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DEADMUN5 (pingels) | KPD Application


Level 6

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

pingels (applying)

Discord Name & Tag: pingels

Which timezone are you in? EST

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

None (Unless you count College M football)

Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe my activity on SRP as a solid 9/10, if not a full 10/10. I’ve been playing actively for the past 3 years, accumulating around 36 weeks of playtime or about 6,048 hours at the time of writing this. My level of activity on the server has been consistent throughout these years, and I’ve played almost every day with only occasional breaks for vacations or other such things in my OOC life.
Over time, I’ve become extremely familiar with the server’s map, people, mechanics, and the community. In fact, I practically know the map by heart due to my time spent exploring and engaging in different RP scenarios. My regular activity on SRP has allowed me to understand not only the map and lore but also the deeper part of SRP’s community and gameplay.

Whether it's running around the map or participating in roleplay events, my activity and knowledge of the server have made me a highly involved member of the SRP world I believe.

What is your motivation for applying?:

I have a strong passion for roleplay, which drives me to apply for the KPD. Currently, I'm part of the college male football team on SRP, but there are times when I find myself AFK due to my team not being online or not finding roleplay opportunities. I believe joining the KPD faction would provide more roleplay opportunities, allowing me to meet new people and engage in meaningful activities during downtime on the server. The KPD offers a different type of roleplay than what I’m used to with the sports and school style, enabling me to explore new characters, dynamics, and interactions within the community.

Being part of the KPD would offer more consistent and engaging scenarios, whether it’s responding to calls, or patrolling the streets. I’m also motivated by the potential for personal growth within the server. Joining the KPD would help me develop a more mature, responsible character while honing my roleplay skills. Additionally, I’m eager to commit long-term to a faction that offers progression and a strong community. The structured environment of the KPD will keep me engaged in the server over time and allow me to grow within its ranks.​

This faction has everything that motivates me to apply. Ever since I joined the server, I’ve wanted to be part of the KPD. Why? Because of the fast-paced action the faction is known for. Being on the football team has shown me that I enjoy combat and jockRP, along with fast-paced roleplay similar to the sports plugin. I believe the KPD aligns perfectly with what I seek on SRP, immersive roleplay and a strong community.

I also believe the KPD would be a good fit for me because I already possess many of the skills that would make me a good officer. I’m used to performing well under pressure and maintaining clear communication, something I practiced during this year’s summer tournaments. As a primarily defensive and goalie player, I’ve learned to think quickly, anticipate movements, and act decisively. These skills would translate well into the KPD, making me a valuable player to the faction.

Joining a city-style faction would be a completely new and exciting experience compared to what I’ve done so far. It would give me the chance to create an older character and even potentially roleplay as part of a family, something I haven’t had the opportunity to do before. Additionally, it would allow me to interact with new people and roleplay with those I haven’t worked with yet. Exploring something new would keep me invested in the server and ensure that there’s always something fresh and exciting to engage with.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I have a solid understanding of the law both OOCly and ICly, as well as the work that the police do for the people. The police on the server carry items that are similar to what a real-life officer would have, with a few adjustments to account for Japanese realism and Minecraft’s Terms of Service. Typically, they are equipped with a taser, handcuffs, a radio, a riot shield, a baton, pepper spray, Luminol spray, a crowbar, and even a tranquilizer.

Along with basic knowledge of their basic gear, I’m also familiar with the police rank structure on the server. These ranks include Cadet, Patrol Officer, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Detective Constable, Detective Sergeant, Detective Inspector, Detective Chief Inspector, Detective Superintendent, Captain, and, at the top, the Commissioner. Each rank carries its own responsibilities and duties, creating a clear hierarchy that keeps the police force organized and effective.

Now, you might be wondering what each rank entails and the stats of each item the KPD uses, Allow me to explain!

