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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In Game Name): CorruptDxrkRP

Previous bans: None

Describe your activity on the server:
I am very Active on the server, i understand that when i applied for this before I wasn't very active. I apologise for that. i had other stuff on my mind which took me away from Schoolrp, and my role as an officer, but from then on, me learning a lesson, and that if i wanted to do something i love i now know that i had to try harder and do what they needed me to do, to fulfil that dream. So ever since, ive played on Schoolrp everyday for hours and hours. mostly from 11 am to 3-4 in the morning. I've played schoolrp for almost a year and a half. i love it. i really do.

Do you have Discord?
Yes i do have Discord JaydenBabe#5729

Do you have a microphone?

Yes i do have a microphone, it works perfectly.

List your current and past applications: [Denied by Vex Through Forums] [Accepted by Aania Through Forums]

What is your motivation for applying?:

I have once role played as an officer on Schoolrp, i understand that when i was, i was very inactive, as i said before i apologise for that and i wish to make it up. I loved being an officer, it was a very fun experience to have done and to have taken part in, every single person part of the force were very kind and helpful, i loved every single bit of what i have learnt from Police work. i wish to be part of that experience again and try to learn more by getting further attempting to achieve more as a Cadet.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?

Yes i do understand them completely

What are the Police ranks?

First rank, is the Cadet, They are a trainee officer, they are new to the force and have to be trained in order to move up within the ranks, they cannot leave the station without a higher up. Next is a Patrol Officer, they have passed their test as a Cadet and are ready to move on as an Officer, they can Patrol around the city on their own, or with a Cadet. Then there is the Corporal, this Officer is in charge of Training the Cadets, they also are setting an example for the Patrol Officers. After that you have the Sergeants I mostly think of these Officers as very strict and quite scary Officer as they have alot of experience in the Police force and tend to be quite formal as every police officer, but also tend to get stressed easily, in my Opinion mostly. They can oversee the Training of the Cadets, and also make sure everyone is doing the right thing. Then we have the Police Investigators they investigate crimes that have been reported to the Police, which is also a job the Corporals do. Vice Lieutenant's assist the Head Lieutenant with operations im pretty sure they can also use a Firearm. Head Lieutenant's are like the Boss, as they boss everyone around, they can also use a Firearm in situations, and are to report to the Commissioner when an officer is in the wrong. Captain's are to assist the Commissioner, and to take charge when the commissioner is absent, they can also train the Cadet's if no one else is Available, or if they just want to.They help run the department. Commissioner is the Highest role given to an officer, as they oversee the entire police force. They are the ones in Charge.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work.Police are there to protect and help everyone and everything inside their city, they make plans before they run into a rough situation, they are mostly a very kind group of people who enjoy what they do. Police arrest those who break the law, and are mostly a threat to the city. They do what they are told by their higher ups mostly the Commissioner, Captain or Lieutenant's. They train, they do, they help, they win, and they lose. But no matter what happens they continue their jobs, they continue to help everyone in the city as much as they can, they put themselves first before others, i mean that in a good way, they risk their lives by fighting crime, so others do not die. They do not take crime as a joke, they are very serious in all situations. They do what they know is right.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP, as they protect the city, and everyone part of it. If SchoolRP never had the Roles of the Police Officers, GangRP would be out of Control. Also SchoolRP would be very different as well, in a way that wasn't very realistic. Police are there to try and change the fact that GangRP exists, they do this is a way that everyone feels safe and that there is no need to be frightened. Police have the power to arrest, people who are breaking the law. They try their best to decrease the crime rate around the city. With the hint of reality this gives us, it also brings fear along with it, fear to as what may happen to our jobs, our career, and even our lives.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes I do Understand that i can be Demoted at any time if I get Accepted.

In-Character (IC) Section

Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?

Hunter Černá, young male with a height of 6'2, Blue, Gray greenish soft hair, deep tone of voice, 130lbs. Hunter is a very hard working person, he is very kind to everyone. He is not scared of most things, hes very confident in what he does, He is a very trustworthy person. Hunter and his sister are the only ones left in their family, they do their best to look out for each other. Hunter has always thought that anyone can be anything, if they just try, if they be confident, and give it a go.

What he's like on the and off the job?

Hunter is very kind on the job and does everything he can and everything he is told to do. He works his Hardest, no matter what the job. He stays out of trouble, and like to hang with his friends quite often, talking, playing games, having a good time around the city. He enjoys everything life has to offer and chooses to take that offer, until he decides otherwise.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?

Hunter thinks of his Co- workers as someone he wishes to be, like as a higher-up, or someone who is really good at their job, and will be memorable once they move on or pass away. He treats everyone equally, with kindness, respect, love, and Most importantly Friendship. He loves to make new friends with his Co- Workers. And he will not hesitate to tell the truth. He hopes he can live a perfect life feeling as though he made his parents proud, and he can live a happy life with his sister, knowing she is safe.

Hunter Černá, was an only child, his parents were very kind people who loved their son very much. Hunter lived in Czechoslovakia for 3 years after he was born. As he turned 5 his mother and father took him to a town named Karakura in Japan. They settled down in a nice house and in a nice area of the city. Every morning Hunter and his mother would take a walk around the city, they did this for 4 years. On Hunter's 9th Birthday, his mother took him out for their daily walk, as they were crossing the road to get home, his Mother wasn't looking where she was going, a car was speeding just up the road coming towards them. Hunter saw it and yelled, but his mom didn't listen, instead he pushed her over so she was out the way of the car. His mother looked back at him after she got up from the ground. He was laying there, unconscious in the middle of the road. 4 years later, Hunter had woken up in Hospital, his mother asleep next to him, his father talking to the nurse outside. As he sat up in his bed, his father ran into the room and held his head in his hands, as he kissed his sons forehead. A few minutes after he had woken up, the nurse came in and told him what had happened. He had been in a coma for 4 years. His mother and father took him home, they had his whole family round to come and see him home. He was so happy to have saved his mother, and he was happy he made it out alive. his mother was very grateful for what he did, the only thing she asked him for, was not to do it again. A year later Hunter's father and mother had a surprise for him once he came home from school. Once he got home, his mother was holding something in her hands. as he moved closer he began to smile, She was holding a little baby girl in her arms. He dropped his bag by his feet and smiled so happily.
A few years later they were both in High school, Hunter would always look out for his little sister, and she would do the same to her brother. They had a happy life together. Hunter turned 18 his father and mother had given him a guitar for his Birthday, every day he would play on it. A few Months later His mother and father were murdered, all he had left was his little sister. he decided to leave town for a little while. they both left for a year. When they cam back Hunter Had applied for a Police Officer he Decided he wanted to try and try the world, and make his mom and dad, and sister proud.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Hunter Černá
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Černá
Given Name(s): Hunter
Preferred Name: Mr Černá
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Czechoslovakia
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
1 year
Working Experience: 1 year

Academic Degree: Master's Degree

Year of Graduation: 2019
Major(s): Law Enforcement
Minor(s): Sociology, Czech, P.E, Maths.

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Czech
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
After a vote with all officers, it has been decided that you aren't ready to come back to the force. You applying and the hard-work you put into your application is appreciated non the less.

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