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CriminalRP BMD APP


Level 9



Describe your activity on the server:
I Joined this server at around 2018 I started out as a greenie just like everybody else. I did stupid stuff and I was trying to learn how to play the game and follow the rules just like anybody else when people joined. I got scammed a lot but since i like Crime RP a lot i started getting involved in gangs but i never really fought a gang war until 2024 I played for 6 years quiting at times due to being bored and the lack of creativity to things i could do on this server I try to find new ways to roleplay effectively and at the same time very fun. I say my activity is a 8 out of 10 when i need to get involved in things. I try to keep myself as active as i can possibly be while maintaining a perfect life for myself outside of the game. I strive to attend every event If i possibly can during the time. I can be really active at times but I have a life just like any other being. I want to maintain activity when it comes to factions or gang roleplay groups as much as possible. To this day I had never quit permanently but I have quit a few times for reasons such as boredom and lack of things to do at times roleplay wise but I maintain activity to this day.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
_lovelychaos. Yes i have a microphone. I will be able to talk for every time I need to voice chat as I had been able to for other gangs I use a proper gaming set up for these type of communities.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I live in the United states of America I lived there my whole life My timezone is, CST

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
My desires is to enhance my criminal roleplay seen by joining black market dealers.I love to crime roleplay but I try my best to keep a good reputation while doing it I don't see a lot of people hating me on this server. My goal is to sell as many black market weapons as possible I am also joining for the money if theres any gain from doing just that. I am also very loyal when it comes to organizations since I been in a gang from me joining it until it disbanded with a lot of events that went down. I want to enhance my characters by just doing so. I want to Impress people and help as many people as possible when it comes to getting weapons and supplying them making sure everyone is happy in the process. I wanna make sure everyone gets their weapons after they pay for them. I Just wanted to Join Black Market Dealings or Fight club for so long but I hadn't seen much spots open and it makes me wanna dedicate into getting to spots inside the criminal factions. I want to make sure the roleplay experience is very good.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
I been in gangs and other organizations helping them but I hadn't gang roleplayed professionally until 2024. I also used to be a illegal alcohol dealer a year ago in 2023 making sure people got their beer and stayed happy. I sold ilegally before but I never really sold weapons yet. I Try my best to not get caught by police I been caught too many times and it just makes me a liability so I been trying to be more stealthy with illegal Activity. I am actually very nice out of character and I am very polite if need be. I try to keep my reputation very good with the server and saying how much i respect everyone even though I may not respect people in character. I try to keep my cool during staff situations if people break the rules or if I break a rule I remain proffessional about it and tell them sorry and reacting or voiding scenes if need be. I also Have combat experience since i been in gang wars and I try my best to win though i may lose sometimes I try my best to stay alive or conscious. I will be loyal to any member on the team or any associates assuring me a good member for the team. I could help plan events if need be if people need help with that. I could help just be a good member of the team and extremely good. I can also fight and kill people going against us dealers in character or fight on top of dealing weapons. I wanna make sure I can do my job correctly as possible.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
I worked in valhalla for 6 months.
So what happened in the 6 months is I got into fights in character this is a Example of a few fights in one of my biographies
He went to trainings to learn how to fight more effectively He was a very busy man He got in a fight a couple weeks later with a dude called Mabu Wekabeyaka He was being insulted for talking to a girl negatively LK69 said "oh look I just caught a blonde bitch a very beautiful one." Another dude came which was Mabu Wekabeyaka to insult him and he roasted back and he targeted his family in a insult and he had enough so he pushed him to hopefully make him shut his mouth but the others wanted them to fight and they were unmasked at the time so he seem to notice his opponents facial features which will help for him later. He fought hard but seemed to get to the brink of unconsciousness. After a bit he fell unconscious as he woke up he had a taste for revenge.
