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Denied dprv's professor application


Level 5

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:
EST Time Zone (UTC/GMT-4)

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day.
Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day.
Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day.
Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day.
Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day.
Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day.
Usually the time will vary if I'm doing something OOCly, but if I have nothing happening, I am on all day.

Each day I can be seen role playing and interacting with other players. I am usually looking for something to do that does not allow my boredom to hit as fast as it would. If I am bored though, I could be seen grinding attributes or trying to see who I could interact with ICLY. Though sometimes everyone needs a break from SRP, so sometimes I will be getting off early just to rest my brain and have some alone time.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I’ve been on SchoolRP for over a year now. Before I had just joined to have something to ease my boredom but overtime I grew attached to the thought of roleplaying out a new kind of scenario each day. Especially with other online players. I have grown extremely talented with detailed roleplaying and will continue to roleplay till I succeed on my goal. I have mostly stuck with CriminalRP and GangRP, however I’d like to expand my experiences and; as said before, roleplay new kinds of scenarios that I have not done before.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
College and High School however I was planning on replacing the HS role with the Professor role.

What is the subject you want to teach?:
The subject I would like to teach would be Physical Education.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for applying and becoming a Karakura Professor is the fact of my passion for teaching other children. Especially with physical education. I see that it is important to teach those who are unaware of the importance of physical wellbeing including educational information to maintain a good physical wellbeing. Having the ability to show children that having something to do physically could also help you mentally, to take their minds off of something so stressful just by going on a run or playing sport.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


Class in session! Today’s mission: The History of Sports

A lesson I would be able to host is how Sports came to be in Japan. How some fun turned into competitions, how cheerleading became a sport. Giving the students some background on how the sports no longer just became a game but turned into a way to have some competition, to actually test other’s abilities to play. The motivation behind it is that even though it is just a fun game, it really impacts people’s lives.


Class in session! Today’s mission: Let’s play a game.

Another class would actually be doing activities that would help give the students some exercise. Playing games like tag, hide n seek, dodgeball, baseball, football, or even volleyball just to keep the students in shape to have fun! It allows them to be able to be active and move around while being in school.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

With permission from SLT, a field trip for the students would probably be to the beach! This allows students to be able to stretch, then be able to play a couple sets of volleyball. For some cooling off then exercising, then heading to the water for a couple swimming exercises for those who are warmed up would be much. After some swimming, the class would then head to the basketball court to play some basketball. After all that, then the students would head back to school, but since they had just swam from the ocean water, they would first need to visit the changing room to shower before heading back into their regular classes.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Taking a glimpse of a group forming, Luvan would approach the group to see what would be going on. Once approached, Luvan would tell the students to separate for a moment to get the full story of what was going on then he would examine the students if they had wet hair, bruised knuckles or bruised elbows just in case there were injuries or if there was proof of something happening. The college jocks who were wrong in the situation would be handed a detention slip, I would then tell them to set a better example for those younger than them since they are of course, in college. I would then approach the bobcat jock. If injured, they would be able to head to the nurse’s office. If not injured, I would tell them to be on their way and radio it to faculty, warning them just in case anything would escalate. Though if it escalated, I would send a report to SLT.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbed by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Hearing one of the students speak out loud, he would then approach the student to whisper to him. Asking him to read the board to Luvan, it said ‘No talking, keep quiet,’ after the student would have read it out to him this would then lead to Luvan warning the student once again, telling him not to talk and to not disrupt other students and if the student’s attitude kept up, he would bring it up to SLT.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

While giving a lesson, Luvan would look around after being interrupted by music. The male would scan around the room to see the group of cheerleaders and give a warning to them to turn their phones off and put it away. After a warning, if the students did not listen the first time he would then take their phones away (ItemRPing it) and hand them a detention slip before telling the group to leave his classroom.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

