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Cookills' Police Officer Application


Level 22
IGN (In Game Name): Cookills
Previous Bans: I have had multiple bans in the past which all have been accepted.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am online everyday for 3 to 5 hours.

Do you have Discord? Yes, I do (Cookills#3041)

Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do.

List your current and past applications:

Doctor Application - Accepted (alt)

Weapon license Application - Accepted

School Tech. Application - Accepted (alt)

Police Officer Application - Denied (alt)

BMD Application - Denied -

News-Reporter Application - Accepted - (alt)

College Professor Application - Denied - (alt)

Spanish language application - Accepted

Greek language application - Accepted

German language application - Accepted

What is your motivation for applying?:
I wanted to apply because of me being interested on this section of SchoolRP.
I really wanted to be a Police Officer since I logged in the server and and an Officer fined me for J-walking. I want to see what it takes to be a Police Officer, the responsibilities and risks you have to take to deal with every problem you face everyday. Also I think that it would be a great opportunity for me to Increase my knowledge on the RP section.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I do because my uncle is a Police Officer and I am looking up as I want to be like him. (IRL).

What are the Police ranks? Cadet, Patrol Officer, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Vice Head Lieutenant, Head Lieutenant, Captain, Commissioner.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work. I have a basic knowledge of the police works as I have played many games which are related on this section. Police Officers have to do whatever they can when the duty is calling them. They have to deal with murders, drug dealing, kidnapping etc. They do whatever they can so that every citizen in their city will feel safe and confident with their selves.
Their hard work is always recognized by everyone as the government trust them to make their city a better place.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP? Police are
important as they the have to deal with various situations that are extremely dangerous. The Police deal with crimes such as Assaults, Harassment, kidnapping and other things. They are also very important because without them the city would be a chaotic place to live in. Though, the crime rate drastically ever. Since they are doing their work very well the BM met its decline with a result watching the crime rate falling very dramatic ly.

IC Section

Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? What he's like on the and off the job? Outlook on his m b-workers? Plans for the future?

Harrison Venus is a male standing at 6'3 and weighing about 170 lbs. He would have blond hair and blue crystal eyes blue. He'd be a brave and mascular man. His life is a bid complicated but he always finds a way to deal with every problem he faces every day. He hasa passion on helping others whenever he can and be there for anyone who needs him. He's a very confident and skilled male and he always succeed on his goals. He studied criminal justice and law enforcement at the age of 21. Finally he graduated from Harvard University with a Master. He always wanted to be a Police Officer to offer his services to everyone.


Harrison was born in Canada with his father until he became 11. His father was owning one of the biggest Company in Canada and that made him rich. But money doesn't bring only "happiness". Day by day there were more and more enemies who wanted him dead because of his company. One day when Oscar and his parents went to a restaurant a mysterious guy killed their parents in front him. From that day he knew that he had to do something so that nothing like this would happend to someone again. He stayed on the streets for a while until he found the courage to go talk to the Police. They took care of him until he became 16, then he decided to move into the USA where a family adopted him and took care of him like he was their son. He wanted to learn Japanese so he started to go to classes to learn how to speak properly the language. His teacher encouraged him to give exams so that he could go make a career in Japan. After hard work he went to give the exams but he failed. That made him lose his confidence and stop trying to success into anything. After 2 months he decided to try and give the exams to get the certification. Finally he passed with 174/780 (A+). Fortunately at the age of 22 he was wealthy enough to travel to Japan because of his father's fortune. When he landed in Japan on a small city called Karakura he tried to find a work that it could offer him a satisfied amount of incomes to have an apartment. He started working as a security guard in a store called 11/7. When he saw that the city of Karakura was very dangerous he remembered his first goal when he was young, he had to make sure that no one will ever witness what happend when he was 11 years old. After 3 years he decided to apply to the Police Force but to prevent the chance of him being denied he decided to excercise and work hard before he would apply.

SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Harrison Venus
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Harrison Venus
Preferred Name: Harrison

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: Single.

Nationality: Canada
Current Location: Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
Working Experience: Security on 11/7

Academic Degree: Graduated with a Master

Year of Graduation:
Criminal Justice + Law Enforcement
Minor(s): Criminology

Native Languages: English.
Other Languages:
Japanese, Spanish

Extra Notes: None


Level 135

- After discussion with the other officers, the conclusion has been made, that you're not quite fit for the role of P.O.You applying is appreciated nonetheless.

- You may re-apply in 30 days.

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