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College Professor Application


Level 1
Basic Information

What is your Minecraft username?: My username is girasoles.

How old are you?: I’m 15 years old, I'll be turning 16 on December 13th.

Do you have any previous bans?: No, I've never been banned before.

What Country are you from?: I’m from the United States.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): Yes, my discord is sunny#1403

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I do acknowledge this and understand it fully.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: I visit the forums quite often, around 4-6 times on a weekly basis. As for the server, I’m online every day for 2-11 hours.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

Alternate Account French Language Application:

Alternate Account Korean Language Application:

Main Account French Language Application:

College Student Application:

Previous College Professor Application:



What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

Role-playing as a college student has allowed me to see from a college student's point of view on the server. I was able to experience each class that was hosted while on the server, and study the behavior of the students around me. It’s come to my attention that there are too many college students and not enough professors. From what I can recall, within the past OOC week, professors S. ‘Saki’ K. Venditti and G. ‘Gabi’ Venditti has hosted the most classes, at least two per day if not more.

With there being more college students, each class is more than full and you can barely see any chats that are sent due to the chats being flooded. This only includes the college students that attend classes. I’m motivated to become a professor not only to help manage students in classes held by other professors, but to also host another class that may be interesting to other students if need be. I’m also very interested in the idea of hosting a class in general, it’s quite the task from what I’ve noticed, but it’s always fun when all of the right elements are in play.

Do you have any experience in Role-playing?:Yes, I do have experience in role-play.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important? The classroom logs are where you can state that you’ve hosted a class. This can be confirmed with a screenshot of the class. The information needed would be the time your class was hosted, and what day it was hosted. The classroom logs can also be a way to inform any higher ups of who did what in your class, or help you file a report on a scholar.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

  1. No talking while the speaker/professor is presenting or hosting a lesson (unless directed otherwise).

  2. No student is allowed to be on their phone during class.

  3. You must be seated during every class. If you cannot find a seat you will be asked to sit on the floor in the back of the classroom.

  4. You are to follow any directions given to you by the professor or any other adult.

  5. No food or drink is allowed in the class.

  6. No throwing items in the classroom.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP): I've role-played on SchoolRP in various styles with various family/organization/school club roles. I role-played as a Ghost member, and also Nap club member. I've role-played in the Verette family, and now I role-play in the Helvete family. It's allowed me to develop as a role-player by an appreciable amount. I'm much more familiar with the rules on the server, and take them into account while role-playing.

On Roblox I've played on servers such as 'The High school of Robloxia', 'The Town of Robloxia' and 'Welcome to the Neighborhood' at the age of 10. I quit playing on Roblox when I was around 13 years old. Around the age of 9 I also role-played on an app named WorldCraft, which was basically a remake of Minecraft. On Worldcraft I'd go on servers with already made maps and roleplay in little neighborhoods, usually as a mother.


College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete? What is a College-Professor's salary?

A college professor must host at least ten classes every OOC month, or they may be removed/demoted due to inactivity. Upon hosting ten classes, 275k yen is paid in In Character cash. Every 5 classes hosted after that is another 50k yen. If a professor is available while another professor hosts a class, they may help watch over the class to make sure no problems arise that the single professor hosting the class wouldn’t be able to handle by themselves. If another professor’s class becomes too crowded, they may also host another class in order to make sure not too many students are in one class, crowded on the floor or by the walls rather than in seats.


Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

Adeline would slouch at 5’2”, standing at 5’3” when she attempted to have good posture. Her voice could be compared to that of a siren, carrying a thick french accent and melodic tone. She’d have dark blonde hair that would fall a mere three inches or so below the middle of her back; It would be thoroughly kempt and parted to the left. Her clothes would seem clean and wrinkle-less.

What made her seem unique was her capability to bounce back from seemingly difficult situations without much of a struggle. Being naturally happy allowed her to simply take a few deep breaths before feeling better. Adeline never got rid of room for improvement, as she felt that changes can always be made to better herself and the environment she’d provide for other people (her classroom, house, at social gatherings etc).

Adeline would look at students and think of them as young minds that don't need molding, but need inspiration and motivation to complete tasks that interest them. Educators that worked at this facility had nothing but Adeline’s respect and admiration for successfully being able to cope with students that can sometimes be a handful. She felt as though she could learn so much from both students and educators, especially in this day and age where knowledge isn’t just in textbooks.

She’d have a bubbly, deredere personality type. No matter how stressful a situation may be, afterwards Adeline can be found dancing her stress away, helping make other people feel better, or cracking jokes. She’d seem to be very energetic, not able to sit or stand in one spot for a long period of time unless she was in a situation that required her to be professional.

Adeline plans on continuing her career as a college professor until the age of retirement. From then on she’d like to live in a house near the beach so she could fall asleep to the sound of the waves late at night. Her retirement includes spending more time with friends and family and possibly picking up painting or baking as a hobby to occupy her time.



You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?

I tell them to stop yelling, this is an educational facility and there should be no distractions that would prevent other students from focusing entirely on their productive learning environment.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?

I direct them to exit the classroom and file a report, issuing them a strike. If they still fail to listen to directions I will contact a higher up such as the Vice Principal or the Dean to deal with them. If they fail to fearrp, I’ll contact staff in /help and continue with the class.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me would let out a sigh as she got up from her desk. She’d step to the side before pushing the chair in, then position herself directly behind the chair. The female would then lean forward, placing her hands flat on the desk before scanning the class while they took their test. She’d examine the room for anyone that could possibly be cheating. Once she found nothing, she’d position herself up right and walk to the podium.

/me sets her water bottle on her desk silently, making her way to the copier with the printed out excerpt in hand. Upon arrival, &5Adeline&r proceeds to place the excerpt in the copy machine, pressing the button to make a total of 40 copies.

