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DarkEclipic's Black Market Dealer Application #1 | 'The Devil of Tyr'


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

IGN: (Please also list any of your alternate accounts)

(LightEclipic, GreyEclipic, BlackEclipic, WhiteEclipic)

Describe your activity on the server:
8/10 - I am not as brave enough to put myself 10/10 or even higher than that. We all have lives outside of SRP, that is true and I have a job outside of SRP. But my job on SRP, I take seriously. On average I play between 2 to 16+ hours on SRP (On my DarkEclipic acc, I have a playtime of 41w, this could be more depending on if and when this is checked, but as of writing this. 41w) I would say I am fairly active, talking in discord chats, in voice calls, or even sitting around while I chat with friends while I write or cause chaos on characters! I am usually seen around Plaza/School/Town Hall/News Station if not hanging out and roleplaying with friends on the server.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
darkeclipic - yes I have a mic!!

Specify your country of origin and time zone:

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
I have been thinking about joining BMD for the past few rounds, and each time I didn’t think that I was ready for such a role. But, now, I think it is my time to try to shoot my shot and got for BMD! It’s not a shocker to anyone, and I have been approached and asked to become a BMD for several months or up to a year now, to try and go for this position. My DRIVING force is that, I love Crime. In every shape, form, way of it. I absolutely adore crime. I have trained people in Crime/Gang Roleplay, I have watched many great members of this side of the community grow and flourish, and now. Now is my time to shine and take my shot. It all started with the Hanazono Clan in late 2021, that was the starting point, and my driving point on staying in crime. I want to help this group, to help this side of the community on showing that we are worthy on becoming part of this side of the community. We don’t have the best rep, but, we as BMD and Crime Leads(and Gang Leads) are put in that spotlight in making Gang Roleplay and Crime Roleplay great, even better than what it has in the past and to move it on towards better and more awesome future! And, it all starts with us.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
I am not saying ‘Oh! Pick me! I am this or that!’ No, I standout due to the fact that I have been part of the Crime/Gang RP community for a long time, for me at least, and I wish to make the community great and serve that to our server. I stand out because of my dedication to something when I have mind set to it. The Drive to get things up and going. I have a passion for Crime that has been lost in everyone elses eyes. I offer myself, a player that is driven for greatness and shaped by people around me who gave me that passion. I offer the BMDs, a sample, a taste of my drive. Of my greatness. I wish to help reform the crime side of the server, making it have less of a bad name, to give it the love that it deserves like every other faction on this server.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:
Lore Team

I have been on the lore team a total of two times, this being my second time on Lore. I worked on several projects. The two latest beings ‘The History of Karakura News’ and ‘The History of The Karakura Monastery’. My other work, my pride and joy, ‘The Murder of 1999’. Whilst on the Lore team, we all get together to assist each other in projects we may take on under our belts. We always have something going on, whether if its personal projects or official SRP projects! We may not be seen as the ‘most active’ community team, but we always come out with bangers!

I have been in a lot of factions throughout my years on SRP. Club Leader, HS Swim Team, Shrine, Teacher, Government. I have taken a leadership position in one way or another in some if not all of the previous factions I have been a part of. The current ones being HD Teacher and HD Governor. I give input, assist in creating managing and hosting events, Assist in trainings, along with watching the members of that faction to make sure they are doing their job properly. I am laid back but have a serious face when I am needed when it comes to my job(s) on SRP Factions.

I have been in a few gangs in my time on SRP; Hanazono Clan pt1, I was a low-ranking member but it started me down on my crime journey and was my spark for this side of the server! Forelli; I was a low ranking member and worked my ass to that Second-in-command position. I helped in training members of the rules, weapon profiles, and different situations that they may come across. Alteri; I started off as a Second-In-Command, it was a re-brand of Forelli, but I do not regret being apart of this project. I still assisted in Trainings, acceptances in the gang, hosted trainings, and several things. Hanazono Clan pt2; Nothing happened much from rejoining the new Clan, as it faded away slowly due to the Clan Head being busy with IRL things. Which is fine! IRL always comes first! Yakuza’s have always been my favorite part of SRP and I love it when they are done properly with good lore!

