Level 10

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name):
Previous bans:
There was one, around 2 years ago, this was due to a silly username, and was a mistake on my behalf. I have learnt from my mistakes, and believe I have matured enough. Then there was another ban, in which I was banned for 7 days for ‘Mass metagame’ yet soon after was lifted due to the fact it was incorrect.
Describe your activity on the server:
I believe my activity on the server is very good, I’m online at least everyday for a good 5 hours minimum, obviously those hours rise on weekends, and sometimes can go down depending if I have other work to do. Yet I’m always at least online daily, even if it is for a couple hours.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do. If you don’t already have it, then it’s ‘Jo#6666’
Do you have a microphone?
I do.
List your current and past applications:
-College Professor Application - ✔
- Delivery Man Application - ✔
- Police Officer Application - ✔
- Receptionist Application - ✔
- Black Market Dealer Application (x3) - ✔
-Shop Owner Application - ✔
-Staff Application - ✔
What is your motivation for applying?:
For the past week or so, I have been contemplating my position as of current (ICly), talking to friends that are in the police force, and how fun it has become, I feel as if I’m missing out. Obviously, during my time as a PO around 2 years ago, was one of the main reasons I wasn’t as motivated to apply in the past, seeing as it wasn’t all that great, due to the fact it wasn’t very active, there wasn’t a proper system and such.
Yet, when I did bring it up to some of those friends, alongside seeing the force in action, it actually motivated me again, it looked a lot better, a lot more orderly, alongside with the new Investigator Unit, I feel as if I could really make an impact on the police force. I wouldn’t apply for any roles if I didn’t feel as if I can be impactful, yet I feel that I would be able to make an impact on not only the actual police force, yet the server in general.
My main reason for being motivated, is actually because some of the closer friends are in it. I believe that’s actually a pretty good reason to join a certain faction with friends, people can believe that it would mean I wouldn’t work and get hand-outs, yet I feel completely opposite towards it, it’s more that I want to compete with them. I also believe having a group of friends that have a good chemistry together on the same team, can make an efficient and effective squad, especially when it comes to something as delicate as PoliceRP.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I do, I had obviously needed to through the Karakura Laws and Conduct whilst I was in service in the previous police force, yet I also do have an extensive knowledge on Japanese Laws and Conduct due to my involvement in many situations, such as BusinessRP and recently of PoliticalRP. For these two things, I’d need to know these in order to relay accurate and good information and knowledge.
What are the Police ranks?
From Highest to Lowest. (Also, these are KPD ranks, obviously there are different ranking structure depending on the police department)
The Commissioner is the highest within the police force. An officer whom has served their city well, and has been seen as good enough to be placed as a commissioner by the mayor of Karakura. The Commissioner would be in-charge of everyone in the force, no matter their age, role and such. The Commissioner is a long-serving police officer that strives to make their police force the best.
The Commissioner is at the top, no matter what they say, it goes. This means that they have the power to veto basically any decision made.
The second-in-command, the Captain is vital towards the police forces functions. When the commissioner is absent, the Captain takes that place. The Captain must be a very good leader, as they are most likely constantly tasked with maintaining discipline within the police force.
The Captain would have duties such doing training, doing officer tests and maintaining the general reputation of the police force.
Like the Vice, the Head-Lieutenant serves as a guide and a helping hand to fellow officers. The Head, is one away from Captain and works in order to ensure the captain isn’t filled with work nor the Commissioner.
The Head does a lot of the ‘decisions’ within the force, they discuss it with the Vice, and bring ideas towards the Captain or Commissioner in order to better their force.
The Vice’s main duty is to help out the head, alongside guide the LT and lower. The Vice obviously doesn’t have higher power than the Head, yet assist the head in decision making alongside ensures that everything is working correctly before his higher-ups see.
The Vice holds training and maintains a disciplined force.
When becoming a Lieutenant, you’re taking a leap from a basic officer, to a commissioned officer, this means you’re highly expected of. The role allows the player to do training, put cadets through the police test and so forth.
A lieutenant is meant to take the workload off the Commissioner and Captain, this allows these two roles to focus more on their respective duties.
Head Investigator
This role is the highest investigation unit role you can gain, they have the main duties of the basic investigator, yet they’re able to uphold training, alongside form together investigation cases. The head investigator talks to the main forces COs in order to keep the whole police force on the same wavelength.
The head investigator is basically the connection line for the investigation unit and the main police force, meaning their role is very important in maintaining efficiency.
After passing your trainee stage, you’re placed as an investigator. This means you can actually take on proper cases. You still do training with the main force, alongside in the unit.
Trainee Investigator
When joining the investigator unit, this is the rank you join. A trainee investigator is basically a cadet for the investigation unit, they go through training, scenarios and such. They most likely are already allowed around the field due to the fact you must be a CPL+ to join the investigation unit.
A sergeant is yet again, another ‘rank role’. They obviously supervise the lower ranks, and may help further in training sessions. Sergeants are also the line between becoming a ‘CO’. So most likely they’re watched closely by higher-ranks in order to see if they’re fit to become a LT.
