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Doctor Application | KickedCone


Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
My weekly activity varies, as I am a full-time student. By all means, this doesn’t mean I struggle to log on daily though! My busiest days are Mondays and Wednesdays, where I am gone from the morning and arrive at home in the mid-afternoon. (9-4 EST). On Tuesdays and Thursdays, my schedule allows me to be online more, as I get home around 1 PM EST. And starting Friday, I am free all day, unless I have other plans but those are few and far between. Whenever I am not swamped with assignments or studying, I am online! I am also almost always available on Discord, and will respond to any messages as soon as I can!

The actual activities I do when I am able to log on include roleplaying on my various characters and profiles, mostly my KPD and Shopkeeper profiles, doing my due diligence as a staff member, working on the server’s lore, and overall interacting with my friends when I’m not doing all that is stated above. Despite all my IC and OOC roles on the server, I will 100% be committed to the factions, making quota. I will be able to do anything and everything that is needed of me, and will not falter in my activity in other factions.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:
RexLobo: KPD, Adult, Adult, Grade-12, PHD
ItsRexs: Shopkeeper, Adult
KickedCone (Applicant Account): Grade-12, Adult

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
My experiences with roleplay stem all the way back from my early adolescence, where I started roleplaying on a creative server as a joke. It was with some of my friends from school and we went to random ones that were being advertised in chat. Overtime, I started to do these roleplays on my own and made some friends that I would consistently roleplay with! Not much notable happened roleplay wise until I joined SRP in early 2022. One of my creative roleplay friends told me about the server and I joined out of curiosity. It took me a while to make friends here due to how nervous I was in the new setting, but overtime I met some great people that I’m still friends with today and roleplay with consistently.

On the server, I have been a part of most factions, starting off with the reporter faction. That sparked me joining more, where I became an employee, college sports member, led a club (for a few days…), maiden, professor, government, shopkeeper, and most recently KPD! Each of those factions gave me a new experience, where I learned more types of roleplay. My time as an employee built up my confidence in a school setting, which improved my time as a professor, and by extension my time as SLT while I was a part of it. ShrineRP was lovely, building my confidence in the religious side of Japanese culture, which most of my characters partake in. Having roleplayed in the government, I was able to get a good grasp of the system of laws that are established on the server, which help give me an idea on how to go through with situations as a member of KPD. Shopkeeper as a faction let me branch out and connect more people together, as people from all factions can work in my shop, and I can work at various other ones as well. Each one of these experiences, and the countless others that I chose not to add led me to seeking out more roleplay opportunities.

What is your motivation for applying?
I have a few different reasons for applying, being the experiences of my friends who are currently or have been a part of the hospital faction, my own personal desire to experience the faction for myself, and my goal to experience every faction for myself. To start with the first reason, I have had many friends who have been in EMS in the past. I get mixed answers about their time in the faction, and much was due to their own motivation of the faction weighing in. Most of what I was told were great memories, where they made strong friendships from the faction, how after leaving, they constantly consider returning to experience it once again, and even have tried in the past. Then there are the people who are friends of mine who are currently in the faction. Even with the everchanging environment, they stay and tell me their experiences and that has made me more curious and wanting to share them with those friends of mine, and make new ones!

This leads into my own personal desire to experience things. As a member of KPD for some months now, both factions work very closely together, whether its bringing victims of crimes to EMS, or having our monthly psych evals, or even celebrating events together, the two factions are very intertwined. Still, from an outside perspective, I don’t know much about what happens internally or even what is expected of members, but that feeling of the unknown makes the faction that much more appealing. Lastly, over my two and a half years on SRP, I have been wanting to experience everything the server has to offer. Since joining my first faction and experiencing that feeling of joining something new, I have made it a goal to experience all of it. I have never fell short of accomplishing my expectations as a member of the factions I was a part of, and I plan on keeping that same energy here.

I already acknowledge that my roles, former and current, will lower my chances, making my acceptance slim to none. Still, I will still take this step forward and put my all into the faction, as I have in the past, and still do in the present.

