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Chari's Love - UNOWNED SHOP #2 Application


Level 0
weeeirdddddbro {the account used for this restaurant}

miss havoc#2399

Describe your activity on the server:
On the server with my 'miss_havoc' account, I play at least specifically 3 hours a day, during weekdays. However, during weekends I'd play at least 5 hours or more. My main account is more on the side of GangRP rather than the other side of SRP which includes businesses, governments, and so on. This 'weeeirdddddbro' account is newly made. I will play as much as I can on it because, with my main account, my character doesn't have as much conflict, and currently, I am working on a plotline for my character. So, I made this account and new character because I want to open up new opportunities to explore more aspects of SRP that SRP provides as well as improve my range of characters' personalities that I may be able to play.

Previous applications:
miss_havoc account;


Previous warns/kicks/bans:

Shop wanted:
Unowned Shop #2. However, I’d like to add that I’m fine with any shop. It’s just that the second unowned shop comes with a stage.

Why do you want to own a shop? / What do you plan to do with the shop? / How will your shop be unique? {This section answers all three.}:
I want to own a restaurant/bar because I want to bring something new to Karakura using gradual progress. I'd like to provide players with a wide range of alcohol with foods from all around the world since I've come to realize that there are foods that aren't easily accessible especially with some people having to wait a long time for a restaurant/bar to open because the timing just isn't right. I am always online on Discord even during school or work hours, OOCly. This may also be a personal thought but I’d also want to expand my knowledge of how business aspects work in SRP and expand on how I’d detailRP. I know that sometimes, DetailRP isn’t exactly necessary in SRP business but it’d be something new to explore. I am also involved with business classes and student-run business organizations in real life so I feel like I would definitely want to compare the two.

Although the setting is focused on Japan and most characters are of some sort of Japanese descent, that excludes characters and their cultures. However, adding new foods from all around the world would make a richer roleplay experience because it would provide new information about a character. For example, most SRP restaurants/bars don't include Spanish food, Russian food, or even Arabic food and I have seen plenty of Middle Eastern, Russian, and Hispanic characters before.

Additionally, I have come to realize that SRP is going to keep expanding, and someday, there will be characters who will be entertainers or performers. So, I'd like to put a stage(size does not matter, as long as it provides reasonable space for the character/player) in which a character/player can perform while everyone is eating or simply chatting with friends. The performer will be able to add a vibrant experience depending on their performance. Furthermore, it would give a chance for employees or customers older than 17 to earn additional money, considering entertainment will be available. Chefs would be able to take about 2 minutes maximum in OOC time in order to ICly prepare the foods while customers chat a little or simply watch the performance.

Another thing that will surely make my bar/restaurant stand out is that I want to be able to focus on customers' and employees' feedback and suggestions. They should be able to suggest foods or they should be able to suggest new genres of entertainment. It can also provide a way for characters to become recognized as upcoming stars or to simply have fun and explore talent as those opportunities for characters open up in the future. The bar would be open to renting for karaoke nights, as venues for parties, and holidays celebrated around the world would be included as well as this bar/restaurant would heavily focus on diversity and inclusiveness. I would also like to keep the original setting of the unowned shop since it includes a stage. However, I’d like to make very minimal adjustments to the interior and exterior.

Examples/Ideas for Holidays;
With events such as the Western New Years’ holiday, we’d be playing the instrumental version (in order to keep it fully appropriate) of famous songs made in that year. We’d have a SmartTV display on the back of the stage where curtains would hide the wires and the additional lights. Fireworks would play on the TV to set the mood and we’d serve foods that are decorated to resemble the shapes of firecrackers or fireworks.

With the Chinese New Year, the place would be decorated in red and gold. On the same SmartTV, we would place all of the 12 Chinese zodiacs and the one for that year would be highlighted. Again, we would serve mostly Chinese food that is also decorated to resemble the animal.

I'd also like to add a culture day that specifically consists of performances about a country's culture and the menu also specifically consists of a country's most traditional and popular dish. I do have more ideas but I am unable to list them because my time on my devices is limited today.



Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it:

Additional Information:
The bar/restaurant’s name would be named ‘Chari's Love.’
The motto of the restaurant would be; “Travel the world in one dinner”

How many employees are you planning to have?;
There will be a minimum of 10 employees (excluding me). On certain days, I'd like a hangout at the restaurant where it is available only to staff members of the restaurant. They can participate in being a chef, a waiter, or simply a performer out of fun as everyone dines. It's like a whole family cooking a meal and at the end, everyone will sit together and dine. However, if the staff members don't want to do that then we can arrange a hangout in a volleyball game, a bowling alley, or maybe to another restaurant as a treat for the staff's hard work. If the restaurant/bar's staff were to choose to order food from the restaurant, they would get a discount of 30% off as another token of their hard work.

{Shop Owner 1/1} - This is self-explanatory. The shop owner, me, will be tasked to make big decisions that lead to the better of the bar/restaurant. I will also have to make sure that the co-owner and the manager are properly doing their job. I will also buy the necessary items to restock the inventory. Shop-Owner must be at least 25 years old. [Uniform is not necessary to co-owner but must wear formal attire.]


Kuza Kawaski

{Co-Owner 1/1} - This is a position selected only by the shop owner. They help make sure everything is running smoothly when the owner isn’t there. They would also be able to report on the bar’s/restaurant’s inventory as well as help hire employees. The co-owner must also be at least 25 years old. [Uniform is not necessary to co-owner but must wear formal attire.] The co-Owner would receive 35% of the money earned.


Safiya “Kiken” Midori

{Chefs 0/3} - A professional cook, specifically in a restaurant and it’s self-explanatory that they have the job of preparing the food. Chefs must be at least 19 years old. The professional cooks would receive 20% of the money earned.





[I am currently making a skin of the chef uniform I’d like. It’s a W.I.P. However, this was my reference.]

{Wait(resses/ers)/Servers 0/4} - Someone who takes orders such as foods and drinks, ensures the customers are still satisfied during their wait-time, making menu recommendations, and answering questions. Must be at least 18 years old. Waiters/Servers would receive 20% of the money earned.










[The outfit is unisex]

{Managers 0/2} - People who manage the employees, handle customer complaints, ensure the restaurant/bar is healthy and safe for customers. Managers must be at least 20 years old. Managers would also receive 25% of the money earned.




I try to be very selective with the ages of employees because they need to be at the age of certain experience and maturity in order to properly handle their job. For example, chefs need a lot of experience with cooking and they need to make they’d be able to use the tools, properly, to not hurt themselves or accidentally set the place on fire.

{As of the moment, I am trying to figure out how to buy the custom items. I will include already available SRP items as I go along and add them to the menu. I'd also like to say that, of course, families will not be served strong alcoholic drinks. Parents are given the options of non-alcoholic drinks and for the kids, it would be the type of juice they prefer such as apple juice, orange juice, or even a smoothie. Specifically, 18 and older would be given the option of very low alcoholic drinks that must be lower than 5% of alcohol by volume such as Hein's low alcoholic beer that contains only 0.5% of alcohol by the volume. People older than 21 would be given the option to choose any type of alcoholic drink they'd like. }



Last edited:


Level 192
Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,but unfortunately it has been denied for the following reasons:
  • Your application is pretty good, unfortunately we're currently not looking for a restaurant shop
  • You may re-apply in 7 days

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