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Accepted College Council | Iyashi Akihito


Level 93

What is your Minecraft Username?:


What is your timezone?:


Please provide your Discord tag:


Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server:
Available to play most of the Day​
The times above may change as needed depending on the activities I have to get done that week.

List your accounts and roles on this server:

x_z: [College] [Adult] [Grade-12]
The main profile however is a College character.

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:

I Am.​


What is the student council and what do they do?:

For this question, I will answer from the School Roleplay student council perspective as it slightly vary from real life. On the server, the student council is a body of students who help the students have the best possible experience within the school. They have a multitude of responsibilities, the most common of which is ensuring public order. This is typically done by stopping conflicts, giving warnings, or if needed simply writing detentions. Detentions are another one of their responsibilities, a student council member is typically expected to be present after school during detention to help it go smoothly by handing out the tasks and ensuring detention rules are followed.

Now onto the other aspects of the student council. The student council has a large part to play in school events. They are often not only the ones planning them but also ensuring that everything is run smoothly. Depending on the event, they could be simply running stands, supervising the students, or doing other tasks given to them to ensure the events run smoothly. The student council also has a responsibility to ensure everyone at the school is having a good experience. This could be as simple as simply checking up on a student, if noticing something might be wrong and the student isn't willing to say anything letting an employee know so they would be aware of the potential issues.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

Honestly, my biggest motivation is that this is the only thing on School Roleplay that I have not yet had any experience with. I want to finally attempt roleplaying a character who is part of the student council. Most of my characters had typically been more of the, for lack of a better word, trollish kind (not in rule-breaking manor, simply very very silly or random). Plus, it just appears to be a lot of fun and I want to have a chance at it.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):

I am indeed.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:





Regular Council Member


In terms of roles that might also be important from the School Roleplay aspect I would say something like Event Coordinator​



While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

Well, I suppose this would depend on the range of the disturbance it has caused.

If the student doing the disturbance did not do anything major, and instead it was merely something small and did not cause that big of a disturbance to the assembly, I would casually walk up to them attempting not to draw attention to myself in order to give them a quiet warning. This way not only would the student start behaving (hopefully you know what I mean), but they would also avoid embarrassment by getting in trouble in front of all their peers!

Now, if the disturbance caused by their actions was large and made the speaker have to stop speaking to stop it, I would walk on over to them and ask them to kindly follow me out of the assembly. Assuming they follow me after we are out, I would explain to them why what they did was not okay at all, and at the same time write them detention for it, as actions should have consequences to them if they are large enough.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

That... that's a good one... I'm not actually to certain with this one. I am assuming I would let an employee of the school know about what is happening, and describe what I could remember about the student to them so they could access to the CCTV in an attempt to track down the student wearing the mask. If that is successful, I would honestly leave it to the employee as although I'm not positive about this, would be something that warrants more than a detention as it is clear that they do not care at all about getting detentions in the first place anyway.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?

As a member of the student council, I would say that my role in this scenario would be to do my best to assist the teacher. If I had been present during what was happening and had also ended up witnessing it, I would have offered the teacher my unbiased view of the entire ordeal and then allowed the teacher to deal with it as they deemed most appropriate whilst I attempted to assist by listening to the instructions they give. However, if I do end up thinking the teacher is wrong regarding what they choose to do at the end, I would wait until the situation is dealt with and then speak my mind to the teacher in hopes of them changing their mind. If that does not work and I still deem their ending choice to be too much or simply incorrect, I would attempt to let a more senior employee know about what had happened so they could make sure the student is not punished more than that must.

If I was not present at all during all of this and had merely come at the request of the teacher to assist, I would do exactly that, assist. I would not overstep my role and instead try my best to help the teacher achieve what they are trying to do regarding the situation.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?

Well! I think first and foremost I would have to know what exactly it is they are protesting, whilst I am all up for freedom of expression... if we actually look into the constitution, according to Article 5, 'Freedom of thought, religion, conscience, and speech shall not be violated... UNLESS FOUND IN VIOLATION OF KARAKURA LAWS. So, clearly my first action would be to ensure that the attempted protest is complaint with the laws of Karakura. If it is not, I would not allow the protest to take place.

If the protest the students are attempting to do however is completely lawful, I would let other councilors and school faculty know what is happening and allow the protest to happen. I would however remain present the entire time, seeing as how they had asked permission before even doing the protest, I deem it highly likely that they would not be disturbing the school environment, however if they were, I am most certain that by simply talking to them and letting them know why they should possibly protest in slightly different ways they would do so. Who knows! Depending on what the protest is about, less taxes, for example, I would not only watch over them but also join in the protest! I absolutely love it when people attempt to change what they deem wrong in the world peacefully!

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

I am sorry, I think I am possibly misunderstanding what this question is asking, so before I answer I just want to say that from reading it, it seems to me that I am doing something wrong and you all wish to see how I would respond to being told that.

