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Doctor Application | SHADs7


Level 2
Enkai's app OOC.png
IGN (In-Game Name): SHADs7

What is your discord username? shads7

Describe your activity on the server: 9/10, I'm on practically every single day for long periods at a time, unless I say otherwise or something comes up. To put an actual time on this though, lately I've been waking up around 7-10 am and then I usually play SRP around 10-12 pm/am.

What is your timezone?: CST (Central Standard Time), Canada.

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server: [Librarian] Azul 'Az' N-Lorenz | [Grade 12] Enkai H-Munakata (applying) | [Grade 11] Momoko Rosella | [Fox] 'Nabi' Nakazumi

What experiences do you have with roleplay?: I have a few decent bit experiences with different types of roleplays, examples; me and a few friends would sometimes roleplay Oc's of ours or like try to roleplay as some of our favorite characters/ships in dms and such. I used to play a lot of Roblox when I was younger (I still play it here and there), I have played Royal High, Adopt Me, Bloxburg and many more Roblox games.

What is your motivation for applying? I'm here to apply for today, for many reasons. I want to apply, since I think I'd have fun playing around with the detailRP in this position, and well, I know this isn't all about detailRP. In this position, there can be lots of different decides (like in real life) and some decides might not be easy to do or take/have, but in the end, you'll always be able to help someone else. I wanted to be a doctor in real life at one point, but I was always too afraid of needles and such. But my reasoning for wanting to become a doctor, was that I always wanted to help people and make them feel better, rather it's emotionally or physical or both. I'm homeschooled, so I'm also active a lot of the time.

Which role are you applying for? Doctor.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?

Doctors are a major role in any hospital which most doctors usually stay in the hospitals, unlike paramedics who tend to go out and check up on people. Doctors are often the first thing people come up with when it comes to health, rather it's metal or physical health. They have many important jobs and take part in many different areas of work. Some are surgeons who help with anything from huge emergencies to nose surgery. Some doctors specialize with the brain, others with viruses, and many 'many' with cancer, and many more different types of doctors who help people with different things. Doctors save lives everywhere, almost every day and at any time of day.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health (usually) and even substance used disorders. Psychiatrists are usually the ones, who would treat and diagnose you with a type of mental health condition/issue. A psychiatrist is a medical worker who specializes solely in medications. They are charged with the selling of and medicines, dealing with prescriptions, and anything of the sort. Whether it be mental health, or something else. They are allowed to prescribe certain medications, depending on what they treat. Some psychiatrists do offer therapy sometimes though, it just depends on the type of psychiatrists, since some study/focus more on mental health and others might study more on medicines) as they sometimes are. They do not specialize in talking with any patients (some don't, and some do). They are the people you always see when you head up to the front desc, asking to renew a prescription, always there to help!

Paramedics are skilled healthcare professionals who respond to emergency calls from people, and they are usually skilled medical care protocols like first aid, medical treatments and more. Paramedics kind of have the opposite of doctors, since paramedics usually tend to go out and check people. Paramedics are specially trained workers who often go out to other people's houses to assist with any emergency issues. They are basically the ones who work in ambulances, going wherever needing to provide care quickly and on the spot until the patient can reach a hospital. They are not like doctors, or nurses, or anything of the sort, it's a whole separate job. They save many lives every day with their quick help! Paramedics are not EMTs, they have much more training and are better prepared for a wider range of issues.

Veterinarians usually take care of many different types of animals; they prevent diseases and disorders in animals. They always treat and tend to animals, besides taking care of illness and disorders for animals, they take care of animals with variety of different type of medical equipment like surgical tools, x-rays and many, many more. Veterinarians are skilled professionals who deal with animals instead of people. They work as doctors for animals, doing checkups, and looking at them when something seems wrong. Within this role is many different skill types since they deal with all medical ailments you animals could possibly have. Some are paramedics, some surgeons, and some just your average doctor. Most vets specialize in dogs and cats, but they are still there for other pets if you need them!

Color Codes: Red - Fire | Blue - Cardiac arrest | Yellow - Bomb threat/Disaster | Gray - Combative person | Sliver - Weapon/Hostage/Armed intruder | Pink - Infant abduction | Orange - Hazmat | Black - Bomb threat/Severe weather | Purple - Child abduction/Security response | Green - EOP Activation/Patient Elopement | Amber - Missing person.

Most often, "doctor" codes take the form of "Paging Dr. Sinclair", where the doctor's "name" is a code word for a dangerous situation or a patient in crisis, e.g.: "Paging Dr. Firestone, third floor," to indicate a possible fire on the floor specified.

[Note: Color codes are different in every country and can have different meanings for said color codes.]

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished? I completely understand that and respect it.

Enkai's app Ic.png

Character’s Full Name:
Enkai Hayato-Munakata

Character’s Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him

Character’s Age (if accepted): 30 years old

Character’s Academic Background: He has a degree in physics and has gone to medical school for a few years.

