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Detention logs - channel permission for Council


Level 36
What's your Minecraft Username?: Vexosphere
What's the title of your suggestion?: Detention logs - channel permission for Council

What's your suggestion?:
So basically, i’m asking for permission update for whole council so we can see detention logs on Discord. I don’t know why we don’t have it right now, as we have ability to hand out slips in character.

You may ask; why do we need it?

Lately, one of our councillors was accused of misusing/abusing or detention command, as they have given 4 detentions to the same person in row. They have done that accidentally, due to bug. Having access to channel would be good for council, as we could see who gave it and if reason was valid, also we could avoid such a situations; this specific councillor wasn’t aware from what i know of fact they have given 4 detentions in a row. If we had access, they would notice it and explain themself immadietely, without any fear of getting in troubles. I don’t really see any reason against this, it’d be either useful for us and our higher-ups.

It happened also to me; When i sent detention command, it gave me no respond. Detention list command shows also none, so i choosed to re-send command. If the person haven’t told me on LOOC i gave them two detentions, i would never know, as detention list was empty, even after sending it two times.

So essentially, access to this specific channel would be useful to avoid uncomfortable situations like these, as we would know as faction if our slips actually worked or not. Higher-ups could also monitor if any Councillor is not abusing command.

Update: Channel on discord would be for OOC information for us, it doesn’t have to change anything In Character

How will this benefit the server and community?:
- Less akward situations if any bug with detention system has place, regular councillors would be able to see if their slip worked properly

- Higher-ups would be able to see if everyone in Council is using their permission properly. If there is something off, they could have ask specific councillor who used slip for explanation, without any not needed discussion in faculty-council chat, without any not needed accusation.
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Level 35

I remember correctly we don't get to see detention logs for more than one reason, with the big one being auto 2pk

Although it would benefit in the awkward scenario, the scenario happened to a glitch which I have never seen happen in SRP before therefore it was a one time occurrence that the detention log would of been useful regarding stuff like that. Therefore im neutral, I wouldn't be opposed to receiving it however I know there was more than 1 reason for why we already don't have it.


Level 36
Thread starter

I remember correctly we don't get to see detention logs for more than one reason, with the big one being auto 2pk

Although it would benefit in the awkward scenario, the scenario happened to a glitch which I have never seen happen in SRP before therefore it was a one time occurrence that the detention log would of been useful regarding stuff like that. Therefore im neutral, I wouldn't be opposed to receiving it however I know there was more than 1 reason for why we already don't have it.
How does it relate to my suggestion, Leo?
Detention logs channel on discord is information mainly for us OOCly. This suggestion wouldn’t change anything In Character.


Level 32

I do not see an issue with letting people who have the duty to hand the detention paper would not be able to see the log. I would like to know the reasons, if possible to the public, why this is no longer a thing, as it could help people outside the faction understand the whole problem. But as for now, as stated before, I do not see any.

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