He was furious so he tried buying a bat off a dealer but with another Valhalla gang member since Mefisuto changed its name. He also got in a fight with another dude Nozomi He called him weak and a ***** so he told him to punch me if you are so tough and he got into a fight in the middle of class at a volleyball field. He got into a fighting stance as he started beating the dude punching him in the face evading his hits and absolutely destroying him.
The Teacher got involved and students tried to break them up he was kicked out of the class after that and he was like man fuck this dude. He Thought he was just a pathetic little pansy and not some tough guy as he thought. He Doesn't know how to fight and not get caught Michael Knew it was smart to fight away from authority figures such as police officers and teachers. He attended detention and absolutely cooked on the detention assignment. He wrote a story that was pretty good and it actually impressed the teacher somewhat.This is another example in one of my biography fights
She got out of jail sooner than she was supposed to. She hanged out at plaza the people where chattering the kids were playing and everything seemed so peaceful. She was very greatful to be released from Jail and have the joy of freedom but she had 2 broken legs which limited her from doing activities. She got in a fight with 3 kids who seemed to be 13-14 years old and she simply just pushed them out of range so they couldn't attack. She then was suffering when she had friends to help her they came and thats all that mattered But someone thought she was in valhalla so she denied it saying thats not true convincing the other person. She was harassed by another kid in a bread costume so she shoved the guy and the police got involved and the witnesses backed her up saving herself from a assault charge. She headed home to sleep and the next day she headed to school. She attended classes but it was hard to do physical ed when her legs was broken as shit. She was not really that involved with gang activity for the moment. Though She had a spar with Yui knocking her out with ease. She had a hard time with her state but she knows it will all get better soon. Soon she will be walking on 2 legs again and she knows this. However valhalla disbanded leaving her with no choice to find someone else to work with.
been in many fights through out me being in gang roleplay and I work with gang members to make sure everything gets done smoothly. I fought in a gang war as well i put and log my activities in my biographies to make sure it stands out in applications though when it got disbanded I Joined Mandala and now I'm thinking about Joining BMD I wanna make sure I can do everything right as well for the faction requirements. I wanna make sure I can make everyone around me happy for their orders and honestly be a good member of the team wether it be from combat or selling weapons.
What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
The crime faction has its issues and its not a lot its just the fact that there is a lack of staff attention for gang roleplay and when they add rules to it they don't really listen to the player base. I just think the crime faction is neglected by staff to some degree pretty often and gang role players don't necessarily agree with it about that we always had a fail roleplay and a toxicity issues it has been a large issue but its disappearing overtime. I Just think we need to get rid of some of these factors in gangs on this server its not smart to do so. I Just Think the staff need to listen to the player base a bit more and understand what the gang role players think and other people in the community. I also think the lack of activities such as majors or fights due to fearing of a broken leg or losing weapons to police. I just think people need to overcome these fears to make the crime factions better.
I'm not saying gang roleplay is bad currently its just that there is people that taint it in a negative way. We need to get rid of toxicity and fail roleplay or at least minimize it as much as possible. We also need to get staff to listen to what the players think about rules that suck if the majority dislikes the rule we should get rid of it if a lot of people suggest it to be removed or changed. The crime faction will have its ups and downs and that is ok.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
I am familiar of rules when it comes to combat permissions, player conduct, permissions, and weapon profiles
Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
I am completely aware of this happening to my character and it discourages me from doing so staying loyal to the end.
Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes I am Absolutely sure this is the case And I will make sure to be careful about arrests or attacks.
Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Yes absolutely I am very sure information shall not be leaked when I Join If accepted.
Full Legal Name: Lily Kimura-Hinemiya
Criminal Alias: Bloody Rose (or B'Rose)
Age & Occupation: Criminal,Highschool Student, Age 18.
(Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role)
Gender & Marital Status:

Ethnicity & Race: Asian American
Known Languages: English, Korean,Spanish
Former Associations/Occupations: Former Valhalla Member, If application is accepted Former Mandala Member.
Highest Level of Education: Grade 12

Physical/Mental Ailments: N/A
Known Family Members: Anybody With a surname Hinemiya

