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Cyberbullying Is Not Okay


Level 10
I just wanted to make this post because I have been cyberbullied. I know a few people who are cyberbullying people, and just, stop it. It's just childish. I am learning to ignore the cyberbullies because they only want to fire me up. So, just ignore them if you're being cyberbullied. Even if it is hard. I used to be a cyberbully and I found it beautiful to watch people get angry and also cower in fear of me online, but I realized: No one liked me. I changed my ways for the better, and if any cyberbullies are reading this: I hope you can too.
Stop cyberbullying, it will only hurt others and at some point: You, too.

Note: Not goodbye as in leaving the server I mean goodbye as in I gotta hurry up and finish this thread.
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