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Dompiedom Introduction ;3


Level 5
Hi everyone, this is my first ever introduction after playing for around 3+ years, so it won't be perfect. Sorry for how messy it is.
(Praying I didn't mess anything up before publicly posting this)

Huge thanks to urufu and kinyuun for inspiring me to make this <3

Who are you?
I'm Dompiedom, I don't play a huge variety of characters, but I do love creating them and developing them as I go. I usually create them, get some basic information set up and wing it as I go. Which has been very fun to do. I'm very fortunate to have some lovely friends with me to keep me inspired.

Some of you may know me as Kiyomizu, which is the current character I've been playing for around 9 months now. As I'm writing this I am head department of chefs. This has allowed me to meet a lot of people and enjoy my time here on school roleplay. If you've known me longer for that, you may recognize my character Tim Hunluan. He holds a very special place in my heart and I will probably love him forever. He was my first character I spent most of my time playing on. If you're an animal lover, you may have seen me run around on my dog character Raisin.

Tell me a bit about yourself.
I'm 17 years old, my birthday being June 22nd. I go by she/her and I live in the Netherlands with English being my second language. (Not gonna get too specific on my location there. Woah, online safety.) Just like many others I taught myself how to speak and write in English, with recent years having had support of both British (Ew.) and American friends. I'm pretty confident in my grammar but it's obviously still not perfect. My Dutch accent will never leave me though. I fear that might stick. The way I act isn't that super different from how I am in game. However when roleplaying I am a lot more confident as a person.

I love roleplaying a lot. It started out as a way to kinda escape from everything that was happening in the real world. But with time things obviously change. I now mainly roleplay because I enjoy playing different characters with different stories and personalities. I enjoy being able to log on and act out a role in a way I wouldn't be able to outside of SRP. I'm not on 24/7 anymore like I was when I first joined, but my activity is still high. (Also feel free to come up and roleplay with me anytime! I love meeting new people during RP.)

Outside of SRP, I'm not that super interesting. I do school, hang out with friends, have common hobbies, and rest a lot. So there's not much to tell about myself. Although I like to believe I am understanding, OK to talk with, and someone you can share things with. But that's my personal belief, it depends on who you ask obviously.


I've made a lot of friends over the years. I mean, on a server where you're basically socializing all the time that isn't super surprising. But some of them always still linger on my mind. So a small shoutout list<3 (I want it to be clear I am not ranking them. I'm just going off of my memory. Somewhat in order of meeting them.)

"Absolute legend. He taught me how to get started on SRP and if it wasn't for him I don't think I'd be playing to this day. He was someone I genuinely looked up to back in the day. We're still friends now and I genuinely want everyone to know how cool he is."

SixAshFall & literallyamouse
"Ashton and Mouse have been two of my best friends in SRP since I've started playing. Our friendship has grown outside the server itself and I couldn't be more grateful to have them."

"Absolute madman, great friend and great person. I personally think people clowned on him too much. He did not nearly get enough credit. Genuinely the best person you could befriend. Incredibly sweet, understanding and easy to talk with."

"I don't want to look like I'm seeking clout, so I'm keeping this short. I just want them to know I absolutely loved the time we spent together. I think about it often."

"One of the best friends I've had for over three years now. The fact we still talk often to this day genuinely baffles me."

IGN I unfortunately forgot
"Tad, Query, random guy I met recently. And obviously a lot more. Designed the first SRP skin I've had and used the exact same concept for years. He made my experience back in the day something to remember."

"Known her for almost a year now, genuinely amazing person. Someone you can feel comfortable with."

Very special friend, Alyssa1904
"My IRL best friend of 12 years. Obviously she's gonna be special."


Some people I very much adore, but don't have much to say about. I just thought they deserved a spot:
Anaflektoras (Best chef)
Chris (Forgot the ign. Very cool guy)

What now?
I'm gonna keep playing on SRP, finding new friends and exploring myself through roleplay. I might introduce myself again in a year from now. But if you genuinely want to get to know me, (Which I don't expect you to,) feel free to approach me and just chat. I'm very open to meeting new people, I just get anxious. So if you feel like I'm being rude or distant in a way, it's not you. I want people to feel comfortable around me. I don't judge, and I have a very open mind. I want to make more friends, help people out more somehow, and keep people around me happy.

That'll be it for my introduction today <3 Might make an updated introduction in a year or so.
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