Level 86
Out-of-Character Section
IGN (In Game Name): cloud_divider / NapRP
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server: 1-2 Hours on Weekdays, usually 8-10pm PST and 3-4 on weekends. As of long term activity I've stuck with the server logging on almost daily for about 2/3 years
Do you have Discord? cloud_divider#3828
Do you have a microphone? Not a formal one, just a tablet mic.
List your current and past applications:
Karakura Art Club #1 (2017) [Accepted]
Shop Application [Denied]
Karakura Art Club #2 (2019) [Accepted]
What is your motivation for applying?: At the start of this school year, I switched schools and the one I’m attending offered a course in Law Enforcement and Criminology. In all honesty this class has been a lot of fun and it’s sparked a lot of my interest in taking action with writing this application.
Moving on, the main reason why I’m applying is to gain experience. I want to get better with handling people who maybe aren’t acting in their best favor. This experience is also with roleplay as a whole, I want to try something new. There’s a large difference between roleplaying as a student attending a highschool in a crime ridden city where you’re stuck as a bystander (for the most part). When you become an officer you flip that around and become someone who is trying to at least protect civilians from crime.
Throughout the last year or so, I’ve had friends that ditch me for the police (Sean and Suneater) it always seems they get to do something fairly interesting. A little less with Suneater as she usually got desk duty, but Sean had more than a few interesting stories. I’d like to get my own stories to tell as well, something more interesting than a highschooler’s non-existent love life.
A certain someone is also responsible for what got me to apply, and she knows who she is.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
After digging through google for a bit since the Japanese CoC link has been removed/deleted, I’ve done some reading primarily from these two websites:
Being an American player, looking at the differences between the law systems used by America vs. Japan is fairly important. One of the major differences is that America uses common law, meaning that judges decide what happens next. This is why you get different sentences with different cases. However, Japan uses civil law. They go by a strict code, like if you stab someone in the foot and your friend stabbed someone in the arm both of you will get charged with the same (or similar) jail sentence and bail. This can change due to severity.
What are the Police ranks?
Commissioner: The leader of the police force, they oversee the rest of the force
Captain: Essentially the Commissioner’s stand-in
Head Lieutenant: Essentially a Lieutenant but with a few other things
Vice Head Lieutenant: Basically the same as Lieutenant
Lieutenant: Another overseeing role
Sergeants: They overseer Cadets and carry out regular police work
Corporals: They help train new cadets, and are the first rank where you really become a “higher up”
Patrol-Officers: Cadets that have passed their tests and can patrol on their own. Usually they go in pairs.
Cadets: Officers in training.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? For various reasons, I’m gonna split the answers for this question into two. One will be OOC knowledge of the work, and the other a bit more IC and focusing on Japan.
With real life knowledge of law in America, I do have the common sense stuff. On top of that I’m taking a class on general public safety and law like mentioned before. However, that class mostly focuses on how you do things, like handcuffing and whatnot. As of right now most of what we do is presentations and looking at the history of the Police starting with the Statute of Winchester.
However, Karakura has its own special set of laws separate from the real world Japan. Some of these include the stricter item bans, like how something as simple as a small pocket knife is illegal. This is because of how needy edgy teenagers are for sharp objects they can stab each other with. The most common rules that are enforced by regular patrols includes getting children to go to school, and if they don’t you may fine them. Another commonly dealt with crime is assault, generally it’s people doing gangrp and someone got their katana stuck in someone else’s foot.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP? In order to keep gangrp in check, a police force was brought to the server. Since then they’ve more or less been in balance with one another.
Before the police there wasn’t really anything stopping gangrpers from running around town with their kuris and such. You could do almost anything, you could kill anyone and suffer hardly any consequences but the possibility of being killed. Now, we all know in real life you can’t just run around and stab people.
