Level 4

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name): closednot
Previous bans:
0 on this account. 2 (1 due to the warn system, and another due to glitching) on my old account ZoDiaC2608. I will not lie, I am not completely innocent of breaking rules and the fault lies completely upon me.
Describe your activity on the server:
Normally, I'd start playing at about 13:00 or so recently about now and would play for another 7 hours consistently. I'll enjoy my time at school playing volleyball and socializing with people. I'd probably then come back online after 4 hours or so and play through the night where I'd do the same. Due to the recent quarantine, I am free to play almost whenever I want, with a few exceptions. On a weekly occasion, I will play for about 12-16 hours maybe. Unfortunately, as the AR system is unavailable right now, I cannot provide an exact scale of how long I've played which I inform to you regrettably.
Which timezone are you in?:
Do you have Discord?:
Yes, it is: zodiac#7301
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
I normally avoid communicating verbally due to a personal reason that I don't know if I am comfortable sharing on the SchoolRP website, however I do have a microphone which I rarely use, unless I speak to people I am considerably close with.
List your current and past applications:
Sadly, I have no existing record of any past applications on the SchoolRP website or discord.
Police Application:Current
What is your motivation for applying?:
Primarily, my main initiative that compels me into applying for Police Officer would be that I have a long lasting admiration for Police since I was young. On SchoolRP, I am interested in the many concepts including GangRP and PoliceRP, however I have noticed that there is a very one sided community in those two branches of Roleplay, that being GangRP. There is a huge lack of Police Officers roaming Karakura, which would be exceptionally odd especially in a highly populated country like Japan, where Karakura is situated in. I also find it seemingly upsetting when I see laws being broken in plain sight of the civilians however there are either zero or minimum reports on it and that is why I want the law to be more heavily enforced. People also lack a general sense of respect for the Police Force which I personally find disappointing and hope that I can brighten the attitudes of many people who have a natural disdain for Police on SRP. Additionally, I think that the Police Roster consists of mainly chill people who I can see myself getting along with.
I would also like to say that I am, if anything, qualified for this Job. I have a very detailed understanding of the Law and I see a future for myself in Law OOCly. I am overly enthusiastic about being a Police Officer on SRP and I'm almost certain that I will be nothing but a benefit to the KPD. Without going into too many details, I would be extremely passionate if I were to be accepted onto the team, and would commit as much time as I can for my fellow members.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?:
I have a fairly extent understanding on Japanese Law and can only hope that it will be acceptable for the people who review my application.
The oldest Japanese laws were blatantly and tremendously derived from the Chinese. Modern Japanese laws are pretty similar to most European Law systems in that their punishments are immensely soft. For example, during the 1994 criminal sentencing rules, the maximum punishment for murder would be on average 10 years or so, with a few exceptions. Enforcement in Japan has decreased exponentially due to the absurdly low amount of Police Officers - 2100 Police Officers. However, the crime rate in Japan so exceedingly low therefore the amount of Police is only suitable.
What are the Police ranks?:
The police ranks ICly consist of:
I hope thats correct and in order.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
I'd like to claim that I know about enough on Police Work. Fundamentally, the Police have a simple conduct and code that would branch from the old quote "Protect and Serve". I do personally believe that the KPD does exactly that and most if not all laws are completely rational. I understand that a member of the KPD must be extremely hesitant when it comes to inducing any form of force onto the residents of Karakura, and that using our equipment should only be our last line of enforcement. Following on from that point, I'd like to state that I will only use my equipment until I feel ultimately threatened and have no other choice to make sure the person cannot continue on their aggressive/unsafe behavior.
The KPD predominantly works against GangRP as a whole seeing as the whole concept of GangRP revolves almost completely on crime and everything that the KPD has to fight against. I understand which situations which I am permitted to take any extreme actions upon, such as a murder scene, an assault or anything that threatens the well-being of anyone in Karakura indiscriminately. Furthermore, I'd like to present my understanding that the KPD Cadets are to attend a formal exam and regular training to extend their knowledge on exactly what they should do in any situation.
