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Denied Cu_Chulainn_ | Librarian Application.

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):

Early 20s.

What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I am decently active on this server, typically online about four to five hours each
day, usually on for longer during the weekends. But I typically am on around that
many hours. As for what days and such, I am typically on from Monday to Friday
for about 3-4 hours from about 7 pm to 11:30 pm, but I can go earlier in the day.
On weekends I can do much longer, depending on timing I can be on for around
5-6 hours. On Sundays its more like a weekday where I am more online from 7
to 11:30 pm. I'd say my activity on srp in general is about a 7/10 for presence, and
overall just being online in general.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I have not been banned or warned, I do not intend to get banned or warned, I've made sure
to read the rules carefully.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I am aware that if I am inactive I will be demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

Librarian, the first face that you see at the counter in a library, ready to help, and keep the library a safe, and clean environment.
Librarians are typically ready to help search for a book for you may want or need on the computer or even guide you in the
right direction if you are having a bit of trouble with finding a certain book. As for their treatment of students and children,
Librarians can help them learn, and discuss topics involving literature, history, and more. Librarians are also in charge of bringing
in the new books, and retrieving books that have been borrowed by a student when a student returns one. Librarians are also the
friendly people who help you set up a library card, so that you may have books available to you. Other than restocking and being
a helping aid for those who need assistance in finding a book, or even lending a professor a book, they keep the place clean, and
presentable. They also ensure the neat organization digitally of books, keep stock of the books, and overall take the time to be presentable. Being kind to students and those who enter the Library is their top priority, along with being overall friendly and welcoming. They create, and use databases of library materials, organizing Library materials so they are easy to find. They offer suggestions about books and media to students, and the patrons of the library. Librarians also maintain a budget for the library facilities and and resources, ensuring that it is well managed. some of their other tasks also include connecting people o technology, and researching material. Librarians also build and organize websites, digitize archives, and manage social media websites in regards to the library. On another note of interactions, Librarians will offer aid and assistance to those of all ages.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I've always been a very creative person, so I have been roleplaying ever since I was very young. Typically
using MC servers or even stuffed animals IRL to roleplay with others. Over the years I had started to
participate in DND sessions with friends, and even hosted my own roleplay sessions with close friends of mine.
I had first joined SRP back around late 2020, early 2021, which was the first time I've done a school roleplay.
Ever since then I have been roleplaying with everyone there, along with getting a better grasp on detailrp,
and overall just becoming a better roleplayer in general. I have learned how to roleplay very realistically, along
with being able to keep things fair and clean. I probably still have alot to learn, but I am well experienced. I have made sure to read the rules of this server, so that I can roleplay effectively, and have fun.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

Ever since joining SRP, I have constantly noticed the professors and school employees typically running around
around the school, carrying radios, and carrying out their daily tasks. I always was drawn to that, and would attempt
to befriend some of these professors and teachers. Ever since I first interacted with school staff, I humored the idea
of being a school employee, due to the nature of constantly being active, and overall interacting with more people
and being able to engage in new, fun experiences. As for more reasons as to why I want to join, I overall want to be
apart of more, and I have decent knowledge on books IRL, so I figured this would be a good opportunity. I want to interact with more people, and become more involved rather than just running around, and I overall do enjoy speaking with others on here, and I like being able to roleplay with everyone here. Plus, I wanted to gain more experience on here as a school employee to know what it is like to be in a faction in SRP. My goal overall is to learn more, experience more, and be able to see new experiences, and learn more about the factions, while also being able to provide whoever approaches me in-game with a fun conversation between characters. Its a new role I have never tried before, and I figure this would also aid in helping me learn more about the server in general.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Cú Chulainn (College B)
Achilles Pelides (Grade 12)
Shirai 'Archer' Emiya (Grade 12) (Who is applying for librarian.)
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne (Grade 12)
Chobel Akaiszaka (Grade 12)