So, the police force was created. The police act as a sort of “No You” card. If you’re caught in an alleyway and people are boutta stab you, you could call 110. Obviously, with smart enough moves and enough people gangrp can always overpower the police but if it’s just one or two people you’re usually gonna end up okay.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? I do recognize that I can get demoted at any given time, even if I’m offline.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?
Despite all attempts to use a curler, her hair tends to stay straight and so she’s decided putting them up in buns is the best way to look cute. On rare or special occasions she’ll tie dark blue ribbons in her hair. Below her bangs are small dark brown eyes. It's obvious that she hails from Japan between her mannerisms, language, and general appearance.
Hiraki is a rather bubbly person, and it shows. She’s got dedication to more than spinning in circles on an office chair. However, during work hours Hiraki’s able to keep a straight face and focus on the tasks at hand. This could be re-awakening her phone calling skills from back when she was a telemarketer to respond to emergency calls, or going out on patrol with a partner.
Her defining feature as a character is her love of writing little notes, or full on letters and just leaving them around.
What he's like on and off the job? On the job Hiraki sustains a rather serious attitude, especially while patrolling and doesn’t quite hesitate to take out her taser if one got too close. She’s fairly social and doesn’t mind speaking casually to her coworkers, even going to the lengths of creating close bonds with them.
Off the job she tends to let her hair down figuratively and literally, she enjoys exploring the city without patrol routes and shopping. Sometimes she can be caught writing little notes on sticky notes or notebooks and slapping them onto her friend’s belongings.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? No matter what walk of life your from, as long as you know Japanese and can talk she's more than happy to introduce herself. She has a tendency to care about her coworkers and attempt to befriend them. Hiraki has a mentality that if she's going to be stuck with coworkers for a large portion of the day she might as well make friends.
Eventually she plans on getting the money to go right seeing throughout America. Some of her goals that are closer to her as of present is creating a family. For the most part just getting married and adopting one or two children. However, she’d like to stay active in the workforce, and make use of what caused her college debt.
Side Note: This ended up being a lot of fun to write, and I ended up reading a bunch of wikipedia articles for this.
1993 and Early Life
Hinako began her life on August 11th, 1993 in Osaka, Japan born to Hiyori Hiraki and Kohei Nishima. Both of the two proved themselves to be loving and kind parents, although strict at times.
Throughout her early childhood they’d take regular trips to Nagaoka to watch the firework shows during the summer. At these shows, she’d learn about other people or tourists who went to different countries. During the annual fireworks festival she met someone, another usual festival goer
However, this wasn’t just any irrelevant side character! This person, going by the name of Nao Machi would soon become one of Hiraki’s closest friends. At the festival they shared stories about life and daydreamed about going around the world to all the different countries and seeing natural masterpieces like Niagra Falls.
Over time their friendship bloomed even though they only saw each other once or twice a year, with parental consent they became pen pals. During their highschool years one of these letters sent by Nao that stands out from the rest talks about an unsolved case, The Setagaya Family Murder (世田谷一家殺害事件). Nao had written about it as a casual letter, reading as follows.
March 2nd 2010
“Dear Aki-Aki,
I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard about this, but a while back a huuuge murder took place and the police still don’t know who the attacker was. Maybe they’ll have caught ‘em by the time this arrives. Oh, all this happened when we were seven.
Onto the actual case, it goes by the name of the Setagaya Family Murder. Supposedly a man broke into the Miyazawa Family Residence through the second floor window, pretty wild way to break in right? Anyways, the guy killed like 4 people. Both parents and their children died in this. It’s honestly horrible. Off the top of my head, I don’t know what the motive is but stay safe!! -Love, Nao-Nao
P.S Look into it, I think you might find it interesting. Kinda creepy though.”
With that, the future of Hiraki had been sealed. This one criminal case had ignited a new interest in her. Sure it was her Junior year in highschool and before this she had essentially no training in police work, or real knowledge in it for that matter.
