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Accepted CTC0 | Horticulture Professor Application


Level 25

What is your Minecraft username?:
Slot 1 - Tutor (applying on this slot)
Slot 2 - Adult

What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:


Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I usually spend from 2 hours all the way up to 18 hours daily on SRP, though recently I haven’t been online as much due to being unwell. However, now that I am better, I would like to become active again.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have been roleplaying on SchoolRP since summer of 2020 (I know because of a SS I sent to Mike via DMs during my greenie days), since then I’ve been learning how to improve my roleplaying skills, mainly with detailrp and researching for particular scenarios.
I’ve roleplayed via video games since maybe 2015? It all started before that with the interest in building minecraft cities on my xbox 360, inspired by Aphmau videos, I remember how it took me a good while to build one and then somehow my world got deleted, this happened to me about 3 times. After realizing that I could do more than build cities, I decided to go and do active roleplaying.
I started off using roleplay as an entertainment scheme for my YouTube channel, but I grew to enjoy it more than I realized and started roleplaying on Minecraft and GTA5 Online as well on my PS4. I made many friends along the way and improved my roleplaying skills, but then I got a PC and I was able to join SRP for the first time.
I Googled school roleplay because Aphmau’s season 2 of mystreet was my favorite and I wanted to make my own story. I found the SRP forums home page through that Google search and I was able to then join for the first time! After spending a good hour or 2 setting up my new character and reading the rules, I started roleplaying my first character and started creating more characters after a year or two of playing and gaining general roleplaying experience.

Now I have about 40 characters to play as, though some are inactive ones, I like to think I have greatly improved my roleplaying skills since I first started. I certainly enjoy writing a lot more because of SRP and I also believe I’ve improved my writing skills as well. I still have a bit of practice to go as you can tell though. I am hoping that if I am accepted as a tutor, I will get an opportunity to improve that way.
On Dec 23, 2022 I was accepted as a HS Science Teacher and spent around 9 months doing that, it was a blast! I enjoyed being a teacher so much, the 2 reasons I left was a mixture of the stress of greenies and I was becoming more busy at the time.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Adult, Tutor (willing to swap this out), Grade-12, Grade-11, Grade-10, Grade-9, Grade-7, College B, Dog, Cat & Bear.

What is the subject you want to teach?:


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

In real life I’ve had a horticulture course in college, I also really miss doing SRP classes like I did back when I had a teacher role. Right now I’m a Tutor, and as great as it is, it’s not exactly the most exciting role out there, which is why I think interactive classes would work out much better for my little autistic brain. I’ve considered the fact that a lot of parts of Horticulture could be boring, and I plan on making it as fun as possible, hopefully inspiring and encouraging people to not only grow stuff in-game and build their own little gardens on their balconies at home in SRP, but also in real life as well, as was I when I was a student in the horticulture course in real life!
Horticulture, being both a science and art of growing plants, can and will be lots of fun for all sorts of people. I hope to bring joy in the form of learning by making this an interesting subject for all!

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
  1. One great idea for a class that I thought of includes having a look at the plants around school. This includes the plants on the roof, the plant nursery, the benches on the ground floor, the plants on the stairs also on the ground floor, and the plants around the outside of the building. Hopefully having enough time to get all of this done in the span of 2 periods, we will be discussing the art of how the plants were planted purposefully to make them grow in that particular way, and explain why this is usually done. During this entire class, I will be asking the students to take notes in the notebooks provided by me, and I will be marking their work based on how much they paid attention. I also plan on answering as many questions as I can, as well as bringing up questions that may not have been asked or mentioned, which would hopefully cause people to ask more questions.​
  2. A fun class idea I thought of includes growing a particular plant, I will of course have crops growing next to the window of the classroom, free for anyone to observe during class time, but the class will have their own plants that they will be taking care of, planting, watering, and I will take note of each student that has done this in RP, and I will use my plant knowledge to make the most accurate prediction of how the plant reacts to the care it receives. I will also go as far as buying seeds IRL and putting name tags on the pots, then care for each one in the same way each student details in-game, for extra realism.​

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I plan on taking the students to either a local garden, or the forest. Once arrived, I will be discussing with them details and information about how to tell a plant’s age, as well as how to care for each one, and explain why some plants in the forest survive better than others. I hope that by bringing the students to the source of their learning, I will do a much better job at getting them to understand, and also hopefully find it easier to teach them all that I can about the art and science of plants.
I will of course be providing notebooks for each student, I will encourage all of them before each step of the field trip to write notes, and I will be pausing at the end of each step to allow the students to finish writing their notes. Depending on whether we go to the gardens or the forest, I will be teaching the students separate kinds of things, example: I will be teaching students more of the science of plants rather than the art if we were to go into the forest, which means that the gardens are reserved for teaching the arts of plants.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

