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Doctor Application #2 | NotCrash


Level 8

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:

I am an active player on the server and spend three to six hours on it and that almost daily. Depending on my work schedules I'm online between 9pm and 6am [GMT+2].

'What I've been doing so far'
I've been a part of this community for several years now and so far I tried quite a few different areas on the server. I have engaged in the school roleplay as a student, but aswell as a part of the nurse and teacher faction in the past. Tho my most interests always was within the crime and gang roleplay scene. I have been in a lot of gangs over the month and each of them brought me different experiences and also a lot of fun. Working on storylines and watching the group grow along with myself was always a thing I enjoyed during these times.

What is your timezone?:
My timezone is GMT+2

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:
I currently have four character slots on my account, the roles being:
[Grade 7]

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have roleplayed as a hobby for more than 5 years by now, experiencing it in all types of forms and genres, while developing a real passion for it. Recently a focus in my roleplay laid within Crime roleplay. By applying for the EMS faction, I would like to try something new and make new experiences.

What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation mainly comes from the wish to get to know something new on the server. Due to roleplay injuries and wounds I often got to interact with the EMS faction in some way, now I want to see what the EMS faction has to offer from the other end and I would like to experience medical roleplay in its full depth. I want to learn how things work and would like get to know the faction and the people within it.

Which role are you applying for?
I am applying for doctor.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
The roles within the hospital seem pretty simple, so let me list them below.

'Hospital Director and Clinical Manager'
They oversee the overall operations and management of the hospital, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

'Doctor Department'
This department is responsible for providing medical care and treatment to patients. They focus on physical procedures and diagnosis. Within the Doctor Department are the Clinical Lead, Clinical Supervisor, Attending Doctor, Senior Doctor Resident, Doctor Resident, and Doctor Trainee.

'Psychiatrist Department'
This department for mental health care and treatment. They focus on mental procedures and diagnosis. Within the Psychiatrist Department, there are also the Clinical Lead and Clinical Supervisors, followed by Attending Psychiatrist, Senior Psychiatrist Resident, Psychiatrist Resident, and Psychiatrist Trainees.

The paramedic department is a trained group to go on solo patrols and to respond to emergency calls. You must be a doctor first and complete your exams to get the certification to be part of this department.

This special department is specialized in treating animals. Be it check-ups, injuries or giving them a chip. You must be a doctor first and complete your exams to get the certification, just like in the paramedics department.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowlede this.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character’s Full Name:

Armando Matsuda

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Male, he/him

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background:
Masters in Biology
Bachelor in Medicine

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese, Japanese Sign Language, Spanish

Character Backstory:

'Early Life'
Armando Matsude was born in Toyko, Japan, to his Spanish mother Maria Sanchés and his Japanese father Zen Matsuda. His childhood was filled with the unique blend of the two cultures of his parents, where both traditional Japenese balues and vibrant Spanish customs intertwinded. From an early age on, Amrando exhibited a bright intelect and an insatiable curiosity. yet an rebellious and chaotic nature within him often led him into trouble. His parents, evem tho there were sometiems shocked of his behavior, recognized the potential he carried within him and encouraged him to put his energy into studying.

'Academic Journey'
Armando's academic journey was anything but an conventional one. Born with natural intellect and an isatiable curiosity, Armando thrived in his chaotic surroundings. High school was his playground, where he juggled top grades with a penchant for causing mieschief. His teachers often baffled by his ability to excel academically while constantly challening status quo. After high school, the lad enolled in the University of Tokyo, pursuing a Masters degree in Biology. His time as an undergraduate was marked by a series of audacious experiments and daring academic pursuits. But his rebellious spirit continued to flourish during his Doctorate program in Forensic Pathology. He quickly gained an reputation for his unorthodox methods.