What I think I know pretty well is that whenever a 110 call is operated, I should dispatch myself almost immediately to the scene no matter the severity and deal with it accordingly to the problem.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
I'd think that the question is pretty self explanatory. There are so many blatant reasons for why Police are important in SchoolRP however I would like to delve into more serious ones. To begin with, there is an excessive amount of players who would probably like to break laws and do as they'd like knowing that they would be completely unscathed by the officials. If the KPD didn't exist, it's obvious that Karakura, without a doubt, would be a ball of chaos (and possibly toxicity). The Police are pretty obligatory in any sort of Roleplay game I'd think and they are an exquisite addition to SchoolRP. The city would be ransacked with GangRPers who would be absolutely unruly due to the lack of enforcement from any sort of Civil Protection, practically causing a permanent sort of riot in the city. I'm almost positive that no one wants that.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?:
Completely. Although I would be undoubtedly upset from the decision, I would have no other choice but to accept it, seeing as I'd have probably made an error in my work previous from the demotion and it would only be fundamental for me to be removed.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?:
Absolutely. I have stated before that I am willing to commit what I can to my role in SchoolRP. I am certain that I will show 110% whilst on the job and do what I can to keep my expectations up.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?:
Yes, I acknowledge that I am subject to any sort of punishment at any time from my higher ups, regardless of whether I have done anything wrong or not. If I were to miss a training session, I would have no choice but to accept my punishment and regret my choice of timing. (If I do miss any training sessions if I'm accepted, I will say beforehand that I am very sorry.)
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?:
Of course. It goes without saying that I will not take IC problems OOCly unless a rule were to be broken or any sort of OOC problems occur. I am willing to take any type of abuse including harassment if I were to be accepted.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?:
Ted Barkley would be a seemingly average British male with only his height being quite excessive. He'd stand before the public at 6'1. Due to his work out routine, he'd possess a somewhat bulky body build however his torso would be mainly leaned. His hair would be light brown and scuffed downwards, complementing his blue colored eyes. He'd maintain a bright facial expression, smiling slightly as he'd go along with his normal life. His most unique feature would be a scar on his forehead that would almost always be covered by his hair.
What he's like on and off the job?:
Ted would normally be quite proactive and social. His close friends would always be his priority, essentially meaning he'd always make sure they would be in the best of moods and stay healthy. Most people would find Ted a bit excessive and maybe too extroverted, however they wouldn't know about his other side that he keeps only to himself. The worst of him comes when he'd be on Job and dealing with a situation that got a bit too difficult. In this state he'd ignore most people and just get on with his job so he could go home and sleep the night which he rarely ever does due to the requirements of his Job as a member of the KPD. He'd make sure that his day wouldn't be ruined by small things that would normally annoy him quite a lot because he wouldn't want his reputation tainted through the repercussions.
Off his Job, Ted would maintain a happy sort of facade to keep up his reputation of being outgoing and would try to avoid most types of altercations that would end up in him being the winner physically but the loser internally. He couldn't stand the sight of people with a rotten attitude - people who would attempt to disrespect him for his Job however he would maintain that facade of not caring until someone would bring up his family. He had improved on that problem recently and has almost certainly made sure that nothing would jeopardize his role.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Co-workers would be nothing more than competetion to Ted at a point. Recently he had gained a new outlook on his peers and saw them more as a type of family that would keep him comfortable when around them and try to stay around them. He'd used to be find co workers as a type of inconvenience that would always just get in his way and annoy him. He'd be jealous of his so called 'Competitors' and always wonder why they had to get a better status than him. He had changed that unprofessional viewpoint when he took up the job as a Police Man and rather attempted to befriend most of his co-workers in his live aspiration to become well reputed and persist with a decent status among the town.
