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Crimson Mortov | Biography


Level 11
In the dimly lit room, you delicately place a cassette tape labeled "Crimson" into a vintage tape player. Pressing a button, the screen flickers before settling on the glitchy image of an unknown female figure. Her face distorts into something else, perhaps a mask?

"Crimson. Why is that name familiar?" you question.

"It shouldn't be," comes the monotone response of the woman on the tape, leaving an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach.

[The information given below is to be taken OOCly]

1. Basic Information
Full Name:
Crimson Mortov

Nickname (if any):
Crim, Crimmy

Allies/Fake Name (if any):
BloodShed, Ichor, Crimson Nagata.


Date of Birth:
October 6th, 20XX



Character Voice:
Monotone yet feminine, with a dark undertone.
Grows deeper when angry.

Equipment/What They Carry:
Concealed Switchblade: A discreet and easily concealable switchblade, reflecting Crimson's readiness to defend herself in challenging situations.

Cigarettes (or a Box): A source of solace and coping mechanism for Crimson, she carries a cigarette or two, or sometimes a whole box, providing her with moments of respite.

Cellular Device: An indispensable tool for communication and staying connected in the modern world. Crimson relies on her cellphone for various purposes, including coordination with associates and navigating the [Redacted]

Wallet: A practical item carrying necessary cash, identification, and any essential cards.
Apartment Key: The key to her sanctuary, representing a secure space amidst the chaos of her life.

Fake ID: A strategically obtained fake identification, emphasizing Crimson's ability to navigate the shadows and maintain a low profile when necessary.

Physical Description:
A woman of 5'8" stature, she boasts a well-defined hourglass figure with shapely hips and broad shoulders. Her skin, oddly pallid in hue, emanates a subtle, comforting warmth beneath. Behind round red sunglasses, her hooded eyes carry a vibrant hazel-green shade, accentuated by black eyeshadow, casting a piercing stare from behind circular red sunglasses. Silver piercings adorn her face—a prominent septum ring, snake bites beneath black-colored lips, an eyebrow piercing on the right, and multiple ear piercings. Thick and wild ebony hair cascades over her shoulder, down her back, and over one side of her face, the right side shaved off for an intriguing silhouette. Half of the front hair reveals a striking stripe of white. Her typical attire includes a dark red jacket hanging off her shoulders, ripped baggy dark jeans with fishnet stockings, black chunky boots for added height, and a simple black top.

Height, Build, Hair, Eyes, Distinguishing Features:
Height: 5'9
Build: Well-defined hourglass figure, shapely hips, and broad shoulders.
Hair: Thick and wild ebony hair that cascades over her shoulder, down her back, and over the side of her face. The right side of her head is shaved off, giving an interesting silhouette. Half of the front of her hair reveals a stripe of white.
Hooded eyes with a vibrant Hazel-green color, complimented by round red sunglasses.
Distinguishing Features: Adorned in silver piercings, including a prominent septum ring, snake bites under her black-colored lips, an eyebrow piercing on the right side of her face, and multiple piercings on both ears.

2. Personality
Personality Traits:
Rebellious Spirit: Crimson carries a rebellious nature, forged through a turbulent past, leading her to resist authority and push against oppressive forces.
Intriguing Aloofness: Her aloof demeanor adds an element of mystery, making her an intriguing figure who doesn't easily reveal her true self.

Guarded Vulnerability: Despite her tough exterior, there's a guarded vulnerability beneath the surface, stemming from a history of difficult relationships and a fear of betrayal.
Selective Trust: Crimson is discerning in forming connections, maintaining a small and selective group of friends who have proven themselves worthy of her trust.
Independent Streak: Her rebellious spirit extends to an independent streak, as she prefers to navigate life on her terms and resist conforming to societal expectations.
Complex Layers: The multifaceted nature of Crimson's personality is reflected in her complex layers, providing depth and nuance to her character.

