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Denied Club Application :3


Level 7

IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):

RPName of Club Leader:
Hitomi Miyazawa

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):

Club name of the club you are applying for the leadership position:
Gardening Club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants? What abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?
Adaptability, creativity, experience and, most importantly, knowledge.
My experiences being in countless factions this server has to offer is quite extensive, yet I’ve never personally delved into the player-ran club side of the school faction. I had always been keen on joining clubs in SRP, specifically in 2021-2022, yet it was frustrating to know that most clubs were usually inactive after a few weeks. Of course, I understand that this has changed over the years, but I want to emphasize the fact I can confidently assure you that balanced activity will be brought to the table if I am appointed as a club leader. I would say I’m pretty knowledgeable about gardening itself, as it’s always been a personal hobby of mine. This was usually incorporated into my roleplay, mainly when I was previously a part of the Shrine faction and where I also worked at Kaneshon Valley, as my very close friend owned the shop at the time. I’ve also completed a florist internship, which means I have more than enough knowledge of flowers and plants. Botany has always been an interest of mine, alongside agriculture and because of this, I genuinely believe that I would be a great candidate for the position of club leader through both my understanding of plants and previous experiences with various factions within the server.

Also, I define a club leader as someone who oversees members and activities and, of course, proposes ideas to SLT and other staff. I don’t want to blatantly claim that I’ll solely be in charge of events and ideas, as this would be the opposite of how I’d like to run the club. I want to listen to each and every member's input and proceed accordingly after confirming with the entire club. I’m a strong advocate for teamwork, and I believe it’s required for every faction on SRP, and clubs are no exception.
I'm a very strong advocate for teamwork ^_^!


What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club:

(356 Words)
The Gardening club has always been a subject of interest for me whenever clubs were brought up due to its particular focus on botany. There are a lot of roleplay opportunities with this club– and seeing how the leader position is now vacant, I’ve decided to take my chances and apply while I still can. If the Gardening club were to disband, I think I would honestly cry and slide down a wall or something.

Funnily enough, I was previously the teacher in charge of this club a while back (2021) and even helped out the old club leader with various IC and OOcly things. These “things” include most of the banners found within the current Discord, and I even made the rules for the club, which hasn’t changed in almost three years. Of course, this was quite a surprise to me, and I went ahead and DM’d the supposed leader of the club just to find out that the position of club leader was now empty. After learning about this, I kinda just fought with myself for a month while writing this application. As you can obviously see, though, I did end up submitting it on time. This decision was made due to various factors, yet the most decisive one was the character I'd be applying with, where I believe her eerie vibe and overall appearance would definitely pique some people's interests.
✿. .
I’ve always been interested in owning a club on SRP but have never found the opportunity to do so. For a long time, my lack of experience in a leadership role held me back from applying for a club, but I now believe that I have more than enough to demonstrate my prowess in managing such a position. I aim to incorporate various activities through spontaneous and recurring events for members and students alike. Whether it be something simple as a weekly meeting or an intricate event planned around the school day, I hope that players who interact with club members leave with a lasting impression on the club and perhaps even some new gardening knowledge!
And, well, also, I just love flooooooooooooooowers.

What activities and events will this club do?:
(Work out at least one club members-only event & two school-wide club events)