Which role are you applying for?

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
The Hospital Faction has multiple roles, and within each of those have individual rankings for them. The individual who oversees the entirety of the hospital faction is the Director. Below the director are a team of higher-ups, all in charge of their own respective departments.

To begin with the Doctor Department, there is the Clinical Lead, who oversees all members in the department. Below them is the Clinical Supervisor. Both of these positions entitle higher-up positions. Below them are Attending Doctors, Senior Doctor Resident, Doctor Resident, then the Doctor Trainees.

Similarly, the Psychiatric Department has rankings with identical names. Clinical Lead, a Clinical Supervisor, followed by Attending Psychiatrist, Senior Psychiatrist Resident, Psychiatrist Resident, and lastly, the Psychiatrist Trainees.

The positions above are the roles you can apply for, but recently introduced is the emergency department. This department is a combination of the two certificates EMS previously had, the veterinarian and paramedics. Their rankings differ from the two main departments, as they focus mainly on attending calls that require immediate medical attention. The rankings are as follows: Chief Paramedic, Deputy Chief Paramedic, Advanced Paramedic, Paramedic, and Paramedic Trainee. Members of the Emergency department can come from either of the two factions, and can handle basic tasks that both departments can do, but are a last resort option in any case.

Now to give my understanding of what each position does, beginning at the bottom with Trainees. These newly inducted medical practitioners all are educated on the practices they will become accustomed to while working at the hospital. Doctors with medical treatments and surgeries, Psychiatrists with the****utic procedures and basic first aid to assist with doctors, and Paramedics with training regarding responding to calls and their safety. After passing their training period, they are promoted to Residents, or full fledged Paramedics. These individuals are seen as competent in their role and can fully enact on their trainings to ensure patients quality healthcare treatment. Senior residents are much the same, except they are more notable and knowledgeable through their experience. Attending Doctors, Psychiatrists, and Advanced Paramedics are the most senior in their department, following their respective higher-ups. They are the individuals that anyone within the department can look up to at times where higher-ups are unavailable.

Leading into the higher-up positions, Clinical Supervisors and the Deputy Chief Paramedic are individuals who have just become higherups. These three individuals all assist their respective Clinical Lead in handling their departments. Clinical Leads and the Chief Paramedic are the ones fully in charge of their departments. Their decisions are final, unless the Director personally decides something else. Leads are likely the most senior and knowledgeable individuals in their departments, and can be looked up to for any questions or concerns about the department. This leads into the final position of Director. This individual as stated above is in charge of the entirety of the faction. This one individual oversees all major decisions, management, and changes. From paying employee wages to adjusting rankings and departments, the Director is the one who makes all major changes.

I know there is likely much more detail, but this is basically all I can tell from an outside perspective! I am fully ready to learn more than what I stated above.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if training is held while I am online, I am expected to attend or I’ll be punished!

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Aphrodite Petrichor

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female | She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background:

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese, Greek

Character Backstory:
The Beginning
Aphrodite was born into the Petrichor family on April 20th, 1999, in Asos, Greece. Her parents were humble people, raising her and her two elder siblings well. Being sure to instill good values into them, highlighting the importance of family and community. Even from a young age, Aphrodite was empathetic and kind. Whenever her family or friends got injured, she would run to get the first aid kit, slapping a bandaid on every injury. Elias and Anna Petrichor worked at a family owned vineyard, where Aphrodite met her best friend, Elena Mana. The two met when Elena’s family first moved to the village and visited their neighbors to introduce themselves. That was Aphrodite’s first insight into the pain of illness.

She was far to young to notice the medical issues Elena had to live with. However, when they started getting into the later years of their elementary schooling, pieces of the puzzle started to connect. From watching her friend sit out during physical education, to the constant doctors visits, Aphrodite began to realize how poor the condition of Elena was. It wasn’t until their teenage years that she finally asked her friend what her condition was. It was at that point that she was told that Elena had Arrhythmia. After some talk about what that entailed, Aphrodite made a promise to become a doctor and be able to help her!