Ted always wanted to have a Mrs. Barkley in the future where he dreamed of taking her to the finest of hotels and taking her to dine at only the best restaurants on Bora-Bora Island. During his teenage years that dream would quickly shatter apart when he entered a sort of depressed phase. Mr. Barkley only thinks now about his job and how he can improve himself and his city.
From a young age, Barkley always kept close to his family consisting of his mother and two brothers. His mother - Stephen would always tend to her children, working at multiple jobs to provide for her family in a small area north of Fukuoka. Her twins, Harry and Thomas were already more than enough for her to handle but she had one younger boy, Ted. Ted was a demanding child who would always require attention from his mother and stay with his brothers being commonly manipulated into naughty things. When Ted reached the age of 10, a horrible tragedy befell on them. Due to an error in the apartments sprinkler system. The only person who got away that day was Ted, who by a very lucky chance happened to be at his Japanese friends house. He'd been pampered for the next 3 years by his new foster family of his friend. On his last day of his foster care, he waved a last goodbye to his friend of 5 years before departing to Karakura City.
On his arrival he stumbled into a small altercation where he looked down on the delinquents involved with a disgusted demeanor. One of them noticed his facial expression and didn't take it so lightly. The male approached Ted and asked him impudently "What are you looking at you little punk?!" Barkley answered non-verbally but rather with his hands. His right arm would extend and crash his palm into the delinquent's smug face. This caused a new problem, in which he didn't end up victorious. The other people involved came up to Ted and beat down on him until he'd lay in a small puddle of his own blood in front of the public. He was shortly transferred to the EMS and that event sparked a forever lasting loyalty to the Civil Protection of Karakura.
Ted understood since that day that Karakura wasn't a very Civil place to do whatever he wanted to do in. He stuck to his education in hopes to study Law at Oxford University but even with all of his experience and genius, he couldn't keep up with the problems that came with being an orphan. He'd have to tend for himself everyday and make sure that there was food on his plate three times a day. It was a daily struggle for Ted but soon he'd find himself making a decent amount of money through classified transactions. Ted had the chance to become a successful businessman with his exquisite marketing skills. One day he'd seen someone in a situation like he was in many years ago - beaten down and bloody with no one there to help him. Ted had practically no choice but to dial 110 in his stead. Unfortunately though, the KPD were just minutes late to the scene. They arrived around two hours after the call was placed by Ted and accordingly, Barkley was outraged at the Police until they had explained that a severe problem blocked them from continuing on their dispatch. Three men were stabbed and the police had no choice but to watch as the culprits ran away as they knew the injured were the priorities in the situation. Ted asked for a description for the culprits and later that night he went out with his own tools.
Mr. Barkley carried with him a small pocket knife capable of cutting into a persons arteries and killing them in his casual school clothes when he was only 17. After 3 hours of extensive search, he found the people behind both crimes and realized that they were the people who beat that boy bloody and also stabbed three men. A part of Ted wanted to bury his blade into the two male's necks and watch as they bled, but he had a second thought. A thought about his pure and kind mother who could never imagine her little Ted to be capable of murder. He stopped both of them without using his knife and dialed 110 to deal with them. Never could he have been more ashamed of himself for considering murder. From that day on he'd study Criminal Law for 3 years in Karakura intensely. He could never feel more accomplished then when he attained his Degree in Criminal Law.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Theodore Barkley
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Teddy
Preferred Name: Ted
Age: 25 (I changed it from 23 due to an error)
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Agnostic
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: British
Current Location: Karakura
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2
Working Experience:
Approximately 3 years. Theodore worked small jobs as a teenager to barely make ends meet for him but when he reached 20, he took up a job in a Law Firm outside of Karakura but quickly quit that job due to his loyalty to the KPD.
Academic Degree: Degree in Criminal Law and Civil Law.
Year of Graduation: 2016
Major(s): Criminal Law, Criminology and Psychology
Minor(s): Civil Law and Design Technology
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: None

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