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Counselor Application

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
Im 17 years old

What is your time zone?:
GMT +2

Describe your activity on the server:
I am online everyday on the Server, but when I have to study for a school exam I sometimes come online in the evening first then or I wont come online. I also wont be able to be online when im on vacaions with my Family.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
yes, I understand that.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Counselors provide support and guidance to individuals facing various challenges, such as emotional, psychological, or relational issues. They listen actively, help clients explore their feelings and thoughts, and offer strategies to cope or solve problems. This can involve talking through personal experiences, setting goals, and developing skills for better mental health and well-being. Depending on their specialization, counselors might focus on areas like career guidance, family dynamics, or mental health therapy.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I've been taking acting lessons at school for six years. We do a lot of roleplays. I like to do a lot of roleplays with two of my best friends and my girlfriend. We're usually just doing roleplays for several hours. I really enjoy doing roleplays not only with my friends but also with new people.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I would like to join because I would like to try new things and I would like to help people with their problems and give them advice. I also enjoy being at school and not just as a student.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:, and

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Katharina Yuhi: Grade 12, Mei Martinez: Grade 12, Anna Thornberry: Grade 7



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
My character would try to talk to the student calm and friendly and ask them why they reacted to me like that. If that doesn't help, I would ask them to stop nicely. If the student still doesn't listen, then I give the student a warning. After 3 warnings I would send the student to detention. My character would be calm during the conversation with the Student.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
My character would go between the two students to stop the fight. My character would then ask both students why they were fighting and would listen to both stories and then bring them into the office to talk to each student alone in peace. If my character was told that one student was the victim, I would send the other student straight to detention. Before the conversation, my character would ask if the two students needed medical help. If this is the case, I would take this student straight to the infirmary. My character remains friendly and calm throughout the entire situation. But if things get more serious, my character will still be friendly and calm, but she will have a more serious voice.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
My character would quickly go to the employee and ask why he was doing this. My character would be very worried but stay calm. My character would take the employee to a quiet place to talk to him in peace. If this situation were very bad, my character would ask over the radio if someone could come to help my character. During this time I would try not to let the employee do anything until he is feeling well again.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?:
My character would greet everyone in the room in a friendly manner and ask how they are doing. My character would next make a coffee and then talk to other employees if possible. My character would not bring any chaos or discomfort into the break room. Above all, my character will never bring in a student because it's against the rules. Otherwise, I would be very friendly and calm towards the other employees.

Provide us with at least three
detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

She would carefully go into the break room and wish everyone good morning. She calmly goes to the coffee machine and makes herself some coffee. Mei takes the coffee cup and takes two sips. She goes to her colleagues and asks “How are you today?” Mei would continue to talk peacefully with her colleagues. Mei looks at her watch on her wrist and says "I'm sorry, but I have to go now because I have to patrol. I'll see you later or during the day." She would say this with a smile on her face and leave the break room with the coffee cup in her hand.

she'd lean back against her chair slightly as she would look at the Student with a great concern on her face "It's perfectly ok *student name*. You're able to vent in here as much as you want. This room iscompletely soundproof and no one will be able to hear you." She'd say with a smile on her face.

She would be patrolling the pool and she sees a student crying. Mei carefully approaches the student and asks in a very calm voice, "Is everything okay? Why are you crying?" She would offer to bring the child to the office to talk to her about it. "Do you want to talk to me about it in the office? Everything is soundproof there and no one will be able to hear you." Mei would lead the student to the office and offers the student a place to sit. Mei would politely and calmly ask “Would you like something to drink?” Mei gets up and brings the student a bottle of water. She would then begin talking to the student in a calm voice and stay as long as the student needed.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
Mei Martinez

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss Martinez
Preferred Name:
Mei or Miss Martinez

Age (Minimum is 25):
26 Years old

Academic Degree:
Community Psychology
Child development

Known Languages:
Spanish, German


Mei grew up in an orphanage in Spain. At the orphanage, the staff noticed that Mei often helped other children and talked to them about their problems. Mei went to a small school with only 50 people when she was still living in the orphanage in Spain. There she learned her main language, Spanish. When Mei was 9 years old she was sent to an orphanage in Germany. In Germany, Mei learned the German language and was a volunteer counselor at school. She helped a lot of children and teachers and spoke to them very calmly. Mei lived in Germany for 5 years and moved to Karakura when she was 14. In Karakura it was very difficult for her to settle in because a lot of things were different than in Spain and Germany. In Karakura she lived in the orphanage until she was 17 and then moved into her first apartment of her own. A few days later, when Mei was already getting used to the new city, she met Nadine Thornberry and the entire Thornberry family. Since meeting the family, she has met Nadine or Chloe every day. Mei helps the family every day, especially Nadine. Mei always stays calm and friendly and talks to Nadine about everything that's on her mind and she also helps her dicipline. She not only talks to Nadine about her problems and helps her dicipline she also talks to Chloe and John to help them. At Karakura High School, Mei talks to students who have problems to help them. Mei talked cery calm and friendly with the Students and even hugged them and she stayed by their side as long as they needed.When Mei walked past the counselor's office and saw the poster, she realized that she definitely had to become a counselor at this school because she already had experience from her previous life. The years passed and Mei got older and older and already had her master's degree under her belt. At the age of 26, Mei applied to be a counselor at Karakura High School and hopes to be able to work there in the future to help every student as well as teachers and all other staff.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective): I have always loved children and I thought Karakura High School would be the perfect place for me to help children´with their problems and show children that school is not just a place to learn. I also want to share my kindness, patience and calm with others at school.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
Because I am a very friendly, hard-working person and I would like to help Karakura High School with my diversity.



Additional notes about your application: none

Do you have any questions?: No

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