Sori for how bad the table looks. . . Heh.
I couldn't figure out how to properly format it without completely breaking the code, so PLEAAAASE bear with me here.
Flower-Pressed Ceramics
I lead an art club in IRL and am pretty comfortable with pottery, so I’d love to introduce this as a members-only event. Considering Japan’s extensive history with pottery, I wanted to incorporate this art medium into SRP as I don’t believe it’s been done before, or at least in a club setting. This members-only event aims for each member to create and take home a ceramic they can use for gardening, whether it be something simple like a plate, a vase for flowers, or something as tricky as a pot for a particular plant.
I doubt the school has actual throwing wheels or pottery lathes, so this event will be done purely by hand-sculpting each ceramic. The clay will be earthenware clay, which is versatile and beginner-friendly due to its overall strength and plasticity.
Members of the club will gather around and be given a chunk of earthenware clay to hand-sculpt any ceramic of their choice. After choosing an object to sculpt, members must choose a certain flower (or plant) and press it into their rolled-out clay. Doing this will create an imprint in the clay of whatever flower is used in the making. In regards to actually firing the ceramics. . . That’ll be an issue for when the time comes. The end result will be individual pieces of pottery made by the members to take home or use in the greenhouse for potting plants!
Farmers Market
It's a pretty simple event, yet I’ve seen how SRP players go almost feral for fresh fruits and vegetables. It's almost scary, really. This event would mainly focus on the agriculture side of gardening rather than flowers, as I feel it’s often a major segment of botany that's overlooked. Another major detail about this event is that it would work well with the Shrine faction or the player-ran shops, as it would be a great opportunity to intertwine activity within various factions at once. The staff at the Monastery could help out with the market by selling their own crops grown at the Monastery, and I believe this would also make it more realistic—more so a farmer’s market with more than one vendor! Having the Shrine and Shop faction as an addition to this event would help immensely in terms of having enough members and players to keep the event under control and running smoothly.
As stated in the name, club members would sell their crops to the school and could even explain whatever is sold to the buyer(s). Specific events could also be incorporated into this event. Yet, I’m leaning towards something silly and casual, such as an eating competition with a certain produce and/or food made from local ingredients taken from the market itself. An example of this could be a pie-eating competition, which is funny and engaging enough to create a friendly yet competitive roleplay scenario for students or school staff who wish to participate.
For a recurring event within the club, I'd propose a weekly watering schedule for members to complete in the greenhouse. Of course, I can see how, for some, this could be seen as a task/chore rather than an actual interactive activity for the club. To combat this, I would have more than one person per day doing this to ensure both activity and interactions amongst members during the week!
Also, I'd probably want to host some sort of tea party amongst members in the near future, with the location being nowhere other than the greenhouse. This is a very loose concept, but nevertheless, I wanted to showcase it regardless of the fact that it's a very incomplete and rather random event idea.
Flower Grams
A flower cart offering a plethora of flora baskets has suddenly appeared in Karakura High. . ?!
For students and staff alike, this event would have members of the club selling various types of flower bouquets. This idea, which is awfully simple, could be elevated by offering a special service, which is a concept similar to Candy Grams, first introduced by the student council. A student or school staff could purchase a flower bouquet and customize a short message to any recipient of their choice. After a few days, the Flower Gram would be delivered to said recipient and appear in their inventory alongside the handwritten message.
Honestly, if this event were to be chosen for our yearly event quota, I’d probably want to have the addition of crops, too. It’d be funny as hell if someone got a Potato or Carrot Gram as a gift. . .

How will the club benefit the School?:
This club benefits the school mainly through its unique club room environment.
The room for the club itself is a spot where many students go to seek solace or use it as a hangout spot due to its unique decor featuring fresh plants and vegetation. Club members are expected to take care of the greenery and vegetation scattered around the school to maintain both the appearance and environmental awareness surrounding the school. As previously stated, the greenhouse/plant nursery has often been a hangout spot for many students within the school, and by having members of the gardening club actively roleplaying both inside the greenhouse and even tending to plants around the school, I believe it can create many more roleplay opportunities for players and school staff alike.
Another benefit of this club is simply being in it and actively engaging as a member, which would be a great way to develop a character further and socialize with other characters who share the same interests. What I mean by this is that someone could have a delinquent character actively involved in the gardening club, making a unique dynamic for the character and others who interact with them. Gardening, in its own essence, is the enjoyment of nature, and with this club, I hope to bring a peaceful environment to the already bustling school life SRP offers!

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:
Members should have a general understanding of SRP’s rules and display good behaviour OOcly, obviously. In all honesty, though, I wouldn’t want to keep the requirements strict. After all, it is a club, not a team or competitive position. Of course, the main thing that would be required of each and every member is activity. I wish for this club to be as active as possible!

Characters who involve themselves in CrimeRP would not be shunned, nor would “bad” students (multiple detentions/suspensions), as long as no conflicts arise amongst themselves. The gardening club, out of all the clubs, is the most tranquil and, dare I say, most welcoming. Age or reputation shouldn’t be a deciding factor in the acceptance of becoming a member. The most important thing about this club is the understanding and knowledge of nature. Each and every member should display this curiosity, regardless of whether they’ve been in the club for a while or just recently joined. Literally doesn’t matter if the character knows nothing about gardening. As long as they’re determined and genuinely want to learn more about gardening, there would be no issue if their character is a stab carotid /me dips type of character.

The primary way I’d prefer future members to gain interest in the club and express interest in joining would be by interacting with a member ICly. This method would be a much more effective way to get to know a character and the writing skills of the player behind said character rather than a Google Form that could be filled out in three minutes. I do understand that this may seem completely activity-dependent and unreliable, so I still would have some sort of form to fill out in the respective discord if needed.


Level 144
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following:

- The events given were quite basic and done before, which is fine, however, other applicants stood out during this time.

- Thinking of fresh events to boost club and community engagement is important, keep this in mind if you apply again in the future

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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