March 2011
A year after the initial letter had been passed, Hiraki had been looking through various cases solved or not and it became a hobby of sorts. But it was late in the second semester, and Hiraki was going to graduate. One of the few times Nao could come out from Kazamuara, a much smaller town than Osaka to see Hiraki in person. The two greeted each other and the local train station, and practically held hands until the ceremony began and Hiraki had to leave Nao. (It was a real heartbreaker) Her graduation went on as planned and she ended up inviting Nao to dinner.
Over dinner, Hiraki had taken out the letter in regards to the Setagaya case. She mentioned to Nao how the case changed the Japanese Statute of Limitations for Murder in 2010 so the police could continue investigating. Over the night they shared various stories about their lives, casual day to day life.. Until the whole “So you’re out of highschool now, what’re you gonna do?” question arose.
Up until now, most of her free time was spent snooping around public police cases. The quickest answer Hiraki could sputter out while looking Nao dead in the eye was “Police Academy.” But.. she sounded incredibly set on this. Several slow blinks were shared until the conversation continued, in the end the final decision was made that she was actually going to do this. It’s one of those not quite planned futures, but totally a dream that could come true.
April 2012
And at that, in April of 2012 she was off to Kinki Regional Police Academy. Due to it still being sort of close to Osaka, she was able to stay home with her parents. Both were getting older but both had continued to sustain jobs.
September 2019
Wanting to go out and explore the world a bit more, but not quite ready to leave Japan as a whole Hiraki came to Karakura. The city’s police department was accepting applicants and well, she had the basics down of police work. How badly could it end?
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Hanako Hiraki / 華子 平木
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Han or Aki
Preferred Name: Hiraki
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: None
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Roughly 6 years
Working Experience: During her college experience she worked as a telemarketer as a part time job.
Academic Degree: Master’s Degree
Year of Graduation: 2018
Major(s): Master’s in Criminal Justice
Minor(s): A Bachelor’s in Biology
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: None
Additional Note: The alternate account NapRP will only be purchased after this application has been reviewed to prevent me from going broke.
IGN (In Game Name): cloud_divider / NapRP
Previous bans: None
Describe your activity on the server: 1-2 Hours on Weekdays, usually 8-10pm PST and 3-4 on weekends. As of long term activity I've stuck with the server logging on almost daily for about 2/3 years
Do you have Discord? cloud_divider#3828
Do you have a microphone? Not a formal one, just a tablet mic.
List your current and past applications:
Karakura Art Club #1 (2017) [Accepted]
Shop Application [Denied]
Karakura Art Club #2 (2019) [Accepted]
What is your motivation for applying?: At the start of this school year, I switched schools and the one I’m attending offered a course in Law Enforcement and Criminology. In all honesty this class has been a lot of fun and it’s sparked a lot of my interest in taking action with writing this application.
Moving on, the main reason why I’m applying is to gain experience. I want to get better with handling people who maybe aren’t acting in their best favor. This experience is also with roleplay as a whole, I want to try something new. There’s a large difference between roleplaying as a student attending a highschool in a crime ridden city where you’re stuck as a bystander (for the most part). When you become an officer you flip that around and become someone who is trying to at least protect civilians from crime.
Throughout the last year or so, I’ve had friends that ditch me for the police (Sean and Suneater) it always seems they get to do something fairly interesting. A little less with Suneater as she usually got desk duty, but Sean had more than a few interesting stories. I’d like to get my own stories to tell as well, something more interesting than a highschooler’s non-existent love life.
A certain someone is also responsible for what got me to apply, and she knows who she is.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
After digging through google for a bit since the Japanese CoC link has been removed/deleted, I’ve done some reading primarily from these two websites:
Being an American player, looking at the differences between the law systems used by America vs. Japan is fairly important. One of the major differences is that America uses common law, meaning that judges decide what happens next. This is why you get different sentences with different cases. However, Japan uses civil law. They go by a strict code, like if you stab someone in the foot and your friend stabbed someone in the arm both of you will get charged with the same (or similar) jail sentence and bail. This can change due to severity.
