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College council application | Jalhadeff


Level 3
College Council | Jalhadeff Blair Ariya



What is your Minecraft Username?:

What is your timezone?:
UTC-3 Brazil, SP, São Paulo

Please provide your Discord tag:
jalhadeff or jalhadeff#7755

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that in a scale of 1-10 I am about 8/10 active in the server, and what I do in here is that I have some characters and this is what I use them for:

College Character I am applying with (Jalhadeff Blair Ariya): With my College character I manage two families, those being the Ariya family and the Blair family where I am the head of Ariya and second lead of Blair, I also go to some college classes in school time and used to do some CrimeRP with him as well selling some weapons but I haven’t done it in about 4 months, and as the families are not that active and I don’t want to stop playing with him as this was my first character it would be great if I could make him a student council member.

Applying for KPD character (Kaiser Mikage Aoyama): With this character I mostly hang out with the people from Mikage as they are some friends of mine and I am a higher up in the family, but I hang out with them using my other character Ijin as well so I don’t use this character much right now but may use him more if I get to join the KPD.

Swim Team Character (Ijin Finch Akamine): With my character that's in the high school Swim team I do a lot of DetailRP for all the dives and swims I have to have, most being set up beforehand and having like 2 full appends or more, I also am the third head of the Akamine family in this character and help a friend of mine that doesn’t have that much experience making family’s or making servers in discord with most things, I JockRP a lot meeting lots of other sports team members and befriending them, as well as when I have free time (which is incredibly rare with this character but if I change to most others I have all time free) I go to the beach and try to play some volleyball with people.

Greenie Character (Kollan Tsui): I just made a greenie character for me but what i’ve done with him yet is that I played volleyball with some people pretending to be a normal greenie but then playing as best I can, I went around the city asking people for candy and I asked some adults as a child things like “what is a PDA?” or “how can I get a PDA” and its funny seeing the person not knowing what to answer to the child, as well as I interact with part of the HS female volleyball team and play vb with them some times.

(All times refered are in UTC-3)

Mondays: Usually at mondays I get home from school at about 1:30P.M. and play SRP for a bit until 3:30P.M. when I have to leave and go to therapy (I am not crazy I swear :] trust) then I have soccer practice and get back home at about 7:30P.M. where I play until about 10:30P.M. or more before going to sleep.
Tuesdays: On tuesdays I have longer school than normal and I only get back home at about 7:00P.M. then I start playing until about 10:30P.M. or more.
Wednesdays: On the wednesdays I have school until 1:30P.M. then I start playing until about 5:30P.M. when I leave once again for soccer practice and only come back at 7:30P.M. but I go to my fathers house, so I do play until 10:30P.M. or more but i'm a bit laggier than normal.
Thursdays: On the Thursdays it's pretty much just like the Tuesdays as on that day I also have school for a longer period than normal, only getting home at 7:00P.M. and playing until 10:30P.M. or more
Fridays: On the Fridays, I get home from school at 1:30P.M. but then I have D&D sessions until about 5:00P.M. then I play the rest of the day, I have SRP hs swim practice at 9:00P.M. and it ends normally like 1 hour later or so then I go back to playing until about 1:00A.M. of the next day or more.
Saturdays: On Saturdays in the times I don't travel, I play pretty much from when I wake up until 1A.M. of the next day with some lunch breaks and some other pauses, but when I travel it's pretty random as well as I have swim practice at 9:00P.M. that lasts about an hour.
Sundays: And finally, on sundays when I am home and not travelling I play from about the time I wake up until like 10:30P.M. or more then I go to sleep.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
MC account1: jalhadeff
Jalhadeff Blair Ariya (College Bachelors)
Ijin Finch Akamine (HS Swim Grade 12)
Kaiser Mikage Aoyami (Currently Grade 12 but may become KPD)
Kallon Tsui (Grade 7)

MC account2: Oalho
Levi Reshiki Tsuyoi (Grade 11)

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes I am aware that being inactive can result in me getting removed from the council but this doesn’t worry me at all as I play SRP almost every day and will play more as jal if this application gets accepted.


