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CombatRP Help!


Level 1
Well howdy there!
So to get into the meat and potatoes of this post - I've been trying to learn about CombatRP. Of course I'm not about to get into some wild brawl (Hopefully), however, when first creating my most recent Character, who gets into (or may come upon) her fair share of fights - I realized.
'Well damn, I don't know how to CombatRP'
And would then proceed to get molly-rocked by two like, super strong and experienced Grade 12's (As my secondary who's Grade 11). So, since then I've been reading the rules, I understand P2L is more of a detail way of fighting, mutual agreement, etc, otherwise you roll and all that good stuff. However, I'm confused about the whole damage numbers thing? (I.e I have no idea how it works at all). It'd also be super helpful if anyone could give some tips, or like real important stuff to remember while CombatRP. I'm also pretty fresh to just the whole 'writing fights' scene in general as it's something I've never even thought about before coming back to SRP.
Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to pitch in a word!

(Also, follow up question, what classifies as a weapon? And does a snare drum stick classify under that as well? Asking for my feral gremlin)​


Level 195
All I know about CombatRP is that whoever gets the higher roll has the advantage of the action of whoever attempted it. Here are the rolling amounts you can do depending on your character.

Large (Bear, or Dolphin) - /roll 100
Medium (Cat, Dog, Duck, Bird, Fox, Raccoon) - /roll 75
Small (Fish, Rabbit, Snail, Bee) - /roll 50

(13-15 years old) - /roll 75
(16-17 years old) - /roll 100
(18+ years old) - /roll 150
(50+ years old) - /roll 100
(75+ years old) - /roll 50
(100+ years old) - /roll 5

(25-55 years old) - /roll 200

I also know that if you get hit in the head 3 times, you're KO'd, and depending on what you or the opponent did you can gain certain perms (found here).
The overall rules about CombatRP are found in Combat Rules because I don't engage in much of it myself.
Regarding weapons, I have no clue. KPD has a lot of knowledge about weapon classifications and you can ask them either ICly or in the help channel of the Karakura Town Discord.


Level 50
Please DM me so I can help you out with any questions you may have on Discord: darkx_.


Level 168
Community Team
Lore Team
Hi there!! Gang Roleplayer here! Don't ever be afraid to ask questions! Best to know something properly than get something wrong and get in trouble!! Discord: darkeclipic or just start a message chain on the forums!!

So, as Arocatula stated above. There are different rolling amounts to what each faction/age is allowed to. Along with 3 KO points leading to a KO, but from what you posted I would suggest reading the Rules under Combat to understand the rules that we follow on the server. But for the whole KO points, it all depends if you are wearing a mask, having a weapon, where you are when you throw said punch, what each person rolls, etc etc.

Now, I read from your post that you understand that P2L is more detail of fighting, which you aren't wrong! KO points can work the same in this regard! but you and the person you are P2L'ing with have to agree to things. Either if you agree to Body points being counted towards KO or not.

Weapons, You can TECHNALLY use anything as a weapon(If you get OOC consent) but that leads into awhole other thing! But it has to be an ACTUAL Item, not something forged like... a piece of glass on a stick, has to be an ACTUAL ITEM. You are more than welcomed to add me or Darkx(MY POOKE!!!) on discord OR you can join the Crime discord and ask questions there!! Otherwise you are open a conversation in private forums here!!

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