What are the Police ranks?
Commissioner: The leader of the police force, they oversee the rest of the force
Captain: Essentially the Commissioner’s stand-in
Head Lieutenant: Essentially a Lieutenant but with a few other things
Vice Head Lieutenant: Basically the same as Lieutenant
Lieutenant: Another overseeing role
Sergeants: They overseer Cadets and carry out regular police work
Corporals: They help train new cadets, and are the first rank where you really become a “higher up”
Patrol-Officers: Cadets that have passed their tests and can patrol on their own. Usually they go in pairs.
Cadets: Officers in training.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work? For various reasons, I’m gonna split the answers for this question into two. One will be OOC knowledge of the work, and the other a bit more IC and focusing on Japan.
With real life knowledge of law in America, I do have the common sense stuff. On top of that I’m taking a class on general public safety and law like mentioned before. However, that class mostly focuses on how you do things, like handcuffing and whatnot. As of right now most of what we do is presentations and looking at the history of the Police starting with the Statute of Winchester.
However, Karakura has its own special set of laws separate from the real world Japan. Some of these include the stricter item bans, like how something as simple as a small pocket knife is illegal. This is because of how needy edgy teenagers are for sharp objects they can stab each other with. The most common rules that are enforced by regular patrols includes getting children to go to school, and if they don’t you may fine them. Another commonly dealt with crime is assault, generally it’s people doing gangrp and someone got their katana stuck in someone else’s foot.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP? In order to keep gangrp in check, a police force was brought to the server. Since then they’ve more or less been in balance with one another.
Before the police there wasn’t really anything stopping gangrpers from running around town with their kuris and such. You could do almost anything, you could kill anyone and suffer hardly any consequences but the possibility of being killed. Now, we all know in real life you can’t just run around and stab people.
So, the police force was created. The police act as a sort of “No You” card. If you’re caught in an alleyway and people are boutta stab you, you could call 110. Obviously, with smart enough moves and enough people gangrp can always overpower the police but if it’s just one or two people you’re usually gonna end up okay.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? I do recognize that I can get demoted at any given time, even if I’m offline.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?
Despite all attempts to use a curler, her hair tends to stay straight and so she’s decided putting them up in buns is the best way to look cute. On rare or special occasions she’ll tie dark blue ribbons in her hair. Below her bangs are small dark brown eyes. It's obvious that she hails from Japan between her mannerisms, language, and general appearance.
Hiraki is a rather bubbly person, and it shows. She’s got dedication to more than spinning in circles on an office chair. However, during work hours Hiraki’s able to keep a straight face and focus on the tasks at hand. This could be re-awakening her phone calling skills from back when she was a telemarketer to respond to emergency calls, or going out on patrol with a partner.
Her defining feature as a character is her love of writing little notes, or full on letters and just leaving them around.
What he's like on and off the job? On the job Hiraki sustains a rather serious attitude, especially while patrolling and doesn’t quite hesitate to take out her taser if one got too close. She’s fairly social and doesn’t mind speaking casually to her coworkers, even going to the lengths of creating close bonds with them.
Off the job she tends to let her hair down figuratively and literally, she enjoys exploring the city without patrol routes and shopping. Sometimes she can be caught writing little notes on sticky notes or notebooks and slapping them onto her friend’s belongings.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? No matter what walk of life your from, as long as you know Japanese and can talk she's more than happy to introduce herself. She has a tendency to care about her coworkers and attempt to befriend them. Hiraki has a mentality that if she's going to be stuck with coworkers for a large portion of the day she might as well make friends.
Eventually she plans on getting the money to go right seeing throughout America. Some of her goals that are closer to her as of present is creating a family. For the most part just getting married and adopting one or two children. However, she’d like to stay active in the workforce, and make use of what caused her college debt.
Side Note: This ended up being a lot of fun to write, and I ended up reading a bunch of wikipedia articles for this.