What is the student council and what do they do?:
The student council is a group of students that dedicate themselves to helping and assisting students, teachers, sports teams and the school in general to run in a swift and smooth way, they do that in multiple ways some of those being: they give advice and guideline students helping them with what they need, they help the teachers run their classes making sure that the students act in a proper way without disturbing the class’s flow, they also help all the factions in the school to run their events smoothly making sure nothing goes wrong in them, they also ensure that all of the students are following the rules of the school and report to teachers when they aren’t as well as being able to give out detention themselves in some situations, keeping the halls safe to everyone else, they are a form of authority between the students, while being able to make their own events as well, the student council can also be used as a mediator of the interactions between students and the SLT by reporting changing proposals made by students to the teachers and making announcements to the students.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
My main motivations to apply for the student council were that, this last few days I haven’t had much to do in SRP so I wanted to try out more types of Roleplay aside from the ones that I already do so I thought about joining the School faction as it was the one that fits best my interests as I already have a character in the sports faction and I wanted to play more as my college character but I don’t want him to become an adult as I already applied to be an adult/governor in another character and I just don’t think it would fit him, also I’ve always been pretty interested on participating more in the things that happen in school but I was never that interested in becoming a teacher or a professor making the council role be a perfect alternative, as well as I have met some cool people in the council and I think that by joining myself I can strengthen those friendships as well as make new friends there which really interests me.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am aware that I will need to be creative and will need to work alongside other members of the student council but that doesn’t bother me at all as from past experiences of mine coming up with events and Ideas won’t be much of a problem and about the team work with other members of the council I am looking forwards to meet and work with new people and it has been an interest of mine to involve myself further in the SRP community.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
The roles in the council are:
High School and College President (The Presidents are the leads of the student council organizing meetings and overseeing the projects made by them, they are the ones who lead the communications between the council and the school faculty while also motivating the students and representing an “image” of the council)
High School and College Vice-President (The Vice-Presidents of the student council are the ones who assist the presidents, they manage some projects coordinating committees while also assisting the communication between the council and the students)
High School and College Councillors (The Councilors are the ones who represent the student body taking part on committees and meetings implementing decisions and making sure the school runs smoothly and that it’s safe for all students)

And other roles that might be important to the council would be:
The school faculty in general, as I will most likely call them to solve some situations on the halls where people fail to comply with the rules and ignore my warnings about it as well as they can call my help to assist with controlling the students in some full classes, those being:
Teachers (They are the ones that host classes for High School students)
Professors (They are the ones that host classes for College students)
Caretakers (They are the ones that take care of the students and halls not letting them break rules, being the ones who look over the students while the teachers and professors are hosting classes)
Nurses (They are the ones who take care of all of the injured students and treat their wounds making sure all students stay healthy)
Receptionists (They are the ones taking care of the front desk that will help most students that need assistance and don’t know where to go being always directed to the reception where they can solve their issues)
Librarians (They are the ones taking care of the library and the books, making sure to keep order there and helping students find the books they need)
Tutors (They are the ones who help students with their assignments and tutor over them making sure they had a good understanding of the classes)
Chefs (They are the ones who prepare food to all of the students giving it out in the breakfast and in lunchtime)
Principal (The principal is the head of the school, managing the staff and visioning a good goal for the school to go towards)
Vice-Principals (The vice principal assist the principal in their jobs while also handling students discipline and supervising academics)
Deputy-Principal (The Deputy-Principal is the one managing the school’s operation implementing policies and coordinating staff overseeing the students making sure it all goes well)
and other school employees in general as they are the ones I would report the breaking of any rule to and the ones that I would help in classes and some events being not directly related but important to the student council.

The team leaders and club heads will also be important as I would help them host their events in general and for that to happen effectively it would be good to keep in contact with them so they don’t think it’s awkward to call for some help.

In my case, as I am applying to be in the College Council the Part of the school faculty that I would interact with and follow orders the most would be the college faculty and they are:
Chancellor (The Chancellor is the one who provides overall leadership representing the school externally overseeing governance and financing the school, being like the Principal but more focused on the College students)
Vice-Chancellor (The Vice-Chancellor is the one managing the schools daily operations supporting the chancellor facilitating communication and handling crises)
Dean (The Dean is one of the people who helps the student council, he oversees the faculty and manage students affairs helping the council host events)



