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Accepted Dalmarve | Performing Arts Teacher Application


Level 0

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do: delmarve

Do you have a microphone?:
Yeah, but I’d prefer not to talk in vc.

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
Australian Eastern Daylight Time (GMT+11)(idk how much of that is relevant))

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I’d say it's pretty basic. I have a few characters and a few different people that I hang out with when I see them around. I do a lot of writing for characters and stuff though mostly and helping other people with character moments cause my guys tend to be pretty chill and content already, progress wise. And in terms of how often I’m on, about three days a week, (more at the moment cause of holidays) and for a few hours at a time between 2-7 (once again, more at the moment cause of holidays).

Do you have any previous bans?:
None, always on my best behaviour :]

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
JSL Application:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Just Grade 12.


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Performing arts, specifically drama because drama is kinda just my life. I’ve been with a performing arts company for about 8 years now and do drama and theatre studies at school too. I love it and know quite a bit about it.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
Well, I want to be a drama teacher in real life after school so why not do it in a game too? I just love the idea of teaching and being like the role models I had to other people in the future. But as for doing it in game, it just seems fun to plan and run a class for people in this pretty epic community and give them something to do on the server during the school hours. There are so many cool teacher characters on the server and I wanna try that out, it just seems cool. Plus, adding something to the server, even something as small as having a class for people to join if they want for a few minutes just feels fair considering how much of a vibe the server itself lets me have when I’m stressed and just wanna play some video games for a bit.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I am ready to learn from the wisdom of the forefathers. (genuine)

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
It’s the way to track how many classes a teacher teaches to show the staff.. They’re important to show if the teacher is remaining active enough to keep their job and see how much money they’ve earned (and if they’ve even earned it at all).

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
- No disrespectful or offensive behaviour towards the teacher or other students and treat others how they want to be treated
- Don’t be disruptive to the class.
- No leaving the class without the teacher’s permission; that includes going to the bathroom (I’m not going to deprive someone of using the toilet, they just need to ask).
- Students are to remain in their seats unless told otherwise.
- Work is to be completed on time and handed in when asked for it.
- If you aren’t interested and aren’t paying attention, may that be talking about stuff that isn’t related to what’s going on, playing music or talking on the phone, you will be warned to pay attention.
- All OOC rules apply at all times, no exceptions
If any of these rules aren’t followed then punishments will be given depending on the severity of the student’s actions. That can range from warnings, being removed from the class, detentions, reports to higher staff or reports to SchoolRP staff.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Well, like I said, I love drama and acting and performing. And roleplaying is really just a more chill version of that. I’ve been on the server for about a year and a half with a few different characters so I’m pretty used to and confident with being in character, understanding how different characters interact, the importance of accepting offers and how to write out DetailRP and whatnot.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of department
↳ Description: The head department for any subject is in charge of leading and managing the teachers in that department. They are typically the most experienced members and are there to help other teachers as well as training and helping host classes for the UT’s.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified teacher
↳ Description: A teacher that has undergone the full teacher training program. They are completely qualified to teach and handle a class entirely on their own and teach their subject well with a high level of understanding.