A Dream
Aphrodite changed after making that promise. Her mentality changed to focus on school and get the best grades she could. Her outgoing nature slowly morphed into her shelling herself in her studies and education. Personal research projects about the subject of heart diseases and cures for them became her past time. Worry overcame the family at first, seeing their once popular daughter become so secluded from the world. It was only after watching her give a presentation to her school that they realized their daughter was going to make the world a better place. Her life wasn’t eventful after that, mostly focused on her studies. Eventually, her reputation swapped from the once popular girl to a recluse with a handful of friends.

Her grades got her a scholarship into the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Remaining true to her dream, she studied as hard as she could, majoring in Biology. Making sure to complete all the pre-med requirements. It was midway through her third year of university where she witnessed a health scare for the first time. Elena, her roommate and still best friend, had a health scare. She had fainted while walking to her next class and was missing for a few hours before she was found. Elena had a minor concussion from hitting her head and rolling down a hill, leading to her being hospitalized for the first time in years. Aphrodite stopped her tireless studies during this time, constantly visiting her friend to help her keep up in her classes.

After she returned to school, she prepared herself for med school, doing her best to be accepted. Thankfully, she got various acceptances, but chose to stay close and attend Athens Medical School. Staying close to her friends, and in a place her family could also visit her. She lived with her nose in a book, as she had grown comfortable with. Eventually graduating with her MD in Cardiology.

After medschool, she attended the General Hospital of Athens for her residency. Here, she had wanted her focus to be on Cardiology, but had to do the prerequisite of internal medicine. Fully willing to do this step, she devoted herself to the residency, learning all she could. Countless nights of her doing personal research and studying what she had learned. During the waking hours, she would watch her mentors as best as she could, internalizing what she was witnessing. Her hunger only grew as she pushed for her PhD while undergoing the residency. Severely burning herself out, spending days at a time without sleep between studying, watching class recordings, and attending her duties at the hospital.

Aphrodite completed her PhD without issues, and giving her time to fully focus on finishing her first residency. As time passed, she grew closer to other residents, returning to her old self from her primary school days. Though, after she completed her residency, she wanted to further step out of her comfort zone. Seeing how she was able to grow around people she grew up around, she wanted to put herself in an entirely foreign place. The young woman, indecisive as to where she wanted to go, decided to throw darts at a map. The first three landed in the ocean, but her fourth landed on a tiny grouping of islands. Karakura was her next destination. Aphrodite moved to the island off the shore of mainland Japan, getting to know the area before finally applying to the hospital.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Internal Medicine

Aphrodite’s first focus was going to be cardiology due to the pain she watched one of her closest friends go through due to heart diseases that could have been prevented if the doctors their family went to took their job seriously and gave a thorough checkup. Watching all the turmoil the family went through only steeled her resolve to prevent that same issue from happening to as many other families as she could. However, she had to go through the prerequisite residency of Internal Medicine, in which she had completed while undergoing her PHD. This however had her widen her focus to the specialty she was completing. Closely watching the senior doctors warmed her up more toward the idea of internal medicine. By being able to help diagnose diseases that other adults undergone, she realized that she could do so much more. Even if she didn’t choose this focus at first, it quickly grew on her and became a new focus, with another set as her next goal.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
While undergoing her PhD, Aphrodite underwent her internal medicine residency at the general Hospital of Athens. Towards the end of her three year residency, she graduated with her PhD for Cardiology. After finishing her residency, she moved to Karakura in hopes of continuing her work in a new place.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Aside from her residency, she has no work experience in medical positions.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Aphrodite has completed three degrees, being a Bachelor and Master’s degree in biology, then a PhD in Cardiology. That is as far as her schooling has gone.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Aphrodite is a young woman who still beams with the glow of someone who has just graduated from school. The young woman is a modest 5’6 (1.6 meters), always trying her best to play it off by wearing heels when she can. Her straight hair is a dirty blonde, flowing along her chest and mid back. Whenever in a setting where she is needed to be professional and tidy, she takes extra care to keep her hair properly done, but in more relaxed settings, she keeps her hair up in a messy bun. Her sea green eyes shine with excitement in the world, ready to do her part.

