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contact suggestion


Level 13
What's your Minecraft Username?: umuku
What's the title of your suggestion?: contact suggestion

What's your suggestion?:
1. bump all online contacts to the front of /contacts, rather than having to spam the arrow through each page.

2. allow the whole history of a chat to be opened by clicking on the number in the contacts, rather than having to right click the phone and go through the pages of heads.

3. make a command along the lines of '/favoritecontact [name]', to star contacts and place them at the top of your contact list, due to the order being chronological and further bumping contacts to the bottom of your list with the new command /renamecontact.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
this will make the use of phones and contacts more accessible, allowing more interactions to be created, as well as with those people you've once added as a contact, and forgotten about since.


Level 35
+1 because when spamming the arrows to get to an actual online contact I have been kicked out of the game for spam when im just trying to find someone whose contact is available :sob

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