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Custom Katana & Mask


Level 2
IGN: Kauwalsky & Kowaulsky (Back then it was HeartlessCiscada & BabyCiscada)
Kodachi or Odachi (I think) & Mask
Unfortunately, none aside from the purchase history I've had, and I looked through my email for PayPal evidence but didn't find any. I had screenshots but they were lost when I deleted my old Discord account. When I bought the katana, I believe I contacted Duckings or Im6. Perhaps you could look into forum account Ciscada, aka my old account purchase history (, as I deleted my Discord, which was used to login.
I left SRP a few months ago and returned today. I'd like to receive my katana, which I paid for a while ago. It was a katana with a straight blade, a golden hilt, and a black handle. It was also distinct in that the katana would be unleashed IN MY LEFT HAND, rather than the right, as with other katanas. I'm pretty sure I had it in my apartment but couldn't pay the rent because I was leaving SRP, or it was in my inventory and I misplaced it, I honestly don't remember much. As for my mask, I remember it being white with black stuff around the eye sockets and a smiley. Duckings can confirm for sure as I remember texting him as I given the mask but it was broken.

Like this but in white:

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