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
She is magnificent to the eye with her unmatched beauty. Her long luscious thick wavy pink hair is very soft to the touch. With hazel eyes and scars on her face, she looks like someone who has seen many fights. Despite her slim build, which might make people think she is weak, she is a formidable fighter. She often wears jeans and a bra, an outfit that some find very pretty while others deem it revealing. Her hair flows beautifully behind her, enhancing her appearance. She smells like roses due to the shower products she uses, and she has a permanent scar on her forehead and another on her cheek from brutal fights. A bow on the back of her head makes her look a little more pretty to the eye. She has some strains of hair looking blonde due to the fact that her hair is dyed making it known her natural hair color is blonde. She makes sure she is spotless on her face her skin clear silky and smooth makes her very attractive Her lips has applied lipstick on it making her lips look pink. She also applies blush make up as well making her more beautiful to the eye.
Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
She is Polite at times making her a person valuable for sweet talking She Makes sure she uses manors to be nice in some degree in some situations making sure she is not rude to allies or friends. She Is very kind to her friends often giving gifts cooking meals and even hanging out with them to spend time and have fun together she wants to make sure everyone can enjoy her if deemed friendly. In times of fights or gang wars or perhaps any warfare she can be extremely Brutal She may have guilt for being so ruthless but she wants to make sure she's feared rather than not. She wants to make sure any criminal in the criminal underworld or in regular fights she makes sure to be as brutal as possible so that nobody messes with her she may be weak but she did martial arts when she was younger which makes her good at kick boxing. She makes sure that her opponent suffers for their actions that leaded to the fight, She can also be very Loyal She is loyal to her friends making sure they are happy and she stays with them to the end like they are her own blood She wants to make sure that all her friends and acquaintances are happy if they are deemed trust worthy. She also Expresses Loyalty in organizations shes in or was in. In the past she had been in gangs such as Valhalla and recently Mandala and she stayed loyal with them for as long as she could remember, She can also be a bully If you give her a reason to clown on you. She has a slightly meaner side when provoked by people for example a jock was bullying her she'd bully them back. She basically does an eye for an eye when it comes to bullying or bullying could also be started or initiated by her himself at times, She is very Patient to get things done weither it be illegal activities or legal activities. She is patient to other people when they are going slow or taking hours most of the time. She Tries to be patient as another way of being polite or waiting for a opertunity to strike ,She is greedy at times because she is Money Minded. She wants to get as rich as possible in a short amount of time to secure weapons and cars or power hungry to some degree. , She is very Cautious cause she doesn't wanna get killed she keeps aware of her surroundings knowing whats happening and whats going to happen as soon as possible, She is a very Romantic chick and she expresses her love to her partners extremely well making sure they are as happy as possible.
Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)
Chapter 1 Infancy