From Officer, corporal is more of a rank than newly found responsibilities. As a corporal, you serve as an example to new officers, showing them the ropes, helping them during situations.
Corporals can sometimes supervise lower ranks, nothing big, simply making sure your fellow officers are doing the right things.
One up from the cadet, officers are people who have been fully trained. They have also passed their police test, meaning that they are ready to go out onto the field and serve some justice. As an officer, you’re at the bottom of the police food chain. Officers help the higher-ranks in backup, and partake in more training in order to better themselves.
At this rank, you’re able to start responding to calls, going out by yourself, yet with this newly found responsibility, you’re sent out into a dangerous field, officers handle a range of issues, from minor to major.
A cadet is basically a trainee to the entire police force, they cannot go outside by themselves due to the fact they aren’t properly trained yet. They usually handle the main counter of police station.
During the time as a cadet, you go through a training phase in order to become an actual officer, at this point, your position is a simple trial process.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
I think I have been able to portray my knowledge of police work throughout my time talking to certain individuals. I believe my knowledge is quite vast, as I’ve stated previously in my application, I was an ex-officer within the KPD, and though this was a few years back, I still believe I have the basics down.
I do admit, with a whole new system in place, I will not be completely perfect, yet I do still believe that training will not be as ‘alien’ to me. I have knowledge on how jailing works, how to handle situations and bail yet if there is anymore beyond that, I would need to go back and look into it a bit more in-depth.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
PoliceRP is important in many situations within SRP, the main reason would be to ‘put a leash’ on GangRP. Without the KPD, I believe Karakura would run terribly with teenagers with weapons, killing each other without reaping the consequences. PoliceRP also adds realism as a whole to Karakura.
PoliceRP brings realism to Karakura as it allows players to actually think about the decisions they’re about to make, it allows the player to question themselves this could possibly be in order to not get arrested by an officer if caught. It also allows people who do go through with the act, to attempt to dispose of the body, it gives the player a ‘rush’ and that’s why I think PoliceRP is important.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?:
Yes, I do.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?:
Finnley Graham is a 6’0 male, with a mesomorphs build, he would have brown hair that goes near to his eyebrows, it was quite thick hair, and it was cut often to avoid impairing his sight. Finn is quite the quiet guy, as it seemed he was on the autism spectrum, mostly leaning towards Asperger, this was due to the fact he would often avoid eye contact with most people. His thick brown hair would compliment his hazel eyes, he also had a scruffy beard, that wasn’t quite grown out yet.
Due to a certain personality disorder, it would seem Finn has quite the ‘imagination’...
What he's like on the and off the job?:
In his day-to-day life, Finn does change a lot depending if he’s on the job or not. He takes his job quite seriously and though his disorders continue to pull him down, Finn does not allow it to get to him. On the job, he tends to carry out very specific precautions (Due to his autism) which would seem to be a ‘perfectionist’ at heart.
Off the job is a lot different, Finn tends to be a lot more ‘quiet’ in his outside life, and is regularly seen going into a certain private psychiatrists homes, for what we can all presume is some mental help. When hanging out with buddies, Finn tries hard to be able to join in with the group, yet seems to often fail.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Finn sees the best in his co-workers, though not to mistake this with trust, Finn does tend to watch a lot. He does not particularly trust all his co-workers but alas if forced to, he will try to trust them to the best of his abilities. He understands with a lack of trust, the team will get dragged down, and so that is why he tends not to speak up.
For his future, Finn intends to rise up the ranks of the KPD, gain reference from high-ranking members, before attempting to join the department in the FBI called the ‘BAU’ or ‘Behavioural ****ysis Unit’
Finnley Graham was born in 1985 in Virginia, USA. Finn has never been the brightest or smartest. And as a child, and to this day, never had any recollection about his mother. Finn as a child, would live an isolated farm house, with his father where the two would bond over ‘manly’ things, such as hunting, fishing and so forth. Finn had obviously went to school and never truly enjoyed it, and so fishing with his father used to be an ‘escape’ for him, allowing his mind to drift away with the water. Finn’s father had already known that Finn was obviously autistic, it was one of the first details that were given when Finn was born.
Due to this, he was treated differently in school, there was no bullying, yet there were no friends. His isolation became both ways, in and out of school, as his father grew sick, the trips to the lake to fish, or shooting outside became less and less, till there were no more. By this time, Finn was around 15 and so it became harder for him to be a functioning member of society, yet he progressed. As he continued to work hard at school, to at least see his father’s pale face perk up, and soon after graduating, his father passed, peacefully in his sleep.
Finn became to master his ‘arts’, which was a general ‘hunting’ attitude, alongside one particular thing which came with his father’s death, which was the ability to profile. Throughout the years in school, Finn was able to pick-up people’s attitudes, body language and could think of a ‘design’.. This became useful in his later years, when he decided to go further in his education, wanting to use his ability to save lives.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Finnley Graham
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Unmarried, Single.
Pure American
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
4 Years
Working Experience:
A singular case, which he was approached on due to recognition, this was before moving to Japan.
Academic Degree:
Forensic Science
Year of Graduation:
Criminal Intelligence ****ysis
Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Native Languages:
Other Languages: