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Dragunov 'SVD' Volkov | Updated | WIP|


Level 0
“Life is war—within and without. Suffering is not pain, it is life.”
First name: Dragunov
Surname: Volkov


Dragunov Volkov was a child soldier. He was abandoned at
age 12. No where to go he was left in ally ways and underneath bridges. He was soon found
by a Russian soldier. After the years fighting for the Russian army he was finally free.
No where to go he wondered around and ended up in Japan.
|reading this. It doesn't make sense. I'm hella tired rn|

| Note: This is still WIP |

^ Made by Sami <3 - Keiko 'Kei' Shimizu ^
Picrew reference Photos
|This is his reference Photos|

Handsome Russian male with a scar across from his face,

generally look dirty. [WIP]

Regarding to his age he is 18 years old
He may look pretty old because of his
Condition called MC1R.


Dragunov is more on the muscular
Not too stocky just right. "Ectomorph"

All that vodka and Pelmeni
makes him weigh about 173 pounds.


His Fashion is more into
Formal wear. But He rotates in his feeling.
If the mood is more casual he goes for something more comfortable

He has the "IDGAF" vibe
He doesn't like talking much, mostly talks when you talk to him
he rarely walks up to anyone, if he does walk up to you consider talking to him.

|Character Voice|

|Being Updated slowly
updating my reshading skills.|

download (3).png

Usually will always have his Natta Glasses on.
Mostly have the general Items on him like Debit Card
and his Flip phone.

Some perks of his are his Scar across his face
as well as his habit on smoking and raspy voice.
He is also Coulrophobia (basically
scared of clowns.)

Father - Unknown
Mother - Unknown
Siblings - Unknown
Cousins - Unknown
Keiko 'Kei' Shimizu - Friends with benefits
Haruki 'Haru' Fujiwara - Friend

(Trying to Befriend more people sadly)
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