Level 3
=============================================================================================================Circuspenguins Shop Application:
IGN: Circuspenguin
Previous applications:
This is currently the first application that I have written to this community so far. However, I do plan shortly to write more applications as well as suggestions to the server helping out. However, I can in the near future.
Just so you are aware I wanted to inform you on a certain matter before you find out yourself or even don't. Basically, I have not been very active on the forums, and rarely on the server so I'm admitting to that now. Yes, it is my fault I could be on a lot more I'll admit that however even when I am online, I tend to keep to myself and stick to roleplay. I rarely talk in OOC due to my own beliefs. And also when I play, I roleplay with my brother and his friends or just work with him online on books and such. Like him, I have little to no life so yes I can be on a lot more. And I plan to one because this server amazing and two I want to help and enjoy this community. I’m not here to make excuses but at school new classes just started, and I've been catching up in all my classes but I just got caught up recently, and now like my brother, I can be on a lot more. I am also aware that if I do become a shop owner, it is my obligation in a sense to be online a decent amount a time almost or if not every day, it would be my job to create the business make sure that it's working smoothly and watch over the businesses employees and help guide them. I am also aware that f this project does get accepted my brother who soon will be given the rank Library Auxil, he will be able to help with the business. After the schools closed, and library work is done he has plenty of free time to come and help my business if it gets accepted. Already we talked about it, after all, he did help me make this application. Sorry if this off side note is long or king of off task and not necessary it's just that I thought it would be best, to be honest as I said.
Previous warns/kicks/bans:
I have never been warned or banned on this community or really any, and do not plan to be anytime soon.
Shop wanted:
The red building right behind blocky mart (It has no name, but its empty) Just so you are aware my brother and I contacted various staff and got lots of different answers, but the overall result was that the building was free despite the fact that it is not listed on the available buildings list. Hopefully, it is. However, if this location for this application does get accepted, we are willing to cooperate however we can. For reasoning we will explain down below why we personally think that this specific building will best fit our needs, but whatever the staff suggests we will comply with happily. Honestly, we just want to help the community in whatever way that we can.
Why do you want to own a shop?:
Hopefully, you can already tell that I am a very passionate person, and I hope that does not come off badly. Anyway, my reasoning for wanting is shop is very long so, please accept my apology in advance.
Often the shops in this community are not open, due to time issues, lack of shop employees or other legitimate reasons that all can be understood. I respect that, and I do understand that people are busy you can't always have shops open, but I came up with a good business strategy that I think would benefit the server and community and here it is. So, why I want a shop is not to replace, the other business for any reason or make one for my own need but to instead create a cool hangout spot for the citizens of Karakura. Often when the school is closed and most of the shops for whatever reason dozens of students wait outside of 11/7 in the parking lot which is odd. Honestly, I do the same sometimes since that's where everyone is, and I want to hang out with people, but logically that's odd. So why I want to own this shop is not necessarily to sell items but to more so make a place for people to sit down and hang out inside. Having this shop would allow the citizens to walk in and sit down and relax 24/7. I want to make a shop that is unique this “shop” will be more than a shop or just a restaurant. Mainly that's the short version of why I want the shop. I made a slideshow and had a long list of info about the ideas and explanations and such, but it all be explained down below.
What do you plan to do with the shop?:
Hopefully, you already get the gist of what I envisioned this shop to be. But my plan is for it not just to be a shop for it to be so much more. The door of This building will be open 24/7 like the park where anyone can walk in whenever. This building is also known as “Heartbucks” will have tables, seats, couches, bookshelves, maybe even some table games for people to sit and hang out, so they don't have to sit outside of 11/7 in the rain to talk. There isn't any like “teen centers’ or anyone 24/7 that's open, and I hope that this place would be it. Now you probably think this is not a shop, but it is and let me explain. So this building will be open 24/.7 as stated. However in the back of the building in a sort of bar-like shape will be the Heartbucks food counter. Now there is where you can order the coffee drinks, drinks, and snacks but that bar similar to like a hotel will only be open at certain times. I hoped that students or citizens could hangout at Heartbucks inside, but whenever an employee is online, it will be open they then can announce out loud that the bar is now open and then people can order food. When the bar is not, open people can't order food. However, they can still sit down relax and maybe read a book!
