Level 0
Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?: Meanicri
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes! James™®©#1420
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Central Standard Time (CST)
Describe your activity on the server:
During Weekends, my high traffic hours are between Noon and 7 PM. During Weekdays, my high traffic hours are between 4 and 8 PM.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have not been Banned from SRP.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
One Language Application:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
12th Year
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
A Custom Shop, a Grocery/Necessities Store named Mazumetsu.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Currently, food ingredients aren't abundant, and the stores that sell different foods don't open quite often. As such, I wanted to create a grocery store that sells foods needed to make the game more inclusive. I also have experience with customer service from real life experience, so owning a retail store will be a piece of cake for me.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Selling ingredients, pots/pans, snacks and Furniture. This makes it more unique with being a store centered entirely around goods, and not services.
What will you sell in your shop?:
The Items sold in the shop would include, but not be limited to: White Bread, Bacon, Eggs, Sugar, Flour, Butter, Cake Mix, Strawberry Jam, G**** Jam, Raw Chicken, Raw Steak, Rice, Seaweed, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Carrots, Ramen packs, Multigrain Bread, Bread Dough, Salmon, Bluefin Tuna, Bacon and Egg Sandwich, Onigiri, Beef Curry, An Assortment of Bento Boxes, Pizza and Desserts. This is a small selection of items that will be coming to the store, with more possibly coming in later updates to the game.
With the Addition of the Furniture Update, I will possibly be selling some small furniture and "appliances" like a Coffee maker, Blender, and Microwave. I will also possibly be selling Electronics, like differing styles of PC Monitors, PC Cases, Types of Chairs, Etc.
What do you plan to do in the future?:
As we grow, we will sell more furniture; different types of couches, beds, TV's, Shelves, Tables, Wardrobe Styles, and even going as far as selling Sets, like Dining Sets, Bedroom Sets, Kitchen Sets, Office Sets, Living Room Sets, etc. etc.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
To Keep up with Demand and timezones, we will have a Maximum of 30 Employees;
1-2 Managers
5-10 Cashiers
3-5 Restockers
and 5-15 Floaters, a name for those who can float between Restock and Cashier at a Manager's Discretion.
There will only be 5 people working at a time; One Manager/Shopkeeper, and 3 Cashiers/Floaters.
What will the uniforms look like?:
I plan on making uniforms that are basic, clean and professional. Brown pants, White shirt and Green Apron will fit perfectly.


Custom Store's Name: Mazumetsu (まずめつ)
Store Logo:

Additional notes about your application: If you have any questions or queries, my DM's are open with the discord information above. You do not need to friend me in order to ask questions.
Do you have any questions?:
How soon after Application Approval may I begin building Mazumetsu?
How long are my building privileges allowed?
Am I given a discord template or do I make one on my own?
Do I get to choose my store's location or is it chosen for me? (If I get to choose, I have a store in mind. It's the Orange Store nearby the Government Building, connected to Apartment Complex K.)

Note: I will be adding on to this application as the game updates for more information on what to add.
What is your Minecraft username?: Meanicri
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes! James™®©#1420
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Central Standard Time (CST)
Describe your activity on the server:
During Weekends, my high traffic hours are between Noon and 7 PM. During Weekdays, my high traffic hours are between 4 and 8 PM.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have not been Banned from SRP.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
One Language Application:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
12th Year
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
A Custom Shop, a Grocery/Necessities Store named Mazumetsu.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Currently, food ingredients aren't abundant, and the stores that sell different foods don't open quite often. As such, I wanted to create a grocery store that sells foods needed to make the game more inclusive. I also have experience with customer service from real life experience, so owning a retail store will be a piece of cake for me.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Selling ingredients, pots/pans, snacks and Furniture. This makes it more unique with being a store centered entirely around goods, and not services.
What will you sell in your shop?:
The Items sold in the shop would include, but not be limited to: White Bread, Bacon, Eggs, Sugar, Flour, Butter, Cake Mix, Strawberry Jam, G**** Jam, Raw Chicken, Raw Steak, Rice, Seaweed, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Carrots, Ramen packs, Multigrain Bread, Bread Dough, Salmon, Bluefin Tuna, Bacon and Egg Sandwich, Onigiri, Beef Curry, An Assortment of Bento Boxes, Pizza and Desserts. This is a small selection of items that will be coming to the store, with more possibly coming in later updates to the game.
With the Addition of the Furniture Update, I will possibly be selling some small furniture and "appliances" like a Coffee maker, Blender, and Microwave. I will also possibly be selling Electronics, like differing styles of PC Monitors, PC Cases, Types of Chairs, Etc.
What do you plan to do in the future?:
As we grow, we will sell more furniture; different types of couches, beds, TV's, Shelves, Tables, Wardrobe Styles, and even going as far as selling Sets, like Dining Sets, Bedroom Sets, Kitchen Sets, Office Sets, Living Room Sets, etc. etc.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
To Keep up with Demand and timezones, we will have a Maximum of 30 Employees;
1-2 Managers
5-10 Cashiers
3-5 Restockers
and 5-15 Floaters, a name for those who can float between Restock and Cashier at a Manager's Discretion.
There will only be 5 people working at a time; One Manager/Shopkeeper, and 3 Cashiers/Floaters.
What will the uniforms look like?:
I plan on making uniforms that are basic, clean and professional. Brown pants, White shirt and Green Apron will fit perfectly.


Custom Store's Name: Mazumetsu (まずめつ)
Store Logo:

Additional notes about your application: If you have any questions or queries, my DM's are open with the discord information above. You do not need to friend me in order to ask questions.
Do you have any questions?:
How soon after Application Approval may I begin building Mazumetsu?
How long are my building privileges allowed?
Am I given a discord template or do I make one on my own?
Do I get to choose my store's location or is it chosen for me? (If I get to choose, I have a store in mind. It's the Orange Store nearby the Government Building, connected to Apartment Complex K.)

Note: I will be adding on to this application as the game updates for more information on what to add.
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