Basic Information
First Name: David
Surname: McAllister
Preferred Name: 'Davie'
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5'9
Weight: 120lbs
Build: Fairly skinny with a bit of muscle
Skin Colour: Pale
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Style: Messy
Hair Colour: Light brown with a streak dyed green
Fashion: Either a blend of casualwear and skater attire, or sportswear
Abnormalities: N/A
Date of Birth: June 9th 2008
Place of Birth: Glasgow, Scotland
Nationality: Scottish
Race: Caucasian
Sexual Orientation: Straight
General Appearance

Personality: Davie looks out for himself and only himself. He isn't concerned with 'making friends' and 'being a good person'. He's selfish, rude, and lazy, he doesn't like talking to people unless he has to in order to get something, and doesn't care about respect towards others. When it comes to school, he only shows up out of obligation and does the bare minimum to get by, anything more than that is pointless.
Diseases/Illness: N/A
Character Voice: Fairly deep voice with a very slight Scottish accent
Equipment: Always has an energy drink on hand
Clothes: Often wears either hoodies/undershirts with trackie bottoms or a full tracksuit, paired with a backwards cap and headphones. Other times (i.e. when he can't be bothered getting dressed) he wears a baggy light grey t-shirt, shorts, socks and sandals.
Hobbies: Watching wrestling, Listening to music, Smoking, Drinking
Flaws: Lazy, Has a tendency to get aggressive when someone does something to annoy him
Addictions: Tobacco, Caffeine (technically dependence, but I didn't know where else to put it)
Mother - Catherine McAllister
Born and raised in Scotland, Davie had a rough upbringing. His family were poor since his father moved out a few years after he was born and his mother worked a minimum wage job. Despite this, Davie and his mother got along, even when the stress started getting to them. Davie inherited his love of music from his mother, which he used as an escape when times got tough. However, due to him growing up in a rough area of Glasgow, Davie got involved in delinquency at a very young age, often staying up late partaking in underage drinking, smoking, fighting and vandalism, which would cause him to either get arrested or return home drunk and with bruises, much to the horror of his mother. Him staying up late would also cause him to drink a lot of energy drinks in order to stay awake the next day, thus giving him the caffeine dependence he has today. All of this began to strain the relationship he had with his mother, who was worried he would continue down this path and become a career criminal, but despite this, she still cared for Davie and did what she could to steer him back on the right path.
That was until she got a call saying that Davie was part of a group involved in jumping another pupil at the school he attended, and was going to be expelled. It was then that she realised she couldn't do anything to help Davie, no matter how hard she tried, so she decided to send Davie to Karakura High in a last ditch attempt to get him to turn over a new leaf. Unfortunately, Davie just saw this his mother sending him away to make things easier for herself, giving him a deep resentment towards her that lasts until this very day. However, his mother's plan may be working, as Davie doesn't actively look to get into trouble as much anymore, generally keeping to himself rather than getting involved with gangs and other delinquents.
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