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Accepted Doctor Application | flowersak


Level 121
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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
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IGN (In-Game Name):
saksaphone [Account I am applying for]

flowersak [My Main]
flowersak3 [Alt]

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I am on pretty much everyday, ranging from 2-5 hours.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
JSL - Saeko JSL Application | SchoolRP – Accepted
Korean - Language Application - flowersak | SchoolRP – Accepted
Staff Application – Denied
Jin - flowersak2 - Jin Application | SchoolRP - Accepted
Staff Application 2 – Accepted
Staff Application 3 - Accepted
I have a Filipino language application somewhere too.

List your current roles on the server:
College Lifeguard
Grade 8

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
Since 2021, I have had various experiences with roleplay.

Since joining in 2021, I have been in a total of five teams. To start, I joined the highschool track team on Saeko Koji, in which I had to take part in detailrp to log activity points to keep my position within the team. I stayed within track for a while before my character graduated into college, in which I ended up joining the college football team. I proceeded to extend my roleplay into the college cheer team, as well as the sorofrat. Moving my focus from Saeko, I ended up joining highschool football and then highschool cheer on my alternate character, Sachiko Saiky. Both of these characters led to immense experiences within roleplay and roles upon the server.

Shopkeeper & Club Leader
Once I became shop lead when on the staff team back in 2022/23, I experienced roleplay within a faction for the first time. Here, I learnt how to interact with other roles that did not just include school roles and to expand my roleplay into different aspects, impacted by the age of the character and the occupation. I still hold a shopkeeper role now and often interact with my workers and customers during openings. I also used to run Maid Club back in the day.

Official Families
Since joining SRP in 2021, I have been in three official families: Heddo, Saiky & Koji. Currently still officially (but not officially) leading the Koji family and being apart of two other official families has opened me up to even more aspects of roleplay I hadn't experienced before. The dynamics between each family are drastically different, allowing for a reach into playing a multitude of characters from different backgrounds.

What is your motivation for applying?
Since joining in 2021, I have had experience in a plethora of school based roles, ranging from multiple sports teams to club members, club leaders and even lifeguard roles. I'd like to experience a role within a different faction. I have been extremely nervous to apply for factions, especially factions such as EMS and KPD. I've been privileged enough to know some EMS workers and witness procedures and roleplay within EMS that I'd like to experience for myself.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):

I am applying for the role of Doctor

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?

ꨄ︎ SECTION 1: Roles
The directors role is to run and manage the hospital. They are responsible for overseeing all aspects of the hospital.

Clinical Manager
The clinical manager is responsible for developing a system that focuses on clinical quality to deliver healthcare. They are also responsible for working closely with clinical leads to ensure that patients are treated well and that the clinical leads are doing what is expected of them.

Clinical Lead
The clinical leads are responsible in managing departments and leading departments. They are in charge of patient care and making sure that workers are doing what is expected of them.

These workers are considered to be experts in their field and are considered to be primary caregivers within a hospital setting.

Doctors are trained to aid patients with physical conditions. They are tasked with diagnosing medical problems, treating illness and injury and interacting with patients during the diagnosis stage.

Psychiatrists are trained to aid patients with mental health rather than psychical health. They are responsible for diagnosing and prescribing medication for patients with mental health issues.

These workers are tasked with looking after animals and providing medical care towards domesticated and wild animals.

ꨄ︎ SECTION 2: Pharmacy ꨄ︎
The hospital is responsible for handing out and prescribing medications, whether this is painkillers that are available to be brought over the counter or a medication that is prescribed to treat a patient. They also sell crutches and bandages. If a patient attends a doctors appointment or a psychiatric appointment, they may be given a prescription which can be collected and paid for at the pharmacy inside of the hospital.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
I understand that I am able to be demoted at any point.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I will be 100% dedicated to the role if accepted. I will also be as active as possible on this role if accepted.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that I could get in trouble for not attending meetings when online and will make a conscious effort to attend every training session that I’m available to.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I understand that you should not take IC situations OOCly and agree not to do so.


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In-Character (IC) Section
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Character’s Full Name:
Anubis Kurai

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Male & He/Him

Character’s Age (if accepted):
He would be 28 years of age, born 1996.

Character’s Academic Background

Bachelor of Science in Biology
Masters in Medicine
Doctorate in Biomedical Science

Character’s Nationality:
Anubis is Japanese.

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:
None, Anubis does not practice any religions.

Character’s Spoken Languages:
He knows Japanese and JSL.

Backstory (100+ Words)
Birth and Early Childhood
November 13th, 1996, a baby boy was born within a hospital located in Tokyo, Japan. Anubis Kurai was born into a middle class family, the youngest of three. Growing up was relatively easy for Anubis. There was no tragic deaths, no unfortunate events that suddenly shaped his growth into something it wasn't. With loving parents and protective siblings, Anubis found that his early years were probably some of the happiest he had ever had. A normal, happy kid, Anubis was a ray of sunshine who loved all things nature. At times, it was a struggle to get him inside, he had such a free spirit. Being the youngest in the family was harmless though, right?

