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Doctor Application | SkiXD


Level 43

IGN (In-Game Name): SkiXD

What is your discord username? skixd

Describe your activity on the server:
My Activity on the server can generally range from rather If I am sick, on a trip, or just don't have motivation to log on which rarely happens, I am usually on for around 4-5 hours per day, with 12 weeks of current playtime which I try to get up, as of now I have quit GangRP which was one of the main things taking away from my time so that clears some of my activity up, right now I am mainly seen roleplaying with my friends or just strolling around as I don't have much to do as of now, I still try to be active as much as I possibly can as I want to be involved in more factions in the future.

What is your timezone?: PST (Pacific Standard Time)

List your current and past applications:


List your current roles on the server:
SkiXD: Adult, College Bachelor, Grade 12x2, Bird.

What experiences do you have with roleplay?: As of right now I have experience with roleplay such as, CrimeRP, GangRP, GovernmentRP, ProfessorRP, JockRP and much more, Right now I am a Bounty Hunter for the Karakura Crime business and a security guard for Fight Club, although I have not had much experience with them I know a LOT about how they work and what they do, I have been in the Government Faction as a Judge and that taught me a bit about it although it has definitely changed a bit since I have been a Judge, I have been on the Highschool Football team twice which has brought my experience with JockRP and working as a team which I have enjoyed, however I am no longer a member. I was never a Professor for that long but it taught me a bit of experience with DetailRP and making roleplay more unique if you would say that, I have also gotten more experience with player on player combat and consented permissions which have always been fun but lead me to quitting GangRP simply because people would just care about PvP and not roleplay which I did not like. I have also had some experience in the other side of GangRP (Deliquent's) which I generally liked better because they cared more about Roleplay than PvP, which taught me to learn more about P2L and how it is managed. I have some experience with working at shops on the server such as Daisuki Yohin as employee of the month twice in a row, and a few other shops which I am hopefully going to get into more in the future.

What is your motivation for applying?
EMS has always been one of the main motivations for me playing on the SchoolRP server as it is easily my favorite faction simply because of the roleplay experience that they bring, I have always wanted to push myself to keep applying for EMS until I eventually got in and this is going to hopefully help in the future so I can look back on what I need to do to raise my chances in the future for other things, another thing is, the people in the EMS faction are really nice which I have looked upon as something I want to hopefully accomplish in the future and become close with others and be more friendly towards people, I have a dream of becoming a Paramedic in Real Life, I have studied it a bit after all but I am hopefully going to go to med school in my future. The absolute main reason I am applying is so that I can roleplay more with people and help people with their goals and accomplishing things that they don't believe they can do. In general though I just want to be able to help people and become closer with the SchoolRP server which I think that this could help with!

Which role are you applying for?

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
As of now I know that there are 4 main departments, Doctor's, Paramedic's, Psychiatrist's, and Veterinarians.
Doctor's mainly manage wounds and people that are injured within the town, using detailrp and skill which not everyone has the Doctor role is a huge thing within the EMS faction as it is one of the main roles looked up upon, Doctor's can prescribe medications to patients, do surgeries, and much more! They can do things such as, fixing a stab wound, casting a broken leg and prescribing crutches, and much more. Before you can do a lot of stuff there is a 2 week training period so you can learn all about your role, doctors can prescribe things such as hydrocodone which is a pain medicine, Accupril, and much more.

Psychiatrist's deal with mental roleplay rather it be helping someone get a ADHD consult or prescribing medicine for different disease's they are another big role looked upon if someone thought about the EMS faction. Psychiatrists can also do major things such as helping someone with a extreme aspect or talking to them about something that may be going bad in their life or a previous experience that could have hurt them physically or mentally. Before you can do a lot of stuff there is a 2 week training period so you can learn all about your role, Psychiatrist's can prescribe things such as Sertaline and much more.

Although I do not know much about Paramedics I know that they are able to respond to calls located outside the hospital and bring them back to the Doctor's, If I am correct this is a role that is earned by completing complex exams proving your skills and what you can do after being a doctor. I know that this is one of the main big roles within the EMS faction and is still in testing as it is fairly new. Paramedics are able to treat wounds outside of the hospital as well as going on patrols if a call has been received or help is needed

I don't know much about Veterinarians if I am being completely honest but so far I know that this is a certificate that you can earn whilst in the EMS faction, Being a Vet can lead you to do many things such as treating animals or possibly responding to an animal case, if an animal is injured, etc. However I hope to learn more about it if I do get in or not.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I fully understand that whilst I am online and if a training is being held I am expected to attend or I could face punishment and I am completely fine with this.

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:
"Name's Koji Seomun, What about you?"

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

"I am a male, I was born that way, and I go by He/Him."

Character’s Age:
"I am 26 years of age, not too old!"

Character’s Academic Background:

"I have a PhD!"

Character’s Nationality:
"I am Korean! I was born there"

Character’s Marital Status:
"I am single!"

Character’s Religious Denomination:
"I do not have one."

Character’s Spoken Languages:
"I Speak the languages, Korean, JSL, and German, and Japanese. I was born knowing Korean, and over time I have learned those other language's."

