shape relating more to the body shape of a female, which can come to an advantage when he is cross dressing! But most of the time when he is wearing male clothes he will try to hide these curves.

➵General Appearance: He does look rather feminine, his body shape relating more to the body shape of a female, which can come to an advantage when he is cross dressing! But most of the time when he is wearing male clothes he will try to hide these curves.

➵Personality 1: 20% of the time, Aulliver can be of a very timid nature. He will often feel anxious, scared, in danger or threatened and will respond in this manner. This includes him hiding away, crying in some cases, being very wary and extremely kind.

➵Personality 2: However, the other 80% Aulliver, however, can also be of a very aggressive and misbehaving nature. He can be violent, unforgiving and sly (especially when un-medicated) and this can cause all sorts of problems. He will not hesitate to give grief or verbal abuse to anybody that disagrees with him, and will often use bad behavior as a way of dealing with his bottled up emotions. He will punch walls, kick displays down or maybe even push around people or spit on them. When Aulliver's like this, he isn't a pleasant person to be around. His bad behaviour often lands him in trouble.

➵Diseases/Illness: Ever since Aulliver was only 6, he has suffered from a fairly severe case of ADHD (Attention, Deficit Hyper-Activity Disorder) and this can cause him to behave horrendously, be unstoppabley hyper and annoying.

➵Character Voice: He has a fairly high pitched voice. He can do a perfect Miranda Sings voice impression and often uses it ironically to be comedic.

[ but in an english accent. ]

➵Hobbies: He adores dance, and always has from day one. He also enjoys horse riding, drawing and hanging out with friends.

➵Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Unfortunately, Aulliver suffers from depression. He will become extremely depressive, and often ignore others around him and block them out when he feels like this. He also drinks and smokes underage, getting a college friend to buy it for him. He is also prone to anger meltdowns in stressful situations, where he will just flip out for a good hour. He will give constant verbal abuse, this including name calling and even death threats. He will kick walls, spit on people or buildings, or will simply scream until he feels less aggravated.

➵Extra Info: He was ****d at 14, by his own father after a night out drinking. Sex is sensitive subject for Aulliver. His favorite singers are ℒund and Eminem. He practices makeup looks on himself when he’s away from everyone, as well as constantly researching techniques on how to come out to friends.

➵Family: He was born into a happy family in Birmingham, England! He was a happy, hyper kid. At the age of 6, his mother unfortunately lost a terrifically hard battle to cancer. Due to this event, his father moved countries completely [ Dubai being a cheaper option now that he was financially supporting him and Aulliver by himself. ] fell into a woe of depression, and completely neglected Aulliver. That is why Aulliver is so timid, as to not bother anybody. His father now has a new girlfriend, and a new born baby son Isaak.

➵ Fast forward to the present time: Aulliver is in very good hands. His adopted mother, Cassandra Belrons, is an amazing mum and caters to all of Aulliver's needs at all times. She understands him so well, but also knows when he is taking things too far and intervines. She herself is going through tough times, a recent break up splitting her up and breaking her completely. She will not open up to Aulliver about these things, and often puts Aulliver before herself. He also now has an adopted sister, Mina Belrons! He also is related too the Lovell’s.

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