TaserA taser is an item that is the typical choice of carry for a KPD officer. The item allows for a quick defense that may stop an incoming attack. The taser has two prongs that shoot into an individual body, that then incapacitates them. A taser is to not be confused with a stun gun with them being two different things with two different uses.A taser cannot be mugged.All rankings.
HandcuffsHandcuffs are used to detain an individual, to limit their range of motion.Handcuffs cannot be mugged.All rankings.
RadioRadios are used to communicate between different officers during patrols and factions (EMS and town hall), this can be to answer a simple question or to radio in for backup.A Radio cannot be mugged.All rankings.
Riot ShieldA riot shield is used to defend the officer from an incoming attack. Although this depends on what position the shield is in. offensive mode (offhand): Nothing is blocked but you can still use a taser or a weapon in the main hand. Defensive mode (mainhand): Can block all attacks but from the back and head, but you cannot fight back with it in this mode.The Riot Shield can be mugged with the proper permissions.All rankings.
BatonA Baton is a close carry weapon that is handheld and is used for close range combat when a Taser or Tranq gun isn't available.A Baton can be mugged with proper permissions.All rankings.
Pepper SprayPepper Spray is a handheld item that is used to burn the individual eyes, causing pain and toPepper spray can't be mugged.All rankings.
CrowbarCrowbars are used during raids to open up doors or chests.A crowbar cannot be mugged.Corporal+
TranquilizerThe tranquilizer is a replacement from the Glock and is a non-lethal weapon used to make the person shot unconscious.A Tranquilizer cannot be mugged.Sergeant+
BreathalyzerUsed to view the level of drunkenness a player is at.A Brathalyzer cannot be mugged.All rankings.
Luminol SprayUsed to show blood or dents on weapons.No. (ItemRP)All rankings.
Latex GlovesCarried by officers to hide fingerprints.No. (ItemRP)All rankings.
Fingerprint ScannerUsed to scan a player's fingerprint.No. (ItemRP)All rankings.
First-Aid KitUsed to tend to injure players for a short time until EMS arrives.No. (ItemRP)All rankings.
Body CameraA recording camera that goes on an officer chest to record an interaction.No. (ItemRP)All rankings.
All rankings. Gas MaskUsed to conceal the identity of the officer and from chemical threats.A Gas Mask can be mugged with proper permissions.All rankings.

Main Division:
CadetCadet is the lowest level an officer starts at. This is the role/ranking you have during your training phase as a newbie.0-?
Patrol OfficerThis is the next step up from being a cadet. They get this role after they pass their KPD exam.0-8
CorporalCorporal the rank after Patrol Officer. They are mainly a supervisor for the ranks under them.0-8
SergeantSargeant is the next step up from Corporal. This ranking allows you the Tranquilizer to pew pew the bad guys.0-6
LieutenantThis is the rank that officially considers you a higherup within the KPD. Most things will be unlocked for you. This rank is the next step up from Corporal.0-3
CaptainThis is the person under the big guy, he is the main overseer of the main division.0-1
CommissionerThe commissioner is the main person who runs the whole KPD. He makes sure of order and is at the top of everything.0-1

Detective Division:

Detective ConstableThe lowest ranking of a detective. The newbies of the detective division.0-4
Detective SergeantThe next step up from Detective Constable!0-4
Detective InspectorThe next step up from Detective Sergeant.0-3
Detective Chief InspectorThe next step up from Detective Inspector.0-2
Detective SuperintendentThe next step up from Detective Chief Inspector. This person is the main supervisor of the Detective Division.0-1

Although this may be a very BASIC understanding of their duties, I feel like these are some of the main ones that the average officer may have to endure while in the faction.

Patrolling is when a group of officers do a specific route to find and stop anything illegal that could be going on.

Desk work
Desk work is when an officer sits at the desk in the station helping out players. That be answering questions, taking reports, checking cctv or bailing someone.

Court security
Police Security during a court case is for a few reasons; Protection in case of a possible fight, overseeing protection, and transportation of the criminal (if one).

Responding 110 calls.
Responding to calls is when an officer gets a call of someone in distress or worry. A call could be reporting an injured person or a gang jumping someone.

This is only for officers once they reach a certain ranking. Once reached said ranking it would be part of your new duty to train the cadets.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Maintaining Order

The police faction is a crucial part of the SRP 'ecosystem'. The KPD maintains order, preventing the city from descending into anarchy and being overrun by criminals. Additionally, the KPD acts as a counterbalance to gangRP, creating a significant risk factor for both communities.