Another hope was that since my brother potentially is the library manager (the reasons on why he doesn't have the rank yet are complicated) we were hoping that at the bar and in general heart bucks would like to promote the library. Also as my brother mentioned to me, college students and adults are not allowed inside the school, so they cant access the library, but what if they want books? This was not in the original plans, but it would be incredible if it could be added and that would allow that at Heartbucks if college students or people, in general, wanted a book, my brother who would be a part-timer could bring a small book collection to Heartbucks to have like a super tiny mini library connected to the school, but open for also college students. And even have library volunteers that could run back and forth delivering books if need be. This second idea is a lot. Probably way too much to ask for so I don't blame you if you delete this idea simply because it was just a cute little idea I came up with that could also help. I considered about putting this under suggestions, but it would not make much sense if the shop didn't exist. Or perhaps it would work but either way sorry if this was useless or what not.
How will your shop be unique?:
Other than the fact that it would be the first shop that's open 24/7 mostly directed as a hangout spot for people as well as the first “shop” that allows kids to hang out rather than forced to buy something. And it would be for coffee and based on Starbucks but better! Starbucks is excellent there is free wifi!
How many employees are you planning to have?:
So for our shop employee layout, we have already potential workers if this was to be a success such as my brother who would be the co-owner second backup manager and one of my friends Asia. Overall our estimate of workers that we would like to have is around the number of 1 owner, a co-owner my brother, and eight other employees thus adding up to a total of ten members. If one is inactive for over two weeks, they will be replaced.
(Keep in mind this is all just an idea I built up none of it is real, yet that is!)
In this beautifully edited and designed slideshow made by my brother, and aesthetic design by me we hoped to accomplish showing you a nice and neat example of what it could be like to have this shop. However, while creating this, we did come across a few minor issues one being the shop that we wanted. We both have consistently tried to communicate with various staff about the shop location but all of them had denied ous, or it has gotten nowhere. This shop, the one in the photos for the background is the shop behind blockymart it's not on the shop list but it's not used, and the shop list is outdated, very much so. This was the shop that we would really like this specific shop since the red color compliments the "heart" theme very well. We also trie dot communicate with staff to see if that an admin or someone who would have access to change the interior design, but that also went Knowhere. So in hopes for that my brother who is a professional builder made an example layout of what it could look like.
(So my brother made a roleplay of his own once and Heartbucks was an actual shop, and this is it, he designed and built all of it. We were hoping that if this shop in this community did get created that it could potentialy look something like this, however, this building was very small when built and the building we want is much larger, but this was an idea and if it was possible we both would love to communicate with staff)
IGN: Circuspenguin
Previous applications:
This is currently the first application that I have written to this community so far. However, I do plan shortly to write more applications as well as suggestions to the server helping out. However, I can in the near future.
Just so you are aware I wanted to inform you on a certain matter before you find out yourself or even don't. Basically, I have not been very active on the forums, and rarely on the server so I'm admitting to that now. Yes, it is my fault I could be on a lot more I'll admit that however even when I am online, I tend to keep to myself and stick to roleplay. I rarely talk in OOC due to my own beliefs. And also when I play, I roleplay with my brother and his friends or just work with him online on books and such. Like him, I have little to no life so yes I can be on a lot more. And I plan to one because this server amazing and two I want to help and enjoy this community. I’m not here to make excuses but at school new classes just started, and I've been catching up in all my classes but I just got caught up recently, and now like my brother, I can be on a lot more. I am also aware that if I do become a shop owner, it is my obligation in a sense to be online a decent amount a time almost or if not every day, it would be my job to create the business make sure that it's working smoothly and watch over the businesses employees and help guide them. I am also aware that f this project does get accepted my brother who soon will be given the rank Library Auxil, he will be able to help with the business. After the schools closed, and library work is done he has plenty of free time to come and help my business if it gets accepted. Already we talked about it, after all, he did help me make this application. Sorry if this off side note is long or king of off task and not necessary it's just that I thought it would be best, to be honest as I said.
Previous warns/kicks/bans:
I have never been warned or banned on this community or really any, and do not plan to be anytime soon.
Shop wanted:
The red building right behind blocky mart (It has no name, but its empty) Just so you are aware my brother and I contacted various staff and got lots of different answers, but the overall result was that the building was free despite the fact that it is not listed on the available buildings list. Hopefully, it is. However, if this location for this application does get accepted, we are willing to cooperate however we can. For reasoning we will explain down below why we personally think that this specific building will best fit our needs, but whatever the staff suggests we will comply with happily. Honestly, we just want to help the community in whatever way that we can.
Why do you want to own a shop?:
Hopefully, you can already tell that I am a very passionate person, and I hope that does not come off badly. Anyway, my reasoning for wanting is shop is very long so, please accept my apology in advance.
