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Denied CruelRP | History Teacher App

Tashi Goroku

Level 1
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Do you have Discord:
Yes, I do! My discord is Error#4158

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I do but I am very shy to talk, although if it is needed I will!

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand that if I am inactive I will be demoted from a teacher, returning to my original grade in SRP.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity varies between 4-6 hours. This time mainly depends on if I am busy during the day. As of the weekends, I try to be on the most as when I can. During the week, I am consistently on from 2-4 hours as I am usually busy.

Do you have any previous bans?: I do not have any previous bans!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

MessyRPP || Russian Application | SchoolRP [Denied]

MessyRPP || Russian Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]

MessyRPP || JSL Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]

What is your current role(s) on the server?:
Grade 12 [18]


What subject are you applying to teach?:
I am applying for the role of a history teacher!

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:

My motivation for becoming a teacher here at Karakura High is watching children succeed. There is no more joy in the world than watching a child you taught, grow up and be successful. I want to help children achieve their dreams, getting their degrees, and continuing through life. One of my good friends BrokenMangle78 has become a teacher. I had seen how much fun it was and how much she was respected. Greenies and Highschool students tend to listen to teachers and professors. I would love to help them through school and be their teacher. SRP is my escape from reality and my go-to game when I have free time. It makes me feel welcome and as I was achieving something great in life. Becoming a teacher helps me think that I am changing the world, yet online, giving satisfying and enjoyable roleplays.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I understand that if I am accepted, I will have to undergo teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

The Classroom logs are important because they are the way to prove to the Dean to show you have been active and doing your job. It is evidence you are not being lazy and slacking on your job and that you are completing the quota of classes required. Classroom logs are a way to get your paycheck. Without classroom logs, you would be unable to get paid. You would be working for free and that doesn’t seem very fair. The classroom logs play a very important role in any job in SRP.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

Rule 1: Be on time and ready for class

Rule 2: Cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed unless permitted

Rule 3: No snack or beverages other than water

Rule 4: Use polite speech and body language towards others

Rule 5: Do not speak unless permitted to {Raise your hand}

Rule 6: Turn in your work on time and be on schedule

Rule 7: Be proud of your work

Rule 8: Listen as a teacher or student is talking, show full respect

Rule 9: Don’t be afraid to ask questions, questions help you learn and grow

Rule 10: Take your education seriously, no fooling around

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

My experience in roleplay in my opinion is very detailed. I tend to put a lot of detail in any roleplay I may do such as combat, medical, and even just normal everyday things. I have been roleplaying for 9 years now and it is amazing. SRP is my best roleplay server I have ever experienced. If I am being honest when I first heard of SRP, I thought it would have been like the school roleplay servers I had been on, but it was completely different. It made me see roleplay from an entirely different view and it lit up my mind. SRP felt so real and made me feel I had to work for everything I wanted and do certain things to gain items just like real life. SRP had made my roleplays more enjoyable and smooth during them and I can't thank the SRP team enough.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD

↳ Meaning:

Head Department

↳ Description:

The head department of teachers, they are there to help and assist other teachers who may be struggling. They make sure every class is running the way it should be and the students are being taught properly. They have been teaching for many years and have all the knowledge they need for every department.

- QT

↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:

A qualified teacher is a teacher who has been teaching for a while. They have the full knowledge and the right mindset to teach classes of their own. They have been through a lot of training and have developed the skills of a qualified teacher.


↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:

A newly qualified teacher is a teacher who has just been qualified. They are still gaining the knowledge and working to become fully qualified. As they pass through more training, they will soon become a Qualified teacher. They are still able to host classes during the school days as a Newly Qualified Teacher.