Beyond restoring order in Karakura, the police faction introduces new dynamics to the server, offering additional roleplay opportunities for those who join or interact with it. The KPD also collaborates with other factions to ensure smooth operations, such as transporting players to the EMS for medical care. The police faction also adds more roleplay by introducing things like laws, investigations, arrests, and trials. All of these things add roleplay scenarios that could happen. Another one that could add another level of roleplay is the possibility of corruption within the KPD, this could be deleting CCTV footage or going fully rouge.


Moreover, the police play an active role in events and flash events. For example, during the Halloween season last year when the pumpkins came to life, the KPD stepped in to stop the chaos. KPD also adds protection from gangs or any type of criminal activities that could happen that would harm someone.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I understand completely.


In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Marcos Massarini

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
He/Him, Male

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Master's degree in Sociology.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Italian (applying)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Marcos stands at a solid 6'0" (182 cm), his presence immediately noticeable. Upon closer inspection, you’d see his darker complexion and the intricate tattoo that covers his right arm in a full sleeve. The tattoo depicts a simple stream with rocks lining the sides, and the water is a striking deep blue that stands out vividly against his skin. Moving your gaze back to his torso, you'd notice a small, yet noticeable scar on his lower chest, not large, but certainly evident. As your eyes move over his physique, you’d find that Marcos has an athletic build, toned and in shape, though not overly muscular. As you continue to look closer, there's more to appreciate. His ears sport small stud diamond earrings, and whether they’re real or not is anyone's guess, though knowing him, they probably were real. Turning your attention to his face, a faint mustache, more like a bit of fuzz, graces his upper lip. His dark blue eyes, which occasionally appear green depending on the light, stand out. Finally, atop his head, he wears a set of dreads that completes his distinct look.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Marcos has always developed a more professional tone, rather than being a casual, laid-back person. This is largely due to the way he was raised and the many painful years he spent dealing with his ex-wife. Despite this, he still has a soft spot for his kids... At least, at times. In a professional environment, Marcos prefers to handle things methodically, often reviewing past mistakes. He would do this for things such as arguments or misunderstandings, to avoid repeating them. When on duty, he tends to be on edge, always attentive and ready for quick, decisive action if needed.

However, when it comes to his casual side, reserved only for those dear to him, like his daughters, he relaxes a little more. Despite their love-hate relationship, he still cares deeply for them. He often shows this by surprising them with gifts or even a random gift card. When he’s more at ease, Marcos becomes more open and willing to engage in casual, enjoyable activities. Marcos is overall just a pretty well-rounded guy who can be professional or casual when it's with the right people, or at least he thinks so!

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Marcos has always been accustomed to teamwork and relying on others for support. He firmly believes that "a second pair of eyes is better than one." Back when he did his old ‘job’, he had to listen closely to his coach and react almost immediately, learning to process and apply information quickly. This experience taught him the value of teamwork and how essential it is to work effectively with others.

His view of teamwork and co-workers has always been positive. Whether it’s for socializing, solving problems, or getting the job done more efficiently, Marcos appreciates the importance of having a strong team around him. He understands that everyone has unique skills to contribute and that working together often leads to better results than working alone. Having co-workers to rely on not only improves performance but also strengthens the sense of community within a team. For him, teamwork is not just about completing tasks, it's about mutual support, learning from others, and growing together as an officer.

What's your character's backstory?

A video would lie in your inbox, waiting to be opened. Once the inbox is opened, you’d see a link. Clicking on the link would be a video. In front of the camera would be Marcos. A documentary?

“Well, hello. If you got this far through my application, well... thank you to start off with. This video may be a while, but it will take you through my life story, with me being the wonderful narrator. Also, if this is bad, blame my kids. They said they would help me record and edit because I am ‘too old to know how this stuff works.’ However, let's continue with it.” The screen cut to black before text appeared on the screen. It read...

