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DarkEclipic's AMA


Level 140
Since you said "no limits" I'll be abusing the system:

What would the Mori Family crest look like? (asking for no particular reason)

How did you progress through the factions and how different do they feel?

How long have you been doing this SRP thing and how do you stay motivated?

What is your favorite piece of SRP lore and when will it be expanded on?

Who is your pookie bear? (genz youth lingo is hella sus)


Level 167
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Since you said "no limits" I'll be abusing the system:

What would the Mori Family crest look like? (asking for no particular reason)

How did you progress through the factions and how different do they feel?

How long have you been doing this SRP thing and how do you stay motivated?

What is your favorite piece of SRP lore and when will it be expanded on?

Who is your pookie bear? (genz youth lingo is hella sus)
1. The Mori Crest, if I were to pick would be a Lotus Flower with Swan coming out of it(At least how my brand of Mori's would have)

2. I have been in a FEW factions, but only one MAYBE three I have progressed in. Teacher(School), GangRP(Gang/BMDA), Shop Head Manager(Daisuki Yohin).

Teacher; I have been in and out of this faction since 2022 when I started joining factions for the first time(I am on my THIRD time being Teacher). Progression works differently per Lead. When KimiNoUso ran Teachers, It was a mix of Activity, Classes, and how well you did in said classes. The progression went somewhat slow due to Josh being super busy with being a pogger owner. Now, Since Rex has the Teacher Faction, Progression is.. I wouldn't say FAST but it moves along! You are able to get from UT > NQT > QT quite quickly if you are working hard at it. Like, you can jump from UT to QT in a month if you are good(there is a way on doing it, apply and join teacher to figure that out :D). I have been in Teacher this round since Aug of Last year and I just got HD this month, I was just helping out teachers and being helpful when I was given my status.

CrimeRP Part 1: Gangs, This differs between group to group but I have stuck with one person when it comes to gangs. And that is Mr. HunterHampter, I was in Forelli(Started at the lowest rank and worked my way up to Second-In-Command) and now I am in Altieri(Started as a Second-In-Command). It has been a rollercoaster and Gang/Crime RP comes and goes with what people are wanting to do / what is going on with certain groups and people. It kinda is like IRL fashion statements. Sometimes Lore Gangs are more popular or sometimes more mind-numbing gangs that like to beat up random people are popular, it all just depends what is the 'vibe' at the time. I, personally, had always enjoyed YakuzaRP / MafiaRP. Its hard to have PROPER roleplay with these types of groups as there are other gangs and groups out there but you work out a good medium and if it works for your group. You roll with it.

CrimeRP Part 2: BMDA, so. Being a Black Market Associate was kinda, thrown on me and was never really told to me what it was until I was already in it. In short, BMDA's are a group of people that the BMD hand pick out of the CrimeRP community to be their associates. There are Pros and Cons on being one, and one major Pro is we are able to help the BMD and have access to the entire weapon listing. Meaning BMDA's are able to buy Public to VG weapons, but a Con is you need to make sure to keep your BMDA status private in roleplays and from being found out. I have been a BMDA for over a year now(Simplez started off being a BMDA with me before he was accepted into being a BMD) and I absolutely love it. I started off with not knowing anything about being a BMDA to being someone to get shit done when asked. Sometimes its slow and sometimes you have a lot of things going on at once! I Love being a BMDA and I wouldn't trade it for the world(I wanna thank a few people of BMD who had taken me in. Toto, the person who brought me into being a BMDA. I love you man. Tearliner, You took me in when Toto left. I appericate you. and my current BMD, F1FA, I have known you since you were SO YOUNG on SRP and now look at you. You are amazing and a friend of mine. GO FIGHT CLUB!!)

Shop Worker(Head Manager); I started working at Daisuki Yohin(ProChefJohnCena/SushiSanwich/AllenBUwU's Shop) since it was first created at a lowly employee. I just started to work and have more IC interaction until that next month I was put as Lead Employee, and I stayed in that position for a long while until I was promoted straight to Head Manager(skipping Manager). I just worked, stayed active, and just made sure that I was able to stay around to help train new shop workers or even get a random DM from Mayo asking if I want to log on to work or just tagged. I love Daisuki Yohin and everyone should shop there! We are the Minecraft Japanese Bass Pro. Progression here is a hit or miss, just depends on how hard you wish to work.

3. I have been apart of SRP since October of 2021, it has been a wild road since I first joined. Motivation is a hit or miss when it comes to what is going on. How I usually do it is when I feel myself feeling burnt out, i'll take a week or two of lowered activity to play something else or just go out and do something else. Sometimes we need a small break, and from that break come back and take it easy. Ease yourself back into it than just JUMPING back into everything all at once. There is no rush, there is no finish line. So you can take it easy and take sometime for yourself and other things in your life!! (aka, take breaks and go play other things or touch grass, either works)

4. My favorite piece of SRP lore would have to be Project H.A.A.R.P, its the whole 'unknown' mysterious thing for me. I love a good Mystery solving(kinda like the Occult disappearance or the Boiler room exploding). Unsure when this will be edited/added/changed, so just gotta sit back and wait!! Maybe even theorize!!!

Additionally, I would like to add onto the whole Mori Project but that is more of a personal project than a work project. As there has been more Lore that has been added and grown onto it, but there isn't a set date when that will be released(As I gotta finish my current SRP Project before I work on that)

5. 'Pookie Bear' is a weird word... I wonder who made it and why... but regardless, I would have several of these people. There is DarkxWalker(The Dark Cult will rise!!!), RippedZan, stormii__, Simplez(Legit my Lore Husband), SoraLobo(WORK HUSBANDDDDD, we were Teacher together). There are others but those are my main names for that type of word. I don't always say 'Pookie Bear' to them or any phrase like that as some people are uncomfy with said word so replacement words are used!! These are just people I am close to in one way or another!

You can ask more if you please, i like answering things!!!

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