Seeing a fight break out, Luvan would attempt to stop all the movements yet it would not go in his favor. He would tell the students to break it up and separate, threatening detention. Luvan would then radio faculty to assist him in breaking up the fight and to back up the situation. if they wouldn’t listen, he would then report it to SLT to both of the parties which would end the both of the parties’ acts.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Hello! This is Luvan, a 7'5 male who is usually quiet about things but when something is wrong he usually speaks up. Having blonde hair with tints of gray, when he stared at others it was as if his eyes were shooting daggers while having a cold expression on, he was always seen looking annoyed or disdained at others though he was just looking. There was tension whenever he approached others as if they would be in trouble, though sometimes a small greeting would escape his lips as he would create small talk before elegantly walking away. Showing no mercy to others, he really didn’t mind the trouble makers as he wasn’t afraid and treated all individuals the same. His presence would cause others to have chills down his spine while walking passed the halls, he was one intimidating figure yet even knowing others would fear him he would just mind his business and sometimes attempt to not be intimidating.

Once warming up, he was a gentleman or even a guy who makes multiple mistakes. Once he had revealed his arms, a tattoo of a dragon wrapping around both of his arms would be revealed along with a tattoo on his back. The male did not seem to mind expressing his own thoughts. Being around other teachers, he wouldn’t mind their presence as he was also there just to give knowledge to the students that he would enjoy guiding those who needed a direction in life, where he would be able to give his knowledge for those to use in life in hopes to spread what he gave to other people.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.

Make sure this is over 100 words.

Luvan Han was born in Hannam-Dong, a very wealthy district in Seoul, South Korea. Ever since he was young, the male’s interests peaked in books along with a few hobbies here and there. When he was being taught how to read and write since he seemed to catch onto things rather quickly than your average baby. Going into preschool when he was 4, the child began to catch onto things rather quickly, he was always studying instead of playing like the other children would be. When it was recess time, the child would be doing math problems, improving his Korean since his parents wanted the best of him, they began to put pressure into him since he’s supposed to be ‘the best Han ever known!’ The child during primary school never got to play which he truly despised, his parents would force him to learn Japanese, Russian, Chinese, along with English to expand his connection so he would seem more useful to the world. The young child began to study about the body by the time he was 11. Everyday and every night he would memorize each system and how it would be played into the body while still being able to be advanced with his normal classes and to be tutored each day after school, even on the weekends and even when school was out of session. Instead of having regular math the child had to take advanced classes so the child would be able to be ahead of the other students.

When Luvan turned 15 that’s when he couldn’t take it anymore. Yes, the poor boy was smart but he couldn’t stand being a little puppet for his family and so the boy had decided to skip a tutoring class to go read at the park. Physical activity truly kept the boy going, working out was fun for him and he truly lived for it, it was the only thing he could do to escape from being a puppet, so rather than his family who had pushed Luvan past his limits, the male did everything without asking. So the boy, while studying sometimes, would ask for breaks to head to the gym to exercise his mind. For breakfast the man would study constantly, learning about health did entertain him even though sometimes it would cause him to have headaches and throughout the school day, it would be constant studying until one day, after school the boy had gone on a run to ease his mind from the pressure.

Feeling alive after the run, he truly had his mind finished. He had bumped into a woman by accident who also was on a run and ever since then, Luvan became reckless. Excitement rose upon him after meeting the woman, he had decided to talk with her each day and to his surprise, she went to a school nearby. How would he ever know that just one small interaction would change his world, that woman was who he truly wanted to be with. Each day he would skip tutoring just to meet up with this woman, [REDACTED] Tae-Lee was her name. The two teenagers in love had gone closer, Luvan’s parents beginning to loosen up after they had noticed his son constantly coming home late which shocked him since he had always been stuck on a pattern.

Two began to date when they were seventeen, Luvan would tutor [REDACTED] since she wasn’t understanding school so much which made him enjoy teaching because it always reminded him of her learning something new each time. Always learning something new, teaching her about the body as well since it truly intrigued him, his fascination with it was crazy! Luvan had graduated upper secondary school and went off to college while his girlfriend had decided to join him, but she majored in something else.