“The easy life” (0-14)

“Well, let's see... I was born in Ventimiglia, a wonderful town known for its coastline and upscale district of 'Latte'—I know, a funny name. Haha. Ventimiglia was my hometown that I grew up in; it is around 10 kilometers away from Monaco, one of my personal favorite places to visit, even though I leave that town with 10,000 less than when I first walk in. My mother was a well-known businesswoman in that area; she had a fairly large monopoly over hotels there, with help from my father, of course. However, my father is where it shined. My father was an F1 driver in the European area, going to races here and there. My mother and I typically stayed back so he could do whatever while we stayed at home and did whatever we wished. Growing up, I usually did what I wished; I mean, at the time, I had it all: a large house, friends, money, everything. I always grew up knowing that money is how you stay alive in the world, and without it you are pretty much... nothing. I hate that that's how the world is, but it's true, to say the least. Even though I had freedom as a child to go wherever I wanted in the town, my parents always had an eye over me. Because my mother knew so many people, I was always watched over, and people knew my every step. So I didn't really get away with much as a child; looking back at it, I am glad for that. Who knows where I would be today without my mother. Though this time for me is more or less a blurred vision from it being so long ago.”

The camera slowly faded into a black screen as it changed over to the next chapter of his ‘documentary.’

“Fun.” (15-18)

“This time was honestly my favorite in my life; I could do anything then. With me starting to get older and my parents having more 'trust' in me, I was able to have more freedom. I believe it was around 15 when I got my first girlfriend; she was a sweet and kind girl. In a way, it was my first 'love,' though I wouldn't call it that because I was 15 at the time, for goodness' sake; can't really love much of anything at that age truly. But she was sweet, fun, and kind at the time. Age 15 opened me up to the life of parties. Let's just say I was the... what word do these kids use now?... the... 'plug'? But yeah, I was the one who was always hosting and doing this and that. These parties would be on my parents' boat, hotel, or house. Did they know about these parties... maybe? I never really told them because they were always out of town at the time. During this time, I was meeting new people left and right, whether by going to races with my mom and dad or just general trips. I wasn't the most innocent at this time or loyal, to be honest, but going to races with my dad and mother showed me that I enjoyed F1 racing and that to be my career. As I got older, I started to take my girlfriend with me to the races, still the same girl I had fallen in love with at 15.”

Once again the camera faded into the dark before the text popped back up.

“Joy” (19-19)

"With me becoming older and more separated from my parents, I slowly drifted away into my own life. I haven't had much of a job during any point of my life; it was always my parents' money supplying my lifestyle. Once I turned 19, a whole hell of a lot started for me, although these things were good, right? As I turned 19, I started to work with my father to help set my life up for a more stable life. In the background through all of these years, I was training and working on becoming like my father, an F1 driver, and this was the point I felt ready enough to start this career and lifestyle. With help from my father, I was able to get signed to a team; then my F1 career took off, literally and figuratively. I was as happy as could be; my girlfriend of many years was still by my side, holding my hand, and honestly, I thought I was ready.

One week during my off time, I decided to go on a trip with my girlfriend, just us. It was perfect; I had it all planned out. Everything needed ready to go. So we hopped on the plane and headed over to Florence, Italy. A beautiful town, truly. During this time, I had been keeping something hidden from my girlfriend. Around the third day of our trip, I rented out this beautiful rooftop restaurant that overlooked the town and the Piazza del Duomo. As we ate, at some point I got up because we were both going to watch the sunset and take photos of it. As we both leaned on the railing, overlooking the city, I turned to my side, got down on one knee, and asked her the question... ‘Will you marry me?’ Of course she said yes, and after we had our trip and got home, we had our wedding about 3 weeks later... took A LOT of planning and A LOT of money... still hurts my wallet to this day. Shortly after I turned 20, and so did she, I got news I still can't believe to this day. News that made me the happiest man in the world for that moment: I was going to have a child! Of course I was excited and wanted to know if it was going to be a girl or boy. So a few months passed; I wondered and wondered until I got the news... I was going to have a daughter! So then after the nine months that felt like only weeks to prepare, I had my very first daughter. She was beautiful, and I love her so very much; I may or may not have fainted a time or two during that day. After a few days in the hospital to ensure my baby girl was going to be healthy, we went home. Once everything settled down, I went back to racing."

