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DisgracedMeows Biography


Level 27
Uzuha Rossi's biography
Green = Told from her point of view
Red = Explained by me
Uzuha Rossi's Description
"I'll keep what I look like short I'm sure most of you wouldn't care anyway. My name is Uzuha Rossi although, if people are stupid enough to want to adopt me they can do so and I won't deny it my parents wouldn't care anyway. I'm 6 feet tall no more no less and I'm done growing for a while at least, I weigh 150 pounds say what you will my weight doesn't stop me. Use She/Her when talking to me anything else will result in the end of any chances you had at a friendship with me."

Her backstory
Uzuha Rossi isn't a good person by any means. Her parents simply ignored her so she did everything in her power to get them to acknowledge her so she would be as bad as possible in school. All her teachers hated her when she even went to class which she often didn't. Saying people in her old school feared her would be an understatement they were terrified of her to the point if she even looked at someone they would know to leave her alone. Despite the fear people felt near her she had a couple of friends 3 to be exact. Of course, she wasn't a follower they would follow her every footstep not wanting to get on her bad side and yet she never hated them. There were 3 girls, two of them were close friends but one was closer despite how Uzuha acted being a bad person to people who weren't her friends Uzuha liked this girl in more than a friend way she had a crush on her but if she tried dating everyone would see her as weak and no longer fear her in her mind so she kept the feelings private. How she ended up in this town and what happened to her 3 friends I think it's best she explains it

What happened to her 3 friends
"Well, my first two friends despite being my friend which should be a thing on its own were stupid to leave me. They went to go to college and learn, Fucking losers. Anyway, the girl I had a crush on is a different story on its own. It started when I was 16 we were alone just us 2 exploring the woods and looking for people to beat up, we weren't the nicest people, to say the least. Eventually, we gave up and started heading back when we saw a cabin being stupid kids who didn't care about education; we went into the cabin and saw a trapdoor in the back and we went in. The trapdoor led to some cave and we kept exploring not realizing how stupid it was to explore things we didn't quite understand at the time. Anyway, We kept going on for what we saw in this cave I had to give it credit the cave was huge. We continued when we eventually came upon a door covered in webs we pushed it open excited to see what was behind it when we opened the door there was just a man standing there masked with a giant machete the second we opened that door he turned and sprinted after us. We weren't completely stupid so we ran as fast as we could. It was probably the stupid thing to do but he was gaining on us I told her I loved her and that if we died she would know that I loved her. It stopped her in her tracks allowing the man to catch up and well.. I was the only one to leave that cave alive."

How she ended up in Karakura
"After that night I came home to my parents crying I thought maybe just maybe they would care and ask what had happened in the time I was gone but of course, they fucking didn't because they didn't care about me then and still don't now it was that day I decided I would keep the fear this town had of me for 2 years before I would leave. Of course, I stuck to that promise to myself by staying there the two more years taking all the money from people that I could and using the money to buy a ticket to Japan to the town of Karakura after hearing about its crime rate and that's how I ended up in Karakura alone without anyone.

What she did in Karakura
After that, it was clear to Uzuha that simply bullying wasn't enough for her so she did research in the month she was there and got in contact with a Karakura black market dealer asking to help out as an associate to them. They planned a meeting with her of course Uzuha was too broke to afford to buy blackout outfits so in an awkward first meeting the Black Market Dealer had to get her a copy from the storage room. This BMD was naturally confused as to why she didn't show a reaction every time they hit the table with their fist trying to get her to flinch and every attempt failed until they pulled out a machete she shook in fear not from the idea of being stabbed she shook from the idea that the small part in her mind that wondered if this was the person who killed her crush but after she calmed herself she realized that would have been stupid this person couldn't have been the person that killed her crush. With all that said that takes us to the current day Uzuha's previous school bully turned into a person with no emotions.

Daphne Solace - Dead
Loved by Uzuha
"I wish we never went into that cabin together maybe you still would have been alive"
Who is this person in Uzuha's life
Daphne was Uzuha's crush who suffered an unfortunate fate dying to a machete. The last words she could hear was Uzuha saying that she loved her. She never had the chance to tell Uzuha before she died but she loved Uzuha and kept it a secret due to how easy it was to anger Uzuha.

Dina Micaela - Alive
Hated by Uzuha
"I wish you were dead. Why couldn't you have stayed in the town with me and died instead of her"
Who is this person in Uzuha's life
Dina Macaela was the second friend Uzuha made after Daphne. Dina was friends with Uzuha because Uzuha thought she was a bully like her so Dina kept her thinking that by not being a nice person eventually, she made a plan to leave the small town with Mayra eventually marrying her

Mayra Micaela -
Hated by Uzuha

"Never come back into my life again stay away just like Dina you were the worst friends ever."
Who is Mayra in Uzuha's life
Mayra was the last friend Uzuha had made before the current day she was the least popular of the 3 friends Uzuha had not being a bully just being a follower to Uzuha. Eventually, She and Dina made a plan to leave the town eventually getting married to Dina.

Kasumi Rossi -
Hated by Uzuha

"I wish you cared about me, Mother"
Who is Kasumi in Uzuha's life
Kasumi is Uzuha's mother she hated Uzuha and wished every day that she didn't have her but of course, she would never tell that to Uzuha because she simply hated her too much to even speak to her.

Shirou Rossi -
Hated by Uzuha

Who is this person in Uzuha's life
"Why couldn't you have just loved me, Father"
Who is Shirou in Uzuha's life

Shirou was Uzuha's father like her mother he didn't talk to her however, this was not his choice as his wife Kasumi told him to avoid her or she would divorce him and he cared more about his wife than his own kid.

Jane Rossi Genesis - Alive
Not hated or liked by Uzuha
"I don't know you very well but stay out of my way and we won't be enemies
Who is Jane in Uzuha's life
Jane is a distant cousin Uzuha found when trying to join a gang before realizing what she really wants to do. Most information about Jane is not known to Uzuha. Jane dates a guy named Judeau Uzuha doesn't know who he is nor does she know that Jane dates but if she did meet him she wouldn't care.

Unlockable parts of her backstory
(You can un spoiler these but what your character knows depends on your character's relationship with Uzuha)
Uzuha was not originally from Karakura and is an innocent girl
Uzuha is not innocent and was a bully in her previous town and isn't afraid to hurt people if she needs to. She is a lesbian
Uzuha is not an innocent person she has hurt people minorly but hasn't seen anything horrible. Her parents also never cared about her. She is a lesbian
Uzuha is not innocent, She is willing to kill, She has seen death twice, Her parents don't care about her, She is a lesbian, She has seen horrible things, and she has a fear of machetes

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