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Doctor Application | cerbalance


Level 1

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IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
To preface, I had taken a short break a few weeks prior to writing this application due to my continuous trial examinations alongside a couple of emotional setbacks that I had faced during that time. Fortunately, my break hadn’t lasted long and I have returned, feeling more motivated than ever with the time I have on my hands now.

I joined SRP back in December 2023, though my time here isn’t comparable to many of the others here, I’ve accumulated a significant amount of playtime within the past couple of months!

I am, however, still a full-time student so my schedule fluctuates greatly. But, I’m online almost daily and if not, I try to allocate at least 4 to 5 days of the week to the server — my playtime usually ranges from 4 hours to 8 hours!

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:


[ACCEPTED] Arabic Application
[ACCEPTED] Chinese Application
[ACCEPTED] JSL Application

[ACCEPTED] D.T Teacher Application

List your current roles on the server:
I currently do not have any significant roles on the server.

Primary | [Grade-12] Yua Cho
[Grade-12] Evangeline S. Hattori
[Grade-12] Vera Cain

vangelism [NEW ACCOUNT...]
[Grade-7] Marceline Klein

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I’ve been involved in RP for a while now! Abooout… 7 or 8 years, roughly. My journey started way back in an application called Amino—which was mainly used by members of various communities. Similarly to SRP, I joined an RP community where the main focus was SchoolRP/StudentRP. Even as a kid, I enjoyed creating characters of different genders and personality types—even those that somewhat resemble my own character in real life, not only that, I enjoyed creating storylines and different narratives for both parties.

To go into depth into what kinds of roleplay I’ve been involved in in the past, I was actively a part of the community’s newsletter faction, The Weekly Telegraph and was one of the most prominent writers in the faction. Alongside that, I was also a podcast host, a councillor and had another character who was a nurse! Though, let’s just say, RPing as a healthcare professional came with its own set of challenges, especially when it was solely chat-based. I then moved onto Roblox and MC servers to RP on! However, those experiences were less memorable… until now! (I worked in a salon & café game… embarrassinggg…)

After joining SRP, my first ever roleplay experience was through GangRP, just like many others. However, as time flew by and I got to learn more about the community, I started to think about what’d I want to be apart of next—my next endeavor in SRP. After having experience with character-driven stories, being part of a faction for a short while (sobs) and enjoyed countless of event-based roleplay, I’ve learned through those experiences to react and adapt my writing style to unexpected twists and turns and balance out my character’s needs and the overall plotline. Though I may be lacking in the EMS/Doctor focused roleplay style, I’m willing to learn and adapt to enhance everyone’s experiences and provide interesting interactions between patient & doctor!

What is your motivation for applying?
I put a halt on roleplaying once I stepped into high school a few years ago, thinking that I’d fall out of love with it and for a while, I did. However, when the itch of wanting to dive back into my roots started showing up, I went on the search for my next “home” – that’s when I discovered SRP!

After stumbling upon the forums, I started exploring the various applications available here, and a few really resonated with me. Among them, the EMS faction caught my eye—it’s been a long-time aspiration of mine to apply but I hesitated due to my lack of experience. The applications for this faction are… very competitive and very understandably so. However, after experimenting with different roleplay styles and attempting to involve myself in the community, I’ve gained the confidence to step out of my comfort zone and dive into something new: DoctorRP!

While medicine isn’t my passion in real life, I’ve always been held spellbound by medical dramas like House MD and Grey's Anatomy (I never got to finish either), and honestly, I feel like I’ve learned a handful of things from those alone. Other than that, I often find myself drawn to roleplay scenarios that involve medical themes, and it would be an understatement to say I’ve dreamt of embodying a doctor or researcher.

This is definitely a noteworthy step for me, especially considering the crucial role the EMS faction plays here on SRP. The thought of being on the front lines, helping players when they’re in need, excites me and I understand that being part of this team comes with its own set of challenges, from responding to emergencies to detailing medical scenarios. However, I’m genuinely eager to take up these challenges, head-on!

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)

I’m applying for the role of a doctor.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?