3 years later, Luvan would be having the time of his life and the male had a child by accident with his wife, which truly shocked him yet he didn’t mind it at all! His little daughter that he named, Sukianna Tae-Lee had been beautifully formed by the two loving college students. With a blessing from her parents, the two got engaged while he began to balance his school life, work life, along with his personal life. Being quite difficult though, he was more excited to be able to balance all things without losing his mind since he had been still, working out whenever he could or playing sports so his brain and heart could feel less stressed out from all the studying he had been doing.

When he was 23, [REDACTED] and Luvan had gotten married in which he took it upon himself to take her last name. With that being said, after their marriage he had decided to head to school to get a dual masters degree, a major in biology and another in education just in case he needed a plan b. Years later, the male turned 26 and devastation rose upon him because of the shocking news that his wife had passed away in a car accident which caused the male to work out inside of his house whenever he had free time or to spend time with his beloved daughter. While being able to take care of her while he went to school, he had his sister in law watch over his daughter so he would be able to study, go to work, rest or even work out to get his mind feeling refreshed and away from those bad thoughts. The male had decided to become a physical the****** since he enjoyed helping others working out for therapy, or to help guide those who are unable to re-learn how to do physical things, while he went to get a PhD in Health Administration.

It upset him, that he lost the love of his life and the one moment he couldn’t get off his head was working out with her or even tutoring her, the look on her face when she was taught something so small or something large, like how to take care of your dietary, doing certain stretches could make you feel a lot better. Anything relating to the human body would make him happy as it reminded him of her. Quitting his job of being a physical the****** after he received his PHD when he was 30, to pursue becoming a professor. After receiving his certificate license to be able to teach by the time he was 32, Luvan taught at a local community college for 2 years, teaching Physical Education and Wellness.

Being reached out to teach at another college in Tokyo, Luvan had taken his daughter with him and began to teach Physical Education there for 3 years.



Full Name:

Luvan Tae-Lee.

“. . Hello. My name is Luvan Tae-Lee.”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


“I am a male. . . so Mr.’’

Given Name(s):

Luvan Han.

‘’Luvan is my first name, everyone knows me by that. . . Han used to be my surname until I took my ex wife’s last name.’’

Preferred Name:


‘’It’s my name, Luvan. I was born with it, I would appreciate it if you would call me that.’’



‘’I am thirty eight years old.’’

Gender & pronouns:

Male, He/him.

‘’I was biologically born a man. My pronouns are he/him.’’

Religious Denomination:


‘’The practices of Buddhism seemed to be in my favor. I seem to have leaned into the practices of it so I believe my religion is Buddhism?’’

Marital Status:


‘’My wife has passed away, I am currently single as of now or likely, forever.’’



‘’I was born in Hannam-Dong, located in Seoul, South Korea. Therefore, I am a Korean male.’’

Current Location:

Karakura, Japan.

‘’I currently reside here in Karakura.’’

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

4 years of teaching experience.

‘’After getting my PhD in Health Administration, I became a doctor. After a few years I left to become a Professor in Physical Education at Seoul National University because I enjoyed teaching others about life and how they would be able to exercise and take care of their own bodies.’’

Working Experience (# of years):

10 years of working experience.

‘’While getting my PhD, I became a physical the****** for a couple years, give or take maybe 5 years? In 2018 right after the year had finished up I became a professor at a community college in Korea for about 5 years, teaching students about Physical Education and Wellness.’’

Academic Degree:

PhD in Health Administration

Year of Graduation:

2010 - Dual Masters Degree.

2014 - PhD in Health Administration






Native Languages:


Other Languages:

Korean, Russian, Chinese.

Preferred Teaching Subject:

Physical Education.
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I have decided to deny this application. This is usually because other applications stood out more to us, if you'd like further details feel free to DM me on discord (@muffincats).​

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