Chest with sentimental items
The coordinates (XYZ) of the now missing chest are: 1617,5 | 50,0 | 655,5
It is in the second floor, Apartment 233, Complex F2/F3, Karakura Shopping District.
Date of disappearance: Monday, Jule 31st, 2023, directly after one of the server restarts to fix furniture. We notices it around 2:53pm Eastern Time (ET).
Probable reason for the disappearance:
Usually, there is a Desktop PC setup there, but it vanished (like the tea pot, the drum kit, and other furniture items in the apartment) and my roommate (with no knowledge of the furniture spot) placed a chest there (with plenty of nostalgic items) for savekeeping. After the server restart, the chest was gone and the desktop PC was back. After logging in today, the Desktop PC was gone again, but the chest did not return or reappear.
The items ranged from a JiJi Plushie, an Omamori, a funny Rat Head, an amethyst shard, a candy necklace, personal books/notes, and plenty more items that are not super expensive but rather emotional in value.
Chest with sentimental items
The coordinates (XYZ) of the now missing chest are: 1617,5 | 50,0 | 655,5
It is in the second floor, Apartment 233, Complex F2/F3, Karakura Shopping District.
Date of disappearance: Monday, Jule 31st, 2023, directly after one of the server restarts to fix furniture. We notices it around 2:53pm Eastern Time (ET).
Probable reason for the disappearance:
Usually, there is a Desktop PC setup there, but it vanished (like the tea pot, the drum kit, and other furniture items in the apartment) and my roommate (with no knowledge of the furniture spot) placed a chest there (with plenty of nostalgic items) for savekeeping. After the server restart, the chest was gone and the desktop PC was back. After logging in today, the Desktop PC was gone again, but the chest did not return or reappear.
The items ranged from a JiJi Plushie, an Omamori, a funny Rat Head, an amethyst shard, a candy necklace, personal books/notes, and plenty more items that are not super expensive but rather emotional in value.
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