Admittedly, I don't know much about the healthcare industry. However, I do know the gist of what positions there are and what kinds of general medicine there is to be prescribed!

A hospital director is in charge of running the hospital, making sure everything from patient care to overseeing the daily operations of the healthcare facility, making sure it runs smoothly while also and handling any crises that come up.

Paramedics are trained medical professionals who provide emergency medical care and transport for individuals experiencing medical emergencies. They work in high-pressure situations, often working with other emergency responders to ensure timely and effective care.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in diagnosing, treating, and preventing mental health disorders. They assess patients' mental and emotional well-being, develop treatment plans, and may provide therapy or prescribe medications to help manage conditions. Psychiatrists often work with other healthcare professionals, including psychologists and social workers, to offer comprehensive care. I believe some of them assist at the front desk too.

Surgeons are medical professionals who specialize in performing surgical procedures to treat injuries, diseases, and deformities. They use their expertise to assess patients, determine the need for surgery, and develop treatment plans. Surgeons conduct operations that can range from minor procedures to complex surgeries and often work closely with a team of healthcare professionals, including anesthesiologists, nurses, and surgical assistants, to ensure patient safety and successful outcomes.

Veterinarians are medical professionals who specialize in the health and well-being of animals. They diagnose and treat various illnesses and injuries in pets, livestock, and wildlife, providing a wide range of services that include performing surgeries, administering vaccinations, and prescribing medications. Veterinarians also conduct regular health check-ups and work to prevent diseases by educating pet owners about proper care and nutrition.

Doctors are like the superheroes of the healthcare world. They diagnose, treat, and prevent all kinds of illnesses and injuries, using their vast knowledge of the human body to figure out what’s ailing you. Doctors perform physical exams, interpret diagnostic tests, and dish out advice on how to live healthier lives, often in a charmingly persuasive way (who can resist a doctor’s lecture on vegetables?).

Needless to say, each category of medical professionals have their own leads, or better known as chiefs and supervisors.
Both roles focus on keeping their respective departments efficient and maintain quality patient care. On top of that, they also support the staff under their wing.

Used to treat bacterial infections, these medications are frequently prescribed for conditions like pneumonia and skin infections.

[A*4LGESICS] (mb.. the censor got me...)
Pain relievers, ranging from over-the-counter options like ibuprofen to stronger prescription medications like opioids.

Blood thinners like warfarin are prescribed to prevent blood clots.

Prescribed for various mood disorders, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I’m aware and have taken this into account.

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Character’s Full Name:

She bows slightly before speaking,

“Hello, my name is Yua. Yua Cho.”

The lady said with a warm smile, adjusting her reading glasses.

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

Female | She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):

“I’m officially in my late twenties–27 to the exact.”

Character’s Academic Background:

The lady reaches for her files from her bag before pulling out a rather large pile of paperwork,

“I have a Bachelor of Arts in History, specialized in Chinese History. I conducted research on the impact of historical events on modern Chinese society and also presented my findings at a regional history conference–All of this was back in the year of
████ .

She clears her throat as she flips through her paperwork,

“I also have a Bachelors in Holistic Medicine and went through training back in my hometown. After I relocated… I completed my medical degree at Keio University School of Medicine and pursued advanced studies with a focus on infectious diseases and preventive medicine.”

She places her paperwork on the table in front of her before clasping her hands together. A smile curved on her lips before she spoke once again,

“That should be it–If it matters, I also did volunteer work back in China.”

Character’s Nationality:

“I am Chinese. From ChongQing, China.”

Character’s Marital Status:

She waves her hand in dismissal while she shook her head,

“I have no interest in romance, I prioritise my work over personal affairs. Besides, I simply just–do not have the time for it.”

Character’s Religious Denomination:

She rests her hands on her lap,

“I practise Buddhism, always have, always will.”

Character’s Spoken Languages:

“I speak Japanese, Mandarin and recently picked up JSL to communicate with physically impaired patients.”

She beamed.

Character Backstory:

“To be honest, she just… came out of nowhere, like a stray cat in search of a home.”
- ??