1993 and Early Life
Hinako began her life on August 11th, 1993 in Osaka, Japan born to Hiyori Hiraki and Kohei Nishima. Both of the two proved themselves to be loving and kind parents, although strict at times.
Throughout her early childhood they’d take regular trips to Nagaoka to watch the firework shows during the summer. At these shows, she’d learn about other people or tourists who went to different countries. During the annual fireworks festival she met someone, another usual festival goer
However, this wasn’t just any irrelevant side character! This person, going by the name of Nao Machi would soon become one of Hiraki’s closest friends. At the festival they shared stories about life and daydreamed about going around the world to all the different countries and seeing natural masterpieces like Niagra Falls.
Over time their friendship bloomed even though they only saw each other once or twice a year, with parental consent they became pen pals. During their highschool years one of these letters sent by Nao that stands out from the rest talks about an unsolved case, The Setagaya Family Murder (世田谷一家殺害事件). Nao had written about it as a casual letter, reading as follows.
March 2nd 2010
“Dear Aki-Aki,
I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard about this, but a while back a huuuge murder took place and the police still don’t know who the attacker was. Maybe they’ll have caught ‘em by the time this arrives. Oh, all this happened when we were seven.
Onto the actual case, it goes by the name of the Setagaya Family Murder. Supposedly a man broke into the Miyazawa Family Residence through the second floor window, pretty wild way to break in right? Anyways, the guy killed like 4 people. Both parents and their children died in this. It’s honestly horrible. Off the top of my head, I don’t know what the motive is but stay safe!! -Love, Nao-Nao
P.S Look into it, I think you might find it interesting. Kinda creepy though.”
With that, the future of Hiraki had been sealed. This one criminal case had ignited a new interest in her. Sure it was her Junior year in highschool and before this she had essentially no training in police work, or real knowledge in it for that matter.
March 2011
A year after the initial letter had been passed, Hiraki had been looking through various cases solved or not and it became a hobby of sorts. But it was late in the second semester, and Hiraki was going to graduate. One of the few times Nao could come out from Kazamuara, a much smaller town than Osaka to see Hiraki in person. The two greeted each other and the local train station, and practically held hands until the ceremony began and Hiraki had to leave Nao. (It was a real heartbreaker) Her graduation went on as planned and she ended up inviting Nao to dinner.
Over dinner, Hiraki had taken out the letter in regards to the Setagaya case. She mentioned to Nao how the case changed the Japanese Statute of Limitations for Murder in 2010 so the police could continue investigating. Over the night they shared various stories about their lives, casual day to day life.. Until the whole “So you’re out of highschool now, what’re you gonna do?” question arose.
Up until now, most of her free time was spent snooping around public police cases. The quickest answer Hiraki could sputter out while looking Nao dead in the eye was “Police Academy.” But.. she sounded incredibly set on this. Several slow blinks were shared until the conversation continued, in the end the final decision was made that she was actually going to do this. It’s one of those not quite planned futures, but totally a dream that could come true.
April 2012
And at that, in April of 2012 she was off to Kinki Regional Police Academy. Due to it still being sort of close to Osaka, she was able to stay home with her parents. Both were getting older but both had continued to sustain jobs.
September 2019
Wanting to go out and explore the world a bit more, but not quite ready to leave Japan as a whole Hiraki came to Karakura. The city’s police department was accepting applicants and well, she had the basics down of police work. How badly could it end?
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Hanako Hiraki / 華子 平木
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Han or Aki
Preferred Name: Hiraki
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: None
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Roughly 6 years
Working Experience: During her college experience she worked as a telemarketer as a part time job.
Academic Degree: Master’s Degree
Year of Graduation: 2018
Major(s): Master’s in Criminal Justice
Minor(s): A Bachelor’s in Biology
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: None
Additional Note: The alternate account NapRP will only be purchased after this application has been reviewed to prevent me from going broke.
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