↳ Meaning:
Newly qualified teacher
↳ Description: A teacher that has recently completed their teacher training program and is now allowed to host classes. They may still require the assistance of QT’s and/or HD’s during class but are still qualified to teach full time.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified teacher
↳ Description: A teacher that has not completed their teacher training and is not allowed to host classes alone yet. They will assist the classes of QT’s and HD’s and be supervised by them when they themselves are hosting a class.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are the role models and mentors for children that go through school in their early years and wish to continue it the older they get. Their job is to educate them not only in the subjects that they teach but also social skills and life skills in general. They should be there to help young people in becoming better versions of themselves and to assist them in any way that they can. They should be there to set them on the right path, whatever is best for them and help them grow into someone that is ready to face the world and its challenges once they’re done with school, whatever stage of their life that happens to be. That’s both in class and out of class, they’re there to supervise and step in to help anyone who needs it when they need it.
For both-in game and out-of-game, teachers should be patient, good listeners and willing to help students achieve great things. Great things can be different for everyone and the teacher should be able to see that. Reaching a certain number on a test may not be what certain students are most talented in and that’s okay, the teacher can be there to try and understand and help guide them towards possible paths for their future once their school journey is over. When teaching, they need to be engaging and give the students something to look forward to. Even if they don’t like the subject, just making the class interesting and engaging can make someone’s day and maybe even help them with moving forward in life.
Salary wise, out-of-game teaching is unfortunately not that highly paid of a job. Numbers obviously fluctuate but even then, it’s not the most salary-convenient job out there overall. Which sucks! Because teachers can do so much good in the world and help kids to become people and members of the world we live in! And that doesn’t get paid well? No wonder there’s a teacher shortage at the moment, the world is getting more and more expensive and once again, teaching isn’t really a convenient job, money wise. It sucks, it really does. It’s such an important job not only to people but to a functioning society in large.
Now IN-GAME though, woah nelly. It is one HEFTY pay-check if you’re putting in the work and time (which you should). Just for finishing 10 classes, a UT has a base salary of ¥350,000 and QT’s have a base of ¥400,000 with an additional ¥50,000 for every additional 5 classes they host until they reach the maximum of ¥500,000 per month. Honestly, more money then I’d know what to do with just for doing something super rewarding as it is.
As for doing things out of school, teachers are people too. They’re just like everyone else, believe it or not. As with most jobs, they still have some work to do outside of working hours such as grading tests or classwork and planning the classes themselves. But other than that, what they do outside of class is purely up to them as they are just regular people; reading books, going to movies, seeing friends and family, learning more about their subject, literally anything (that isn’t illegal and may cost them their job).

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Well, it wouldn’t be much of a SCHOOL roleplay without the people who make the school a school (aside from the students). Much like real life, the SchoolRP teachers are there to help out students and be there to guide and teach them about the world and what’s what. If the students want to go on to find jobs or move on to college, the teacher is there to help them learn about that and set them up for success and be there for them if it doesn’t work out.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Karakura High works on the MoSCoW method. This organisation method is used by businesses so that ‘stakeholders’ better understand the importance of each requirement. It is an abbreviation for ‘Must haves’, ‘Should haves’, ‘Could haves’, and ‘Won’t haves’ or ‘Will not have at this time’. 'Must haves' are critical to the success of something, 'should haves' are important but not necessary to its success, 'could haves' are desirable but not too important to success and 'won’t haves' are the least important given the time and effort to achieve a certain success.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plans for the future?