Chongqing, where Yua Cho was born, is a sprawling city nestled among the hazy mountains of central China. A place where the past dallies in the corners of temples, yet the buzz of ambition fills the air of its residents. The mountains shrouded everything in a perpetual fog that feels both comforting yet… confining.

For Yua, it was home, though not in the warm, welcoming sense. It was a place that made her feel small, like one of the millions of nameless faces that moved through ChongQing’s streets. And yet, in her family, being faceless was never an option.

"Surrounded by mountains, my hometown is neither big, nor little. It isn't a big city or a tiny village way out in the country. There was nothing that really sold the town for tourism. I was the middle of three daughters. Left to my own devices by my parents who seemed to care more about–success and perfection than their own daughter. I grew up quickly, too quickly. I was just about to graduate from an average, local all-girl high school before everything froze in time."
- Yua describing her upbringing

Her father was a figure in the legal world, implacable in his pursuit of justice, a tyrant—or, as Yua would often think, in his pursuit of being right. Her mother, no less arduous, was a biochemist whose brilliance was only matched by her distance. There was love in their home, but it was a love Yua could never quite touch. It floated above her, just out of her reach.

From as early as she could remember, Yua knew she was… different. Her two sisters were molded perfectly into their parents’ vision—one destined for the courtroom, the other, the laboratory. But Yua... Yua was quiet, reserved… Thoughtful. She didn’t chase after approval; instead, she retreated into books, into history. The past became her refuge, a place where the toll of her present could not follow. She would read about dynasties long gone, emperors who had risen and fallen, and she’d feel a sense of connection, of understanding, as though those long-dead figures understood her better than anyone in her own life.

But even that sanctuary was shattered on a day that would forever split her life into before and after. It was just before Yua’s 13th birthday, a day like any other, until the rain came—hard and unstoppable. The mountains that had always felt so steadfast suddenly betrayed her. The landslide hit without warning, entire blocks of her town were swallowed by the earth, including her home.

When Yua was pulled from the wreckage, dazed and covered in mud, she didn’t cry for her parents. She didn’t scream for help. She simply stared at the destruction, numb, as though her heart had already accepted what her mind couldn’t comprehend. Her parents were gone. Her sisters were gone. The family that had defined her, suffocated her, and shaped her to who she was that day—vanished, in an instant.

“I feel bad for her sometimes. I never thought she’d be so–lonely. No one exactly knows what happened to her back then, she just… laughs it off, every, single, time.”
- ??

In the weeks that followed, Yua was passed between relatives like an unwanted burden, none of them knew what to do with her. The world looked at her as though she was lucky to have survived, but she felt anything but. Survivor’s guilt wrapped around her neck like a second skin, suffocating her more than her parents’ expectations ever had. She began punishing herself in ways that no one could see. Food became both an enemy and a friend. Each meal was a battle between the part of her that wanted control and the part of her that felt she didn’t deserve it.
████ took over her physical and mental well-being, until her body started to break under the strain. But even then, she didn’t stop.

“I never wish to be easily defined by people. I’d rather just float over their minds as something strictly fluid, like a transparent yet iridescent creature more than an actual human being.”
- Yua

As years went by and despite her battle with self acceptance, history became her first passion. During her university years, Yua pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese History. She became engrossed with how historical events shaped the identity of modern Chinese society—how the wounds of many left traces in the everyday lives of her people. Her curiosity drove her to conduct research. It was the first time she ever felt so driven about something. All the rigorous research and endless hours of staring into pages and pages full of information she had to digest… It was hard, even for someone like her. But before she knew it, she presented her findings at a regional history conference, offering a look at how the struggles of the past still haunted modern China. It was one of the few moments where she felt both seen and heard.

It wasn’t until years later, after she had grown out of the shell of the girl she once was, that Yua found a way to heal. It wasn’t in the city, where every corner reminded her of what she had lost, but in the mountains. Not the ones that had betrayed her, but those far, far away, in a quiet, rural town where the air was still and the world felt… small again. She’d never thought that she’d enjoy it as much as she did. Here, surrounded by plants and people who seemed to care about her, she didn’t have to be anyone. She didn’t have to prove herself, to be perfect, to be anything other than alive.

