Level 0
Daniella merwin

Basic Information
First Name:
Preferred Name:
5 ft 4
98 lbs
She has a rather slim and petite figure compared to others
Skin Color:
Natural beige skintone
Eye Color:
Baby blue
Hair Style:
Her hair is rather long, reaching down to the small of her back, is curly and is often seen tied back in a loose ponytail with two strands left dangling at the front of her body.
Hair Color:
A Dark chocolate brown in shade.
Style wise, Dana tends to go for darker colours ranging from dark reds to dark blues and such. You would hardly ever catch her wearing a dress, but she can sometimes be seen wearing a skirt on some rare days.
She has a bit of a dodgy left eye, so it may appear that shes looking in two different places. But this only ever occurs when shes stressed.
Date of Birth:
October 14th 2003
Place of Birth:
Maidenhead, England.
White (human)
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Political Beliefs:
General Appearance
Although Dana isn't tiny, compared to others within her year she is rather petite. And unlike most girls she prefer the dark style of clothing, however she is neither goth nor emo. To others she could be judged as a trouble making girl just by her appearance, but then again this can be disproved by her immaculate tidiness. She is never seen with creased clothing or messy bead head. Her skin a pale beige shade and her blue eyes always seem to be sparkling, even when the sky is full of dully gloomy clouds. She hardly ever smiles, but when she does its a small, rather polite slither of one.
Although her clothing shows someone who would be stereotypical seen as a gloomy individual, Dana is a chipper and friendly young girl, and is always welcome to make new friends, however, this is overtaken by her shyness when she is in large crowded. But once someone has broken this protective barrier of shyness, she can be just as hyper and loud as any other pre-teen girl.
None that have been determined
Character Voice:
Danas voice is in an almost low, kind of husky tone with a light british accent - similar to the voice at 1:12 - 1:24 on this demo reel..just more british.
She is often seen wearing a black cat backpack (Its a simple black backpack which has white printing showing the outline of a cats eyes, nose and mouth - then two pieces of triangle fabric added to the flap of the bag to make ears) , which contains a single notebook, a pencil case: containing two pens (One black, the other blue), a highlighter (Blue), a rubber, three pencils and a set of colouring felt tips / pencils - A small red lunchbox, a water bottle and her mobile phone.
She is often seen wearing a dark red circular necked, long sleeve shirt which has the printed image of a black rose on the front, a pair of ripped black jeans and a pair of light pink knock-off converse shoes.
(The image has almost the right looked to it, besides the flower design in the middle of the shirt)
Dana is into Reading, writing and drawing - When she was younger she would spend hours writing small story books and drawing there illustrations. She is also quite into dancing, although she doesn't often have time to work on her latest moves.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
She has nothing that can be seen as being a serious problem, but i guess you could say she has a playful addiction to eating Umaibō.
She is quite good at writing essays and such, which for a student is a rather good trait to posess.
She can be seen to be slightly over-dramatic at times.
Father - Henry Merwin age 45 - Alive
Mother - Jeanette Merwin age would have been 43 - Passed
Older sister - Gabriella Merwin - 18 - Alive
Daniella was born in the town of Maidenhead in England. Her father was the manager of a car dealership and her mother was a co-manger, the family had a decent income and Daniella lived a careful and spoilt lifestyle, getting most of the gifts she asked for and had many friends within school and her grades were decently done - She had a positive relationship with her family.
When Daniella was five years old the family was driving back home late from a family friends housewarming party when their range rover was hit from behind but another car, who driver happened to be drink driving. The impact cause the car to verge off of the road, tumbling once down the dented ditch way and slamming into a tree within the foliage. When the emergency services arrived, her mother who had been the front seat passenger of the car which had hit directly into the tree was pronounced dead on impact. Daniella, her sister and father were rushed to hospital with injuries ranging from a broken bones and bruising.
As Daniellas mother was a main factor in the car dealerships financial records the business began to suffer, causing the family to go into a short spout of bankruptcy, meaning that there father had to sell the family home and move them into a smaller two bed-roomed flat within the town - Being young at the time, Daniella never really understood what was happening beside the fact that her mother had passed, which left her in a rather uptight and frustrated mood, and with the add on of her elder sisters depression after the incident this made there father even more stressed.
When Daniella turned 9, A family friend who had moved to live in japan several years prier had started a car dealership there, and since her father had experience in such a career, she sent emails asking if he would be willing to set a co-manger deal with him. Due to the money state they were in her father instantly agreed, the family friend shipped over enough money for Daniellas family to fund the trip over, and soon they were flying over to japan. The family friend, set them up in one of the side houses he owned, and so Daniella has lived there ever since, her father decided to home school her until she was able to join the nearby highschool. Her elder sister helped out with the family's financial way by taking up odd jobs in nearby cafes and such whilst she studied at the nearby college.