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

He would simply glance at the student, raising a brow in curiosity as he determines whether if the student is being
legitimate in their statement. Recognizing after not even a minute that its real, he gives them a stern expression,
speaking in a calm, cool headed tone. Not once showing an ounce of anger nor care. "Do not speak to staff like that,
do it again, you get a detention slip." If the student continues being belligerent at that point, he will hand
the student
the detention slip without another word, and will contact SLT via radio should the student continue harassing him
him after they have been given a detention slip. Typically Archer will be very calm in such a situation, not engaging with the student aggressively, keeping a level head. He will be quick to alert SLT to the student should the student be troublesome.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Calmly striding over to the scene, he would let out a loud whistle in order to get their attention. Should their attention be gained by him, he would
separate the students fighting, and calmly question them afterwards, one by one. He would then radio in the nurse, letting them know they will be
receiving students soon who were involved in a fight. If it was a major fight, he will also let SLT know. Now onto the part for what happens if the
students do not immediately respond to his loud whistle. He will verbally speak in quite a loud tone, saying. "If you do not separate now, you two
will receive a detention slip." If the students are too enthralled in the fight, he will position himself between the pair, and have them split. He
then will question both students separately in a stern, calm manner, letting them know that engaging in a fight on school grounds is strictly
prohibited, and could get in further trouble if this continues. He would then ask witnesses around for what had happened, while also contacting
the nurse to let them know that they will be receiving students soon, and will also let SLT know for the severe fight.
Should he come across a fight that is escalating quickly, he will verbally demand the students to separate, and step in physically if absolutely needed.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

He would quickly and in urgency pull the employee aside, assessing the situation before he speaks. "What are you thinking, this could cost you your job!"
Still keeping a level head, he would explain to the employee why the inappropriate action could not only lead to the eradication of their job, but that it could
cost them, and the school its reputation, and that the school is meant to be a safe space for students and employees alike, not for a place to be reckless and
endangering those around them. He would waste no time in radioing the SLT, to let them know that unfortunately a employee has acted recklessly on
the school grounds. If the employee protested, he would simply respond firmly in saying that what they did was not right, and they should have known
better than to act recklessly and foolishly on school grounds. Should the employee be acting recklessly due to a mental illness or simply having a bad day, Archer will reaffirm that acting in such a manner will absolutely get them demoted or worse, kicked out from their job. He may try to calm the employee down if its a bad day, and will reassure them in a somewhat stern manner, that everything will be fine, and to straighten up.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

During the morning especially, he is seen with a mug of black coffee in his right hand as he either sits in a chair, or leans against the nearby wall.
If he is not nose deep in a book, then he will normally be somewhat open to chatting with the other employees, but typically keeps to himself.
Usually if someone has a problem, and mentions it in the break room, he is one of the first people to respond, asking how he can help. But, he
wont become involved in any emotional drama, which is why he usually sticks to himself in the break room, or even starts to clean it. Usually he refrains from speaking to other employees unless he really needs to, or is just bored enough to want to strike up a conversation. Usually, people approach him first before he speaks to them.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

While standing at the library desk, his steel colored eyes narrow as he scans the library for any students who appear to need help, or anyone for
anyone in general. At seeing no one is around, he carefully picks up some Clorox wipes, and begins to wipe down the counters, and even a bit of
the computer while he's at it. With a neutral yet focused expression, he monitors how much of the books are stocked, and if any more are needed,
or are placed in the wrong spots in the library, or haven't been put away. "Good grief." He whispers to himself, picking up a few books that had been
left out on a little table nearby. Picking them up, he carefully sets them down into the proper place on the shelves, and in the proper sections of
genre that they belong. Carefully, he checks the digital stock on the computer to make sure all books and archives are organized, and properly labeled.

/me Standing behind the desk in the library, he watches around for any and all students who approach. At the sight of one approaching, he retains a
neutral expression, his posture appearing almost regal as he stands up straight. "A library card you say? Sure thing kid, what's your name, grade,
and age?" He asks in a calm, yet firm tone. He sounds a bit harsh, but the expression on his face gives away gentleness as he types the information
down onto the computer database, activating the printer as he enters in the information. "Enjoying school life here? Can't say I miss being your age."
He speaks in a joking tone, waiting for the printer to finish. "Alright kid, have a good one." Handing the freshly printed library card to the student, he
would watch in silence as they walk away, going back to sipping on his black coffee during the early morning hours.

/me Leaning against the counter a bit, he seems clearly entertained and amused as he listens to a student describe the fall of a certain city from history.
Watching and waiting quietly for the student to finish, he speaks up. "Interesting thoughts kiddo, but have you heard about-" He would then explain
a little bit more knowledge into the history of that city, the student appearing quite surprised. "How I know? Well, lemme show you." Leaning back a
bit, he slides a book out from the counter at his station, something he was reading before the student had arrived. "This, has all the knowledge
you need about it right here." As the student shows their library card, he gives a small, wry smile to the student while watching them walk away.
"Have a good day kiddo, don't get into trouble." His voice remained stoic, yet gentler as he spoke, giving off an air of kindness beneath his stoic

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Shirai Emiya.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 25):




Academic Degree:







Japanese Irish.

Known Languages:



Around 30 years ago, a man with dark hair had stumbled upon a 7 year old boy with white hair, and steel colored eyes.
The little boy was Archer, and the man never found out about where the boy had come from, but had decided to take
him in as his own. Archer during this time has refused to give his name, even with bribes and treats from his newly
adoptive father. Archer originally was found in a rural area of Japan, much further away from the city and was all
alone to fend for himself, atleast from what the adoptive father could see and tell, as Archer never wanted to say
what had happened, and how he ended up there. Due to his new father being rich, the man took Archer over to America,
settling down with Archer in a safe haven called a beach house in Florida. There, Archer would spend his time bonding with
his new father, and eventually was taught how to fend for himself.

Around age 9 to 10, the new father inevitably wanted
Archer to pursue hobbies, and become a boy of his own worth. Archer always refused to go to school, and the father wanted
Archer to be well off in terms of knowledge, so he was homeschooled. During this time, Archer was taught how to read, write,
and adapt to the situation around him, although he never had an social interactions. He had picked up on the hobby of archery,
becoming so good at it, that he received the nickname Archer for his efforts and skill. Archer had also learned self defense. as the
years went on, Archer still refused to be in any sort of contact from the outside world, disappearing into his own mental fantasies
while reading books. He became quite enthralled with books, especially English literature, American literature, mythologies, science,
even dabbling a bit in religion. Archer had grown a passion for learning, and reading all the books of legitimate history. He also had
a soft spot for fiction, but preferred actual events over the art of fiction.

Around the age of fifteen, he has been attacked by an individual
that he cannot identify, nor truly remember. This was the point in his life where things would rapidly change, as it took him around a
half year to recover from the attack, going in and out of the hospital. Archer eventually lost his adoptive father due to lung cancer when
he was about 18, and was left to fend for himself. With the knowledge he had attained from his father, he decided to step a bit further out
of the box for hunting a job. While in America, he found his place as a mercenary who traveled across the world in order to perform tasks,
and earn a living. During his time as a mercenary, in the early years of age 20, he was asked to participate in aiding a low staffed library,
who desperately needed a helping hand. Not being one to turn down a plead for help, Archer took the time to visit the library, as he also
has such a vast knowledge on books. Surprising even to him, he enjoyed being able to be an employee of the library, as he always kept it
neat and tidy, restocked the books, patrolled the area to make sure it was safe, welcomed in new faces, learned how to socialize, and even
surprisingly enough, taught children how to read and write, atleast assisting them in the process of learning. He remained in the library
as a staff member for about five years before returning to his original line of work. Once returning to his work, he had an unfortunate
encounter where he was captured, but Archer had managed to flea, and found his way in Karakura. Now at around age 37, Archer had no
money as it was only American dollars, and he knew quickly that he needed a place to stay, and to work. That, is when he came across a
help needed flyer for the highschool of Karakura, also known as Karakura high. He immediately took this opportunity, and went to the
school to apply. Its unknown as to if he ever graduated highschool, and he refuses to ever speak of his ex mercenary life. As for his behavior with children and other staff members, he is quite diligent, patient, and overall very calm in high stress scenarios. He is well aware of how libraries work, and wants to return to that type of job here in Karakura.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

Sitting down onto the plush chair, he looks to the interview with a wry grin, as cynical as he appears, the twinkle in
his eyes indicates he's rather..Interested. "My motivation for joining the highschool? Pretty simple. I've got knowledge
on books, I've spent my time in a library before, and overall its just a familiar sight to me. At times can be peaceful, but
I'm willing to bet peace doesn't last long here." Gave an amused chuckle. "Anywho, I want to join for the purpose of
coming back to something I'm familiar with, and being able to engage with students isn't half bad. Just don't expect me
me to admit it." Smirked as he leaned back. "I wanna help out, help students learn, and be able to guide I suppose, so there
you have it, that's my motivation."

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

Leaned forward in his seat a bit, pondering the question visibly. "As for why I should be accepted over the others, well."
He pauses, gripping his chin a bit. "I have a vast knowledge on history, books, honestly any type of book. Mainly history and
literature, but I know how to keep a space clean, settle down fights, keep books shelved and stocked, I can help students
out from time to time if they need help finding a book, and of course, I can keep a level head in stressful situations."
He appears to think on if he's missing anything, continuing again. "That pretty much sums it up, I can perform first aid
if needed, and I can cook. I'm good with computers, I can handle a database and keep track of the library archives if needed. I've got a good control on my temper too, so I'm pretty good with students and other adults. Other than that, I make sure everything is well."


Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Unfortunately your application was denied. You're welcome to re-apply in the future.

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