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Characters & Social lives ??


Level 94
Befriend another popular character (or another character period).

I know it sounds weird, but trust me. Most players are more than welcome to roleplay with someone new, however, the task of taking the first step is up to you.

As with most things, you cannot expect something to come to you without doing anything yourself. Put your character out there, try to join conversations, meet new characters, etc. Yes, many of those attempts will probably not work out and you'll be told to 'screw off' but guess what... even that is some sort of roleplay which is better than nothing.

All it takes though is a few good attempts. After a few chats where they respond positively, you exchange numbers and become mates. Then you can become mates with their mates, and all of a sudden you're not just a background support character but a main character of your own.


Level 62
Summary so I don't have to type three paragraphs: Take the initiative, roleplay with others. People are more than willing to roleplay with people they have never interacted with prior. I have met a lot of great people doing this, not only on SchoolRP, but on other roleplay servers and I still talk to them to this day regardless of my characters' relation with their own.


Level 180
Community Team
Lore Team
Just interact with others! Whether this being people at Plaza, people in factions(EMS, KPD, etc), so on.


Level 49
Thread starter
mcloving all of your answers!!! <33
I've been around for a good few years but it's still a abit of a struggle to establish a social life for my characters D: even fi i love meeting new people KSDLKNSDN
thank you lot for the answers <33

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