Lily Kimura was born In karakura, japan with her family as she looked them in the eyes for the first time. Most of her family were wealthy government officials. "What should we call her." her mom said. Her dad gave her ideas for her name and they both decided Lily Kimura. Her Mother was a american diplomat while her father was a Politician working for the government at the time years ago back when karakura was a mess with gang violence. She grew up in a rough town at the time it seems like with the lack of police officers to help her. She started to learn english and Japanese and master it at a young age at 4 years old is when she was able to talk fluently in both of those languages. She had trouble spelling and reading though and at age 5 she kept working on her language and spelling she was never good at spelling through out her life.
Chapter 2 Child Hood
at age 6 she attended a elementary school in the same school district as Karakura begining her educational career. She got in fights frequently in school due to being bullied in school so she gave them a few knuckle sandwhiches. at age 7 allies began to come to her aid Ren Tsukumo and Luna Katz along herself. She saw her enemies Jade, Wayne, and Lubbock as they brawled in the middle of the school hallway. They fought brutally that staff had to get 6 people to pull them off each other. They were all sent to the office and the principal was furious at them the principal said. "WHY DID YOU FIGHT AT SCHOOL!" the principal seemed very strict. Lilly "Umm teacher they bullied me." The principal said"THATS NO EXCUSE! GIVE ME A REASON ON WHY I SHOULDNT SUSPEND YOU ALL." Lily said "I cant defend myself." the principal said "GET OUT OF MY OFFICE YOU ARE ALL SUSPENDED FOR 1 WEEK." That was one of the many fight incidents that happened at school. She got punished severely at home from whippings with belts to being spanked. She Then focused on her grades getting A's and Bs and her father was very pissed at her. "WHY DIDN'T YOU GET A+" Lily Said "But dad i passed all my classes." her father said "COME HERE YOU FALIURE" her father punished her severely all for a few Bs which was unfortunate. She tried hard to impress her father but it just doesnt seem to work. When She enrolled in karakura high school at the age of 13 everything changed for the better. She began mastering all the subjects as she began to do extremely well in school. Her father was still disapointed for a couple A-'s She ignored her father as she started to grow a hatred for him for his abusive tactics while his mother was the nicest one in the family. She didn't have any disapointment in her at all it was only her father. She began to work magnificantly on her assignments though she did have problems with gang members a couple times due to her going to a shitty school. Her Highschool was filled with the criminal underworld in secrecy she didn't bother to look at it as she attended class. She then got bullied by a few students at the age of 14. She started a fight with them. "Hey don't fuck with me!" She got a detention for the fight after throwing fists at her opponent and she sat in detention doing her work. She was called a nerd sometimes but she wasn't a person to under estimate. At age 15 she began to mature and stop fighting pointless fights in general to avoid having more enemies. She embraced in kindness rather than violence to avoid a dark future for herself. She then worked hard in school which her grades could impress anyone on her resume for any jobs around. She turned 18 as she moved out of the apartment block she lived in and moved to another one paying 25k a month with another roommate they really never talked or had interest in each other Ren Tsukumo was her room mate but they grew out of each other never speaking to themselves and rather supporting themselves.
Chapter 3 Gang Affiliation
Lilly Made friends and enemies through out karakura high school. She was making friends to help aid her for what was to come due to the fact that she was gaining friends and rivals slowly. She decided to get in the criminal underworld just in case to keep Safe joining the gang by saying Valhalla her first action in the gang was a massive brawl between Black dragons a gang war has begun. After the fight she went under radar for the time being dealing with friendships and enemies while upholding her grades. She worked on hiding her identity as much as possible letting nobody know she was BloodyRose in valhalla. She posed as a bully and sometimes a sweet girl to catch other people off guard. She is not pure good but not pure evil either. a couple days later her boyfriend was pronounced dead and she was devastated by the knews a couple hours later she realized valhalla was reponsible and what he did and she decided not to get revenge. She then hanged out with Bowen and a few other friends to calm down herself before heading to a Bakery. She then bought a cupcake for herself then she ate it to help calm herself down before walking out. She then headed home to take a nap. She woke up and head to school multiple times attending classes as she stopped taking school as seriously as she used too. After school she went home again then a few days later another Brawl happened between Black dragons and valhalla as she attended. She fought brutally but she was knocked unconscious. She then was aprehended by police shortly after. She was upset at the arrest and only got obstruction with 100k bail. She was supposed to be brought in for questioning but she was arrested.