School & University
Anubis didn't struggle within school as much as his older siblings did. Being the last of three children, his parents made sure to provide Anubis with everything he needed to succeed. Stacks upon stacks of books for his birthday and a tutor on hand, Anubis flew through school with high grades, but with not as many friends. Late into his school years, it was clear that Anubis had, in fact, resorted to becoming an isolated kid; he didn't hang out with anyone, not even his siblings. Sometimes he would sit and listen to his parents talk about viable career choices for him, especially due to his intelligence - this would be the extent of many of their conversations though. If Anubis was being praised, he was all ears; if he wasn't, you were probably better off not talking to him at all.
Once old enough to attend university, Anubis jumped at the opportunity to extend his knowledge and career into a field that finally interested him - medicine. He began studying a Bachelors in Biology, which he also found himself excelling in. There was never a lack of resources for Anubis, his parents practically throwing money at him to continue his studies and to improve their family's wealth status. It was here where Anubis found a sense of self, experimenting with multiple versions of himself.
Moving on to his Masters, Anubis decided to move from biology and straight to studying medicine. At this point, there were no distractions for Anubis. He had moved from his family home and attended a university dorm to further isolate himself. After all, praise gets sickly sweet after a while, and Anubis wasn't a fan of sweet things. Resorting back to a world of isolation and focus, Anubis found a sense of fashion, using the spare money his parents provided to completely reinvent himself. Completing his Masters, Anubis returned home for the summer break, his once upkept hair suddenly down to his shoulders and multiple piercings adorning his face and ears. It was like a whole new kid came home from university, yet his parents didn't say anything. After all, Anubis knew he didn't care for what they thought.
The following summer went by smoothly. By this point, Anubis's siblings had all moved from the family home. A golden child from the start, and now being the only child within the house, Anubis found this summer to be one of the best he had ever experienced. There was no competition, no comparisons. He was the focus of all the attention, there was no one better than him. This fuelled his desire to continue with his Doctorate.
Moving out of his family home to study his doctorate, Anubis experienced a similar situation to his previous years at university. Isolation and focus, spending most of his time researching or producing work for his degree, he didn't have time to make any friends. He finished his final degree the same as the others, with good grades.

After University & Residency
After returning home from his final year of university, the tension within the home seemed to have increased. Since Anubis had turned fifteen, there had been more and more conflict growing within the house. It had only been subtle, and it had never been directly addressed towards Anubis himself. Living with someone who only cared about himself and didn't listen to others was mentally exhausting, and his parents were getting fed up of it. Upon his return back to the family home, Anubis found himself in the middle of an argument between himself and his parents. They believed his behaviour had grown to become distasteful, and had attempted to explain that just because he was intelligent and the youngest, he couldn't just get away with what he wanted. Having been exposed to the complete opposite for many years beforehand, Anubis refused to listen to his parents and instead left the family home once more, not looking back this time.
Despite the hostile environment that Anubis had walked out on, he still found that his parents were finding it hard to drop old habits. Money kept piling in, money he used to pay for some rooms to stay in while he looked for some form of job. Bingo! It didn't take long for Anubis to find himself upon a residency programme for Forensic Pathology. Snatching up the offer and with the degrees behind him, he secured a place and spent the next four years living in a provided accommodation for the residents.
Finally, after completing his residency, Anubis decided that he wasn't going to return home. Despite the multiple apologies and attempts to bring him home, he did not want to be surrounded by people who truly, deep down, thought he was a bad person. So, he made the move to Karakura, where he currently resides.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Anubis's speciality is Forensic Pathology. This is a form of pathology that focuses on cases of sudden, suspicious or violent death. He had dabbled in the idea of focusing on different areas of medicine, whether it was dermatology or cardiology. Each time, however, he found himself drawn back to Forensic Pathology.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Anubis started a residency in forensic pathology after completing medical school. He was in the residency for four years.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Not at the moment, unfortunately.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Anubis stands at 6'1 with a slim, mesomorph physique. Dark, shoulder length, wolf-cut hair framed his structured face, complimenting his light skin-tone. Anubis carries himself with an aura of confidence and, possibly even slight arrogance; whether this is down to his ego or something else is questionable. Striking eyes, one of a soft blue and the other a deep brown, draw attention from those who view Anubis. More often than not, however, he may choose to wear a contact to cover one eye, preferably to have two brown eyes.

With the lack of desire to be noticed, there is always a lack of effort to stand out; Anubis' wardrobe consists of a common colour scheme: monochrome. A preference for shades of grey, black and red was apparent. Instead, two sets of golden earrings adorned his ears, one in the helix and one in the lobe, complimented by a singular lip piercing on the right of his lip.

How does your character act on and off duty?

A natural problem-solver, Anubis would be ready and willing to help at any moment while on duty. Despite his blunt and straightforward nature, he is often extremely good with patients. He maintains a health balance between getting to know a patient so they are more trusting and maintaining a professional relationship. He is able to work well alone and within a team, he just prefers to be alone. Overall, he does his job and he enjoys it.

Anubis' behaviour may or may not differ from his approach to his work. Depending on who you are, you may be graced with a pleasant, approachable man or you may just find it better to avoid him altogether.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Anubis can work well independently or within a group. Despite this, there is an overwhelming preference for working alone. He has no issue with working in a group setting, however, he finds that it is easier and quicker to work alone without anyone getting in his way.

What plans does your character have for the future?
The only desire Anubis has is to work. To work until the day is over and then rest, only to wake up again and work again. If you were to ask him now, that would be the only answer: work. There are just some things Anubis wouldn't openly admit about his future plans though, like his desire to belong and his longing to be important. Being isolated from everyone and everything is not how he wants to experience life.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
If you asked anyone who came into contact with Anubis to describe him in three words, they would likely use: arrogant, honest and hardworking. He emits an aura of professionalism, someone who cares for his work and cares about his image while at work. Anubis makes no effort to change the perceptions of those around him and often finds that people end up pushed away due to his attitude. Despite all of this though, at rare times, it is obvious to very few that Anubis means no harm and often feels regret for the way people perceive him.
If you asked Anubis to describe himself within three words, he would probably use: efficient, arrogant and introverted. Anubis himself is aware of his arrogant personality and behaviour, and he often presents this side of himself to many around him. He focuses way too hard on getting things done in the way he wants to than actually making friends or being aware of others feelings.

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Level 238
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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