- UT

↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher

↳ Description:

An unqualified Teacher is a Teacher who has just been accepted as a teacher. They will have to have help if they do decide to host a class but with another teacher supervising them. They cannot host any classes alone and need to be trained. Once they pass through their training, learning everything they need to know, the teacher will become a Newly Qualified Teacher and can host classes.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers in SRP make classes and the game itself more interesting and hooking. They keep the schooltime alive and give people high spirits by hosting a class for a period. Teachers can spend a few hours setting up their classroom for the upcoming class either between periods or in the morning. The class does not stop until the bell rings for breaktime. Teachers remain in school till the school hours are over. They would patrol the halls, double-checking if students are in their designated class at that time. In-Game teachers earn a salary of ¥450,000 for 15 classes each month, failure to complete the classes could lead you to be demoted. A teacher can earn a bonus pay of ¥50,000 by hosting and teaching 10 extra classes. Teachers must punish whoever they catch fighting anywhere on school grounds, they will give 2 warnings before sending the student(s) to detention. If teachers are not busy, they have to hold detention for any students who may have it.

In real life, teachers are serious and loyal to their jobs. They spend many hours setting up classes, attending any teacher meeting, grading assignments, assisting students, and gaining a trustworthy relationship with their student’s parents. Teacher’s salaries can vary at different prices, depending on which school they teach at and the degree they have acquired. A teacher who has a bachelor's degree gets a salary of around $45,390 and a teacher with a master’s degree get paid a salary of about $52,750. If they continue their teaching and do a phenomenal job, their salary can rise.

High school teachers serve a purpose as a pass to college. They inform and educate students on mature behavior, readying them for what college might bring. Teachers give all that they can to guarantee their students succeed. Certain students can have certain classes they join for their degrees, teachers are the ones who teach them all they need to know to earn it. They will do whatever it takes, no matter the obstacles, to make their students have a safe and comfortable learning experience. They never want to see their students fail, as it would feel they failed to do their job.

Teachers in real life take time out of their breaks at home to grade assignments and/or tests, catch up on emails, ready the assignments for the next day, emailing kids for missing grades, contacting parents, and so much more. Teachers serve a very big role in ordinary lives and most people don’t see what they can do for you. Teachers have this stress of keeping their job or teaching disrespectful kids yet still manage to come into the classroom and teach. Teachers are the key to our futures.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

The teachers of SRP make everything on the server go well and run very calmly. Without teachers, students would sit around during school hours, not learning any educational things. Teachers serve the role of giving an enjoyable roleplay for others and making people happy and satisfied. Some students like to do things in a roleplay server other than just sitting around, if they find a class they would like to attend, the teachers only make the class more fun. Teachers in SRP keep the mood happy and bubbly, without the teachers, SRP would seem very dull and dead.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

The School operates on a 'MoSCo' which represents ‘Must have, Should have, Could have’

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Ianthe would have chocolate brown hair. Her eyes would be a light coffee brown with a hint of white. She would stand at 4’10 with an athletic-looking body.

Ian separates herself from others because of her creativity and elegance. She would tend to be very proper and quiet towards people she is unfamiliar with. Her outlook on others came off as predators or enemies. She would always be cautious of other students as any could be harmful. She is still able to make many friends even while being careful.

With other teachers, Ian would be kind to the people who had helped her learn. She would treat each teacher with respect and kindness no matter what may happen. She had looked up to every teacher that she had for every class her entire life.

Ian’s personality would contain bubbly and sweet, but sassy and cautious. She would be bubbly to new people she may meet, but while being cautious of the student as well. Ian tends to make many friends while keeping on track with her schoolwork.

Ian's plan for her future is to become a teacher. Ian’s dream since she was a child was to become a teacher for all. All of her friends and family had continued to teach her the basics and help her through tough times in life. Ian had been the best in history and had dreamed of teaching students all her knowledge.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Firstly, she would go to the students in an appropriate manner. She would tell the students to quiet down, if they refuse to, she would straighten up and get more serious. She would then speak once more, giving them a second warning. If they refused, she would have a serious tone to the students and give them detention and inform the Principal about the detention. If they do not show up to the detention room, she would go to the Principal and talk about further consequences for their actions.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