Chapter 4 Jail Time
Lily Kimura sat on the cold, hard bunk of her cell, the reality of her situation pressing down on her like a weight she could barely lift. It had been only a few days since she was apprehended for obstruction of justice, but it felt like an eternity. Her thoughts were a tangled web of regret, anger, and fear, each emotion vying for dominance in her mind.
Lily’s upbringing had been a stark contrast to her current predicament. She grew up in a fine neighborhood, surrounded by the comforts of a stable, affluent life. Her parents were respected government officials, known for their integrity and dedication to public service. They had provided her with every opportunity to succeed, ensuring she attended the best schools and engaged in enriching extracurricular activities. From the outside, her life seemed perfect, but beneath the surface, Lily felt an overwhelming pressure to live up to her family's expectations.
In high school, she began to rebel, seeking solace in friendships with people who lived on the edge. The thrill of their lifestyle was intoxicating, offering an escape from the rigid confines of her world. It was during this time that she crossed paths with the gang. Initially, it was just a way to push back against her parents' control, but she soon found herself entangled in their dangerous web. The night of the brawl was supposed to be just another thrill, but it spiraled out of control, and she found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The police had been unaware of her gang affiliation when they arrested her, charging her with obstruction of justice. The $100,000 bail set for her release seemed like an insurmountable amount. Her world outside these walls felt like a distant memory, and she knew she had a long road ahead of her.
In jail, Lily encountered a harsh and unforgiving environment. The other inmates were a mix of hardened criminals and those, like her, caught in the wrong circumstances. Trust was a scarce commodity, and every interaction had to be navigated with caution. Yet, in this bleak setting, she found unexpected moments of humanity. There were women who, despite their circumstances, offered her a kind word or a shared moment of understanding. These small gestures became her lifeline, reminding her that even in the darkest places, light could still be found.
Lily spent her days reflecting on her choices and the path that led her here. She thought of her parents, who had worked tirelessly to build a good life for their family. They deserved better, and she realized she needed to be better for them. The gang had provided her with a sense of identity, but it had also dragged her deeper into a world she wanted to escape.
She began to make use of the limited resources available in jail. Lily enrolled in a GED program, determined to use her time productively. She attended group therapy sessions, where she slowly started to open up about her past and her fears for the future. These sessions were painful but cathartic, allowing her to confront the demons that had plagued her for so long.
Her nights were the hardest, filled with restless sleep and haunting dreams. She would lie awake, staring at the ceiling, replaying the events that led her here. The gang brawl, the police sirens, the cold handcuffs—they were etched in her memory. But amid the turmoil, a resolve began to form. She vowed to use this experience as a turning point, a chance to rebuild her life from the ashes of her mistakes.
As the days turned into weeks, Lily found a sense of inner strength she didn't know she possessed. The future was uncertain, and the path ahead was fraught with challenges. But for the first time in a long time, she felt a glimmer of hope. She knew that her time in jail was just the beginning of her journey. She had the power to change her narrative, to break free from the chains of her past, and to create a future she could be proud of.
Lily Kimura's incarceration was not just a punishment but a crucible, forging a new resolve within her. She was determined to rise above her circumstances, to find redemption, and to prove that even in the darkest places, one could find the light to guide them home.

Chapter 5 Back to the Streets.
upon being released on bail she needed money as fast as possible. She exited the jail cell and the police station and headed straight for the auction house to sell items she previously had. She head home to grab a stash of extra weapons she needs for what is to come. She didn't recognize the cop that arrested her at all so she was taking caution. She then headed to the pier to fish for more things to sell. She made friends along the way as she showed up to a gang meeting she was embarressed by the gang leads while she was in fear of being killed. She walked off the stage safely ready to get some victories in.BloodyRose and 4 other people were hanging out in powerplant fucking around and acting like civilians when 2 people in black out or in suits show up and say "Give me 5k to multiple people." BloodyRose was like "no give me 5k." Which raised tensions high and then he decided to try to push BloodyRoses ass off the bus and defended her self well and she said "Oh chill im not trying to toy with you." Which stopped his aggression temporarily he was being a bully to everyone there punching a civilian unknown for being a valhalla member. He argued with his partner and fought with him until he said "Get in the trash bin." And BloodyRose wanted to fuck with him and get revenge so she did a bit of physical bullying pushing inside the trash can before running off. As her parents and family abandonded her she was adopted by The Hinemiya Family at 18 years old. She got in a fight with black dragons despite getting knocked unconscious the gang of valhalla made its first victory in the war benefiting her and her allies.

Chapter 6 Back to the Slammer
she was masked at a abandoned powerplant which was a criminal hangout in the streets of karakura as she tried to find people to mug before karakura police department show up. The police unaware of her planned mugging searched 4 civilians for weapons or illegal activity. She tried evading arrest but she fell off the building breaking both of her legs. In immense pain she was picked up by police officers to the karakura hospital for treatment she was prescribed crutches before being placed under arrest and taken the station. She was arrested for evasion and resisting arrest. The initial days in jail were particularly challenging for her. The pain from her broken legs was severe, even with the painkillers she had been prescribed. Navigating the jail environment on crutches was difficult, and she often felt vulnerable due to her limited mobility. The jail's medical staff checked on her regularly to ensure she was healing properly and to manage her pain.Her interactions with other inmates were minimal at first. Due to her injuries, she was placed in a cell close to the medical ward. This separation from the general population helped protect her from potential conflicts but also contributed to her sense of isolation. Over time, as she moved around the facility on crutches, she began to interact more with fellow inmates. She kept a low profile, aware that her physical condition made her an easy target. Her daily routine was monotonous and challenging. She had to adhere to the same schedule as the other inmates, which included early wake-up calls, meal times, and lights out. Physical activities and participation in jail programs were limited due to her injuries. She spent a significant amount of time reading and writing letters, trying to pass the time and stay mentally engaged.Regular medical check-ups were a crucial part of her jail experience. The jail's medical staff monitored her progress, ensuring that her legs were healing properly. They also provided her with physical therapy sessions to aid her recovery. Despite these efforts, the healing process was slow, and she often experienced bouts of pain and frustration.The psychological impact of her incarceration was significant. The trauma of her fall, coupled with the stress of jail life and the uncertainty of her future, weighed heavily on her. She struggled with feelings of regret and anxiety, often reflecting on the series of events that led to her arrest. The jail offered limited counseling services, and she occasionally met with a counselor to discuss her mental health.Her time in jail was marked by physical pain, isolation, and introspection. The experience forced her to confront the consequences of her actions and to think about her future. As her legs slowly healed, she began to adapt to her new environment, finding ways to cope with the daily challenges of incarceration. The legal process continued to unfold, and she awaited the next steps in her journey through the criminal justice system.

