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Chess Club Application


Level 68

IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):


I do have the basketball role on this account, therefore the Club-Leader role is not needed.

RPName of Club Leader:
Shaggy Schmidt

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):


What is the Official Title of the Club:
Chess Club

Your current Members RPName & IGN:
xvao - Shantai Kohana’Nui
843Ajaye - Zerofuku Ikezawa
PotatoPuncher123 - Chris Ammons

What is your Motivation for Creating this Club:
The motivation for creating this Club mainly stems from the fact, I want to experience more. I have already had a lot of roles in the past such as; EMS, News Reporter, School Technician, etc. I have yet to do any school activities other than Basketball and Baseball. I have decided that I would like to get involved in something else which would become more challenging.

Besides ‘Experience’ I also want to provide a new idea. Now the idea of Chess isn’t original, although this Chess is not like the standard version you would normally see, in fact, it is Chess with a twist. Providing numerous options in gameplay, alongside giving others an option to improve on plenty of things such as; DetailRP, roleplay in general, and lastly their knowledge. I believe this will yet create an atmosphere in which plenty of others can get around and enjoy a new experience, alongside creating friendship amongst the others. This idea creates a lot of involvement, as it needs a lot in order to work. Although a lot of people may think “How would this work?” it is quite simple, and as this gets pushed furthermore it will soon be clear. The Club itself will continue to develop further on, and I do believe I can create more of a project within this.

I have made a document that provides a full guide, including gameplay about our Chess. If you wish to view it then DM me on discord, and I will happily send it.

What Events could your Club do?:
The events that my Club can do vary. Now I am not an extreme “Event” planner although I do believe I can forge something, alongside get help from others if need be, preferably as a team. With that being said here is one event in which I plan to do, now this is not set in stone as far as how it would perform. I do plan on making better changes to it, alongside creating a better execution as I believe it is slightly sloppy.

Event ONE - Opening
The first event of the Chess Club will be an opening event. This event’s reasoning is to properly introduce the Club to the school, as well as provide an insightful look at the Chess Club. This could also become an opportunity for us to show off Gameplay and the mechanics behind Chess. Although this will NOT be a huge event, it is something which can provide Students interest, considering this idea is twisted and not exactly what you would expect. The entire idea is to grasp Students into something in which they would fondly enjoy, something in which concludes an activity for others to compete against each other, gain friendships, alongside learning something new. Whilst at the event we will have a competition; Dueling “Stands”, A chance to win a free outfit of their choice, and lastly free food for everyone! What more could you ask for? Well, this also provides a great opportunity for other Clubs as we’ll provide a chance for lesser-known clubs to “Advertise” their own club, in partnership. Furthermore, we will also be giving our “Lessons” and/or options for others to learn this new game. Although it is quite simple there are a lot of nooks and crannies which are valuable pieces of knowledge to know about Chess.

How could your Club benefit the School?:
My Club could benefit the School in various ways. Firstly I would like to get started by announcing the Club itself. The club is a Chess Club. The purpose of the Chess Club is to provide a unique game to the school. The school itself has a lot of sports, although they do not have a lot of mini-games in which not only reward players but also bring others together. Therefore the purpose of the Chess Club is to create an atmosphere in which others can come, sit down and enjoy a simple game with a twist. We strive to provide an area in which anyone is available as long as they are in Highschool and/or College. We will be hosting events, not only that but we will be open as long as someone else is able to supervise, giving a range of activities throughout school hours.

Furthermore, the Club will be able to introduce something which is not normally done in which I have spoken about before; School games apart from School Sports. Not only that but it introduces a whole new plan and idea. Creating new friendships with the involvement of activity. As spoken before it creates an atmosphere in which people can get together, create groups, compete, alongside have fun at the same time!

Could your Club benefit from a club room or space on school grounds? If so, how?:

The Club itself would require an open room, at least enough room for desks, and such. Now the utilization of this revolves around invitational usage. The Club will allow others a spot for enjoyment, alongside a hangout spot. The Clubroom would be used for Duels, and Chess competition. Not only that but for private meetings which allow us to utilize teaching. Teaching others about the game itself if they wish to alongside more. We also plan on releasing smaller ‘game modes’ in which result in different movements, and activities throughout the usage of Chess. Though none of that is set in stone as of right now. If you have any more questions then feel free to personally DM me, as I am open to all questions you may have.

Does your club have a supervising Professor/Teacher? If so, who?:
Yes, their IGN is Jctaro and they have the role of “Teacher”.

Is your club global, or only open to specific students?:
Our Club is opened Globally.
Last edited:


Level 172
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Even though the application is sufficient, I'd like to see the document you've made for the gameplay within your club. Next to that, I would like to see another event idea before accepting this club. Please DM me regarding this. Tippie#6666


Level 68
Thread starter
Even though the application is sufficient, I'd like to see the document you've made for the gameplay within your club. Next to that, I would like to see another event idea before accepting this club. Please DM me regarding this. Tippie#6666
I dm'd you on discord. I am replying to your post so your DMS are not spammed.


Level 172
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
You have been contacted via DM's about what's next, thank you for applying!

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