While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
If a student behaves disruptively causing disturbance in the middle of a school assembly, what I would do to manage the situation and restore order minimizing any other disruptions being made would be that:
With a calm demeanor and composed posture I would discreetly approach the student avoiding to gather attention from the class and ask him in a respectful way in a calm and low volume tone for him to please stop behaving in that disruptive way as it’s disturbing the ongoing assembly, If he fails to comply with the request I would try to drag him out and privately address the situation to him again, I would ask him the reason why he is acting that way and try to give him some advice on what he could do to stop with this kind of behavior taking into consideration the reason for it and some other ways of dealing with it that don’t disrupts the assembly, If he deals with the situation respectfully and it actually seems like his behavior will change I would escort him back to the assembly but if he doesn’t seem to care about the situation and its likely for him to continue acting that way I would politely ask for them to remain outside until the end of the assembly, if he goes back in anyways or even after this 2 attempts of changing his behavior he still acts the same way then I would report him to the school staff explaining the whole situation and maybe calling one of them over to escort him out and deal with him.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
If I know the name of the student and even masked he can be identified I would let him go and report the whole situation to the nearest school faculty member and explain to them the situation including the multiple attempts of asking for the student to hand over the mask and the mention of a possible detention if he didn’t letting the school faculty employee give him a detention or deal with the possible outcomes, and if the student cannot be identified by being masked, I would try and follow him while still repeatedly asking for him to hand over the mask about 1 or 2 more times, if even then he fails to comply with the request again I would tell some faculty member over the radio and explain the situation and the students current location while still following the student around, if at any time after the chase started the student takes off his mask and I can Identify him I would stop chasing him and report him to a faculty member and if not I would keep following him until eventually a faculty member appears or if we run into one, and when that happened I would report the situation to them making sure to keep all of the details in.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
If a student has a concerning behavior and does those things, I would try to collaborate with the teacher and intervene to address the potential safety concerns by doing the following things:

If the student creates disturbing artwork and it goes against the school rules I would address the situation to the student and explain that this kind of artwork is not allowed, if he acts uncaring, disrespectful or it seems that he won’t stop doing it I would address the situation to the teacher mention the idea of a possible detention for the student, if the student actually listens to my complaint and is being respectful then I would leave him with just a warning and let him continue taking the class normally.

If he is doing verbal threats towards other students or people in general I would in a serious tone tell the student to stop if he doesn’t want a detention as the students safety is my main concern and by threatening them he is not only going against the school rules but is saying that he will do even more than that what just makes it worse, if the student comply with my request and stop doing threats I would let him go on with the class but keep a close eye to his behavior, if he fails to comply with it I would immediately tell the teacher about it and ask for the teacher to kick him out of the class, give him a detention slip or both

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
First I would try to understand the purpose of why these students want to protest and evaluate its purpose along with them, I would try to understand the purpose and the goals of this protest by hearing them out.

I would try to learn what they are advocating for, why do they feel the need of a full on protest instead of just talking with the faculty and what do they want to achieve with this protest, as even though I highly respect their freedom of speech and expression if they start protesting about things that could be easily solved, the protests are going to lose its meaning and seriousness, having less of an impact than before.

Let's say if we have protests about things such as “oh the teacher ignored me when I had my hand up in class” I would explain to him why this motive isn’t worth protesting and show him other ways of dealing with that insatisfaction being it by talking to a teacher or by solving it with him myself.

If the student has an actual valid reason for the protest, lets say “A teacher is being extremely strict and rude towards students more than once, and is starting to not comply with the rules himself” then I would accept his proposal of protest but remind him firmly multiple times about the school rules and codes of conduct, strongly stating that the protest needs to follow those codes and if they don’t follow them doing things like violent actions or extreme rudeness towards others there will be further consequences.

After explaining to them the rules the school has about protests and they agreeing to them, I would help the student organize the protest by setting a proper place and time for it to happen appropriately, making a set of ground rules of conducts and behavior that the protestors need to follow for it not to get out of hand and explaining those rules to the other protestors.

I would then inform the school faculty about the protest, of where and when its going to take place assuring them that the students know the school’s codes of conduct and that they have been informed that any rules broken amidst this protest are going to lead to the immediate ending of the protest and the student who broke the rule receiving detention regardless.

I would than talk to the students and to the faculty about methods of keeping it safe and organized, creating strategies with the students leading the protest about how they can stop people from getting harmed or harming others while the protest is happening and telling the teachers to be extra aware and focussed on those students making sure that they won't get hurt and that the protest isn’t going to get out of hand.

If the kind of protest they were thinking about doing does not comply with school rules I would try to help them think about other ways of solving this problem, such as by making a petition, writing a letter to the school faculty among other methods.

If the protest happens smoothly and peacefully until the end as well as the students who organized it feel like their idea has been heard, I would go up to them one last time and talk to those students alongside the school faculty addressing how the protest went and reflecting what went in a good way and what went in a bad way thinking about methods of possibly improving the bad points on future situations.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
If a teacher or receptionist told me that I am doing something that goes against what I was trained for I would try or to talk to them immediately or wait until a proper time to talk to them, and when I am able to I would ask exactly which parts of my actions went against what my higher ups taught me and against what part of what they taught me trying to fully comprehend the person's point of view and being respectful 100% of the time.