Chapter 7 Out of the Slammer
She got out of jail sooner than she was supposed to. She hanged out at plaza the people where chattering the kids were playing and everything seemed so peaceful. She was very greatful to be released from Jail and have the joy of freedom but she had 2 broken legs which limited her from doing activities. She got in a fight with 3 kids who seemed to be 13-14 years old and she simply just pushed them out of range so they couldn't attack. She then was suffering when she had friends to help her they came and thats all that mattered But someone thought she was in valhalla so she denied it saying thats not true convincing the other person. She was harassed by another kid in a bread costume so she shoved the guy and the police got involved and the witnesses backed her up saving herself from a assault charge. She headed home to sleep and the next day she headed to school. She attended classes but it was hard to do physical ed when her legs was broken as shit. She was not really that involved with gang activity for the moment. Though She had a spar with Yui knocking her out with ease. She had a hard time with her state but she knows it will all get better soon. Soon she will be walking on 2 legs again and she knows this. However valhalla disbanded leaving her with no choice to find someone else to work with.

Chapter 8 Continuation of Her Criminal Career (in progress)
She joined mandala a successor to valhalla to continue her criminal career.
She tried to help people in the gang to chase someone but the other guy got away.
in Bloody Rose`s Personal life she was bullied by 2 jocks Haruna T. Asora
and Kaiden V. Asora. They called her a hoe a slut and were being mean to her so she retaliated by pushing her and saying whine about it. Then She initated a fight after being threatened with a ass whoping bringing 1 jock and herself into the fight she threw punches until being caught by a caretaker and getting detention. She was angry and wanted a taste of revenge.
She heard about black market dealers and she wanted to make cash off crime rather than just fight thugs so she tried her best to get into the group to help make some money and get her balance going up through the roof. She noticed there is a lot of profit to do off crime and its a valuable business to join when it comes to selling illegal items.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)
As she put on her black out attire she began to mask up. She wanted to make some cash tonight through selling weapons or anything she was going broke and she needed enough money to pay her rent. She brought weapons with her in a duffle bag and made sure she was armed before heading out of her apartment. She was walking towards the sewers as she entered the sewers she began to set up where she was gonna sell weapons before notifying criminals in the area about her own phone number for some weapons soon a Thug picked up a call The thug said "I'm gonna need a metal bat and a bali I need to get armed stat". She replied to the call saying Bloody Rose Said "Hey come to the powerplant sewers I'll sell it to you as quick as possible." She waited before the Thug showed up. Bloody Rose Said "Hey nice to meet you 275,000 please i need some cash" The thug handed the cash over. As soon as she was done dealing weapons and illegal goods she went somewhere private unmasking and changing into civilian attire before putting her black out in her duffle bag before heading to a spot where there was a person stealing from black market dealer crates. She pulled out a katana before speaking to the thief. "HEY YOU DON'T STEAL FROM US AND GET AWAY WITH IT!" As she chased the thief and stabbing them with a katana killing them for stealing valuable goods she and her other team members sell.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer:
Even though I'm in a gang still apon Joining BMD I will swap igns for my gang account. Meaning that my ign that will be in a gang will be ToughGangster.
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