Jordyn is a relaxed, tired but optimistic young woman with an air of calm but some stress behind the eyes. She’s 5’8 with a thin frame that her clothes tend to hang off and fair skin. Her voice is somewhat deeper than someone’s of her age would typically be but it's clear and pleasant to listen to. Her brown hair is long, messy and curly, usually hanging around her in different ways that keep it a fuzzy mess for her to play with. Her shiny green eyes may be tired but they’re still full of life and hope. They always see the best in others and situations. They see the wonder and beauty in everything around them and the power that everything has within it. The world is a fantastic place, even with all its faults and she wants other people to have the best experience with it that they can while they can. Her demeanour is typically laid back, holding authority when she needs to in situations that require her to hold it but still just calm and friendly. Her face is typically wearing some basic makeup of foundation, eyeliner and highlight but it's still nice in its simplicity, complimenting her face. She’s usually found smiling but if not, just passively observing and listening, a neutral but positive expression. Her clothes are mostly just there to keep her warm and comfortable but layered just to add that something special and make them look a bit more interesting. Big coats and warm hats and old jeans and worn flannel shirts.
Jordyn has always had an obsession with theatre, music and creativity in general. So much so that she tends to always be hearing the world around her as a song. Each person has their own melody and sound that fits into the overall song of the world and she’s always hearing them. This obsession with music often had inhibitory effects on her relationships with others, often pushing them away or dismissing them whenever she was deeply focused on getting a song out of her head and onto a page or just playing it on whatever instrument she could get her hands on. Eventually, through therapy, she was able to learn to control this behaviour through different means, like writing. While she is certainly far better now than she was as a child, she can still get overwhelmed on rare occasions, though it rarely happens given how skilled she has gotten at maintaining her composure. Over the years, she has learned that the world is a complex place but one that is fantastic if you’re willing to make it that way, so she wanted to become a teacher to continue helping people to be safe, comfortable and happy as well as guiding people to be the best versions of themselves and achieve amazing things. Every student is someone with their own story and circumstances and everyone has the power to be happy and make it through life if they have the right guidance. She doesn’t know if she will be that person for them - not everyone gets along with everyone - but if she can be, that’s the best thing in the world. As for other teachers, that’s entirely up to who they are as individuals. Your occupation doesn’t really define you so whoever they are as people is how Jordyn will see them.
While Jordyn loves writing music and productions, she doesn’t plan to make a career out of it anymore. Teaching is all she wants to do as of right now. That may change in the future, she doesn’t know, but right now, she has no plans to really seek out writing or music as a career. Relationship wise, she’s still kinda reserved and knows that she wouldn’t be a good partner with her mental state. Her still somewhat scarred heart doesn't help with that either. Once again, that could change, she doesn’t know. And that’s honestly her perspective on most things in life: she doesn’t know. She doesn’t really have a specific goal in mind for how she wants her life to plan out and she’s okay with that. She wants to be a teacher to help people but other than that, she kinda just wants to take life as it is, go with the flow, let the wind or how she feels and thinks take her where they want to. Because control isn’t real other then the control she has over herself.

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Approach them and ask them how they’re doing in general. If they’re behaving inappropriately, there has to be a reason behind it most likely. I’d try to get to the bottom of why they’re acting the way they are and talk to them as if we’re equals as I doubt they’d want to have a conversation if I were talking down to them. If they are willing to adjust their behaviour then I’d stay a bit longer to talk with them about anything. Just to try and build a bit of a better connection and get to know them better to hopefully help them out if they ever need it later, letting them know they can talk to me. If they continue to behave poorly and aren’t willing to engage with me, I’d have to warn them that their behaviour is inappropriate given that we’re in school during school hours and may have to give them a detention. If they still continue to be disrespectful, I’d unfortunately give them a detention and have to leave it at that. Punishment to bad behaviour is reasonable but not always the best option, especially compared to reinforcement of good behaviour. But in this case, they are choosing to be disrespectful towards other people and that’s not okay.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
If seemingly the entire class isn’t willing to pay attention then trying to yell and steal their attention from them isn’t going to end with anyone happy. So, I’d let the class know that if they’re not willing to engage then there’s nothing I can do about that. If they want to engage in the lesson and get some work done, they can come see me at my desk, which I would write up on the board for the people who can’t hear over all the noise. I’d sit at my desk and try to get some other work done, if anyone comes up willing to do some work, I’d give them some activities to do and talk to them up the front.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Just taking a breather and regathering her thoughts. If anyone is around she’d stay open to having a conversation if they want by giving a friendly wave and smile and probably asking how they're doing, but if they just want to take a breather too then she won’t force anyone into a conversation. She’d take some time to write or grade anything she might have to or grab something to eat and if someone is interested in talking, she’d stay for a chat.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