She became a student of the land, learning holistic practices from local healers—acupuncture, herbal medicine, meditation. It was here that Yua began to rebuild herself piece by piece. The girl who had been lost in the landslide was gone, but something new was growing in her place. She learned the importance of balance, how healing wasn’t just physical but spiritual. And yet, even as she found peace in these practices, a question persisted in her mind: What now?

“It’s not that I despised where I took refuge in, I loved it, I truly did. But…a part of me felt… guilty that even after my parents– left, I never once attempted to fulfil what they made me for. Success.”

- Yua

The answer she was looking for came from an unexpected source, an unexpected person—a monk she met by chance on one of her many walks through the mountains. He was old, with a weathered face and eyes that seemed to see into the very heart of her. She had gone to him for guidance, not knowing what she needed or wanted, only that there was a restlessness inside her that holistic healing couldn’t silence. The monk listened without judgement nor interruption, and when she finished, he said only this: “You’ve healed yourself. Now it’s time to heal others.

“I was definitely in a trance for a bit… I never quite defined myself as someone who’d be the one to pick up the pieces I left for myself.”
- Yua

His words stayed with her, lasting in her thoughts until they became a call she couldn’t ignore. Medicine. It was always there, waiting for her to realize it. She left the mountains behind, the quiet life she had gotten so used to, and moved to Japan. Keio University School of Medicine became her new home—a place of rigorous studying and endless obstacles, but this time, she was ready. She wasn’t the “lost girl” anymore. She had a purpose. She finally knew what she wanted to do.

Her focus became infectious diseases and preventive medicine. She saw in them the same unstoppable force that had once torn her life apart. But this time, she wouldn’t be powerless. She could stop the destruction before it started. She could save lives, not by healing the scars after they had already formed, but by preventing them altogether.

“She scares me sometimes, being around her is deafening–not that she’s loud, but she doesn’t speak at all. Even at work, we try to lighten the mood but she, just doesn’t show interest in what we talk about, always serious.”
- Ex school-mate

Yua’s greatest battle now is with herself. Despite everything she’s achieved, the guilt is still engraved into her subconscious, whispering in her ear that what she’s doing is not enough. But with each patient she helps, each life she touches, the voice gets a little quieter. She’s not just surviving anymore, she’s living, finding freedom and acceptance in the moments where she allows herself to believe that she deserves the second chance she was given all those years ago.

She knows that her story isn’t about perfect healing. It’s messy and incomplete, just like she is. But it’s real. She’s real. And as long as she keeps moving forward, she thinks that’s enough.

████ , I'm leaving for Japan tomorrow."


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

She pauses for a moment, her fingers lightly grazing the small pendant hooked onto her work pants as she gathers her thoughts,

“My medical specialty is focused on infectious diseases and preventive medicine. It might seem like an odd choice to some, but it feels like it chose me as much as I chose it. After surviving a disaster and witnessing how fragile life can be, I couldn’t stand the thought of others going through unnecessary suffering—especially when so much of it can be prevented. I wanted to understand how something invisible, like a virus, could wreak havoc on communities. It’s about stopping something before it starts, about protecting people from threats they can’t even see. That kind of responsibility, it’s heavy, but it’s something I’m willing to carry. Maybe it’s my way of feeling like I’m making up for the life I was given when others weren’t so lucky."

She chuckles before her expression closes up.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

She fixes her posture and starts speaking confidently, more than before,

“After medical school, I focused on two primary residencies—one in infectious diseases and another in preventive medicine. During my residency in infectious diseases, I learned how to track, treat, and, most importantly, prevent outbreaks. And in preventive medicine, I trained to look at the bigger picture, understanding how lifestyle, environment, and early intervention can stop illnesses from taking root in the first place. Both were incredibly demanding but…rewarding, and they shaped the way I approach my work today."

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

She crosses her arms, a thoughtful expression settling on her face as she recalls her past,

"Yes, I do. Before I started my training as a doctor, I worked as a holistic practitioner in a rural town back at home. I was involved in alternative medicine—things like acupuncture and herbal remedies. It was a different side of healing, one focused on the whole person, both body and mind. While it’s not traditional medicine, it gave me invaluable experience and knowledge in patient care and understanding the, well, human side of health. It's about seeing people, not just patients, and that’s something I try to carry with me every day."