Often the shops in this community are not open, due to time issues, lack of shop employees or other legitimate reasons that all can be understood. I respect that, and I do understand that people are busy you can't always have shops open, but I came up with a good business strategy that I think would benefit the server and community and here it is. So, why I want a shop is not to replace, the other business for any reason or make one for my own need but to instead create a cool hangout spot for the citizens of Karakura. Often when the school is closed and most of the shops for whatever reason dozens of students wait outside of 11/7 in the parking lot which is odd. Honestly, I do the same sometimes since that's where everyone is, and I want to hang out with people, but logically that's odd. So why I want to own this shop is not necessarily to sell items but to more so make a place for people to sit down and hang out inside. Having this shop would allow the citizens to walk in and sit down and relax 24/7. I want to make a shop that is unique this “shop” will be more than a shop or just a restaurant. Mainly that's the short version of why I want the shop. I made a slideshow and had a long list of info about the ideas and explanations and such, but it all be explained down below.
What do you plan to do with the shop?:
Hopefully, you already get the gist of what I envisioned this shop to be. But my plan is for it not just to be a shop for it to be so much more. The door of This building will be open 24/7 like the park where anyone can walk in whenever. This building is also known as “Heartbucks” will have tables, seats, couches, bookshelves, maybe even some table games for people to sit and hang out, so they don't have to sit outside of 11/7 in the rain to talk. There isn't any like “teen centers’ or anyone 24/7 that's open, and I hope that this place would be it. Now you probably think this is not a shop, but it is and let me explain. So this building will be open 24/.7 as stated. However in the back of the building in a sort of bar-like shape will be the Heartbucks food counter. Now there is where you can order the coffee drinks, drinks, and snacks but that bar similar to like a hotel will only be open at certain times. I hoped that students or citizens could hangout at Heartbucks inside, but whenever an employee is online, it will be open they then can announce out loud that the bar is now open and then people can order food. When the bar is not, open people can't order food. However, they can still sit down relax and maybe read a book!
Another hope was that since my brother potentially is the library manager (the reasons on why he doesn't have the rank yet are complicated) we were hoping that at the bar and in general heart bucks would like to promote the library. Also as my brother mentioned to me, college students and adults are not allowed inside the school, so they cant access the library, but what if they want books? This was not in the original plans, but it would be incredible if it could be added and that would allow that at Heartbucks if college students or people, in general, wanted a book, my brother who would be a part-timer could bring a small book collection to Heartbucks to have like a super tiny mini library connected to the school, but open for also college students. And even have library volunteers that could run back and forth delivering books if need be. This second idea is a lot. Probably way too much to ask for so I don't blame you if you delete this idea simply because it was just a cute little idea I came up with that could also help. I considered about putting this under suggestions, but it would not make much sense if the shop didn't exist. Or perhaps it would work but either way sorry if this was useless or what not.
How will your shop be unique?:
Other than the fact that it would be the first shop that's open 24/7 mostly directed as a hangout spot for people as well as the first “shop” that allows kids to hang out rather than forced to buy something. And it would be for coffee and based on Starbucks but better! Starbucks is excellent there is free wifi!
How many employees are you planning to have?:
So for our shop employee layout, we have already potential workers if this was to be a success such as my brother who would be the co-owner second backup manager and one of my friends Asia. Overall our estimate of workers that we would like to have is around the number of 1 owner, a co-owner my brother, and eight other employees thus adding up to a total of ten members. If one is inactive for over two weeks, they will be replaced.

(Keep in mind this is all just an idea I built up none of it is real, yet that is!)
In this beautifully edited and designed slideshow made by my brother, and aesthetic design by me we hoped to accomplish showing you a nice and neat example of what it could be like to have this shop. However, while creating this, we did come across a few minor issues one being the shop that we wanted. We both have consistently tried to communicate with various staff about the shop location but all of them had denied ous, or it has gotten nowhere. This shop, the one in the photos for the background is the shop behind blockymart it's not on the shop list but it's not used, and the shop list is outdated, very much so. This was the shop that we would really like this specific shop since the red color compliments the "heart" theme very well. We also trie dot communicate with staff to see if that an admin or someone who would have access to change the interior design, but that also went Knowhere. So in hopes for that my brother who is a professional builder made an example layout of what it could look like.

(So my brother made a roleplay of his own once and Heartbucks was an actual shop, and this is it, he designed and built all of it. We were hoping that if this shop in this community did get created that it could potentialy look something like this, however, this building was very small when built and the building we want is much larger, but this was an idea and if it was possible we both would love to communicate with staff)
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