would jump up at the front of the class, clapping to hopefully gain the student’s precious attention. Her hand moves up to her face to flick a piece of stray hair out of the way so she can get a full view of the class of youngsters. “Hello, hello! It is an absolute pleasure to have you all in today. I thought we could have some fun today and I'll try to teach you all some warm up games. We'll try and get through a few today so that if we ever plan to work on some practical stuff, I can just shout out a warm up and we all know what we're doing." She'd spin on her heel and plant her right foot firmly on her desk and hop up onto it, turning back around with a soft smile placed on her lips. "Big circle up the front, please and thank you!"
/me leans back to sit on the desk. Crossing her legs and putting her weight on her hands behind her, she looks out over the class. “So, new day, new opportunities! I want you all to vote on what we’re doing today.” She’d raise her left hand to gesture to the board, still leaning on her other one. The board displays the options '1:Improv games, 2:Writing prompt, 3:Theory revision.’ “Hands up for option one, legs up for option two and nothing up for option three.” She’d scan the class of students to count and see what they would be doing for the lesson.
/me hums to herself and taps on the desk rhythmically with her right index and middle fingers. The sound of the student entering snaps her back to where she is though and she looks up. She frowns momentarily as she blows hair out of her face but turns it into a smile as she sees the student, putting her pencil down and giving them her full attention. “Hey! What can I help you with? Everything alright?”
/me presses her lips together and looks at the rowdy kids. She doesn’t speak for a second as she thinks, trying to find a good way to put it… “Look, I understand you may not be interested in the class, and honestly, that is perfectly okay. I’m not expecting everyone to be interested in what I teach,” She raises her eyebrows slightly and lowers her head, showing that she means the next words coming from her mouth, “But, out of, ya know, basic respect for the people who are interested, you just yelling and being distracting is kinda annoying. The door’s right there and I give you full permission to go through it.” She stands back up and puts her hands in her pockets as she walks back to the front. “You can see me after class if you want to talk about anything.”

Jordyn was born in rural Japan in the town of Nikko to a surrogate and raised by her two dads. She was meant to be one of a pair of twins but due to complications, her twin sister passed away at birth. However, she did grow up as the oldest of three with a younger brother and sister. Being the oldest, Jordyn always took it upon herself to help out her dads and take on some responsibilities by looking after the kids and helping out around the house whenever they let her. From as young as she and her dads can remember, she has been obsessed with music and theatre. She would always spend time writing stories and performing them with her siblings and cousins for their family. She found comfort in the beauty of music and its power. She would be coming up with little tunes and jingles pretty much every day and about absolutely anything. She has a fond memory of singing a song about pancakes at the top of her lungs as her dad cooked them for breakfast, beatboxing along with her. Her dads were very supportive of her love for music and theatre and for her 6th birthday, they bought her a drum kit to go with the old family piano. Her neighbours weren't quite as over the moon about it as she was.
As she started school, she found it exceptionally hard to make friends and tried using music as a way to reach out to other kids. They didn't seem too interested though and this missing understanding eventually turned to bullying. Jordyn did everything she could to hide from it all, burying herself in music. She became almost dependent on it, she saw it as her one comfort. She did manage to win over someone with her music. A boy named Akira. He was nothing but nice to Jordyn when no one else at school was and the two became quick friends. They seemed inseparable for a good while as they grew up. They were dating by the time they turned 15.
For the next few years, life seemed to stay the safe for Jordyn. Music was her everything - it was her crutch. Over time, however, she had developed somewhat of an ear worm. Every once in a while, she would run and hide in the bathroom, curl over and clutch at her ears. The entire world was a song to her. Every little aspect of life had become a sound that was beautiful most of the time, but sometimes life got that bit too much and she just couldn't handle it. She couldn't let her family know. Her dads had done so much for her, they were always there to give her what she wanted, she couldn't burden them with this. And obviously she couldn't tell her siblings. They didn't deserve any of this, not even close. But Akira... maybe he would know? Maybe he would understand it. But she couldn't take music from him too, she loved him.
Jordyn's teachers however began to notice her different behaviour. They'd ask her a question in the middle of class and she's just sit at her desk, intently focused on writing in her book. Sometimes she'd just up and leave, running to her locker to grab her drum sticks. Her relationship with her family began to deteriorate without her even noticing, she was too focused on getting the music out of her head and onto a page or into an instrument. Her comfort had become a prison. Eventually, Jordyn's performing arts teacher approached her about her slipping grades and needing to excuse herself so often. After a proper sit down, she burst into tears. She confided in him about her issues and he sat there and listened. When she was all out of tears, he let her know that the best thing to do was talk to her parents about it. She eventually agreed.
Jordyn agreed to go to start going to therapy and work through the issues she was facing. And she got better for a while. Her relationships with her family and with Akira started to feel how they used to - not strained but comforting. Jordyn was working a job at a gas station and her obsession with music was becoming much more manageable, all because she was able to open up to her teacher and accept help. Trying to seperate herself from her music obsession, she focused her energy on something different - theatre. She got back into writing shows and her and Akira went to see performances. They would even perform together at school. One of her favourite memories is of the two of them performing as Morticia and Gomez Addams in their school musical.
A few more months passed, they were getting through high school now. While Jordyn was much better at managing her music obsession and issues, her newfound take up of theatre was starting to unwork some behaviours she had managed to fix. Akira noticed this - Jordyn was getting more and more into writing and much to Jordyn's unawareness, the two were drifting apart again. She was getting so focused on making something perfect and that she was happy to call finished. Every second with her was always split in her mind between him, music and writing. She was so focused on writing a show that her agent Simon wouldn't immediately shut down. They eventually got into an argument about how Jordyn was so unable to seperate herself from her work and the two broke up. Jordyn was devastated and lost all her motivation to work.
After sitting in her own sadness for a while, she decided to finally pick herself up and find something to do. She had admitted that writing something that she could be happy with was taking over her life and she wanted to shake it. After graduating from high school, she came to the decision to move away from Nikko and to Karakura. Somewhere that wasn't so comfortable and intertwined with her obsessions and memories of it. When she arrived, she moved in with a family friend of hers and got to work at trying to find herself and what she wanted in the future. Her friend, A.J., managed to convince her to try and find something within herself that actually does feel fulfilling, rather than draining. She decided that she wanted to be a teacher. It was the best option. She had always wanted to be there for others, to look after her siblings and help them reach versions of themselves that they could be happy with. She thought of her old performing arts teacher and how much he had helped her, the role model he was. She wanted to be like him, to be that for other people who needed it. After her friend's disappearance, she took over the apartment and got her life on track, determined to achieve this. And if she didn't, hey, life's a great thing to have, she'll figure it out.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