Aphrodite is a shy lady, keeping to herself for the most part. A nasty habit of hers since her days in school were restless nights of studying, always putting her own health on a backseat for her goals. The bags under her eyes always cast a shadow on her face, oftentimes covered up by makeup to try to hide it. No matter how reserved she is, she always remains kind and approachable to those around her, wanting to be useful to everyone. This often leads her to listen multiple times more than she speaks, but if you get past her hard shell, she opens up far more than anyone would expect. Going from the quietest person in the room to someone who at times can’t shut her mouth. Still, her constant phases of silence has led her to always pay attention to even the tiniest details. From a change in tone in someone's voice, to keeping an eye on the diversion of people’s gazes. While not solely unique to her, these traits all are what build her up to who she is.

The way Aphrodite is perceived by others all depends on who she comes across. Patients may see her as a doctor, ready to do her duty to save them from their injuries, assist in their recovery, or giving them necessary medicines after their treatment from the pharmacy. Her co-workers may at first see her as a distant, withdrawn or detached from everyone else, but upon getting closer to her and chipping away at her shy shell, they will be able to get to her charismatic and charming self, where she is truly full of life. They will all however see one thing in common: She is truly a workaholic, putting all of her time and energy into her job, even at the cost of her sleep and time to herself. All it takes is time and a chisel to get to know the real Aphrodite.

How does your character act on and off duty?
My character while on-duty is highly focused on her job, springing into action whenever she can. Whether its enacting on her training to treat a patient or assisting another member of the faction when they are treating someone to take the experience as a way to further learn, she does what she can to better herself. During slow times, she will go through her notes, studying up and refreshing her mind with what she has learned and what she will need to in the future if told in advance. If she is not currently studying or refreshing herself, she will do other chores around the hospital or listen to her co-workers and try to form a bond where one is welcome.

Off-duty is another story. She can put her time into catching up on her lack of sleep. Her usual orderliness is discarded for comfort, with her outfits focused on practicality over style. On her own times, she heads to her residence to relax and unwind, watching countless shows or movies, binge eating her comfort foods and letting down her walls in a private setting. On the off chance she goes out, she will keep herself orderly, not wanting to tarnish her image to others who don’t know her personally. Her behavior off-duty is more lax, as she doesn’t have the wall of professionalism confining her as much. Her words more free, but all that depends on her company.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Aphrodite is fully able to work better on her own and with others. It all depends on who the people around her are. In a group setting at first, she will shy away and do what is asked of her. Even if its at the cost of herself, taking on more workload without fighting. That is all until she starts to warm up to the people around her, where she will speak up more and give her own inputs, rather than blindly follow along and leave her suggestions to herself. If she is already comfortable around the people who she is working with, she will fully participate in any discussion of work and be more open to helping, even willingly taking over more work than is expected of her.

She is also comfortable in her own space. Having gone through most of her education alone or in the company of a few people, she knows how to get things done at her own pace. If she puts her mind to something, she will hyperfixate on it until its completion, even at the cost of sleepless nights. No matter what, she wants to impress the people she is close to and looks up to.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Aphrodite has a single goal in mind: Save as many people as she can. She has already begun achieving her plan for the future. Now, her mind is set on officially becoming a doctor and be able to specialize in cardiology. Outside of her desire to further her career, she also wants to step out of her comfort zone, which she already had by moving far from home. Now in a foreign place, she has to adapt to new customs and make new acquaintances and friends. After establishing herself as a doctor in Karakura for some years, she plans to take a leave to do medical treatments in areas that are less fortunate. Sticking true to her promise to save as many people as possible.



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