Abandonment: Due to her troubled past and experiences of neglect, Crimson fears being abandoned or left alone.
Losing Control: The need for control stems from her chaotic upbringing, and the fear of losing control drives her actions.
Betrayal: Trust is something Crimson holds cautiously, and the fear of betrayal lingers in the background.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Cigarette and Alcohol Dependency: Crimson developed a reliance on cigarettes and alcohol as coping mechanisms during challenging times.

Trust Issues: Her difficult relationships have left Crimson with deep-seated trust issues, making it hard for her to form connections.

Tendency towards Violence: The rebellious nature and exposure to a violent environment have left Crimson with a propensity for physical confrontation.

3. Skills and Interests

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Crimson acquired skills in hand-to-hand combat during her time with dangerous individuals, ensuring her survival in hostile environments.
Stealth: Living in the shadows of the criminal underworld, she developed a knack for staying unnoticed and moving stealthily.

Nighttime Exploration of Abandoned Properties: Crimson finds solace in the shadows, exploring abandoned spaces under the cover of darkness.
The act of walking in the shadows, accompanied by smoking, adds a touch of secrecy and contemplation to her nights.

Reading Unsettling Books: Crimson's choice of unsettling topics in her reading materials suggests a fascination with the darker aspects of life. Whether it's psychological thrillers, true crime, or horror literature, her reading choices mirror her complex personality.

Binge-Watching Horror Movies & Documentaries: Crimson indulges in the macabre through her love for horror movies and documentaries.

Riding her Motorcycle: Riding off on her motorcycle during solitary nights provides Crimson with a sense of freedom and control.
4. Relationships

Father: A controlling and oppressive figure who left her to care for her dying mother.
Mother: Deceased, and Crimson took on the responsibility of caring for her until her tragic passing.
Older Brother: An estranged figure from her teenage years, their relationship strained due to the turbulent family dynamics and Crimson's rebellious streak.

Older Sister: A distant sibling with whom Crimson shares a complicated relationship, marked by the challenges they faced together in their troubled household.

Criminal Associates: Crimson formed connections with individuals in the criminal underworld, relying on them for mutual benefit and support.

Romantic Relationships:
Her tumultuous past has made forming romantic relationships challenging for Crimson. She may have brief connections but struggles with trust and commitment.

5. Background/Backstory
Place of Birth:

Craiova, Romania

Crimson Mortov, also known as Crim, was born into the world on October 6th, 20XX, in the city of Craiova, Romania. Life for her began with an unconventional family with an even worse dynamic, something she never would get a choice in. Her father was a controlling man with a heavy hand, his shadow casted an oppressive gloom over her household. At a young age Crimson found herself thrust into the role of caregiver when her father left, leaving her to care for her dying mother. Crimson was forced to shoulder all the guilt upon her shoulders after her mother’s eventual tragic and unavoidable passing, not only because she was the one taking care of her but also because it had taken effect after she had been born.

In her teenage years, Crimson started a streak of rebellion. She ran with the wrong crowds and picked up several skills in her time amongst more dangerous individuals. Hand-to-hand combat was one of these, heavily relied on simply to allow her to survive and protect herself on the streets with her newfound companions. These experiences shaped her and gave her a sense of belonging in the chaos she had never found at home.

Rebellion became Crim's response to the structured environment of school, often manifesting in fights as a way to push back against the oppressive forces around her. The clashes with authority, both at home and in the educational system, intensified her isolation. It created tension that she found no hope to escape from, everywhere she turned there was something more than happy to try to shove her in some box she refused to be in.

Before the traumatizing events surrounding her mother's illness, Crimson had already picked up cigarettes and alcohol as forms of solace. These became coping mechanisms to navigate the difficulties she faced.

As the youngest, being a forced caregiver was not the only problem she faced at home. Neglect and mistreatment also filled her life and fueled her rebellion against the oppressive force that was her family. The trouble hit its peak when her mother lay on her deathbed, Crim was wrongly accused amidst loud shouting and stark insults in their language. The confrontation with her father turned violent, forcing Crimson to flee.

Seeking an escape, she hopped a freight train to Karakura, where life initially offered a semblance of calm. However, tranquility proved fleeting as new challenges emerged, further escalating th-[ERROR ERROR ERROR]



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