“Jordyn Dean.”
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“Probably ‘Ms’, I don’t think my marital status needs to define my title.”
Given Name(s):
“Still Jordyn Dean.”
Preferred Name:
“Everyone’s just always called my J.D.”
Age (Minimum is 27):
“28, so, an old woman.”
Religious Denomination:
“Gettin’ personal, alright then. Ummm, well, one of my dad’s was christian but he never really forced that upon us. I wouldn’t say I’m atheist though, I’m more of the ‘we don’t know so I should just live how I want’ kinda philosophy. What’s that called? Agnostic?”
Marital Status:
“Hey now, at least buy me a drink first. Um, yeah, I’m single. Very much single."
Current Location:
“Karakura, the one and only.”

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

“Well, I worked at a gas station for five years if that’s anything. Employee of the month fifty-five months in a row. Oh, and I was a teacher’s assistant for my performing arts teacher at my old elementary school for three years.”
Academic Degree:
“Bachelor degree.”
Year of Graduation:
“Well, I graduated from Imaichi High School in... would have been 2013? And then college was 2021."
Major(s): “Performing arts and teaching.”
Minors: “Theatre studies."

Native Languages:
“Just Japanese.”
Other Languages:
“Little bit of English.”
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

Additional notes about your application: N/A
Do you have any questions?: When’s my first day? (funny joke, i know, i know) But seriously, no. I shall definitely let you know if I do though.
Last edited:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! Your application was wonderful! However,

  • The subject you applied for is currently capped

Please feel free to work on the application until the next wave of applications!


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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