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"Coffee for the night.." | MaiiCoffee's Psychiatrist Application


Level 1
What is your discord username and IGN?
Discord: IGN: MaiiCoffee

Describe your activity on the server

1pm - 1am 2pm - 12am 2pm - 12am 2pm - 12am 2pm - 12am 1pm - 1am 1pm - 1am

What is your time zone?
Mountain Standard Time (MST)

List your current and past applications


Language Application [Korean]
Language Application [JSL]

List your current roles on the server

Currently have no roles.

What experiences do you have with roleplay?

Describe my experience's on SchoolRP is that there was alot of roleplay scenario's that happened, and alot that let me get into enjoying different communities firstly I started out as casual roleplay before getting my knowledge up on other stuff like GangRP which I found quite enjoyable, Soon after I would do detailRP which was more difficult to learn and which I'm currently still trying to get even better at.

What is your motivation for applying?
Searching to expand the field of experiences I can learn, seeing that you had applications open for Hospital Staff I would wanna take this chance to learn something new and have more fun on SRP, plus I'm hoping this community can help me get better at DetailRPing while having a great time with each other, and my next reason is because I wanna try to apply for Crime Clinic as I hear that they are fun to do and with this application I'm doing will help me to be apart of Crime Clinic in the future.

Which role are you applying for? (Doctor or Psychiatrist)


What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?

Hospital Director
While being the Director, It means that they have a high prestige in the faction and will be held to high standards too, but they also will have responsibilities to oversee the hospital staff and make sure that it runs smoothly as they have to hope for no one to make any mistakes during any surgeries or procedures for they can be legally sued for it.

Clinic Lead
While being under the Director doesn't mean they are more less skilled then them, they are still skilled in their respective fields for such things like diagnosing a patient or operating on surgeries, and being the more likely to supervise the staff to make sure everybody is getting treated fairly in the Hospital.

Clinic Supervisor
Even though they are less versed in their field's they are still experienced Doctor's/Psychiatrist's holding a high standard as they will give the same opportunity to teach the trainee's, and residents hoping they learn something new.

Senior Doctor's/Psychiatrist's
Once they are fully licensed specialist after they have finish their training, the Seniors will soon have to teach and expand the knowledge of the trainee's and residents to make sure that they get more experience while also they gain experience too along side the staff of the hospital even then they will have to still learn in their own respective time.

While being still fairly new and in the mid of their training they will get more hands on experience to broaden their field, and hopefully progress in their training as the are more under the supervision of the hospital staff higher ups to make sure that when they make a mistake they will get taught to not make the same mistake again in the later future.

Being very new doesn't mean that you don't know anything while still new to the staff team they are also taught the basic's in the beginning, while they may make more mistakes than anybody else they will also be taught the most in the beginning of their career.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Yes I acknowledge that I can be punished if I don't attend any training events while still being online.

In-Character (IC)

Character's Full Name

Kenshi Volkonsky Hasashi

Character's Gender and Pronouns
Male | He/Him

Character's Age (If accepted)

Character's Academic Background (Grade-12/Bachelor/Masters/PhD)
[Bachelors] Pre-Med and Psychology

Character's Nationality

Character's Martial Status

Character's Religious Denomination
Has no religious denomination.
Character's Spoken Languages

Character Backstory (Optional)
Growing up in a rough neighborhood of Westminster one of England dangerous cities, Kenshi would be alone abandoned without shelter in the summer luckily, Learning skills from the street he would get caught up in mischievous activities, fighting, spray painting, and such a like he would get caught one day by a old man that sought to take in the boy instead of reprimanding him, as he was brought inside the house Kenshi saw alot of books on the wall's.
Growing up with time and discipline to atleast behave like a civilized person Kenshi would find himself interesting in books, taking his time reading while growing up was fun to him he enjoyed it, then slowly he found some psychological books that the old man had since he retired as a psychiatrist, finding the content of the books interesting that entice him into learning more and reading even greater books while taking care of the old man and his rapid deteriorating health.
Once he was old enough and the old man was gone, he felt off like he was missing a piece of his heart not knowing what this feeling was he grew scared of it but kept a leveled head as he would get his bachelors in Pre-Med and Psychology to hopefully bring himself a new life, a brand new start, Packing his things and heading off from England he would find himself in Karakura seeing that it had a opening for Psychiatrist he would quickly send in a application.

What is your character's medical speciality

Forensic Psychiatrist

Why did they choose this focus?

While growing up with no education he didn't have much opportunity to grow, but taken in by a old man he would get that, reading book's in the home library brought him to be quite smart in his teenage years which would help him sharpen his skills needed to be a psychiatrist, while aiming for it at a young age from being inspired by his father figure to pursue it he would give it his all to do his best at studying psychiatrist and psychological books.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

No he does not have any experience.


Describe your character; how do they look like?
Kenshi is a 5'9 male that appears intimidating but will have a bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, with his timid build you would think he was a ghost or something then his small ears contrasting with his brown eyes and dark long hair.

What makes them unique?
Good Qualities:​
  • Calm Mind: Despite an arrogant tone, the character maintains a level-headed approach in stressful situations.
  • Understanding: Shows empathy and compassion, offering help to others when needed.
  • Dedication: Committed and focused, working hard to achieve their goals and stay true to their responsibilities.
Bad Qualities:​
  • Arrogance: Can come across as overly confident and dismissive, potentially alienating others.​
  • Mischievous Past: Previously had a tendency to engage in troublemaking or playful deceit.
  • Tone vs. Intent: While they have a calm mind, their arrogant tone make them seem unapproachable or misunderstood by others.
How would they be perceived by others?
From others perspective of Kenshi would be that he sounds arrogant and obnoxious to hang around, but once people get to know the real him they can find it surprising how much he cares about others deep down he is just trying to watch out for people and make sure that they end up having a good day, but still hiding a few facts and obvious secrets of himself he would come out to be a open book to people a standard arrogant person to people eyes.

How would your character act on and off duty?

ON DUTY: While on duty they would be calm and minded about what to do to cause minimal damage to people as he would want to make sure that the doesn't cause a distraction to other people while they are working, he would try to make it a bit fun to lighten the mood even if it is a serious situation in hope's of raising their spirit and not to cause anyone to make a mistake.

OFF DUTY: When Kenshi is off duty he would be walking around to have a nice day and make sure to give time to himself even more so after something had happened in the Hospital, He can be seen painting anywhere in Karakura as he picked it up as a hobby whenever he was bored in England so he brought his broadened view to Karakura in hope's to paint more beautiful scenery.

How does your character act around the hospital?
While maintaining a serious demeanor, he occasionally lightened the mood with playful banter among his co-workers. However, he always prioritized his patients above all else, ensuring they received the highest quality care from both him and the hospital staff. He would make sure his patients were comfortable by offering them a glass of water and pulling out a chair for them to sit in before an appointment with him would begin. This attention to detail helped create a welcoming environment from Kenshi, allowing patients to feel at ease while discussing their concerns. Kenshi also has a deep appreciation for art, which prompted him to take time out of his day, just before his shift was about to end, to admire the posters and artwork adorning the walls of the hospital. This habit not only enriched his perspective but also provided a calming influence in his busy day.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Kenshi while being often a lone wolf in his early childhood he would still accept help from people and often quite enjoys having people to help him whenever he didn't understand anything, so him getting more knowledge and experience is valuable to him and working with people will give him that chance.
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