Character’s Nationality: Hafu (is a British/Asian mixed person).

Character’s Marital Status: Single.

Character’s Religious Denomination: Doesn't mind them or anything and respects everyone's decides on Religious related stuff.

Character’s Spoken Languages: JSL and French.

Character Backstory (Optional):
5-10 (young life) | When Enkai was really young, he got sent to an orphanage for being strange and "different" as they say, he didn't really make many friends whilst there, as he was antisocial and rarely spoke often of times, unless he needed something. Sometimes if he was lucky, he'd make at least one or two friends, but over time, he found it pointless... Considering, some of the children would get adopted and you would no longer see them, as they would be too happy and busy with, they're new families.

Sooooo, Enkai just eventually found it pointless and often would just keep to himself most of the time. As Enkai got older, he soon noticed that nobody seemed to have an interest in adopting him, as a count of him being "different" and so unlike other people.

11-18 (teenage years) | Roughly when they thought Enkai was old enough to take care of himself, they kicked him out of the orphanage. Though, thankfully, Enkai at the time, was working in some small side jobs and saved some money from doing simple chores, though it was enough to at least get him a semi decent apartment and some food... He of course, knew that eventually all of that money would go away.. Somehow.

Eventually when he was about 17-18, he began a habit of smoking as a coping mechanism for his stress... Though, he also took a lot of time, to get jobs which he did eventually manage to get one or two jobs that at least would give him enough money to pay rent and get more food. For his 18th birthday, he eventually got a notice from the government about his great grandma's estate, which he had no idea he had a great grandma, but anyways- the government sent him a decent bunch of money from his great grandma's estate. It was enough money to at least get him a slightly better apartment and to get him in college at least.

19-24 (college life) | Which is what Enkai decided to do, once he was old enough, he moved places and went to college. In college, he decided to study and get a degree in physics, which he surprisingly was able to succuss in. As he was in college, he thought a lot about his future and what he wanted to do... Eventually he found that he honestly wanted to help people, he wasn't overly sure if he wanted to be a police officer or a doctor.. But eventually he figured that doctor would be kind of better.

He went to medical school, once he was almost done college and for a little bit, he got a job as a paramedic which he worked for a year or two, before he ended up quitting to get a long break and to relax for a while.

25-29 (adult years) | Eventually when Enkai was over with this whole long break thing, he moved to Karakura when he heard how beautiful the place was, he also heard that the local hospital needed some new doctors which he thought about applying for. He stayed in Karakura for a year or two, whilst in Karakura, he met a man called Yutaro Munakata who eventually adopted Enkai into the family, after he had been told that Enkai didn't know of his birth family much. Enkai is honestly quite happy to have so many siblings and well... Just family in general.

30 (present time) | It has been almost 2 years while Enkai has been in Karakura, Enkai really misses his medical life/position, so here he stands now. He's very ready to welcome back the medical life that he loves and feels happy with.
What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
Enkai studied dermatology which is where you treat/study/prevent any diseases that deal with skin, hair, nails, and also adjacent mucous membranes. Dermatologists help prevent and diagnose anyone with a miminal or irritating conditions to severe and life-threatening maladies and gentleman's (mostly maladies though).

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions? He was once a paramedic in London for a little while, before he eventually had to quit. He soon moved to Karakura and has stayed here for a little over a year now, he eventually decided that he truly missed being in the medical position but wanted to try a different position in the hospital faction, that is why he is here today to apply for the doctor position. He has always found the medical field to be interesting and it makes him oddly at peace, whenever he helps people in this field.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Enkai has fairly long dark brown-black hair that he usually keeps tied up in a small ponytail and he has deep coco brown-grey eyes, most of the time he is seen wearing a simple black t-shirt/button up and long white pants with black shoes. He is usually seen as a dark, edgy person that sometimes you can see him smoking here and there. Some people say he's unique because of his almost emotionless thoughts/expressions and ext. He is seen by others as a chill, edgy younger/older brother and to a few others, he is seen as a loyal friend.

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How does your character act around the hospital? Enkai would be pretty chill and mainly emotionless, as he walks around the hospital halls. But he always tries his best to help out anyone who needs it and he's always a very loyal and kind friend (even if he might not show it all of the time). He often acts serious and calm when he's dealing with a patient, he also tries to be as gentle as he can with them as to not possibly cause discomfort or anything to the patient.

Outside of the hospital: Even when, he's outside of the hospital, he's still very chill and all that. Though, he tends to smoke more than, as he doesn't really want to smoke inside of the hospital for many reasons, so he tries his hardest not to smoke inside there. Most of the time, he usually hangs out somewhere alone, but besides that, at other times, he is seen hanging out with either Nahla or Colleen.

Does your character function better on their own or with others? Enkai mainly functions on his own, but he's fine with working with others when it's needed. He tries his best to help out others (doctors, psychiatrists and ext.) for when or if needed.
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