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Dividing up the school !


Level 33
IGN: RandomlyAccepted / RandomlyDenied
DATE: 12/17/2021
Dividing up the school grounds!

One thing that I know lots of players want is something like a separate campus, I don't think it will be possible on the current map because I don't think there will be enough space. Also doing a separate campus might cause some issues, one of them could be harder communication with the HS side (Like if you have a friend in HS but you are in college). But I had an idea to somewhat fix this issue: Allowing the back of the school is college only!

The dean stuff is already up there, and people always say there is a bobcat side and spartan side of the school but it really doesn't feel like it. Now, I know there is will be some things that need to be changed, here is a list of things that I can think of:
1. HS classes in the back need to be changed in the front, this also includes a change of room number.
2. College classes in the front need to be changed into the back, including the room number.
3. Moving the college chill room to the back of the school OR keeping it and making it HS chill and adding a new one to the back for college.

Now, this might take some time to do but I think it will a good addition. Now, the issue you might think is "How do you get into the back of the school?" Well, here are some things I thought:

A: Allow the back to be college only and have things that college students can use
B: Allow students to use the bottom floor to access the back
This actually can be a bit easier said than done: You can copy and paste the classroom and flip it onto the other side. Some things might need to be changed like maybe door placement.

One issue that might arise is that how will we stop HS people from going into the college section? Once again, I got a few ideas:

A: Have doors to that section and allow only college and school faculty members to enter it, to make it more RP realistic we can say all college students have some sort of ID that they 'use' to enter. (This is also somewhat realistic, I notice that some unis in Japan like Keio University have a system that you use a card to enter the building)
- This will make it easier for students to come in and out and easier to control HS students coming in. The only issue I can think of is people trying to enter from the roof but there could be some sort of gate system.
B: Having signs saying "COLLEGE ONLY" and if a HS student enters, they are in trouble.
- This will keep the school more open and don't have any strange wall in the wall, but doing this can add 2 problems: HS students are allowed to this area easier despite not being allowed AND new players not understanding and going to this area.

Well, one thing that can benefit (Mainly to professors) this can decrease the chances of having new players come to our door and trying to glitch in or yelling to be let in. This is more common than you think and very annoying. Another thing is to somewhat have that separate campus that lots of people want, even though it is the same building you are still diving up the grades. This could also allow some privacy between HS and college students, if there is an event for college only we can use that side of the school and won't have to deal with lots of HS students.

Even though this process might take a while, at the end of the day I think it is somewhat beneficial. Sorry if stuff seems a bit random or all over the place or whatever, I am writing this at 12 am.

edit: if anyone saw me write dividing up wrong, no you didn't.


Level 87
I’m a bit iffy about this really. Or rather, I don’t really know how to feel about it. I think having two separate campuses makes more sense if they actually did have a new map planned but I just don’t know. I think the problem that is being solved in your perspective is with HS new players trying to sneak into your class. I think it’s more of the fact of where your own classroom is located because everyone knows that the front of the school is where most players will be and explore. So I guess if you want that solved, all college classes and HS classes would have to do a big switch. Now if you’re wanting to this sake for the sake of just making it feel like things are separate from the student perspective not sure if I can comment on that. Separating them would be like squashing the beef between bobcat and Spartan. Their interactions on campus, because they’re around each all the time, makes that beef more fluid and actually exist. You could go against that and say it can happen off campus or during lunchtime but still. But I don’t know how exactly the separation thing would work for students. That’s just my opinion so am neutral on this


Level 231
Large -1
We used to have a separate campus for both the 2nd & 3rd Maps but there was no real point for it. It would work just fine if we had a large enough college group but we DONT... The idea to join them together is actually a relatively new concept and it's worked wonders since its implementation. Although implementing this would be fairly easy, given that we already had a College (exactly where the new Shopping District is.) built for most of the 3rd map until it's removal in 2019, it is a bad idea to try that again.


Level 47
I don’t know how to answer, after the separation of high school and college... it’s really boring (for me)


Level 33
Thread starter
I don’t know how to answer, after the separation of high school and college... it’s really boring (for me)
Well, you will still be able to communicate with HS students and college... You are both still on the same campus. There is just a region of the campus that is college only.


Level 33
Thread starter
Large -1
We used to have a separate campus for both the 2nd & 3rd Maps but there was no real point for it. It would work just fine if we had a large enough college group but we DONT... The idea to join them together is actually a relatively new concept and it's worked wonders since its implementation. Although implementing this would be fairly easy, given that we already had a College (exactly where the new Shopping District is.) built for most of the 3rd map until it's removal in 2019, it is a bad idea to try that again.
I can get where you are coming from, I wasn't there for the 2nd and 3rd map so I didn't know how it really worked. But the main concept of the idea is not building a new campus, instead of using the current one and just having a section college only. Even if we just don't make the area college only, it could still help divide up classes, I think it is a bit strange that the only top floor is like the college classroom area.


Level 231
I can get where you are coming from, I wasn't there for the 2nd and 3rd map so I didn't know how it really worked. But the main concept of the idea is not building a new campus, instead of using the current one and just having a section college only. Even if we just don't make the area college only, it could still help divide up classes, I think it is a bit strange that the only top floor is like the college classroom area.
I read all of that in the original message and still disagreed


Level 27

I see no point for this, the school is fine how it is now and there is no reason to change it, especially since there aren't many college students to begin with. The college students have their own floors in the school, just like the highschool students, that makes this suggestion even less necessary as it sort of already exists in a way. We also had a College campus separate from the highschool one in 2018 which didn't work out very well for anyone, if you somehow managed to befriend a College student back then, there would be no way to contact them during school hours. Although it was more realistic to add it to SRP, it was quite boring for both groups and had little to no positive effects that came along with it. I'm quite tired at the moment so I can not give as long and detailed of an answer as I had originally planned, but I believe this still gets my point out there.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
This has been done before and was changed; we feel like it's much more inclusive and better for roleplay to allow for both College & Highschool to mix

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