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Crolonging Teacher Application | Rocks


Level 20

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Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Crolonging (Applying)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


Do you have a microphone?:

Yes I do, I am a very social butterfly.

What is your time zone?:


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I understand.

Describe your activity on the server:

I am extremely known for waddling around the map at almost any time of day. From 7am to 4am. However due to school there will be some days that I am unavailable because I am studying for major tests or working on small things around my house to help out. In upcoming months I will be getting quite a lot on my plate with numerous tests and HOPEFULLY job interviews. But even with a loaded schedule I try to stay as active as possible.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

I have the Reporter, One Adult and one animal whitelist that is a bird. The rest are Grade 12.


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Science, to be specific I am hoping to teach Geology and Geography. When people think of Geology and Geography they think of rocks, which is right but it also has to do with things like tectonic plates and their movements, the past of how Earth works, from what it’s made of, how things are formed and the history that lays beneath the ground we walk on. Now Geography and Geology are not the same thing but share many things in common. I could go on and on and on about this but applications ‘n such.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:


Well, many reasons. From seeing friends enjoy the faction to some people telling me to apply because they think I’d enjoy it. I’ve always had a personal interest for teaching OOCLY, like I’ve been a math tutor in the past and even help out some people in SRP with their homework now. (Lexi.) As well as it being a dream to become a teacher IRL, but y’know silly little reasons I can’t actually do so at my age.


The character I am applying on, Giovanni Irae. His wife Elaine Osiris is a Councilor at the school, he hears about the tales and stories of the students when she returns from work and he’s decided he wishes to be closer to her and keep an eye on her when it is between classes. The man was once a horrible, horrible guy but is look to fix himself as a person and understand what it is like to live a normal life.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?

Yes! I do and I am looking forward to hopefully climbing the ranks!

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:

I am most excited for this part since every time I’ve undergone a training stage in my previous factions they were always fun and exciting.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

Teacher class logs are important for numerous reasons, to keep track of the grades as well as quota for higher ups to keep track of. This information also helps staff know when we are hosting a class with the amount of students and the class number. There may be a bit more that I do not know just yet.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

There are basic rules that you should follow. For one SRP rules and as well as rules that a teacher would have for students to follow. The rules are plastered on the board at the front entrance. From no swearing/cursing to no assault. Some simple rules that I like to have during class for science are pretty simple:
1. Don't touch anything before asking
2. No touchy the board. Only me.
3. Do NOT raise your hand to ask questions. Science is about expressing your discoveries.
4. Never feel afraid to ask a question, school is for learning.
5. No smoking or drinking in my class, if I catch you drinking, I'll make you walk a straight line in front of the whole class. If I catch you smoking I'll make you call your parents and tell them.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

Where do I BEGIN, from CrimeRP to ScaryRP with Yaban Heddo to babysitting Mi Akihito and just simple ParentRP. I’ve dabbled my toes in numerous situations from being held hostage to hostage holding, to selling weapons to being sold weapons. The whole nine yards, if there is a type of RP you can do on SRP I’ve most certainly done it.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD

↳ Meaning: Head Department
↳ Description: The lead of a certain department, examples being Art, English, Performing Arts, History, Science. The whole nine yards. These people offer the most experience within the faction, they are in charge of training the new people and answering questions that other teachers have. It is up to the current faction lead of who obtains the role of HD.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: This is the role you are given who have been around long enough to be trusted to host classes on your own. Having a higher experience than most teachers but not as much or simply not as well as your HD. When you hit this rank you are seen as responsible and well off to help others if needed, as well as hosting classes regularly.

↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: With this role, you've gotten past training and a few classes! Showing your faction lead that you have gotten used to the swing of things and don't need somebody to hold your hand any longer. This is the first step to climbing the ranks, however it is still the second lowest on the pyramid.

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: A newly accepted teacher who are just beginning their training and steps. With this role you cannot host classes until you go under proper training. Even after you are given your training your classes MUST be supervised to ensure everything goes to plan before you get bumped up to NQT. This rank is the lowest of them all.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers do a plethora of things, from helping people who are new to the server learn things like how to play the server and interact with new players. To help people who have been around for months or even years simply enjoy their time roleplaying.

Everybody has a different way of teaching, personally due to my character he would be more laid back and relaxed when it comes to certain things. Not minding if students interrupt because everybody has their own thoughts and ways of expressing said thoughts.

Making things fun and comfortable is always something that I love. Not minding if a person has to leave OOCly and asks me to kick them or if somebody simply has a question for me. When things come down to an OOC standpoint making a classroom comfortable isn’t hard, simply let the students know what they can and can't do by having something on the board. As well as letting them know its a safe place OOCLY and ICLY.

With school faculty being one of the highest earning faculties on the server. From the lowest earning position being 350,000 a month to the highest being 500,000. Though the position isn’t all about the money it is absolutely a plus side.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Not only is it the main base of the server, since y’know. SCHOOL, roleplay. It is the main foundation of the server when it comes to the reality of things. If the server was about gangs running streets it would not have the name it does now.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

Karakura School follows the MoSCoW system. (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have.)

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Giovanni Irae is a Mexican-Italian man with a nice build hidden by his clothes. The most prominent thing about the man is a small fake knife that holds the back of his hair up and lets the rest of whatever hair remains flow down to his shoulders. The light brown eyes held many stories of things that he has not only done but seen, a piercingly cold glare as he looked around class rooms. Something only visible when his body is more exposed, are burns that cover the man from neck upper torso to his feet.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

The man is hard at communicating his emotions, so often will come off as rude or harsh when talking to people. Though the man is trying his hardest to better himself and express himself in words. He still struggles, but with the held of his wife and working with her now. He would most likely express himself more in the workplace, especially around those he works around. Though his whole reason of applying is to be around his wife more, he just may find his co-workers more appealing in a friendly manner than he thinks.

Giovanni has always wanted a child of his own. Now that he has one of his own on the way and an entire Family, but he has an entire school that he could call his children. The man is mostly excited to help kids who weren't given a good start in life learn more about things that may interest them in a life that leads them away from crime. His hope with this job is to not only teach but to help students who are involved with crime stray away from it and start a better life with a safer passion.

What are their plans for the future?

This man goes through life day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute. He never knows what to expect next in life, so he lives life on the edge, taking every risk he can outside of work. If he were to have a plan for the future, he would want to make a vineyard similar to his brother. Make a nice retirement for his children and wife.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Due to Giovanni’s attitude his first thought that comes to mind is assaulting them. However since he knows he cannot do so, he would give them a verbal warning to cut it out. He would leave to go back to his class and continue his normal day. If he were to get another complaint about it, he would go back with a bit more tone this time. His voice has a strong powerful boom behind it that would clearly make its way to the students involved. If those involved still do not stop, he will threaten a detention and hand it out to those necessary.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

Giovanni’s voice has numerous shifts in tone depending on his attitude that day. If he wakes up on the right side of the bed, he may be calm and simply say, “I will wait.” pose and tone as he waits for everybody's attention to go back on topic. However if it were to be a day that he rolls the wrong way and falls out of bed, it is a completely different story. Giovanni would use his voice to boom throughout the classroom, threatening to kick anybody who continues to interrupt out of the classroom. He would look around and stare until it was completely silent, then continue his lesson.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

Giovanni is rather anti-social when on his break time, he would rather sit by his wife and eat a PB&J during his lunch break. The man doesn’t really communicate during his meals, hardly ever eating around people in general. He would only use the teachers lounge to do so. Eat, meet and wife.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me made his way to the front desk after making the final few copies needed for the class. He scanned the room making sure everybody was seated and wrote his name on the board, ‘’Giovanni Irae’’. He boomed his voice out &f”Welcome to class, thank you all for taking your seats. I would like to introduce myself so that the annoying and boring part is out of the way.” &uHe pointed to the name that he had written on the board &f”My name is Giovanni Irae, you can call me whatever, Gio, Vannie, Giovanni or Mister Irae.” &uHe continued writing on the board in chalk, reading it as he went along &f”There are not many rules to my class but the few that exist are there for a very good reason.” &u- &f”Rule number one, no fighting. Pretty simple. Rule number two, no knives. Also very simple. Rule number three is very important. If you have something to say, say it. Don’t raise your hand, if you have a thought blurt it out to get it off of your chest. It must be school appropriate or else I will sadly have to warn you or give you detention which makes my job harder. Any questions.” &uThe man scanned the room, making sure nobody has any questions.

/me looked around the classroom, counting in his mind of how many students attended his class. The man cleared his throat and explained the subject, &f”Today we will be going over a simple subject. Tectonic Plates and the difference between them.” &uHe took out a rather hefty textbook as he licked the tip of his finger and flipped through the book, clearing his throat as he did so. &f”There are two types of Tectonic Plates, Oceanic and Continental. Oceanic are plates that are based in the ocean, an example being the Pacific Plate in the Pacific Ocean. Continental plates are land masses that rest on top of plates, for example the Okhotsk Plate, or North America. Any questions so far.” &uHe scanned the room as his very blunt question rang around the room. &f”Right. Today, we will be learning the different types of movements in the plates and easy ways to memorize them.” &uTook out a piece of chalk and began to write on draw on the board. Continuing his lesson.

/me sat at his desk typing away. As the student had asked a question, he peaked up and walked over to the desk to assist them. &f”So, when it comes to layers on the Earth. Normally you would think that the higher it is the older it is. However, it is completely different, the deeper and deeper you go into the Earth’s crust the older it is. When time goes on and on, more sand and dirt blows by from the wind blowing by and sticking. This created layers over time.” &uHe straightened his posture and walked back to his desk, giving it a moment before going back to his emails. Probably Emailing his wife.

/me boomed his voice after the end of his lecture &f”Alright! Everybody come to the front to collect your work for today.” &uHe’d begin to pass out the papers and return to his desk. He’d begin to type away, going back to emailing and messaging his wife. After some time he’d step up from the chair and walked around the classroom to make sure everybody was doing what they were supposed to. As he noticed a student get an answer incorrect, he decided to help the class out. &f”On question seven, when it asks how to find the distance Mike rode on his bike. Remember the pyramid graph we did in the lesson today.” &uHe walked back to his desk with a smile, knowing he just embarrassed that student. Back to emailing his wife.


January 23rd, 1985.

A baby boy was born in an Italian hospital. The baby didn’t make noise, no crying, no giggling. Just silence at it spelt. A mother was sitting alone in the hospital bed, no mother, no father, no spouse. Just a heart rate and the sound of nurses. The mother sobbed as she was asked for the name of the baby. She said with tears flowing down her face, “Giovanni, Fadel.”. Giving the baby boy the burden of his Father’s Sin.

March 4th, 1990

At the age of five, the boy had become fluent in Italian. Every day he learned more and more, he tried to impress his mother. But no matter what he did, his mother always seemed to scold him, or hate him. The boy picked up a new language, Spanish. The native language of his mother. He’d use it to spy on her conversations with his aunt. They talked ill about him, that he was the worst thing in her life. Never once did he bring it up to her, nor tell her he knew spanish.

February 1st, 1994

Nine years old. The boy was in school, what a horrible, horrible experience. The little boy had geeky glasses and a horrible buzzcut. He was bullied constantly for his appearance and being a geeky kid. He tolerated it every day. Horrible, painfully and most importantly, in anger. Only now did the boy realize that his anger was hard to keep down.

January 23rd, 1999.

Age thirteen, the golden years for a boy. Got some hair on his chest and a deeper voice and some girls wanted him. Is what he thought. He had been met with the harsh reality of even more bullying, voice cracks and a baby face. The boy walked the halls, listening to everybody call him names, laughing at him. He couldn’t handle it. His body itched and squirmed at the urge to lash out at everything.

July 5th, 2004

A sudden blaze erupted in the church of the town. A blade swung around, cutting people down like crops. The wielder of the blade was none other than Giovanni Fadel. He had spread the fire throughout the town, burning it down half of the town. His body was burnt, he struggled to walk out as he held the blade in his hand as he walked away. He stared down at a woman who was protecting a child from the ongoing inferno. A shimmer of a silver ring caught his eye, it made him sick. He stepped on her wrist, breaking it. The final thing the woman could handle before she had passed right before him. He stared at a birthmark that had always been on his left shoulder. He had mumbled something underneath the burning and rubble. “I’m sorry.” was all he could say.

August 10th, 2013

After years of anger and rage fueling his actions, finally letting his wrath spill out onto something again. Much less of a suspecting victim, a forest! He had dropped a lighter into brush as it all went up in flames. He brought a knife, but nothing was in sight for him to attack or get rid of this world. He had walked out of the blaze, seeing a fire truck as he exited. Quickly he made his escape, not getting caught, yet again.

March 7th, 2015

The man had begun to look into his family's background. The more and more he dove into it, he had gotten a text from an unknown group chat that was already titled, Sin’s of Gisepe. It included people with the same last name as him, Fadel. As people finally came to a conclusion of what it was, they each stated something. A name of the Seven Sins, Giovanni was the only one clueless. They all called him Irae, Latin for Wrath. He accepted it with a confused look across his face as he looked at his phone. Only then did he realize what it all meant. He began to live his life as a wrathful and angered man.

February 2nd 2019

After a horrible and painful four years.Between them, he had gone to school, getting himself a teaching degree and a degree in Geology. But now he was trying to meet his siblings again. The group meeted in Italy, finally discussing their pasts with each other. It all ended in a fight, leaving Giovanni and his oldest brother Mandela both heavily injured. Afterwards, Giovanni had been put in a coma for the next five years. Unknowing of it the entire time.

July 13th 2024

A gasp as the man woke up, hooked to IVs and other medical devices. His body felt weak, a doctor at his side as he shot up, feeling his head. He spoke in Italian, but all he was met with was Japanese. Thank goodness he used a familiar green bird application to help him learn the language beforehand. He shot out of the bed, IVs still connected to him as he rumbled down the hospital and into a car, driving off. He had met a woman named Elaine Osiris after a few weeks of staying! After remembering the whole human emotion and being normal, he grew attached to her and her family. Popping the question to marry her only a few months into dating. Where he grew so obsessed that he applied for this job…

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name:

Giovanni Irae


Mr, Mister.

Given Name(s):

Gio, Giovanni, Irae.

Preferred Name:






Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:


SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience:

Four years of teaching under supervision.

Academic Degree:

-Teaching Doctorate
-Geology Doctorate
-Journalism Bachelor

Year of Graduation:






Native Languages:

Italian, Spanish

Other Languages:

Japanese & Russian

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

I have a TEFL Certificate after being supervised during my four years in College.


I love my wife​

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