Black Market Dealer Associate; I first joined BMDA under Toto, Fight Club Director, back in March of 2023. My 2 year anni is coming up on being part of this part of the Crime community, and I have enjoyed it. Given the chance to improve and use my skills in the way to help and assist the BMD. From there, after Toto left, I was under Springwood’s care, bounty hunting, and when he left. I was taken in by F1FA, another Fight Club Director and close friend. After Fifa left, Simplez(My Lore husband) had taken me in, another Fight Club Director. And currently, BMD-less, which is fine as I worked with all kinds of BMDs throughout my time on being a BMDA. I worked with Fred’s, Bheom’s, made friends with Lobster’s BMDA and much more. I have interacted with Gangs and assisted in lore-making with groups, all without my identity being exposed as being a BMDA/Personal face besides BMD. Only those who I have told Icly would know my character affiliation and loyalty.

Fight Club
I have been part of Fight Club for nearly 2 years also, joining around the same time that I joined as a BMDA. I am a Security member, Fighter, and now a referee just as Simplez had left. Fight Club is one of my greatest motivators within the Crime Community, I enjoy a good, simple, brawl that keeps up entertainment and gives way for groups to try and gain information on other members of the community.

Street Racing
I enjoy the street racing part of the server, due to ooc things on the BMD side, it has been slow going, but I am here for the long haul and would love to participate with events or give ideas on how to make it better. Again, IRL comes first when it comes to things!

Ikagai Club/Nexus
I was invited on working for this with my BMDA status. I ADORE ikigai/Nexus, the gambling, the fights, the calmness that it invites to allow other criminals to mingle and get entertained with one another. Giving a more reason to using Ikigai as a source of research for Criminals.

I am apart of a few families, the two main ones people know me under is Zennix and Mori. Zennix, I started when I first started the server well over 3 years ago. And Mori, started when I created the Lore,’Murder of 1999’. I have been adding onto each of the families the best I could and Mori has a lot more depth to it than it should had originally had. But, I am glad that it has been taken notice! It has allowed people to get involved in great things and allowed to interact with other families without the involvement of Crime. Giving people a break from the stress that is the SRP Crime community, but it also allows for communication for what we do as a group and how we interact with people!

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
What I would like to see if a way for Criminals to be able to restrain players that they have Kidnapped. Either Duct Tape or even Zipties! Having them act similar to the KPD handcuffs! Or just different set of items in general!

Information: Rope/Tape/Zipties are a one-time use item. If the item is in inventory when KPD checks, the player must /it if the items are broken in anyway. This could result in the person with said items getting detained to check for and possible report of kidnapping or someone saying they were being held. The person it would be used on would have red marks of the items being around their wrists/ankles.

PRICE: ¥70,000
RANGE: 1 block
Able to restrain 1 person for a maximum of 5 OOC minutes
Able to Cut through Rope if a Pocket Knife, Sai, or Tatical Knife is in your possession

Unverified Gang
Duct Tape
PRICE: ¥100,000
RANGE: 1 block
Able to restrain 1 person for a maximum of 10 OOC minutes
Able to Cut through Rope if a Pocket Knife, Sai, or Tatical Knife is in your possession

Verified Gang
Zip ties

PRICE: ¥175,000
RANGE: 1 block
Able to restrain 1 person for a maximum of 15 OOC minutes
Able to Cut through Rope if a Pocket Knife, Sai, or Tatical Knife is in your possession

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Yes! I am highly aware of the weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct that we have on the SRP Server! I actually have them bookmarked in my browser so I can quickly pull them up!

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes, I am aware and 100% agree to those terms and conditions! Let’s have a 1v1, battle to the death.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I understand that I could be removed!!

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
I understand this! Yes!

Full Legal Name:

Enji Mizoroge
‘My name. A name I had grown to love, grown to hate. Shaping me to the person that I am. A sign of chaos. Sign of something to change. Let’s pick a card, wanna take the chances?’

Criminal Alias:
Tyr - Norse God of War
‘War. That is what Karakura is and forever will be, so why not cause some chaos in the ever-burning war? Let me add on with some tender to make the fire burn, burn it brighter and larger than the world has ever seen. But, will you be burned or do the burning? Let’s play that game, I enjoy a good gamble.’

Age & Occupation: (Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role)
48, Living.
‘Occupation. I use that ‘lightly’, the groups I have worked for. The connections I have. Are numbered and many over the Island.. Well, not this bastard island of Karakura. But Japan, the mainland.’

Gender & Marital Status:
Male, Single
‘Single and not ready to mingle. Relationships. They get in the way. I have no use for them unless it comes to my benefit.’

Ethnicity & Race:
Japanese, Japanese
‘Real shocker. But who is counting?’

Known Languages:
Japanese, JSL
‘JSL is useful when it comes to exchanging information.’

Former Associations/Occupations:
Former Sumiyoshi-kai Higher-up; Tokyo Division
‘They lead me to my greatness. They allowed me to have that protection for my family. But.. was it worth it?’