Properly, she would clap her hands together to attempt to catch their attention. If that doesn't work she would have a serious tone of voice and tell the students to quiet down. Once again, if the students refuse to listen to following directions, she would raise his voice and start to clap to catch their attention. If they continue to ignore her they would have to sit in silence for two minutes. If the class does not listen, she would go to the principal after her class was dismissed and inform the principal about the class’s behavior and any further consequences.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

When entering the teacher’s lounge, she would say hello to the fellow teachers and smile at them sitting down after she sat down, having her food next to her she would then pull out a notebook of her class plan’s and start to write about her plans for her next class. After she has completed her plans she would then see if she would have any time left if not she would then get up to leave. If she did have time she would talk to other teachers and ask how their classes were or how their day was.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me She would straighten the desks, cleaning up any remaining trash on the floor. She would then dump the trash into the trash can, walking over to her desk to grab the cleaning supplies. She would swiftly take the cleaning supplies, spraying and wiping each desk down thoroughly.

/me She would take a baby wipe, cleansing her hands before dropping it into the trash. She would then fluff out her skirt, ruffling with her hair before taking a deep breath, opening the door, and welcoming every student with a warm smile.

/me She would break out a piece of chalk, writing the daily objective on the board before turning back to her class, crossing her arms. “Okay, class! Here is the objective for today, please look over this and don’t be afraid to ask questions!” She would then watch over the class.

/me She would freeze, turning back to the class as she would clap her hands, signifying the class was being too loud. She would sigh and speak to the class. “Okay class, we are getting a bit too loud. This is not the time to be talking.”


Ianthe Daenerys was born in Saints Petersburg, Russia. She was born into a rich yet broken family. Her mother had never cared for Ian because of her eyes. Her eyes had reminded her mother about her dead father, who had passed away at the time of Ian’s birth. Ian was cared for by the maid of the household named Vanessa. Vanessa was always there for Ian when her mother was not. When Ian fell or was bullied, Vanessa would stand up for her no matter the cost. One day, Ian’s mother had decided to go the extra mile and lock Ian in the basement of the house, leaving her without food or water for days at a time. As of 3 months, Vanessa had found Ian in the basement, torn clothes, and pale skin. Vanessa had decided to call the cops on Ian’s mother for domestic abuse towards her child. Ian's mother was arrested that day and thrown into jail. As the years went on, Ian became more and more interested in history. She loved the way the world had changed and the events that she wasn't even aware of. She would go to Vanessa and tell her interesting facts every day about events in time. Ian began to study history majors in high school and even stayed after school in history class to catch up on more events. Ian eventually was studying to become a high school teacher, her history teacher had begun to help her through things she did not understand and even let her teach the lesson at times. Ian was very proud of herself and was filled with joy, but her joy didn't last very long. She was informed Vanessa had gotten a job in Karakura, Japan, and they were required to move there by next week. Ian had become very upset but pushed through anyway. The following week of arriving in Karakura, Japan, Ian fell in love. Nature, the scenery, the smell, everything was amazing to her. 2 months later, Vanessa had passed away. Ian had continued to reach her goal and kept moving on without any stops. As of today, Ian has filled out a test for a history teacher and is now waiting on her results. Ian only hopes for the best and keeps her mother and Vanessa in her mind forever.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name: Ianthe Daenerys

Title: Ms [Miss]

Given Name(s): Ian

Preferred Name:

Ms. Daenerys [The students]

Ian [Friends]

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Religious Denomination: Christain

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Russian

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience: 4

Academic Degree: Bachelor, Masters

Year of Graduation: 2009

Major(s): National History, Global History, Child development

Minors: Culinary arts, Graphic design

Native Languages: Russian

Other Languages: Japanese, English, JSL

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No


Additional notes about your application:
Nope! I just hope you enjoyed reading!

Do you have any questions?:


Level 347
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying, however, your Teacher application won't be accepted today.

- You are still blacklisted from applying for Highschool Teacher & School Employee for repeated plagiarism, creating new forum accounts doesn't change this fact.​

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