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

Yua leans forward slightly, her eyes were glossy and she spoke about an old passion of hers,

“I have, actually. Prior to medicine, I completed additional schooling in the form of a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese History.”


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

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Yua has a striking, statuesque appearance that sets her apart in a crowd. Standing tall at the height of 5'9", she possesses delicate features, including large and expressive cat eyes, a small nose and soft, naturally plump lips, all of which are often accentuated with subtle makeup.

What makes Yua unique goes far beyond her physical traits; it’s her life experiences that have shaped her into a compassionate individual. She carries around a small pendant as a reminder of her home, while her box of hair accessories in her bag brings the comforts of her hometown that she deeply cherishes—and misses. And not to mention, she's a huuuge foodie!

In terms of perception, people may initially view her height and elegance as intimidating, assuming she is serious or unapproachable. However, those who take the time to know her discover a friendly, warm-hearted person with a witty sense of humor. Yua is disciplined and polite, yet she has a lighthearted side that allows her to connect with others easily. Her empathy and willingness to listen make her approachable, revealing that there’s much more to her than her impressive appearance!

"Well, I’m quite tall—tall enough that I sometimes feel like I’m on display in a museum. I have a pretty tall figure, which can be a bit daunting at times. And I have these eyes--cat like and people often tell me they look, fierce; I guess they’ve seen their fair share of ups and downs. I typically have a youthful appearance, though I sometimes wish I could skip the whole ‘looking mature’ thing entirely.

As for how others perceive me, I think it really depends. Some might see my height and assume I'm all business, but honestly, I’m just as likely to trip over my own feet as anyone else... I do try to come off as friendly and approachable because, at the end of the day, I’m someone who loves to connect with others. I can be disciplined and polite, but I like to think I have a witty side too."

How does your character act on and off duty?

Yua has a clear distinction between how she acts on and off duty. When she’s at the hospital, she’s all about professionalism. She’s disciplined and focused, genuinely dedicated to her patients. Yua knows that walking through those hospital doors can be intimidating for many, so she makes it a point to listen closely and offer reassurance. She is fully aware of the responsibility she carries and is diligent in preparing for her shifts, often found poring over patient charts.

Yua is also a team player. She frequently tries to check in with her fellow trainees and attending physicians, eager to soak up all their wisdom and experiences, to better her own. Even with the demands of her role, Yua understands the importance of self-care! She sneaks in short breaks to catch her breath, often taking a moment to think or simply enjoy a quiet cup of tea.
Off duty, Yua is more relaxed and open-minded. She enjoys spending time in nature, particularly in the mountains. Her hobbies include writing, exploring history, and participating in activities like fan dancing and drumming. In her personal life, Yua allows her playful side to shine through, often sharing jokes and stories with friends. This lighter, more approachable demeanor of Yua is not often seen due to her duties as a medical professional. However, with time and patience, those who she meets in the mere future are likely to uncover the side of her that she herself doesn't quite often see. Overall, Yua strives to find a balance between her commitment to medicine and her desire for meaningful friendships.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

"I’d say I function better with others, but I also appreciate my alone time. Working in a team brings out the best in me; I love bouncing ideas off my colleagues and learning from their experiences. Those moments of teamwork during patient care or discussions really energize me. It’s like we’re all part of this big puzzle, and each person adds their own piece."

What plans does your character have for the future?

She takes a deep breath before speaking, the corners of her mouth involuntarily curves up, forming a smile on her face,

"I have some big plans for the future. First and foremost, I want to specialize in infectious diseases and preventive medicine. I’ve seen firsthand how important these fields are, especially in today’s world, and I believe I can make a real difference in public health. On a more personal level... Well, I’m working towards finding inner peace. The road of overcoming my past trauma is ongoing, and I hope to eventually feel free from the weight of self-judgment that has held me back for many years. I also have a desire to travel more! Perhaps even returning to China to see how things have been going."

Thank you for reading! ^_^
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