Highest Level of Education:
High School Diploma
‘I didn’t need anything higher than basic learning. I learn on the move.’

Physical/Mental Ailments: (If inapplicable, put N/A)

Known Family Members: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
Enru Mizoroge - Eldest ‘Devil’ Triplet, 48, Married
??? Mizoroge - Brother-In-Law, 50, Married
'Brick' Mizoroge - Nephew, 18(Yes, Brick. Looking at you KotaLobo)
Davian R. Mizroroge - Nephew, 18
Fuyuka Muzororge - Non-Binary, 15
Ichika Mizoroge - Niece, 13

Enkai Mizorge - Youngest ‘Devil’ Triplet, 48, Divorced
Genkuro Mizoroge - Non-Binary, 20
Yume Mizoroge - Nicec, 16

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:

Standing around 5 foot 7, Enji would have the style of a Rich Businessman, Three Piece Suits. Usually wears Navy or Pale Blues in all of his outfits. Hair would be black, straight, and slightly windswept. Eyes would be soft dark brown. Usually seen with his polished, Emerald-embedded Snake Cane and a set of cards in his front pocket. Spotting pale blue Yakuza Tattoos along his bare back and shoulders, showing a Craine in the center.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Enji Mizoroge, to the public and not working, would have a carefree attitude. Enjoying the presence of the town and the noise. His Happy-Go-Lucky behavior could be seen in this state. But, deep down, he hates being near those lower than him. Only showing his true colours when it is needed or when he is annoyed.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)

Crime, Loyalty, and Pain followed the Mizoroge Triplets. From their youth, Crime had followed them unexpectedly. From Sapporo to Fukuoka, all over Japan where they would roam. Figures followed, stalking their prey. Throughout their childhood, the three of them would go by ‘Akuma no Mitsugo’ - The Devil’s Triplets. Evil intent in their young and supple minds. But, only two of them would go down the Devil’s route. But, something snapped in their minds when the fire happened.

‘Mother.. Mother why did you leave us..’

‘Sister… Enru.. please wake up..’

From the age of 13 on, Crime followed these triplets throughout their lives. Whether helpful or harmful, no one could tell the difference. The middle Devil triplet would make a promise, to do anything within his power to protect those he loves. His Family, His World. The three would remain quiet for the first 6th months after the fire. The middle Devil’s mind would start to turn dark, and he would start to narrow his sights to where no light could reach. Watching over his sister, The Middle Devil would see her leave the house one night. Confronting why his eldest sister was leaving the house, confronting her, and seeing the bruising on the youngest Devil’s body. The Kamis had answered his prayers, or. The Yokais influence.

‘It was the Street Racing that introduced us.. The smell of Exhausts and burning rubber.’

These gangsters were the ones who would watch over the eldest and middle devil at these meets. Slowly introducing them to their world. The world that the Middle Devil sought for, his key for protecting his family. Matsuba-Kai would officially invite the Eldest and Middle Devil, even though the two didn’t join at first. They grew hesitant with how they handled their business, but. It wasn’t until the youngest Devil Triplet went missing that the two would officially join. Joined only to seek information on their brothers' disappearance.

‘Enkai.. Where did you go..? Little Devil?’

Upon not getting any information they were looking for, they would slowly be approached by a brother organization of Sumiyoshi-kai. Less crime work, which gave the two time to search for their lost brother. The Middle Devil was too in deep search for the youngest devil, not realizing that the Eldest Devil had left the organization. Finding love with a higher-up, eventually leaving the Middle Devil on his own. The dark thoughts slowly approached, a small voice urging him to continue his work. It wasn’t until his move to Tokyo that he would get anywhere in Sumiyoshi-kai, the higher ranks.

‘The search.. I lost you.. I miss you Little Devil.. Please come back to me..’

Taking the chance in the higher ranks to form tighter protection on his living family, it would lead The Middle Devil to seek out a thrill of his own. Leaning into the Gambling and the nightlife, illegal fights, street racing. All of the above. His search never faltered in finding the Youngest Devil, but his new life left little to search. The Middle Devil would slowly fade away from searching for the Youngest Devil.

‘Are you willing to take the gamble? Let’s watch the world burn under our feet.’

In The Middle Devil’s mid-30’s, Finally retired from Sumiyoshi-kai. Still having those connections, The Middle Devil would remain at those establishments where, he had personally, built up a reputation. In the corner of his favorite Casino in Kabukichō, sipping his favorite Burbon, he would hear yelling across the game floor. At first, The Middle Devil would ignore the yelling, until glass could be heard crashing and another language being screamed out. This, Finally, got the Middle Devil to stand and walk across the floor. Bourbon in hand. Approaching the area of the breaking glass, there would stand a Fairly tall Asian man wearing circle, silver sunglasses with a Shorter Mexican-Asian man, his Ivory locks causing him to be easily noticed.