First Name:
Preferred Name:
5 ft 4
98 lbs
She has a rather slim and petite figure compared to others
Skin Color:
Natural beige skintone
Eye Color:
Baby blue
Hair Style:
Her hair is rather long, reaching down to the small of her back, is curly and is often seen tied back in a loose ponytail with two strands left dangling at the front of her body.
Hair Color:
A Dark chocolate brown in shade.
Style wise, Dana tends to go for darker colours ranging from dark reds to dark blues and such. You would hardly ever catch her wearing a dress, but she can sometimes be seen wearing a skirt on some rare days.
She has a bit of a dodgy left eye, so it may appear that shes looking in two different places. But this only ever occurs when shes stressed.
Date of Birth:
October 14th 2003
Place of Birth:
Maidenhead, England.
White (human)
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Political Beliefs:
General Appearance
Although Dana isn't tiny, compared to others within her year she is rather petite. And unlike most girls she prefer the dark style of clothing, however she is neither goth nor emo. To others she could be judged as a trouble making girl just by her appearance, but then again this can be disproved by her immaculate tidiness. She is never seen with creased clothing or messy bead head. Her skin a pale beige shade and her blue eyes always seem to be sparkling, even when the sky is full of dully gloomy clouds. She hardly ever smiles, but when she does its a small, rather polite slither of one.
Although her clothing shows someone who would be stereotypical seen as a gloomy individual, Dana is a chipper and friendly young girl, and is always welcome to make new friends, however, this is overtaken by her shyness when she is in large crowded. But once someone has broken this protective barrier of shyness, she can be just as hyper and loud as any other pre-teen girl.
None that have been determined
Character Voice:
Danas voice is in an almost low, kind of husky tone with a light british accent - similar to the voice at 1:12 - 1:24 on this demo reel..just more british.
She is often seen wearing a black cat backpack (Its a simple black backpack which has white printing showing the outline of a cats eyes, nose and mouth - then two pieces of triangle fabric added to the flap of the bag to make ears) , which contains a single notebook, a pencil case: containing two pens (One black, the other blue), a highlighter (Blue), a rubber, three pencils and a set of colouring felt tips / pencils - A small red lunchbox, a water bottle and her mobile phone.
She is often seen wearing a dark red circular necked, long sleeve shirt which has the printed image of a black rose on the front, a pair of ripped black jeans and a pair of light pink knock-off converse shoes.
(The image has almost the right looked to it, besides the flower design in the middle of the shirt)

Dana is into Reading, writing and drawing - When she was younger she would spend hours writing small story books and drawing there illustrations. She is also quite into dancing, although she doesn't often have time to work on her latest moves.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
She has nothing that can be seen as being a serious problem, but i guess you could say she has a playful addiction to eating Umaibō.
She is quite good at writing essays and such, which for a student is a rather good trait to posess.
She can be seen to be slightly over-dramatic at times.
Father - Henry Merwin age 45 - Alive
Mother - Jeanette Merwin age would have been 43 - Passed
Older sister - Gabriella Merwin - 18 - Alive
Daniella was born in the town of Maidenhead in England. Her father was the manager of a car dealership and her mother was a co-manger, the family had a decent income and Daniella lived a careful and spoilt lifestyle, getting most of the gifts she asked for and had many friends within school and her grades were decently done - She had a positive relationship with her family.
When Daniella was five years old the family was driving back home late from a family friends housewarming party when their range rover was hit from behind but another car, who driver happened to be drink driving. The impact cause the car to verge off of the road, tumbling once down the dented ditch way and slamming into a tree within the foliage. When the emergency services arrived, her mother who had been the front seat passenger of the car which had hit directly into the tree was pronounced dead on impact. Daniella, her sister and father were rushed to hospital with injuries ranging from a broken bones and bruising.
As Daniellas mother was a main factor in the car dealerships financial records the business began to suffer, causing the family to go into a short spout of bankruptcy, meaning that there father had to sell the family home and move them into a smaller two bed-roomed flat within the town - Being young at the time, Daniella never really understood what was happening beside the fact that her mother had passed, which left her in a rather uptight and frustrated mood, and with the add on of her elder sisters depression after the incident this made there father even more stressed.
When Daniella turned 9, A family friend who had moved to live in japan several years prier had started a car dealership there, and since her father had experience in such a career, she sent emails asking if he would be willing to set a co-manger deal with him. Due to the money state they were in her father instantly agreed, the family friend shipped over enough money for Daniellas family to fund the trip over, and soon they were flying over to japan. The family friend, set them up in one of the side houses he owned, and so Daniella has lived there ever since, her father decided to home school her until she was able to join the nearby highschool. Her elder sister helped out with the family's financial way by taking up odd jobs in nearby cafes and such whilst she studied at the nearby college.
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