'Rise and Fall'
After University, Armandp's career took off like a rocket. he landed a prestigious position as a medical examiner at the Tokyo Metropolitian Police Hospital. He took a few months to properly get used to this position, yet he quickly managed to gain a bit of an reputation by suing his sharo investigative skills. He found his work both thrilling and exhausting, pushing boundaries and working a lot of night shifts, overtime. He thrived on the adrenaline rush of assisting to crack cases, each autopsy was a puzzle, each investigation a chance to uncover hidden truths and to show off. Armando's pursuit of justice, often led him to bend the rules and his methods sometimes led to stirred controversy. It was during that time, that armando met Sofia, a vibrant and passionate journalist who was covering one of the cases that he assisted in. Their chemistry was immediate and they started hitting it off pretty quick. Despite the deep connection they had build up over the years, the demands of Armando's career and his burning obsession for his work began to strain their marriage soon. Sofia's jon was equally demanding, and their overlapping professional lives left little room for personal time. It was often, that they found themselves on opposite sides of the same story, with Maria seeking out the headlines that the cases Armando assisted in created. Despite their efforts, the pressures of their respective careers eventually started to drive them apart. The breaking point came during a particularly complicated case, that consumed Armando entirely, His obsession with finding the trusth, led him down a dark path and it led him to shut out everything else, including Sofia. Sofia ended up leaving, seeking a fresh start, while Armando faced a one week suspension for one of the rules he broke. Their divorce was a painful and sobering experience and Armando realized that his single minded pursuit had cost him the love of his life. Seeking a chance for a fresh start, he eventually quit his job at the TMPH and moved to the Japanese Island of Karakura, hoping to find change.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

"My medical specialty is Forensic Pathoogy. I chose it because, frankly, I love uncovering the truth. It’s not just about medicine - it’s about solving mysteries, getting to the bottom of something when no one else can. Every body tells a story, and it’s my job to piece together the final chapter."

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
"After med school, I went straight into a residency in forensic pathology at the University of Tokyo Hospital. It was intense, but exactly the kind of challenge I was looking for. I spent my days - and plenty of nights - performing autopsies, collecting forensic evidence, and working side by side with law enforcement. It was the kind of work that required precision, patience, and a sharp eye for details others would miss. After completing that, I did additional training in general surgery. I figured having a surgical background would give me a more complete understanding of the human body, and it paid off."

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
"Yeah, I’ve had my fair share of experience. Before coming to Karakura, I spent years as a medical examiner at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital. I worked on high-profile cases, solving deaths that stumped everyone else. Autopsies, forensic investigations, you name it - I’ve been in the most of it. I was the guy they called when things didn’t add up, the one who’d push for answers even when no one else was looking for them. Overall... I think I was one of the best."

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
"Honestly? No, I threw myself straight into the field as I thought that real-world experience taught me more than any extra certifications could."

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Armando Matsuda is of average height with a lean, rather athletic build. He has dark, unruly hair and piercing, emerald-green eyes, which often give him an intense and focused appearance. His mixed heritage of Japanese and Spanish gives him a pretty unique and striking look, blending features from both cultures. His collegues and peers might perceive him as unpredictable and intense, yet talented and dedicated to his work. His chaotic energy and quick wit often make him a captivating presence, though his morally questionable decisions can be contoversial.

How does your character act on and off duty?

'On Duty'
On duty, Armando is intense, focused and tries to be as efficient as possible, handling tasks with pressicion, tho he often employs rather unorthodox methods to archieve results. His experience as a medical examinor allows him to approach things with a keen investigative eye.

'Off Duty'
Off duty, Armando is rather laid-back. HE often enjoys exploring to enjoy the nightlife of the city and indulge in spontaneous and adventurous activities. Despite his chaotic nature, he values his downtime and uses it to recharge and find inspiration for his work.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

“Let me be honest, I work best on my own. I prefer to follow my instincts, and not be held back by having to explain every little decision I make. When I am alone, I can get lost in the details, connect the dots that others miss. But don’t get me wrong, I know how to work with others when I have to do so. In a high-stakes situation, I’ll lead if no one else steps up, and I’ll respect those who can keep up with me. But truth be told, I prefer my own space."

What plans does your character have for the future?
"The future... well, personally? I’ve messed up enough to know that I need more balance in my life. Maybe find some peace for once. Rebuild my life, start fresh here in Karakura. If I can combine that with doing what I do best - I think I might actually find what I’m looking for. But, of course, time will tell."
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