‘Well, well well. What cards did the house play this time?’

The two sets of eyes narrowed at The Middle Devil’s direction. Two sets of Dark Brown irises, look of anger and frustration would sit in their skulls. The Middle Devil sipped the glass of Bourbon before setting the empty glass down. With the soft tink, the entire floor went quiet. Quiet to where a pen would be sounded on the carpeted floor. Soft thuds of The Middle Devil’s shoes would be heard walking towards the two, slipping off his Navy Jacket, the chains clinking together softly as it was laid on the nearest Poker Table.

‘Didn’t Mother not teach either of you manners?’

The Middle Devil’s eyes glared at the two men. The Taller one was the first to break the look. Only the Ivory-haired man decided to challenge the man. His back straightening and getting nose to nose with The Middle Devil, a hand gripping the collar of his white button-up-

‘Who the fuck do you think you are? Talking to me like that?! I will beat your ass!’

-upon the final syllable of the darker-skinned male, he soon would find his head filled with pain as he would fall to the floor. Poker chips and cards are scattered around the male on the ground. The Middle Devil, slowly rolled up the sleeves of his, once-ironed, onced-perfect shirt, wrinkled button-up. Gave a death glare down at the man.

‘When you walked into this building, you came into my domain. Get your filth off my clothes.’

The other male, watching the collision, would walk towards the Middle Devil. Placing a hand on his chest and gently moving him back, he didn’t show any fear, didn’t show any backing down, but also. Didn’t show any aggression.

‘How about we make a bet? A deal.’

This would catch the Middle Devil’s attention, looking slightly up at the male in front of him. Poker, one round. If the Ivory-Headed male lost, he would leave the building to never return. If The Middle Devil lost, he would leave the situation to let the two men continue with their fight. Agreeing to these terms, and knowing how to outplay the impatient man, the two would sit at the table that The Middle Devil just cracked the skull of the man on. A Dealer was called to their table and bets were made. The Ivory-headed man looked toward the Middle Devil

‘Before I beat your ass, what is your name? Mine is Cielo Miyamoto.’

It was the first time someone outright asked for The Middle Devil’s name. The Middle Devil didn’t know if they were brave or stupid. He decided to play into proper manners.

‘Enji Mizoroge. Let’s see if luck is on your side.’

Bets took place, well into the 10 million. As much as Cielo fought and tried bluffing. He ended us losing the bet with Enji running a straight hand of full threes. Cielo, grabbed at his hair and swearing in the room as Enji stood from his seat. The Dark Brown eyes glared the Middle Devil down, Enji pushed his hair off his forehead as he tossed the cards towards the center of the table.

‘A bet is a bet.’

Knocking over the chips on the floor, Cielo would storm out of the building and onto the streets of Kabukichō. The Employee’s quickly picked up the chips up off of the floor before a hand was placed on his shoulder. Looking to his right, The other man was standing there, his sunglasses pushed up on his forehead.

‘Let me get you a drink. It is what I can offer for causing problems. Names Su-Jin Byun.’

‘Byun? Like Bunny?’

Deadpanning, Su-Jin gave glared at the older male. Enji laughed and patted his shoulder lightly. The nickname would stick from that point on, Su-Jin at first, would attempt to correct the older male but eventually would give up and embrace the nickname. From that point on, Su-Jin and Enji would become inseparable. The first time the Middle Devil let someone in who wasn’t his family, looking towards Su-Jin as a brother and a great friend. During these years, Su-Jin and Enji would do everything together. When it came to Hot Springs, Su-Jin would put makeup on his Yakuza Tattoos, sealing it with waterproof sealant. But sometimes, either for the thrill or just watching the older male panic, he would forget the sealant. To this day, they have been banned from 15 different onsenis because of Su-Jin’s ‘pranks’.

This is an accurate photo of Enji and Su-Jin at a Public Onsen. . .Clearly it had been forgotten.
(thank you shrine for being in the background, and thank you RippedZan for drawing it!!)

