Custom item glitching
I've looked into the glitching of custom items and how they may change models at random, I previously suggested a theory to MikeShotZ which may be the most logically explanation for the glitch, so i'm just going to explain what I think and hope it helps, take this thread with a grain of salt but hopeful it may trigger former solutions:
Looking into models over the years I have experimented with implementation of custom items on my own resource packs in the past,
I've experimented with Name based custom items, Lore based customs, Custom Model Data items and more, one thing I have noticed however is that no mater what you do, the item may always have a chance to glitch, what i'm saying here is that this is not just a SchoolRP specific problem.
upon applying a damage value, a custom model value, etc, It will always seem to fall back in ID after a while, With custom model data your item's ID may go from 7 to 6, I can not tell you why Minecraft does this but I can tell you that it does.
SchoolRP is slightly different in function but its the same concept, SchoolRP's customs run off a custom damage system to apply the models to customs, items are give a damage value such as: 0.4385783578435794387 then Unbreakable is applied to this item to keep its damage value locked and to remove any display bars of damage on the item.
"How does this effect relate to SchoolRP and if so why does it not become the previous model in value?"
This has a simple answer from my theory!
Because minecraft is not accustom to damage values that vague, minecraft will take any update on the item it gets, almost like a block update, redstone and right clicking seem to be the most prominent, and it will round this value down to its simplest form:
0.4385783578435794387 suddenly becomes 0.4
Because there is no model under the damage value of 0.4 it simply takes the default closest and highest ranked model of that applied item, notice how a diamond hoe may always become lovely's cane? or how the diamond shovel will always become the back held swords.
"So how can we fix this issue?"
I'm going to be fully honest with you, I have no idea.
My simplest yet hardest suggestion would be to run a check on every item based on name and have it fix its item value if its different on holding it, it would take a colossal amount of time to add a value to run a check for 5000+ items however.
I don't feel like this question needs an answer.
Hopefully this thread may have given some insight and will help with the fix.
Custom item glitching
I've looked into the glitching of custom items and how they may change models at random, I previously suggested a theory to MikeShotZ which may be the most logically explanation for the glitch, so i'm just going to explain what I think and hope it helps, take this thread with a grain of salt but hopeful it may trigger former solutions:
Looking into models over the years I have experimented with implementation of custom items on my own resource packs in the past,
I've experimented with Name based custom items, Lore based customs, Custom Model Data items and more, one thing I have noticed however is that no mater what you do, the item may always have a chance to glitch, what i'm saying here is that this is not just a SchoolRP specific problem.
upon applying a damage value, a custom model value, etc, It will always seem to fall back in ID after a while, With custom model data your item's ID may go from 7 to 6, I can not tell you why Minecraft does this but I can tell you that it does.
SchoolRP is slightly different in function but its the same concept, SchoolRP's customs run off a custom damage system to apply the models to customs, items are give a damage value such as: 0.4385783578435794387 then Unbreakable is applied to this item to keep its damage value locked and to remove any display bars of damage on the item.
"How does this effect relate to SchoolRP and if so why does it not become the previous model in value?"
This has a simple answer from my theory!
Because minecraft is not accustom to damage values that vague, minecraft will take any update on the item it gets, almost like a block update, redstone and right clicking seem to be the most prominent, and it will round this value down to its simplest form:
0.4385783578435794387 suddenly becomes 0.4
Because there is no model under the damage value of 0.4 it simply takes the default closest and highest ranked model of that applied item, notice how a diamond hoe may always become lovely's cane? or how the diamond shovel will always become the back held swords.
"So how can we fix this issue?"
I'm going to be fully honest with you, I have no idea.
My simplest yet hardest suggestion would be to run a check on every item based on name and have it fix its item value if its different on holding it, it would take a colossal amount of time to add a value to run a check for 5000+ items however.
Hopefully this thread may have given some insight and will help with the fix.