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Council HS application


Level 37
What is your Minecraft username?:

Past warnings/kicks/bans?: 1 warning because I was trying to sell a vehicle in Auc House

What is your time zone?: CET (France)
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your tag Discord)?: yes, Morke#4929
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, rejected and pending): I applied to speak Russian, my first application was refused because of a lack of information. But the second time, I was accepted

Describe your activity on the server?:
I log in almost every day and usually spend between 3 and 10 hours a day

List your accounts and roles on this server? : I currently only play with one account and one character: [18] [Grade-12] Ayanami "Aya" Beaulieu
Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: I have become aware of this situation and will bear the consequences that will be taken

What is student council and what do they do?:

the student council is a group of several students able to handle hundreds of students and the problems that go with it. They usually have a leader, a democratically elected student, who manages the student advisers so that they pass on their duties. The leader will do what they do, with one difference he/she will be responsible for transmitting information to teachers as well as the principal on what is happening inside the school and he will have to make meetings between all the student counsellors to talk about what is happening, how to improve the problem X ETC...
The student council serves to engage students in democratic learning and leadership. One of his many tasks is to guide students on the right path, by enforcing the rules of coexistence between students and teachers, as well as the rules of study.
It is also his duty to guide and help new students in difficulty, by organizing meetings between delegates of each class or with teachers.
The school council is very important for the proper functioning of a school, it must be taken into account that they have their own rules, they must be mature enough to take care of the students and to be able to solve the problems

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, ect.):
I have always had a passion for helping my fellow man. I would like to be able to participate in changing the behavior of human beings and tell myself later "I have achieved my goal, now I can rest". I think that from an early age it is necessary to teach respect, obligations, teamwork but above all to know oneself. That's why I think that at the high school age, they can be taught all that, that's why, in my opinion, the student council was created. Being part of this team is like a dream that not everyone can achieve. We have to be very mature and always give neutral opinions, a lot of people don't know how to do that, because it is our emotions that speak for us.

For me, being in this group would also help me to integrate, make friends and learn even more about life and human behavior.
That's why I want to join the student council; I want the students of this high school to feel light and above all, not to feel alone

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and team work ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events): I am fully aware of this! Creativity is what is important to be able to interact with others, and teamwork is even more important, without that, the student council would not exist. (I don't usually lack creativity, I consider that I always have a lot to say) (teamwork could be easy to do, I usually find it hard to approach others, but when I see that it's necessary, I don't hesitate even for a second!)

Can you list the roles in council along with others roles that might be important to council?:
the most important roles in a student council are:
and on the other hand:



You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

Seeing that they didn't listen to me the first time, I would tell them a second time to stop harassing each other or they will face harsh consequences for this attitude. If the problem persists, I would raise my voice (appropriately) and put a very firm tone telling them that if they don't stop they will both have to be in after-school detention and they will have to explain themselves and apologise.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
by escaping, the chances of coopeere are reduced.What I would do is to call another counsellor to help me while I try to go after him, if he escapes and leaves the school, the only solution is to wait until the next day to apply severe sanctions. In the meantime, I would inform the president of the council about this student and in case of obligation, I would inform a teacher who is able to help in this case. In such a way, the student's mask can be confiscated, but he/she can also be punished appropriately.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in? My intervention would be to first gather information before acting without thinking. If I see that the student counsellor is crossing the red line, so that the student becomes nervous, defensive and frightened, I would intervene by asking what is going on here, and warning my colleague that I will inform the president of the school council of his misbehaviour

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information? to get that information, I would apologise to my colleague and ask him for the missing pieces of information. If by any chance he doesn't want to give it to me, I would ask someone else for it. In any case, if I get the information, I would heartily thank X person for informing me. Now I know, that I should be more attentive in the following meetings

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher ups. How would you react to this? First of all, I would warn them that I was not trained by my superiors in order to do/say X things. If they persist, I would repeat the same thing in a neutral and professional tone. If they start to get annoying, I would invite them to talk to my superiors so that they can respond to their requests.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):

On this occasion, the student council together with the literature club decided to celebrate literature week!

For this event, they decided to occupy the football field to the left of the school entrance. The football field is set up with 5 tables in a circle, loudspeakers playing festive music, red and blue balloons, and some banners of great writers such as Victor Hugo, William Faulkner, Maupassant and others...

Each table has a theme: the first table, the one closest to the street, has the theme of French literature, where the great books studied in France are collected, there is also an activity where the students together with the teachers have to consider a phrase, and agree with what they have studied, they should find out which author wrote that.
At the second table, to the right of the first, are deposited letters where are written names of great English writers. When you open the letter, you will find a summary about the writer and an iconic phrase of the writer.
In the third table, a little special, will be dedicated to Japanese culture, just like the mangas! the table will be decorated with symbols of "Naruto". The activity they have pending, is a quiz of characters! you have to find out which manga the character belongs.
at the last two tables, they would be dedicated to selling books. The two tables would be arranged with columns of books, and with banners with a pen logo on top of a sheet.
At the end of the day, there should be a contest of the best story written by a student, the winner would win a free book (any book he wants) with a brand pages, a pencil and 15000 YEN.

Character Name:
Ayanami Beaulieu

Character Gender:: female

Character age: 18 y/o

Character phone-number:(030)-272-5185

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality: Ayanami is a pretty invisible girl, that is to say she does everything so that we do not notice her, she is quite shy when it comes to meeting people, but on the other hand.At a professional level, she doesn’t wait a second to talk and help. Take things calmly and always have a neutral opinion, so as not to hurt anyone. She spends much of her time working and finding solutions to their problems,or meet people, but on the professional level, she doesn’t wait a second to talk and help. Take things calmly and always have a neutral opinion, so as not to hurt anyone. She spends much of her time working and finding solutions to their problems,

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):Aya wears a blue dress with Karakura HighSchool’s jacket, on her feet, has boots that reach her ankles and an earring in the shape of pineapple. Aya has blue eyes, pale skin and a size of 5.3. She has short blue hair (between light and dark) and a very fine red lock.

body (2).pngbody.png

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: I really consider this type of work my passion, as I said before, I want to help. Also, on the other hand, I want to socialize, I think that at that age we need to be surrounded by friends and to be able to count on people. I would also add that I put all my efforts into it, like many other people, and I hope that something positive will come out of it!

Why do you want this position?: I want to get his act together, follow a good path with the students. I also want to show that I am able to control or not a sensitive situation
What interests you the most about student council?: I am very interested in learning, it is a privilege to be with disciplined people and to teach this gift to others. Also, being able to correct my own mistakes, we’re not all perfect and that’s why I want to learn from my mistakes alongside people who really know how it works

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
I could ensure a good coexistence among all, without necessarily warning the students, but also interact with them, asking them how everything goes! and obviously give the impression that they are in good hands. I want them to propose to live with each other, and whatever happens, let them know that we’re here, the student council!

Note: I am very sorry for what has happened, I did not notice when editing several times my request that the translator I have installed changed the language of the content.
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Level 211

- The application is good, however, please edit everything that is in French to English so we can give a final verdict​

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