During the time between Tokyo and his soon arrival in Karakura due to finding word of the Youngest Devil being spotted. Enji would buy a urgent flight to seek out his sibling, his other halves. Arriving at the airport in Tsubasa, the town next to Karakura. Taking a Bus and soon Subway to get to the Shopping District Station. Stepping off the platform with his bags over his shoulders, he would take to searching the entire town up and down. Looking for any symboliance of himself in the busy and bustling town of Karakura. Upon arriving towards the Forest was where he would see them. The Symbol of Hope, all of his prayers answered. Setting his bags down, he would run towards the familiar figure, the Youngest Devil. Arms wrapped around their shoulders.

‘We found you.. Oh my dear Enkai.. You have been found..’

For the first time being brought to tears, his sibling. Who had been lost for years, finally found. Finally in his arms again. Upon letting them go, examining their face. Enji would pull his phone out and dailed their sister’s phone number. Standing still as he heard the matching ringtone of his sibling, Enji would slowly turn to look at his Eldest Devil Triplet. For the first time in years, Akuma no Mitsugo were now reunited.

Sitting down at a local bar, the three would talk about their lives. Open as they were once was when they were younger. Enji and Enru being the ones listening intently to Enkai’s story about their life. How it went down and how it happened. A hand was placed on Enkai’s knee as Enji smiled softly at their Younger Devil.

‘We weren’t going to judge you. We came in this world together, and we will leave together.’

This would cause the three to hug and breakdown in the other’s arms. Their once broken closeness, being slowly rebuilt as they sat there in that bar. With the bartenders giving them a wide birth, either giving them space or quietly judging them. Knowing Karakura, it was judgment. With to The Devil Triplets, they didn’t care. They finally have their other halves back together, right where they belonged.

After the reunion of the Devil’s. Enji would take a walk around Karakura, checking out the sights and soon. Stumbling across the underworld as one does in a crime filled town. Walking down the street at the Family Store. Down the alley between the store and School walls, a group of masked individuals would surround a poor, helped kid. Stopping at the street, he looked down at the sight before one of the masked figures spotted him. Nudging the man beside him, they would approach the Middle Devil.

‘What the fuck you want? Move along Old Man.’

Enji, raising an eyebrow and slowly cracking a smile, looked at the two who came forward. Leaning on his Emeraled-Embedded Snake Cane, he would give the ‘thugs’ a look up and down. Simple blackout, simple black masks. Boring. No flash, no symbols.

‘Boring. Old and used.’

‘What did you call us?’

The first figure grabbed Enji’s jacket, pulling him closer, wrinkling his suit jacket. And he had just gotten it pressed. Enji giving a sigh, he would use the cane to push the hand off and away from him. The other figure grabbed at the trusted cane before it was cracked into the man’s ribcage. Causing a state of confusion, Enji took the chance to put the fangs of the snake cane into the side of the first figures skull, causing them to fall. Looking down at the two he had just downed with his cane, he would offer a small growl

‘Filth. Touching my pressed suit. And wearing that gaudy outfit. At least have some style with your crime.’

It was unsure where Enji had gone from this interaction, but he has been sighted with Su-Jin around Karakura. Offering assistance or even roaming the streets of Karakura during the current state. Where will Enji Mizoroge go? Only time will tell.

But, are you willing to meet the Devil in disguise? Take that gamble in Fate? Let’s see how lucky you are.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)
Drip, drip, drip. The cold and damp walls of the Karakura Sewers Management area gave an eerie feeling.

Tap, tap, tap. Footsteps could be heard in the hallowed walls of the Management area. A group of Three, wearing normal clothing approached the agreed meeting location of Tyr. Upon reaching the meeting room. A masked man would be sitting at the head of the table, flanked by two others, Nagi’s at standby. The feeling of Roman Royalty washed over the three entering.

‘I am guessing you are the one who called me.’

The masked figure that was sat down, lifted his phone in the air, waving it. The Figure would set the phone down and pulled out a sheathed Pocket Knife, setting it down on the table in front of him.

The one who called, slowly approached as the Figure gestured for him to take a seat. Upon sitting, the Guard next to him would step forward. The boy would gulp before digging around in his pockets for the cash that was needed for the weapon. Sliding it over the rough table, the head figure reached over and grabbed the Yen. Slowly counting it.

Drip, drip, drip. The ceiling dripped in the corner before the main figure slid over the Pocket Knife. Issuing a warning in response;

‘I would suggest get out of here while you can. I am sure you don’t wish to gamble your life.’

The three who entered, leave before the Main Figure stood and pocketed the money. Walking towards the exit with one of his guards taking lead.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
MA! MA I’m finally doing it!


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your application, I have decided to
unfortunately deny your application to join the faction.

Why have I been denied?
This decision has been made based on the following reason(s)
Though we enjoyed your application, we have decided to go for other applicants. You're welcome to reapply in the future.

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