Character Backstory (Optional):
As Koji eventually got used to Karakura he wanted to try to learn a few languages with the spare time that he had leftover, Koji spent a lot of time researching which languages were most used within Karakura and which ones he would need to know for the future which helped Koji later in the story. Koji decided on 2 languages that he wanted to learn which were JSL and German, Byung-ho was already fluent in Korean which he has known since birth.. He was born in Korea so why wouldn’t he know it..? Koji spent around 3 and a half months on each language using many different strategies to hopefully become somewhat sufficient in. Koji studied with his friends who spoke both JSL and German having them often quiz him so he could try to learn from it and get more experience in having conversations in both languages. Koji often went to the public library in Karakura to read different books about both languages and what was different.. As JSL was well, Japanese Sign Language, and German was a full language. Koji knew that knowing JSL would be very much needed for him to progress in the future and to have conversations with deaf people that may only be able to communicate through JSL. Koji eventually got a good hang on both of these languages after he spent individual time studying them with his friends and family and by himself at the same time.

After Koji completed his work and all his studies Koji decided to move somewhere, He spent around a month studying places with different sceneries and good geography around the world which he stumbled across Karakura Japan, a small town with roughly around a population of 1000, or more? Koji then decided this was where he wanted to spend the rest of his time on this planet, Koji spent a while getting packed and ready before it was eventually time for him to get on the plane and leave, Koji then got on his plane before heading off to the town of Karakura. After Byung-ho arrived he took a moment to get off the plane staring at the various different sights around the town as it was quite new for him, Koji began to walk around the town before stumbling across the Estate Agent, Koji ended up looking around for an open apartment where he could lay down for a bit and relax, After Koji ended up coming across an Apartment he decided to rent it out for a while. Koji spent a lot of time in Karakura getting used to everything in the town and hoping to get a good job in the future.

Koji was born in Yeosu Korea on Feburary 18th 1998 in a small hospital around his city. As soon as Koji was born his parents saw him as unique or special, Koji was always a curious child often roaming around his house looking at different things or just trying to do things that a normal child wouldn’t. Once Koji grew older to an age where he could start doing things he often tried to help out around the house doing normal chores, trying to earn extra money for his parents, and a lot more. He never really got to spend time with his parents because they were always working and he was always with a babysitter. Koji was a single child and didn’t really make many friends at school until he was older but he still tried to be positive and help others out.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
Koji specializes in General Surgery, this is mainly built up of pediatric Surgery, Hand and Arm surgery, and much more. Koji has always been into General Surgery rather than things such as Neuro or Cardio surgery as he never thought he could do them, however he may in the future! never know. Koji chose to focus on General Surgery so he could help out with small and big things at the same time, He has always wanted to be able to do complicated procedures being able to be respected as a good surgeon, while also practicing his knowledge with many different things at the same time, rather it come to casting an arm, to repairing a stab wound, he has always been interested in doing so, and just helping people. He has wanted to focus on providing care to people who have experienced trauma and help people get through recovery, which is why he thinks General Surgery would fit him best.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Currently, Koji does not have any experience with working in a Medical Position, however he has attended Medical School and learned about General Surgery as he has wanted that to be his first medical position hopefully at the Karakura Hospital.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
Koji Seomun a male standing at 6'3 with Brown hair and dark eyes, Koji is often seen roaming the streets in formal or non-formal attire, he doesn't really have a preference he just wants it to look good, Koji has a pale skin tone which not many people have, he can speak 4 main languages, Korean, Japanese, JSL, and German, and normally people only speak 1! Koji is perceived as a calm and friendly individual often wanting to speak with people about how they are doing or Medical Inquires, Koji has a lot of thing's that make him unique, rather it be his style of clothing or his hair, he just wanted to be special, With a scent of Dior Savauge following him around.

How does your character act around the hospital?
Koji is often seen acting according to the rules, following what he is told to do and helping people out, not usually seen slacking off as it was never his thing to do as he always wanted to be perceived as a good coworker and fit for the job, He is often seen walking around waiting for patients, completing training or chatting with his co-worker's.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Koji has always worked better with people, he noticed that whilst he was in a group he could get things done better and more efficiently, he was always an only child so he didn't get the chance to really work with people and function with them rather than medical school and regular school, which he still did amazing at while working with people within the different classes he took, Koji has always been noticed with people, not very often seen away from people unless he was off duty and at home studying.

How does your character act on and off duty?
On Duty: Whilst on duty Koji act's as professional as he can possibly be, not slacking off and proceeding with the tasks he is assigned to, Koji would be calm all of the time and friendly unless it was a situation that needed immediate help in then he would change to focusing more and getting things done faster, Koji would often most likely be seen talking to people and pursuing his job and what he has to do, rather it be helping people or waiting for a patient to show up. Off Duty: While Koji is off duty he would still be serious and professional, however not really thinking about his job, most of the time he would be sleeping or roaming around the town looking for things to do, if he found someone in need of help he would still act according to protocol which he would call 110 for assistance.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Currently, Koji's main goal is to obtain and sub stain a job that can help him in the future and so that he can help people medical wise, and so that he can use it in the future when in a situation and if it is needed. Koji also want's to become more well-known around Karakura so that people can know who he is and what he like's to do Koji also want's a job that is not too overwhelming but he can also relax most of the time as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read over my application and consider me for the EMS Faction.
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