If after talking with them I comprehend what part of what I did went against my learnings I would acknowledge my mistake and deeply apologize to them, ensuring them that I won’t happen again and I would change my behavior so it actually never happens again by asking that person for how I could improve and later on asking it to my higher ups as well on methods of improvement.

If even after talking to the teacher/receptionist that made the complaint and trying to see why what I did was wrong I do not understand the reason of the complaint I would ask the person just what teaching did I go against and write it down, I would then apologize to this teacher/receptionist and go on to ask my higher up about the complaint, telling him/her about what I did and what the teacher/receptionist wanted me to do trying to figure out if I needed any improvement doing that or if I was in the right, if I was wrong I would deeply apologize to both the teacher/receptionist and my higher up for doing that and wasting their time and start acting how I am supposed to act in that situation, but if my higher up tells me I am wrong I would ask him to politely or talk directly to the teacher/receptionist that made the complaint or signing some sort of letter for them informing them that my actions were not wrong.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
An event that the council could use in the future would be some sort of treasure hunts where there are numbers around all school and together this numbers make a code, and the students need to look for them and when they find all of the numbers they need to go up to the front desk and yell the numbers to see if they got it right, the first student(s) that finish this treasure race will receive medals as well as their name will be announced to the whole school praising their good work, there will be signs around the school with two things: the placement of the number in the code and then below it would be the actual number, some possible places for this signs would be:​
  • in the back of some tree in the roof​
  • Hidden around the lake to the right of the back of school​
  • In the receptionists desk but from inside​
  • In some bushes around the stairs or cafeteria​
  • In one of the walls of the pool where that one light is​
  • Somewhere in the middle of the cafeteria so it’s easier for them to find and have an example​
Among other places, there would be around 6 to 8 well hidden numbers around school for it to last a good time before they are done.

After half an hour of searching hints will be announced every 10 minutes one after another for them to find the numbers in an easier way, this event would help develop the students investigating abilities as well as it would improve their teamwork between pears being a fun acti that all students could do around school.

Personal Information

(in character)

Jalhadeff Blair Ariya


20 years old

Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:
I will most likely be a bit shy at first so it will be a bit hard to notice in the first few days, but when you get to know me I would say that I am calm at most times, I try to get along well with everyone and prefer being away from trouble, if it’s about my friends and family’s safety I can get pretty stubborn to make sure they are safe, I try to be as reliable as possible to everyone around me so they know they can count on me when they need help, I try being as caring as I can towards the people close to me, and I try to be humorous to ease the atmosphere of the conversation.

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):


What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
Some things that separate me from other applicants for this position is that not only do I have a mostly clean record that’s almost a requirement, I also have experience dealing with people in general as I am the lead of one family and the co-lead of another, and because of that I have to solve conflicts between members very often, so I know pretty well how to deal with this kind of situations without making a whole scene, I am also very responsible and that can also be proved by having to manage two families as it's not easy in the slightest which will most likely prove to be really useful in this position later on, I know when to be calm and humorous and when I need to show seriousness and that can be really impactful when lecturing someone.

Why do you want this position?:
A reason that motivated my character to try to join the school council is that the school and the halls were supposed to be a safe place where students could hang out without worrying about the possibility of getting beat up or mugged by someone, but as of today the students can’t be assured of their safety, he saw that there was a problem with it but he tried his best to just not get in trouble but after his cousin got jumped by a group of 6 people Jal knew that he needed to do something, so he decided that he wanted to join the students council with the main goal of making the school in general safe without fights or mugging. Another motivation would be that Jal has always had a passion for sports and he liked classes so he would love assisting the teachers and sports teams to host their classes and events.

What interests you the most about student council?:
What interested me the most about the student council is that they are if you really think about it some lower kind of KPD inside of school grounds, because they make sure the halls are safe to everyone and helping the students deal with their problem, and they are ran mostly by students which is really impressing and makes me want to take part on it, I feel like for us to make the school a better place the safety and well being of the students is a must and should be treated with high importance and by solving their problems and enforcing the rules the student council is also like the HR department of the school, and for me that's pretty interesting as I want all of my family and friends to be in a safe environment at school and the student council would be a great step towards that goal.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
To make the school a safe and fun environment I would constantly walk around the school checking for any conflicts and if there are any I would walk in and try to help them solve it, to make the school a safer environment and better student mindsets maybe promoting some therapy sessions would be good

And to get a more fun environment aside from the student ran clubs we already have I would support events such as the sports days and others as they really just bring people together in general and they are really fun making students experience everything they can in their high school and college experience as those moments don’t last forever (or do they :)?) and they need to be able to enjoy these moments to their fullest.

Thank you for your time and attention!

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