“New start.” (20-22)

"As I turned 20, I was surprised with the news that I was going to have another child. This time I was a little more prepared for a child, knowing what to do and what not to do now. Though as time went on and the due date got closer, my wife and I couldn't help but think about moving—moving to a better place; however, that wouldn't come true until after I had another daughter! In reality, I was hoping for a boy, though I was just as happy once I found out it was going to be a girl. After a few months passed, my first daughter, Maura, turned one, and my wife and I were both 21. We were happy, still young, and had two beautiful daughters. My F1 career was at an all-time high, until I got the news. At this point, my parents were both older now, and we still lived in the same town all together, so word got around pretty quickly. One afternoon, as I was sitting inside my house, I got a call. The call was something I could never forget. It was from the local hospital, letting me know that my father had died from a heart attack. I was distraught at the time, and so was my wife. She has always had a good bond with my father and mother to the point they were like family to her too. So after all that, we had the funeral, of course, and I... 'coped'?... My daughter told me to say that, so... yeah... After that, my wife and I decided to move using the money my father left me after he died, though a lot of it went to my mother. We moved to the wonderful town of Florence, Italy—the town we got engaged in. We believed it would be the best place to raise our children, and we both fell in love with the city while we were there. After we moved there and got settled in, we relaxed for a bit. Not much happened for the few years after that."

“Burning Bridge” (23-29)

"This year was, uh... quite the time for me, to say the least. As I turned 23 and the next F1 season started, I had something pretty horrible happen to me. It was about halfway through the season when I... uh... crashed! Although it didn't kill me, it did leave quite the nasty scar on my chest. I was out for the rest of the season, and after I healed, I thought to myself and knew that it wasn't worth it anymore. I mean, I had kids, a wife at the time, and all the money I would ever need. So after I healed from the crash, I quit. I left the F1 career I always wanted to pursue as a child to go be with my family. Looking back at it, I was glad I did.

During this off time for me, my wife wanted another child... a boy... Of course, not like I could really go against her with this, and to be honest, I did too. However, we both wanted to make SURE we have a boy... So together, we went out and adopted a child. Our new son... Marcello!

So a few years passed; I was in my late 20s, about to turn 28, when my wife that I loved for so many years... wanted a divorce? I had no idea why; I was shaken by this news... She wanted half of my money and the kids? Why, though? What did I do wrong? I mean, I wasn't the best in our early years, but she didn't know about that... until I thought to myself... Something I love so much and others love so much is money... That ended up being the reason she wanted the divorce. The money... Did she say that? No, but it was obvious.

As time goes by, we work on the paperwork and such. I won't get fully into it, but she didn't walk away with all of my money, thankfully. I was able to keep my two daughters, Maura and Mailia. During these past years, my two daughters got older, and I relaxed in our house together. I didn't really go more into my love life after that... I was quite heartbroken, to say the least."

“New town, New people” (30-NOW)

"This time was more of my relaxation time. I was around 30 when I realized that this town has just given me bad luck. I mean, I had my crash here, my ex-wife left me here, and it was overall just not a good place for me. I started to look at new places to live until I found Karakura. It is a beautiful small island city that is amazing for education, so, me being the father I am, we moved there... or well... here! It offered great schooling for the kids and a good town to raise them in. So now I am here, applying for the KPD because after A LOT of begging from my children to do something with my life, I thought I would do some good for the town and become an officer! So thank you for watching this video of me speaking about my life story; I hope you enjoy it and find it halfway interesting."

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

"No, it is illegal to own a pocketknife under any circumstances in Karakura, including for self-defense. Possession of a pocketknife is considered a serious offense, and being caught with one can lead to an immediate arrest. It is classified as a felony, meaning the consequences are severe.

In Karakura, the law strictly prohibits the carrying of any kind of knife or weapon with a sharp blade. The reasoning behind this is to ensure public safety and prevent violent incidents from occurring. Even if the individual claims they are carrying the knife for protection, it will not excuse them from facing legal troubles.