He would approach the group to make sure that they weren’t being aggressive, and if they were then he would step in between the group, trying to calm down anyone who seemed to be distressed or angry at all. If help is needed, my character would radio for assistance, explaining the situation in as much detail as is necessary.
After the students had been calmed down, my character would question them all one at a time, this step being much quicker if he had assistance. He’d then give any warnings or detentions would be given out depending on what happened.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
My character would remind them that this is detention, which means they must be quiet. Though, if the questions are of genuine confusion with their task or if the student genuinely needs support, he would stand next to them and whisper in order to help, he’s all for education after all.
If the student was asking questions just to be annoying, my character would give out warnings, reminding the student that he could wait until the school gates close and keep the student there until they learn manners.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
My character would make a firm and authoritative clearing throat noise to remind the students that they are in class right now, where phones are meant to be switched off, and students are meant to pay attention. He would explain afterwards that he does not wish to teach students who don’t want to learn, and invite them to listen to the class until the bell rings. If the students continue after that, my character would kick them from the room and leave it at that, allowing the other students to listen and learn.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
My character, upon realizing his intervention didn’t help, would radio for immediate assistance, sending quick and clear information about the current scene he’s watching, explaining the location and what’s happening. After that, my character would do his best to help until assistance arrived, and help the help as much as possible.
After that’s dealt with, my character and the assistance that arrived at the scene would question the students, then after figuring out what happened, would give out any warnings or detentions necessary.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Declan is a 6 '2, Caucasian, cisgender male with brown hair and brown eyes. He’s the type of person who prefers to wear clothes that are comfortable and not bother too much with its style. Declan never yells or raises his voice, that being said he knows when to scold a student or when to warn them, even though he never actually sounds too intimidating or strict, though this is just an example.
Declan enjoys long walks, preferably on the beach which is why he had his heart set out for Karakura. He enjoys the outdoors and admires the night sky where there’s the least amount of light pollution. Declan likes to keep his beard well maintained and of course prefers to be hygienic.

Declan is the type of person who would look into a situation when a student isn’t acting according to the school rules, he prefers to look into situations with as many points of view as is necessary. Using this, he has a much higher chance at understanding students when they’re behaving badly and/or breaking school rules. Declan isn’t one to ask for help with situations that much, but he won’t refuse to do it if he needs to, faculty is about teamwork as well, and he knows this.
When it comes to other faculty, Declan most likely won’t try to befriend anyone, but he will be friendly if he is dragged into a conversation somehow. If a faculty member is stressed, he will do his best to help them out where he can, and if he’s busy he will ask someone else to take over depending on how dire the situation is.

Declan is usually a quiet man, he never raises his voice though I already mentioned that. He enjoys helping people because it always makes him feel better about himself knowing that he’s helped, even if it stresses him out in the process. In his spare time, he likes to sit alone in his apartment and either play Uno with himself or do a puzzle or two. When he’s not doing that, he (if accepted) would most likely be working on lesson plans and grading work.
Declan plans to live a comfortable life in Karakura, maybe adopt a dog and hopefully inspire students as a college professor. He hopes that he may also - in time - rise up the ranks of his job title (if accepted), which would put him in a position to help more than just students. His hopes for the future goes way beyond just professor jobs though, he hopes to start up a charity and start raising money to get homeless students off the streets.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Declan - commonly nicknamed “Dec” - was born and raised in the UK, mainly England. Being autistic (diagnosed when he was 8), he found it easy to hyperfocus on subjects he found interesting, like animal care, anime, traveling, and horticulture. At the age of 16, he went to college (British name for highschool) and did a few courses there. He tried his hand at computer courses, but felt it would work better for him to get into an independence course for extra confidence.
After that year of the independence course, he took a 2 year course on Horticulture, firstly learning about growing his own crops, learning the science behind the growing itself and how to grow better plants. Afterwards, he learned the art of growing plants in general, it was somewhere during this part of his 2 year course that he realized he wanted to teach people what he was learning, so he taught it to his mother, who was inspired to try growing her own vegetables.
After finishing his 2 year Horticulture course, he went on one more 1 year animal care course, his original thought process being getting a job as a zoo keeper. During his animal care course, Dec learned the basics, such as; walking dogs, caring for rodents, caring for reptiles, caring for amphibians, and caring for insects and bugs. During this time, he grew a deep interest in caring for snakes, but this is irrelevant to the build up to his current position.
Finally, after passing all of his courses, he decided to take a year break in order to figure out what he wanted. Anyway some years passed and he worked some jobs, then eventually he moved to Okata, Oshima and taught there for a while until finally applying to work as a professor in Karakura College.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Declan Wilkinson.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Declan Wilkinson.

Preferred Name:
Declan Wilkinson.


Gender & pronouns:
Male, He/They

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Okata, Oshima.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

3 years.

Working Experience (# of years):
19 years.

Academic Degree:
The highest is Masters.

Year of Graduation:

Animal care.


Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Horticulture (mainly) and/or Animal care.


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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