If told that I was doing something that went against what I was trained to do, I would first apologize, and than ask them what it was I was doing wrong exactly. I would not ask in a manner of trying to argue it, but simply ask so I would be aware and could ensure that something like this would under no circumstances happen again in the future. Of course, I would end it off by thanking the teacher or receptionist for letting me know of my flaw.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Oh! I was waiting for this question! Alright so hear me out... Adopt a delinquent day...

I know it might sound slightly weird at first, and judgmental, but it is not as if it's not known that many of the students within the school are not the best students. This is where adopting a delinquent day would come on. On this said day, students who have had iffy records through their time in the school, would be partnered up with students with good records, for example, the student council, students from sports teams, student who students have made it clear to be a positive force within the school.

All of this would take place right at the start of school, upon entering the school, a delinquent would be partnered up with an upstanding student of the same grade. These two students would be given a bit of time before the first period to get to know each other slightly and interact. After that, throughout the entire day, the two students would attend all classes, lunch, studying, etc. together throughout the school day. As the school day would slowly come to a wrap, the pair of students would be allowed to leave the last period class a little early to gather in the gym where a pizza party would be waiting! But hear me out! It doesn't stop there...

You see... throughout the entire school day, the upstanding student would be grading the student they were paired with on a scale of 1-10. 1 meaning the student they were paired with did not behave at all or showed any attempts at caring, and 10 being had the upstanding student now known beforehand, he would assume the student he was paired with was also an upstanding student! The grade given would be checked when coming to the gym for the pizza party, those students who received a 7 or higher would be allowed in and welcome to enjoy pizza, and those not, would be told to head home!

Now, I am sure you're all wondering, what the heck is even the point of this Iyashi? Simple! You see, I think that many delinquent students never actually experienced what it would be like to be a good student, giving them this opportunity could possibly result in changes far beyond any expectations! They could possibly end up changing completely finding it fun to be a well-behaved student! Sure, it might, and most likely would not happen to most of them, but by aiming at one student at a time we can make the school that much more fun for the students and simply everyone in it!

...Did I rant a little too much there?

Personal Information

(in character)


Iyashi Akihito





Phone number:


How would you describe your personality?:

Well, I have no clue! Which is why I took this personality exam, the first one was clearly just upright wrong so I won't say that result... the second one was spot on though! My personality type is... Executive!

Now you should be wondering 'Wow, Iyashi! What is that!?' Well let me tell you, it means I am an excellent organizer, unsurpassed at managing things, or people, and I'm quoting that. Looking further into it, it would appear I am a deep thinker, an extrovert, very judgmental (I feel like that was judgmental of them though), assertive, and.... that was it... Honestly I feel like this test really understood me super well! I couldn't think of a way to describe my personality any better than they would!

And of course to ensure you all know I am not making this up at all, I provided a photo of my results!


Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):


What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

Well, a lot separates me from others seeking this position (I think). For starters! I am a hard worker, and I'm not saying that just to say it, if I am given a task, I will finish it, not just finish it but get it done ages before the due date. I am also extremely good with people in my opinion. I always attempt to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, just in case they might be misunderstood or something of that sort. This typically allows me to start off on a good foot with those I am meeting and because of that most of my relationships (I'm talking like friends and stuff not dating, but those are fine too) end up going really well! But let us delve into it deeper!

You see, as weird as it sounds, being on the student council isn't merely a whim for me. I actually have planned for this since I was young and have strived to achieve it! I maintained near-perfect grades through my high school journey, studied 5 hours a day nearly every day, and put much effort into ensuring I was as good as I possibly could be! You see, In my personal opinion, I think that the student council isn't merely a phase or something, it is instead the perfect opportunity to get experience at what being in an important position would be. I have big plans for myself in life, and whilst the student council will probably be a small part of it as a whole, I think there is nothing better than it for me to obtain my first real experience of working with a team to ensure everyone at the school gets to enjoy it to the fullest!

In other words, I really want this position.

Why do you want this position?:

Well... now this feels awkward because I totally just answered this. It is my current life goal, I want to be able to wear that purple sleeve thingy and help the school become a better place. I also feel like it would look great on my future applications to Google or Microsoft... does this school do professional references? I hope so, I'll have to look into this later.

What interests you the most about student council?:

Well... if I am being honest I would have to say the aspect of a leadership-like position is what really drew me in. I always find myself enjoying running things or being involved in running things. Watching the student council and seeing all they do around the school just slowly drew me in more and more eventually becoming a goal for me to make it into the team. Had I been in Karakura during my High School years, I would have long attempted to become a Bobcat councilor member as something about it just makes the entire aspect of school that much more appealing to me. I want to be involved and offer my services where I could better not only the student council but the school in general as well.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

Well, for starters my time and effort. I know that probably sound cheesy, but I would be more than willing to help out even on a weekend if needed. Other than that, I would contribute my cheery disposition! Make the school happier one person at the time you know!


Level 208
Council Lead

Thank you for applying. Congratulations on your application being accepted. Please ping @[Dean] gotsnapped in ⁠#help channel in KA Discord for your roles. If you have any questions, you're welcome to message me at jawhyla on Discord.

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