Officers are trained to handle these situations with care and follow strict procedures when arresting someone for carrying illegal weapons. The best way to stay out of trouble is to respect the law and not have one to begin with."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

“Number one would be Paracetamol, although it can also be known as acetaminophen in some places as a medication that is used commonly to relieve pain, and to reduce fevers. The pain relieving part is usually used for toothaches, headaches, and muscle aches. It is also known to lower fevers like the common cold or the flu. Paracetamol is safe to use when used at the recommended doses, taking too much can lead to liver damage.
Price: 1,500¥
Max purchase: 3”

“Second is Iron supplements. Iron supplements are used to treat or prevent iron deficiency. An iron deficiency can lead to things like iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia can cause things like weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath and so on. Iron supplements are usually for people who have been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia, have a diet low in iron, blood loss due to surgery or injury, and other things that I won't list. Common side effects can lead to having an upset stomach, constipation, or even vomiting.
Price: 2,500¥
Max purchase: 3”

“Third on my list is Melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the brain to help your sleep cycle. It signals to your body that it is time to sleep and when to wake up. Melatonin is usually given to people with Insomnia, Jet lag, DSPD (Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome), or people with ADHD. Melatonin supplements are best when used for short term use however it can produce drowsiness during the day, headaches, or nausea.
Price: 3,000¥
Max purchase: 3”

“Moving over to our last few, these are items that the hospital sells, although they are not medicine you do not need a prescription to purchase them. Cough syrup would come at number four on my list. Cough syrup is typically a sweeter syrup that is used to relieve coughing, stuffy noses. It can also be used to help relieve colds and allergies. Side effects can include dizziness, blurred vision, vomiting, or headaches.
Price: 6,000¥
Max purchase: 2

“Last but not least is the eyepatch. It is worn when the eye is damaged to protect or conceal the area so it can heal properly without chance of infection or more harm to it.
Price: 5,000¥
Max purchase: 2”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

“If I ever saw a co-worker abusing an inmate, I would first turn on my body cam as I walked over. Once there I would ask what is going on, and to see what is going wrong. Once I have the context and information to know the coworker is abusing the inmate I would request for the officer to stop. If the officer does not stop, I would use my own physical force to remove the officer off of the inmate. Once the officer is off of the inmate and calmed down, I would question the inmate, checking for any injuries or harm to the prisoner. If there is, I would request EMS help. Once Ems has arrived, I would ask for my higher up to take all the proper procedures to make sure the officer gets the correct punishment.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

“Well firstly before we jump into anything we gotta read and understand what is happening. Once we figure out that there is a physical attack going on I will of course the people from one another, however if I believe the attack is violent enough, I would radio in for backup. The way I would get one way from each other would probably be physical force, using an item like my taser. Once the fighting is over and it has stopped, I’d then check over my fellow coworker if they are fine. checking them over for injuries. The same would also go for the attacker, everyone deserves to get help even though some may deserve it more than others. If there are major injuries, I would ask for EMS arrival or for another co-worker to take said person to the hospital for treatment. I’d then get each side of the story of what happened. Once the person talking and note taking is done, I would detain the attacker. Once the attacker is detained, not arrested, I would check to see if there is any CCTV footage or bodycam footage from my co-worker to then properly charge the attacker.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

“If I were to ever discover that a fellow officer was involved in helping a criminal organization, such as a gang, I would immediately take action. The first step would be to gather any proof or evidence of their involvement. It’s very important to ensure that the accusations are supported by solid facts before you go out and report someone for this or that. Once I have sufficient evidence, I would report the situation to a higher-ranking officer, following the chain of command to ensure the issue is handled properly.

I would expect the leadership to launch a thorough investigation into the matter. Corruption within the police force not only undermines the integrity of the department but also threatens the safety of the entire town. I believe in following the proper protocols to bring the corrupt officer to justice, as no one is above the law. Betraying the job is unacceptable, and it’s essential to ensure that those who engage in such behavior face the consequences. My goal would be to make sure that justice is served, and that the integrity of the police force is maintained.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

“Well first of all hopefully no one would be dumb enough to try and bribe an officer because guess what! That's a crime! However I would of course deny the criminal trying to bribe me because no amount of money is worth it for me. After denying the bribe I would of course let the criminal know that is illegal and a fineable crime! So with that being said, I would of course fine the person who is trying to bribe me and then arrest them for whatever they were doing before..”

Thank you for reading my KPD application!​
Last edited:


Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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