/me sighs in slight discontent, clasping her hands together in front of her, resting them on the podium. She’d turn to the student who made the inappropriate noise and shake her head slowly before speaking ...

/me would have a bright smile on her face.She’d stroll around the classroom with 16 empty notebooks held tightly in her left arm. With her right hand she’d hand an empty notebook to each student. Once she finished handing out the first 16 notebooks she’d scan the classroom and ask the following …

/me snaps her middle finger and thumb together repeatedly as a form of applause. She’d get up once the student was finished with their presentation and find her way to the front of the classroom, a smile on her face. Once she’s made it to the podium she’d turn to the class, scanning their faces with excitement before exclaiming ...



Adeline Verne was born on May 15th, 1982 in Ghent, Belgium. She lived in a quaint house with her two older brothers, her mother, and her father. Her earliest memory would be learning what her favorite flower was. One day, Adeline and her mother were walking home from Adeline’s daycare and decided to take the long route. They walked through tall grass, and eventually wandered into a sunflower field. Her mother told her that all of the sunflowers needed nothing but sunlight, and allowed her to pick a sunflower out of the ground to take it home with her. She dragged the lifeless flower around her house for the rest of the day; Her sudden love for sunflowers was what inspired her family members and childhood friends to grant her the nickname Sunny.

On April 19th, 1989, her parents sat her down and decided to have a talk with her about her possible future. They emphasized the importance of education and explained it to be the only way out of a life of poverty. Her mother explained to her that focusing on her education would allow her to be free; Her father explained that by putting all of her efforts and focus into one thing, she’d be able to accomplish it without any worries or problems. Only being seven years of age, Adeline wasn’t yet able to comprehend the importance of what her parents were telling her, Although those words stuck with her throughout her childhood and teenage years. She came up with various versions of the lesson she was given for interpretation. The versions that she made were all used in different instances in order to assist her or convince her to assist the people surrounding her.

A few years after the conversation that was held with her parents, Adeline and her family emigrated to Karakura, Japan in order to start life anew. Her parents grew tired of seeing the same thing every day, eating the same foods every week, maintaining the same work schedule constantly without a break. They were ready to be exposed to a lifestyle different than the one they and their family were used to. Adeline prepared for this complete 180-degree turn in her life by practicing Japanese on her own up to an intermediate level, then continuing her studies of the language while attending Karakura High School. Once she mastered the language, she began to show an interest in the studies of the way people communicate with one another in order to express wants or needs. She also grew to be interested in Japanese language arts and thought of pursuing some sort of career based around it.

Toward the end of Adeline’s high school career, she began to truly comprehend what her parents meant during the conversation she had with them over 10 years ago. She decided she would pursue a career that would allow her to educate people to the best of her ability, and allow them to achieve the so-called freedom that her parents spoke of. She wanted to help scholars be able to choose a life path that had a purpose to it, that they would enjoy as much as she enjoyed teaching them.

Adeline decided to move from Karakura to become a college professor at the University of Tohoku, located in Sendai, Japan. There she taught a Creative Writing course. After working there for a little over 6 years, Adeline decided to move back to Karakura, Japan and apply to work as a professor at Karakura University.

In-Character Information

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
My full name is Adeline Helvete Potente Zanetti.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mrs.

Given Name(s): A nickname that I’ve been given by my family and friends is Sunny.

Preferred Name: I’d prefer to be addressed as Mrs. Helvete, Mrs. Zanetti, or Sunny.

Age: I am 38 years old.

Gender: I identify as a female.

Religious Denomination: Although I was born and raised in an atheist family, I’ve recently converted to Christianity.

Marital Status: I am married to Lazzero Vitali Potente Zanetti.

Nationality: Although the majority of my life has been lived in Japan, I was born and raised in Belgium until the age of 15. That would make me Belgian.

Current Location: I currently live in Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): I have been a teacher for a little over six years. Before transferring back to Karakura, I worked as a college professor at Tohoku University, located in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.There I taught a Creative Writing course.

Working Experience (# of years): Along with having taught as a college professor previously, at the age of 18 I began working at a local restaurant as a hostess and continued to work there until I graduated from Karakura University at the age of 26. Throughout the four years of my employment at said restaurant, I learned how to deal with particularly large groups of stressed people and mediate situations where it was possible for violence to occur. I believe this experience will help me deal with disruptive, difficult, and disrespectful scholars without conflict.

Academic Degree: I graduated with a Ph.D. in Speech Communication and Rhetoric and an Associate’s Degree in Japanese Language Arts.

Year of Graduation: I graduated from Karakura University in the year 2008.

Major(s): I majored in Speech Communication and Rhetoric.

Minors: I minored in Japanese Language Arts. My original plan was for this to be my major, but I found that the way people communicate with one another is way more interesting, and just as helpful.

Native Language: I learned my native language, French, as a child, having grown up in Belgium.

Other Languages: My other language is Japanese, which I learned before moving to Karakura. I felt as though it would help to know the most popular language there before moving so that it would be easier for me to communicate with those around me.

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:No, I don’t have any one of the certificates mentioned. However, I plan on applying for a TEFL certificate in the near future since English is steadily growing to be one of the most popular languages in Japan.

Preferred Teaching Subject: I’d like to teach Creative Writing. If that isn’t possible, then I’d like to teach World Literature.


Additional notes about your application (if any): My apologies for the previous professor application, feel free to give any feedback on this.

Do you have any questions?: No, I do not.


Level 143
Community Team
Content Team

Very good application. I will make sure to keep an eye on you while being a professor.

DM me on Discord for further instructions; Banter#0001

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